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Show LEHI FREE PRESS, LEHI, UTAH 10, 1950 FRIDAY, MARCH A II T TtlKATKK -- LEHI TKEET IH4-- Kr idany - LEHI. UTAH LEW'S AMUSEMENT CENTER News About Folks You Know... VISIT FROM IDAHO Mr. and Mrs. Glen E Smith enjoyed a visit from Mrs. Smith's narents. Mr and Mrs. ti. ai. zhnr nf Pnf latch. Idaho, who arrived Friday. They left Monday for Phoenix, Arizona, where they will visit for a time. Morris were hosts at dinner Sunday for a group of relatives. Guests for an enjoyable day were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stratton of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Chrstia-sein Rich- Salt Lake City, and Mrs. Lillian spent the week-en- d field visiting with their parents. Spencer of American Fork, two sisters of Mrs. Holmstead, and and Littleford Mrs. Mr. Mr. and Mrs- Dean Dewey of Grant v ATTEND CONVENTION visited in Pleasant Grove, Sun- Draper, a niece. ... ; day, with Mr. and Mrs. Ira J. Earl Smith is attending a the attended who those Deveraux. Among three day convention of the funeral of Fire Chief T. F. Col- PM &A agency in Salt Lake City. Dr. and Mrs. George Eason of lins of the Deseret t hemical Co., Mrs. Smith joined him on TuesSalt Lake City, were Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Don Ainge, day for the banquet and other zr--i (A visitors in Lehi, with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Price. Mr. events planned for the ladies of 1 Mrs. Hyrum A. Anderson and and Mrs. Reuben Dean, Mr. and the group. r.... other relatives. Mrs. Melvin Christiansen, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Zimmerman, JAMES GOUGH IN "! arm rm in uti Mrs. Gayle Larsen Thomps Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Glover, Jay SALT LAKE HOSPITAL of Salt Lake City, spent SaturHaws, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Encouraging reports are given day afternoon in Lehi visiting at Clark. The services were held last by relatives of James C. Gough, the home of an aunt, Mrs. Don Wednesday in Kaysville. 82, who is improving at St. C. Loveridge. Mark's hospital in Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. Max B. Rothe f City. He underwent an eye Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Glover arrived home a few days ago last Wednesday. Phyoperation and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Price from a two weeks visit to Los sicians have stated that his vision tarring spent Sunday in Deseret where Angeles with their son and will be improved. JOHN WAYNE Mr. and Mrs. they visited with Mrs. T. F. Col- daughter-in-laco tor ring lins. R. Dean Rothe. While there HELPING FATE JOHN AGAR they made a trip to San Fernando A Quaker pioneer, walking and Mrs. Mr. Elmo and and visited Mr. and Mrs. An- from his Young ADELE TUCKER clearing to the meeting children, of Alpine, visited in drew Jacobs, old residents of A REPUBLIC PICTURE k his trusty had house, and Lehi last Tuesday evening with Lehi, also visited with Mr. Also GOOD SHORT SUBJECTS accosted Mr. and Mrs. Roger Price and Mrs. Knute Nohre and family, ready. A 14c and 50c Evenings him, saying, "Brother Nathan, is family. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs. belief that what is not Mrs. MfJHT and SATURDAY March 10 and 11 J mm Saturday nd 11 n IOYAL James Mr and Mrs. P Christiansen visited in American relatives, Sunday. Holm-ste- ad Fork with n -- - y iiij- ALSO 1ARBAKA STANWYCK HENRY FONDA - anumouii oturioi w, Saturday Matinee Special Children's non-believ- IDDIES ARNIVAL Beginning at 3:15 Continuous Showing for 2 Hours Sunday - Monday - Tuesday 14 and PARADISE DMMMEOI rw ...in i I I it Children's Matinee Saturday at 3 p. m. JARTQON 12, 13 SANDS OF IWO JIMA New Serial . KINGS OF JUNGLE LAND Two Cartoons on its 1 f jfog VT JEAN SIMMONS 0 1$ DONALD HOUSTON MILTON; k jan I VIRGINIA 8 MAYO IN .y with IAMB 1 WYia Mr. and Mrs. Dale Anderson and family of Salt Lake City, visited in Lehi Sunday, with Mrs. Anderson's mother, Mrs. Mathilda Phillips, and with other relatives. and Mrs. William Dunds-do- n Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Love- ridge enjoyed a visit from Chris Jepperson of Lake View, Sun- day, who brought a lovely bouquet of flowers from their floral shop there. Mr. Jepperson, now 82, is well known locally as a7 early day resident of Fairfield, who sold milk in Mercer. In good health and spirits, he drives about in his own car. On a recent visit he was accompanied by a niece to Mr. Loveridge, Mrs. Pearl Jepperson of Orem. enjoyed a visit from Mr., and Mrs. Ether Pulley of Salt Lake City, Sunday. Mrs. Pulley and VISIT IN CALIFORNIA Mrs. Dundsdon are sisters. Mr. and Mrs. James Beverly are visiting in California with Mrs. Fern Johnson spent the Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Karren and week-en- d in Salt Lake City, family at Los Angeles, and other where she visited with her relatives. They were accomfather, James C. Gough, who is panied on the trip by Mrs. Elizaimproving at St. Mark's hospital beth Gaisford of American Fork, after an eye operation. and their two daughters, Mrs. Wilson Greenwood and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Price Mark Greenwood. Among the enjoyed a visit from their daugh- enjoyable experiences shared by ter, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Land and the group was dinner at the two children, who came from Biltmore Bowl, where they had Salt Lake.City, Saturday evenThe two Mrs. taken. pictures ing. Greenwood returned by bus Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Johnson after a fortnight's stay. visited in Salt Lake, Sunday, at the home of Lyle Gough, a QlHHIMmmMIMtNMHMIMMIMIIMMMMIHnilHMMIIMIIlQ brother to Mrs. Johnson. They also called to see James C. ROWAN GROW Inc. Gough at the St. Mark's hospital. ifisWFin),, .1 Mr. and Mrs. Orville Krantz and Mrs. and baby daughter, Eldon Gale of Salt Lake City, spent a day last week with their mother, Mrs. Waldemar Jensen. Mr. SUNDAY and MONDAY March 12 and 13 wondr J. Arthur Rank prtsintt S Real Estate and Mrs. Don R. Coombs and chldren, Michael and Laur-ain- e, of Spanish Fork, were Mr. i v week end viistors with Mrs. Clara Richard Also the LATEST NEWS and Clover and family. after them with Clover returned A GOOD CARTOON a few days stay at their home, - Thursday Wednesday March 15 and 16 Matinee Sunday 3 p. m. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY March 14 and 15 Whan a man tried to W live . w rpJiif urring JOHNPAYNE-- J? ii "' WIUIAM I ELLIOTT ALSO SECOND Feature 'Tr nstttuuiE iiKiituutiim an twMt ftranoa Also GOOD SHORT SUBJECTS GUARANTEE on NEW , HOME SEWING MACHINES at LEANY'S - 7 SHOP AT HOME TEAMS Lehl . Phone 4 RADIO REPAIRS Mrs. Rebecca Allred was hosPri- tess for the Second Ward mary officers and teachers, following Union Meeting Monday evening. Miss Ina Calton was The lesson was given by Eunice Watkins. Refreshments were served. ss. mw nun mm Om 2 Main Street f PRODUCTION " nor f Guests of Mr. and Mrs. George P. Price and Mrs. T. A. Taylor are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gough and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Clift, visiting from Idaho Falls, Idaho. They came especially to attend the funeral of Mrs. Amanda Johnson Clift, Wednesday, in Provo. BUY THE THINGS YOUR NEIGHBORS SELL THEIR PRICES ARE AS LOW AS YOU LL FIND ANYWHERE PLUS FRIENDLY, PERSONAL SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. J. Earl Smith in Pocatello, spent the week-en- d Idaho, where they visited with Mrs. Martha Bringhurst, mother of Mrs. Smith. Mrs. Bringhurst, 84, is recovering from a recent illness. They were accompanied by a sister to Mrs. Smith, Mrs. L. S. Kleinman of Toquerville, who returned home Monday. j BARGAINS LEHI A modern Lennox sulated, Fage and vonsmwasthe spent the the Union to Ar at the home of Mr. ployment compenatio Skinner and in William and Mrs. The Panama canal Pleasant Grove with Mrs. Joe Mrs. and Mr. Virgil area of 553 Fage. square , . Hutchings also spent Sunday which 3R9 Skinrani William Mrs. with Mr. and week-en- d ner. T ericanon Panama Canal zone y k. CRADLE CORNER began on May 4, 1904. IT Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dunn 1 welcomed their of Springville The 29. Feb. first child, a son, " An Iron Arm" new heir weighed 8 lbs.. 4 oz., tli m Uh Michael named be will Ray. and tneuun. TUj cut eiwn. fitter. nuar, Mrs. Dunn will be remembered lii. thU mm tlim TouD UA Ul fli la. Van oa as the former Shirley Wagoner, and the proud grandMorley Jones father is Albert Van Wagoner, now living in Provo. His grandchildren now number eight. The paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Dunn, live in Springville. DEBT Mrs. Dunn and the baby are COLLECTION visiting at the Van Wagoner Accounts - Notes home in Provo. any iuna 01 debts America. No A 7 baby girl arrived Feb. 25th to Dr. and Mrs. (Pansy PROVO ADJUSTMENT r Hansen), Wm. A. Wilbur of J SERVICE ' 60 East 1st California. Montrose, Q, coS rJ No.-Pto- vq 4L V.. er ' per mo. AM. FOtiK Brand new 4- rm. mod. frsime home, with! breezeway to garage, nice! lot, $1400, will handle 4tt int, 20 yrs. to pay. Iimmed- $44.00 iate occupancy. LEHI Just listed! Cozy 4 rm j mod frame home, gas furn, garage extra bldg. lot, terms can be arranged. Vet can! I buy on low down pmt After Hours Call E. Ray Gardner . Ph. American Fork Jerry Buckley . . Ph. 24- -J 0647-R- 1 Orem i j MEW FROM" OLD Don't discard those old, worn out If You Have . . . INCOME TAX PROBLEMS Sea when you can bring them here for exepert rebuilding. They 11 look like new for a frac tion of the cost of new shoes. Bring your old shoes in anytime. We know you'll lik ' our work. CALL II. LA VELL JORGEIISEII PHONE 301-- 27-- W FOR FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE NOTARY PUBLIC For Appointment shoes : W Get Your Income Tax In Early This Year MODERN SHOE REPAIR All Work Guaranteed Service While U Wait GSIS t0be for 5 ,000 Homes LEW'S SHARE IS ABOUT 37 HOMES We Will For Assist You Your To Get Home QlHHMIimilHIIHIHinMMmiMIIIMIHMMIIUnmnHMHQ ffiJEGB Act Now - Phone American Fork 607 i G5 "A pounds of vegetables are eaten every day by Utah miners and those who depend on them. That's a fine home market for our truck gardens and our farms." half-millio- PR f" , ymo K ewa it, TB Iran r.- int sex your destined to be will be?" "Yes." "Then, if all the Indians in the province attacked the meeting house and your time had not come, you would not be harmed?" "No," answered the Quaker. "But if your time had come," pursued the other, "then no matter what you did, it would do no good?" "That's right." "Then why do you carry your gun to the meeting?" Gravely the Quaker replied, "On my way to or from the meeting I might sec an Indian whose time had come" real buy. 4 room! brick home, new I gas furnace, well in- - f full screen porch, I 14 ac. fine grounrd, 3 extra building lots. G. I. can pur. chase on low down pmt. Don't miss this opportunity! LEHI Move right in f old mod. frame home, full bsmt, hdwd floors, well in- -! sulated. Vets can buy fori $200.00 down, 20 yrs. to pay. I 4 ll if SONNYTIImS WMt Mr. and Mrs. Roy family of Roy, Utah, TtV flint-loc- Show March Of the total One reason talk is cheap is because the supply usually ex- beef cattle 78. dry roughness. ceeds the demand . . . WE CAN INSTALL YOUR EQUIPMENT NOW. YOU PAY NOTHING DOWN AND YOUR FIRST MONTHLY PAYMENT WILL NOT COME DUE UNTIL SEPT. 1st n eM iris It's Your Comfort is Our Concern |