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Show FRIDAY, SEPTEMBEt 6, 1946- Lehi Free Press Published by the Lehl Free Press every Friday, .S-- uUH STAJf f rut-- S,"!5- Fitm ASSOfUIlOlf Heal and Innes, Publishers and Owners Advertising Rates Furnished Upon Request Subscription, One Year, $L00. Entered at the Post Office at Lehi Utah as Fourth Class matter. Facts About Lightning Reassure Timid People If you are scared during -- - More Locals Miss Huitau Allred of Los Angeles has been visiting with her parents for the past week. Capt and Mrs. Claude Curtis and son, Ray, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. I. Goodwin and family. The Curtis' have been making their home in San Antonio, Texas, and are here for the marriage of their son, Paul, which will take place Friday in the Salt Lake temple. Mrs. Tony Bates returned home Monday night after spending the past two weeks in California with relatives and friends. Mrs. Woodruff Magleby and son, Mark, Miss Donna Marie and Kay Winget of Salt Lake, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crabb. , elec- ed . -- I . . . vo. Donna Ray and Lloyd Jones, Barbara Johnson, Michael Taylor and Kent and Gordon Smith spent Thursday at Saratoga. Dr. and Mrs. George Eason and children of Salt Lake spent the week end with relatives in Lehi. Mrs. Myron Burgess and chil dren returned to their home in Salt Lake, Tuesday, after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Junius Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barn- hart of Sargent, Neb., spent a week of their honeymoon at the J. L. Barnhart home, last weex. Mr. and Mrs. Delos Durrant and children of Castle Gate, are visitBarn-ha- rt ing with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barnhart and family and Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Barnhart spent Friday motoring to Lark, Bingham and the Salt flats. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones attended the fifth anniversary of the Scera theater in Orem, Monday night. Descendants of the late James and Charlote Gough met at the home of Mrs. T. A. Taylor Wednesday for their family reunion. The evening was spent enjoying a program and Lyle Gough ot Salt Lake showed slide pictures he had taken of historical spots of Salt Lake, after which a business meeting was held before everyone enjoyed a watermelon rr ire ' i this Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gardner moved into their new home this week. Mr. Gardner will assist in the Seminary teaching duties this year. Evansville Camp of the Utah Daughter's of Utah Pioneers will meet at the home of Mrs. Matilda Phillips September 12. All members are requested to be present. Carnp Bluebell of the Daughter's of Utah Pioneers will meet at the home of Mrs. Fern Larsen September 12. All members are urged to be in attendance. The meeting will start at 2 p.m. and will be the opening meeting for the 1947 calendar year. Following the meeting a program will be presented and refreshments TRUCK V l 1 rH STRENGTH,! W- t l - t! V?'" : D.fp I f f M - j It,,,,, uxi,. W- w. ... ft j Primly attractive school tolt U abawn above as pictured In the Aurast Issue of Good Housekeeping magazine.- - Straight Jacket. Plaid eollar, pockets, skirt With it Is a matchuif reversible; wool plaid; cotton twill. ! .. ' ,i - Wash., Gough of Yakima, with irst isast and State is in Lehi visiting relatives and mends Autumn Quarter at St Your UNIVERSITY H September 23: Eogliali and college aptitude fot all new ttadenti. It September 26: RetJlrtion mea ttudenu. September of eaterini (rt4 27-2- 8: Regtrtratiaa ! adranced fttaS men and all other ttadeon. September 30: Refmlar elauwork beftai. than ever before in the historr f At to enroll this fall. However, aev are expected University buildings on the campus, together with additional facilities it Fort Douglas, will make it possible for the Univenitr near-bto aeoommoaaie an utan siuaenu wno wisn to anena. ORE STUDENTS y For any information about the Univwrtity, write the Office of th President OF UNIVERSITY UTAH SALT LAKE NEW to UTAH CITY, TTIHiES WRECKING SERVICE m. Call ONLY $3.75 . . . Radiator Boil? SEGO MILK, 4 tins MAMMOTH OLIVES, Jar WATERMELLONS, lb TRACTOR TIRE FLUID INSTALLED 5 McCoard Service WHOLESALE and RETAIL Fhone FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 311-- M VULCANISING 3 8A.I1 UNTIL 8:30 P. M. EAST STATE STREET, LEHI, UTAH Mil A . 49c! 43c --- 3c BANANAS, lb 13c FRESH MEATS at below Ceiling Prici SALAD DRESSING, Sun Spun, Vi pt. m 1 HAMS AND BACON QUAKER OATS, large package jff CORN FLAKES, Albers, 11 oz. pkgm 33c LARGE PRUNES, 2 lb. pkg. HERSEY'S COCOA, ' lb. pkg- 19c! PY MAK. choice of flavors SHOESTRING POTATOES 3V ozMb SPAGHETTI, Three Ribbon, 16 ozjarl .10c! TOMATO JUICE, R & W DEVILED MEAT, Libbs, 3 for - J& CHEF ROY Ar FW KtynnhoM Dinner 32c PANCAKE FLOUR, Sparry s 4 lb. bagjjj MEAT SAUCE, C. H. B., 6 oz. bottle -- Open Daily Except Wednesday Ji?" -- 1 Tdw' chest X'ffr V a Sign op f nr ' GREAT (P fJ MUSCULAR 7 ;.. Answer 4-- will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wing entertained Saturday night at i 4 u '4 '7; ax sm N 3 v- SNV i .W V' SEE THE BIGGEST AND BEST QF EVERYTHING! to last week's YOU'D BE SURPRISED The coefficient of expansion of the glass is the determining factor. AEncyclopedia Americana, U41, Vo. 1j, p. 642. .. . State Fair since prewar. . . pit Ttnotatid taildins and landscaped grounds. faSI-ica- 4 Misses Raelene Hunger and Donna Nichols spent Wednesday club in Provo attending the exhibition in the First Ward chapel. The officers, teachers and stake board members attended the Relief Society convention held at the Scera in Orem.on Tuesday. Mrs. Clell Jackson and daughter, Elese, spent the week in Heber with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Miller returned to their home on Friday after attending the film convention in Bryce and Zion canyons. Mrs. Thema Miller, Mrs. Dorothy Ivers, Mrs. Ethel Webb and Mrs. Jeanne Jackson attended a tea at the home of Mrs. Elroy West in Pleasant Grove, Wednesday. The tea was given by members of the Codmus club. week. rJl' tif icfon it 1 Hebertson. moved into their newly purchased home SERVICE r school this winter. Mrs. Dorothy Evans. Calif. W. R. Wood was a Sunday din Mrs. Blaine Pierce and daugh ner guest at the home of Mrs. ter, Dianne, of Salt Lake are vis Sarah Gaisford. iting with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Lind of Hebertson. Mrs. August Nelson and Mrs. Salt Lake were visitors in Lehi Mariah Marston of Orem spent this week. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Clark Wednesday with Mrs. Wallace Let Us FLUSH YOUR RADIATOR Smith Hardware 'Mm San Francisco, Does Your Car Heat? ELECTRIC PLATES Hair S ABEYi Afier8:30o. SEPARATORS Your u CALL 354 nine-tent- hs Fashions iuu DEPENDABLE HANDY HOUSE CLOTHES DRIERS it Ue HEW TRACTOR TIRES STREAMLINED CREAMASTER . Sdt Pau-Curt- is - I i t Mr. and Mrs. Horace Jackson Mrs. Charles Crabb their home for Mr. ana irs. of Miss Ruth Magna spent Sunday with Mr.day in Salt Uke 0 v51 Harold Giks who ere leaving to Mris John Jackson. will become the bnce of mzke their home in Pocatello, fr and Mrs. William Benson in the Salt Ue ttIRPie Idaho. Attending the party were this week WE WON'T on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Giles. Mr. of Provo are visiting CD E. Kusson. L. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester lv and Mr. .. Mrs. Dale Russon of Salt with UAH and frC Flnip Radmall has return entertained at dinner Tuesday Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph WAITIKS Mrs. S I. Allen home after spending the past Mrs. ed evening for Mr. and and Mr. Southworth, Goodwin and daughters, LePnel, Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. Lucene three months in I lonaa ana iiortc Ellis Bring Us Your QJ Thelma and Orlena. Chamberlain, Mis Mary Sawyer Carolina with Mr. and Mrs. reMr. and Mrs. R. J Whipple of Salt Lake, and Mr. Ray Chap- Lamb. She spent some time at 1 oday For Proc?. turned to their home in Lehi last man. Camp Campbell Ky, with her the before past Tuesday, after spending The Ace Hi club met last brother, Maynard Russon, Service im two weeks in Csniiomia at the home of Mrs. returning. Friday their children and families. Hattie Slaton in Pleasant Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robin- Or Phone Us at 33 Mr. and Mrs. James Gough and Prize winners were Mrs. Naoma son returned home Sunday after Mrs. T. A. Taylor spent Thurs Keetch of Pleasant Grove, Mrs. attending the Utah Municipal And Make an day at Brighton. Beth Ferguson, of Provo, and League at Cedar City. Before reAp. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shaw of Salt Mrs. Mona Faye Murphy of turning they spent some time at pointment for a Lake spent Tuesday with rela Pleasant Grove. Special guests Bryce and Zion canyons. late Mrs. were Catherihe Boyce and iihters of the tives and friends in Lehi. Complete Mrs. E. M. Messersmith enter Sumners of Provo. George C. Phillips gathered at the morher at ai memMrs. kock Laurel home of tained Wednesday evening The Ikan Oddity club OUICKSERYICSSs home for her grandmother, Mrs. bers were entertained Thursday gan, Monday, the occasion being Anna Merry, Salt Lake, and Mr. at the home of Mrs. Betty Fowl- Mrs. Rock's birthday. Miss Delia Carson left for Salt and Mrs. Ted Schultz, Los An- er. Mrs. and Mr. meet will Lake City Wednesday, where she The Bridgadere Club geles. Calif., and Donald Schultz and daughter of today (Friday) at the home of will be a teacher at the Edison Wuker of Mr. and Mrs. Heber C Webb entertained at dinner Thursday for Mr. and Mrs. S. L Goodwin and daughters, LaPrieL Thelma, and Orlene. Mrs. Ralph Davis, Mrs. Jennie Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Robinson and Mrs. Carl Kel ly of Los Angeles are visiting in Ogden today with mends and relatives. After spending the past six weeks in Lehi and Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Webster Decker and sons, Rodney and Graig have returned to their home in New York. They have been the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Allred and with Mr. Decker's parents in Pro- tric storms, you will find the facts about lightning reassuring and er wire from your house to a tree or pole. Lightning is liable you can lessen the danger by folflash over the a few sinmple rules, says to strike the tree, lowing wire and streak through the house Redbook in Burt Itfagazine Hardy until it finds a path to the ground. for September. 'Whether the electric current is "So you're afraid of lightning? made by nature or by man, first- Well, then you can classify your aid rules are the same. A policenerves as normal. But if you're fireman or life guard is one of the millions of people man, to have around in cases of handy whose emotions range from minor shock. Very often the electric uneasiness to stark terror when shock stops the heart, but the the heavens boil, you have it sometimes be primed can pump within your power to give yourartificial respiration. Know by self a lot more peace of mind in of standard treatment for the thunderstorm season. Simply ledge invaluable is also an burns aid, eliminate the mystery from thunalsince electricity derstorms, understand a few facts most of flesh sears the invariably about nature's artillery and beIf you don't know how victim. its have accordingly. to apply artificial respiration treat "Less than 500 Americans a the burns as well as you can, call year lose their lives to lightning the police or fire department and while all types of accidents snuff a doctor and pray for the best out close to 100,000 lives annually. from the front of away "Stay "Franklin invented the light- the fireplace. Chimneys, because ning rod on the theory that it of their elevation are frequently would prevent lightning from struck by lightning. You can be striking the protected structure. hit either by flying debris as the The theory was wrong; the idea chimney explodes, or by the bolt of protection right A lightning itself as it seeks a ground. There's rod neither repels nor attracts a a little disagreement among engithunderbolt. It does give the bolt neers as to whether or not an a channel to the ground, where its open window is a lightning hazdestructive energies are harmless- ard. Wind does affect the course of ly dissipated. As copper is the lightning. Best authority, howmost practical conductor of elecever, maintains it's logical to close tricity, it's most often the metal the windows because of rain; that used in lightning-ro- d systems. lightning will leap just as readily The human body is an exa wall as an open window through ceptionally good conductor of el- or door." "bust" ectricity. That's why it's bad practice to stand under an isolated tree during a storm. Wood is a GALLOWAY poor conductor, and lightning considers your mortal self a much more appetizing channel to the ground. The stroke is initially at tracted to the tree because of its height But if you're in the vicin ity, the lightning will likely hop to your body. Even if it doesn't you stand a good chance of being flayed by flying splinters. Light ning probably has killed more people under trees than anywhere else. 5 ROLLER SKATES "If you're a city dweller, you're much better protected from the danger of lightning than your country cousin. Lightning find of its victims in ver small towns and on farms. You Two-Burn- er can laugh at lightning during a sky barrage if you're in a modern office building or apartment house The steel framework of the building acts as an ideal conductor. Occupants of skyscrapers remain blissfully ignorant of the fact Main Street when lightning strikes. Nor is there any need to worry about EX3S2 being struck by a bolt when youre on the street below a tall building. Electrical engineers estimate that the building sets up a cone of protection over an area four times the building's height. "Your home, if you live in a suburban community, also provides a haven of safety in thunderstorms. The plumbing and wiring systems in modern houses u i-afford lightning-bolt- s a natural channel to the ground. You'll be smart, however, not to string an ungrounded radio antenna or oth- high-power- LEHI FREE PRESS. LEHI, in newly lt jStQy Grandstand Shows, featuring ItSt brilliant GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY REVUE. mm mmi 1946 UTAH Sept 16-2- 2 SALT LAKE CITY 22c CUDAHY'S HAlURTTPriPP MIXED VEGETABLES, No. 2tm1M SHAVERS GRAPEFRUIT SEC. )fnf29c HI) A DT7T7DT TTT" IT TTr? vt i CIDER VINEGAR, qquart jars 1 ik GLOSS STAPPH l aVAAa 7. LADY GODIVA SOAP, 4 bars He Ja, OLDDUTCH CLEANSER, ---- t 2 for- -j VALVO all purpose SOAP, lge. pkg. & epl UdDIFCB |