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Show dismissed at noon in order that the older children can take care of the smaller children at home. The afternoon program in charge PARENTS VISITING DAY AT SCHOOL ' r FRIDAY Luncheon will be served to parents at 15c each. In the afternoon beginning at a patriotic program wiil be given by the children of the various grades. The students will be ROYAL LEHI, UTAH Thursday, Friday and Saturday November 11. 12 and 13 Books JfjiiAVM CAVAIT GENE TIERNEY CHARLES , COBURN yl ALSO SELECTED SHORTS Sunday and Monday November 14 and 15 A Terrific Adventure In Terror And Z ' i3 Vs- - v . Romance: ',!. . Glitter for Dates James Logsdon, son of Mr. and of Mrs. Lester Peterson, president Mrs. LeRoy Logsdon, who was rer Association cently inducted into the U. S. Armof the follows: as be ed forces, is now stationed at will Star Spangled Banner Audience. Buckley Field, near Denver, Colorado, with the U. S. Air Corp. Prayer LeRoy Loveridge. Greetings Cecil L. Ash. Solo Florence Wright. Mrs. Andrew, Losee received word this week of the safe arrival of her Reading Mrs. Cell Jackson. Cello Solo Mildred Anderson. son, James Hartshorn, with a U. S. Talk B. M. Jolley. Air Force unit in England. Talk Mrs. Ralph Davis. Solo Mrs. L. B. Brown. Major F. W. Goates visited with Mr. and Mrs. "William Dansie, SunReading Merlene Gardner. Marimba Selections Mrs. Beth day, enroute to Los Angeles, Cali Eason. fornia. From Los Angeles, Major Talk Mrs. Mabel Jones. Goates will go to Washington, D. All parents who possibly can are C. urged to visit the schools and at tend the program. A checkup of Pvt. Arnold L. Grace left Satur your children and a talk with their day for his base after a ten day instructors helps keep the home furlough with his parents, Mr. and and school together and irons out Mrs. William Grace. many difficulties that may later hinder the child s progress in his Mr. and Mrs. Harry Manning re class. ceived word this week of the pro to motion of their son, Sidney, He stationed is the with HEW LIBRARY BOOKS Corporal. U. S. Army in Hawaiian Islands. taken from rental shelf Corporal David Christofferson of the U. S. Army Air Corps is spend ing ten days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Christofferson. Corp. Christofferson recently graduated from the army Technical School in Colorado, and will leave Monday for Salina, Kansas. Their Honour Signed With Aldridge. The Raft Trumbull. They Came to a River McKay. Stampede? White. Old Soldiers Never Die Ronald. White. They Were Expendable High of Heart Ltoring. River House Willoughby. Pfc. Mrs. John T. Couglan arrived The Man From Thief River-Fi- eld. in Lehi, Wednesday from Mountain Home, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Coug Riders of Buck River Raine. lan are spending ten days with The Flying U Strikes Bower. Mrs. Couglan's parents, Mr. and Guardians of the Trail Gregory. Mrs. William Grace. To the Last Man Grey.' The Haunted Hills Bower. Moody Field, Ga. Former Avi The Saint Goes On Charteris. ation Cadet Leo Carlton of 24 South The Saint In New York Chareris 3rd West, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lehi And Then There Were None Carlton of Lehi. Utah, was recently I Christie. graduated from the Army Air The Listening House Seely. Forces Pilot School at Moody Field, Ga., and commissioned a Second Lieutenant with the rating Army LAST IMMUNIPilot. The new flying officers will ZATION GIVEN pilot all types of e aircraft; heavy, medium and light bombers; transport and cargo The last immunization treatment and for those who continue planes, was given Monday evening. Those "with the Flying Training Comwho have not received their final as instructors, mand treatment will have to make arsuch as they have training rangements at the Lehi Hospital at Moody ships Field. for the treatment as no more clinics have been arranged for. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Taylor reTo those who have been asking about refunds, the clinics were ar ceived word this week from their ranged in advance and the money son, Howard, with the U. S. Navy area. He paid to bring the clinic here. There in the Mediterranean states that he has returned to his will be no refunds. base for a rest period and is well. This is the first word received by 4-1CLUB GIVE EXHIBIT Mr. and Mrs. Taylor in six weeks 1 from Howard. multi-engin- nit man .U.i twin-engin- e jr a&w lWrf iii ii vm ai miu 1 PATRICIA MORISON Also The Latest News And Other Good Shorts Matinee Sun. 4 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday November 16 and 17 2- - Number FEATURES -- Wffm Number 2 arJh .f EAST SIDE ridJWl GORCI V' tut, JORDAN II.T NOAH ' - fr 1m v i J ; i j ? :j i t i Kirkham enHOSPITAL NOTES friends at a pheasant dinner at their home SatMrs. Florence Street and baby urday evening honoring the birthday anniversaries of Mrs. W. W. son were taken home from the Lehi Dickerson, Afton Giles and Urban Hospital. Monday. Johnson. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dickerson, Mr. and A baby boy was born to Mrs. Mrs. Afton Giles, Mr. and Mrs. Marie ott Kleinman, Thursday, at Urban Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. the Lehi hospital. 77 50 Percent Reduction Good Supply On Hand See Us for Hardware Needs Paints and Floor Covering New Latest Designs In LINOLEUM arriving Main Hardware TOM WOFF1N0EN, Manage? Mrs. Vilatc Dansie underwent a Caesarean operation at the Lehi hospital, Friday. Mrs. Dansie and baby son are reported to be doing as well as possible. i I t R N I YOUR UONEY COURT It frequently is wise to have your Life Insurance arranged for payment on a monthly income basis. Ask for details as to how this can be arranged. CLARENCE H. COOK 751 North Ut East Lehi. Utah Phon Representing Metropolitan Life Insuranse 72-- Co. CONCERT OK PROGRAM Bruce Nostrom, son of Mrs. Jennie Nostrom, now serving with the U. S. Navy in the Hawaiian Islands. is featured one day each week in The Play School Mothers meeting at the St. of programs series a will be held Friday, at 3 30 p. m. SCHOOL MOTHERS i 1 m 1 i Jil L I kftMowi. v in Cathedral at Honolulu. Mr. the class room in the Memorial Andrews Nostrom gives a series of baritone will be A with special All Play solos in connection by Mrs. Mable Jones. selection by a navy given organ School naohers. urged to attend. companion. Mrs. Audrey Price, president. I ' given lecture Building. j I '.' t I , - i & I&iHiIkette black . . . on palest BRIGHT . . . makes an effective con- To Keep You Warm e trast for this date dress in rayon crepe. There's a new look to the tuck-i- n blouse and sequin trimmed skirt band and buttons. Your party-goin- g clothes can be as serviceable as they are if the fabric has passed tests for dry cleanability and other service qualities. Fabric labels should give you this information. An interesting free leaflet "A B C's of Rayon" may be obtained by sendening a stamped, velope to the Women's Department f this newspi.icr two-piec- lovely-to-look-- at Heavy Clothing Rubber Footwear Carpenter's Overalls Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fon Rothe were Mrs. Rothes mother, Mrs. Lyla B. Reeder, and her brother, Spencer Reeder, both of Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. Afton Giles, Power's Mrs. A. W. Davis and Mrs, Ralph Davis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. ,B. Turner of Charleston. Jjfc Mrs. R. B. Worlton spent the past week at Granger with her daughter, Mrs. Alvin Wolschleger. T lie tore g Good Cosmetics are Getting Scarce. Mrs. Margaret Smith and Mrs. Dorothy Evans were Salt Lake City visitors, Saturday. We have a complete stock of Excelcis gift boxes and single items for men and ladies. The Ideal Xmas Mrs. Charlotte Lewis joined Mrs. E. G. Shelton on a visit to Logan, Tuesday, where they will visit with Mrs. C. E. Robinson and daughter. Mrs. Nettie McAffee returned home this week from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Urban Johnson of Pleasant Grove and with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Strong of Deer Creek Dam. FAMILY SHOES FOR THE Gift. New Styles In Ladies' New Dresses and Apparel , Cora's Classic Shoppe CORA ACORD, Manager PHONE 14-- J , MAIN STREET. LEHI Mrs. C. E. Robinson of Minneapolis, Minn., spent thepast week with her sister, i Mrs. Charlotte Lewis. Mrs. Elmer Culmer entertained at dinner Friday in honor of Mrs. UNE IN Lila Hofeltz. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Sudweeks, Mrs. Sarah E. Gaisford, Mrs, K. L. McKenzie of Rupert, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Mrs. Sarah Jane Clark of Amerl Christofferson, and the Culmer can Fork, was admitted to the Lehi family. hospital, Monday for medical care. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Dickerson Mr. and Mrs. Arnold DickA babv boy was born to Mrs. joined of erson Orem, Mrs. Virgie Porter rern Curtis at the Lehi Hospital, and John Rassmussen of Los Vegas, Tuesday. Nevada, at a dinner party and dancing at Cocoanut Grove, MonMrs. Rhoda H. Gardner was ad- day evening. Mrs. --Potter and Mr. mitted to the Lehi Hospital, Wed Rassmussen returning that night to their homes in Los Vegas, Nev. nesdny for medical care. MAKE LOCAL BOY FEATURED NOTICE PLAY 4-- Mr. and Mrs. T. F. tertained a group of The Lehi High School football team walked over the Pleasant Grove team Wednesday afternoon with a 57 to 0 score, giving Ley undisputed second place in the Alpine league. Lehi lost her fi game to Payson early in the season and has been unbeaten in the rest of the league games. REGULAR Sea-bee- s Wall Pap . excursion to the Salt Lake MelTemple for all Lehi Stake chisedek Priesthood members win be held on Wednesday, November 17. A special car will leave the Orem station at 4 p. m. and all Melchisedek Priesthoo d members of the stake are urged to attend. There will be special rates for the 4 oclock car with the return on the late car. An club projects. The display shows reside at Magna. the fine workmanship of the girls Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mott, Mr. in making the cotton dresses and Donald Coates of the U. S. Mrs. Bernard Mott of Ameriand aprons. In the display are the banis enjoying a furlough with can Fork, were Friday dinner ners with the club motto and Lehi relatives. of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mott. guests insigna. T V rfoHK I An exhibit of clothing made by Earl Johnson, son of Mr. and Warren Bone returned to his home girls of Lehi is on display Mrs. Cecil Johnson of Magna, has in this week at the Powers Shoe Store! Huntington Park, California, enlisted" in the U. S. Army In the group are a number of recently Air Corp and will leave for duty Wednesday, after a visit with local articles made by the girls for their this week. His wife and small son relatives. 2 isj I 4 H Club 1 11, GAME OF SEASOK WEDNESDAY I NOVEMBER LEHI WIHS LAST TEMPLE EXCURSION WITH OUR SOLDIERS Parent-Teache- In connection with the Educational Week activities at the local schools, a parents visiting day has been arranged for the Elementary Grades for Friday, November 12, when parents are requested to visit the class rooms from 9 a. m. to 12 noon. THURSDAY. THE LEK1 FREE PRESS, LEHI, UTAH 11, 1943 NOVEMBER THUBSDAT. UESDAYS REPORT TO THE NATION" V Or Mr. and Mrs. William Grace, Lawrence Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mott. Pvt. Nash accompanied Grant of American Fork; Pvt. Carl Gordon of Provo and Pvt. Arnold L. Grace to Salt Lake City, Saturday evening wher thev departed for bases after a visit their milita. with Utah relatives. An Outstanding National Program Of Dramatized . BROUGHT JO News YOU BY UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. The S. I. G. Club girls met Wed nesday evening at the high school and enjoyed a well planned pot luck party. The committee in charge were Leatha Colledge, chairman: Leona Colledge, Fay Welch. Glenda Hunger, Vida Ash-to- n and Marie Allred. P. M. KSL-7- :30 ' |