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Show UTAH LEHI FREE PRESS. LEHI. Synthetic Gentleman By Channing Pollock Copyrith'.. CLann.nj Pulioik mind, and himself imagined in a new and exciting rule, that His Grace of Hollywood finally turned the other check on an Iri-linen pillow Flip, arid dr..;i;n-off to sleep The trousers were beside his bed when lie nwoke. And all that cinema nonsense bad from his mind. ev,t;ioral l ast ".i lucky break." A rood night's In a warm, dry house, whose owners had suddenly dashed off to urope. leaving the etabih iunent to son who happened to be unknown Scenes and Persons in "Spoiling pood longshoremen," he called It. "because their paras trench." From one of the longshore men. Barry had discovered that he should have a mother. The old man had never mentioned it. so his sob "I b'St her." his raised the father said. que-ti'H- j, VsV ''-- - 7 i "How '" "In Algiers. Y"ti viere horn there." NT Service. It was years before Barry was oil SYNOPSIS enough to put the two tilings together. "I'll she die when I was born?" Th Duks, t P'sasaut, likal.l y.,uth be aked then. and got no answer. kf twenty-three- , jobless and broke, niTliis was In San Sebastian, where the summer t.ou.e in ters an unoccupit-old man worked for an engineering Bouthan pton, seeking shelter frgni a concern. Soon afterward, they pushed terrific rain ttorm. tie makes hinifeif at home. Six years ago his father had on to England, and short-livepros led In China, leaving the lad, Harry v ent to school, for tie Barry perity. to to the his ba.k way Gilbert, first time, and f..wA that he had States. He did not recollect ever havi the learned more from his father than the ing had a mother. Dozing at the fireI side, he is startled by the arrival of a beloiiL-ein a hott-- e "if like other la is from their professors. That atler, Willetts; a chaufTeur. Evans; a " was fortunate, because the schooling cook and a maid. He learns that the this fifHe son of the owner of the house. Jack squared his shouMers. and sauti las ed only a year before I'.arry "1 Rldder, whom the servants had never tered down the carpeted stairs. No teen now was taken to India. seen. Is expected. He decides to bluff need of his fa stand houses," can't Alcombing the sentence. finishing It out. : titer had told him. "They've given us a new. ready, tie felt a new The trousers a berth in CaieuMa." liffening It wasn't an upper berth, and It CHAPTER I Continued were neatly pressed, and "Cood morn "I was in another counting house. lug, sir," said the butler, as lie en 2 a fellow today," the eider Gilmet room. tered the breakfast I hope Dot," the Ituke replied, grinThere was nothing "make shift" bert announced, "who's got somethingI ning broadly, and, seeing th.it grin, the meal. Evans bad been to to do with the diamond mines. about the four servants smiled, too plainown for cream, and bacon, and bread. think we'll go to Johannesburg." They at the muster's good huly ayrr-rlseand the I Mikes courage rose with didn't, because, a week later, the old mor. man found another friend who sug. "Tills is Evans, sir," the butler every sip of the steaming coffee. From there, it was "Tills Is Mrs. Mulligan. Cook, What's this?" he Inquired, bis eye gested Manila. a slep to Canton, and the tea only tlr And Annie Jeflfers, the parlor fulling up an envelope at his plate. business, and a shorter step to Hong maid. If you don't mind, sir, 111 get A letter for your mother, sir," Wil where Francis Gilbert came come and then I'll thm set, upstairs letts replied. "It came after she'd Kong, one home night with a fever, and to report." left the hotel, and Evans got It when "Fine!" said the Duke, calculating lie went back for some things be was died the nest morning. Barry bail begged n clerkship In that five minutes would net him into to bring out here. He forgot It last Kong, and then worked his Hong his clothes, and out the front door. Mrs. Kidder expected some night, sir. He was climbing the steps again mail from the employment agency, way to San Francisco. On the boat when Willetts called. and places like that. She said von was a movie director. "You've got a great smile," be told ttie youngster. "I never thought, sir. Your bed was to open It, sir." "I think I can use you." Hollywood, Isn't made. I'll get the linen out, and hesitated. Barry and one studio nfter another. bare Annie up there right away. a He could feel chilly something then, and looks, and the Youth, Ingratiating You'll want a good lire In your room In the butler's gaze. a lot there. And Barry helped grin to dry things out." Sooner than return the gaze, or learned a lot, too. How to wear "I ve got a fire in the library," the evade It, be opened the envelope. and how gentlemen behaved Duke replied. "Don't hurry. I'm very A hundred dollar bill dropped out. clothes, h .".- --. y U the Current News d ife iitl.i. i.Li 1 ht i"',; 1 v'.-".-- 1 1 Av--' - .li.-nitv- f . - V to t 'Hi l I i , H ;4 1 1 UisS te&i&si un WiislilsjJ the principal address on Memorial day In Arlington national cemcte lohnJ the United States fleet, being decorated by "Xep una" a ,lm.I of commander-in-chie'.M.teeves, tor. Joseph Jean Trowbridge oi Stuart, Iowa, wiDE bat'tleship l'ent.svlvania crossed the equator, the sea queen standing by. and her school from Dean George Ii. Woods A herself fur nf the national spelling bee in Washington, receiving plaques American university. I'ershin-deliveri- 1- -Cen ng f 3-- In the Scroll Case at Norris Dam or Hollywood thought they behaved comfortable." "Well, sir!" exclaimed the butler. In a drawing room. He was earning They did hurry. He had scarcely any doubts he may have entertained two hundred dollars a week, sometrousers his from under mat the jot lost In bis surprise. times, when a wallet vanished from a tress when Annie appeared, Just as "Well," echoed the Duke, with that coat thrown over a table "In the set." "be had seen her In the hall, and with new courage born of the steaming cof- The Duke knew who took It. She was a small load of Immaculate sheets and a poor little thing, though, and despillow cases. perate, and His Grace kept his month "Mr. Evans Is lighting the furnace," shut. They couldn't pin It on him, she said. "The house Is that cold. he said, and they didn't, but there It's an oil burner, Mr. Willetts says. were no Jobs after that. I wonder you didn't think of It But, And so he'd come East. Ankle-deeof course, you're a stranger here, too." In the sand, that morning at South "A stranger I" What did she mean ampton, he kept thinking of the letby that? Where had be been, he ter he'd Just burned. And of his own wondered? not at home, Evidently, mother. He had missed her all through any rate. So that was why Willetts his childhood, watching the other boys hadn't known he wasn't Mr. Rldder. with their mothers, or, at school in Was Willetts new? The girl was on England, getting ready to go home to her knees at the hearth, and the them. "I lost her," the old man had Duke ventured half a question. said, and never mentioned the matter "Willetts Isn't a stranger?" again. Had she died In Algiers, In "Of course not," Annie replied. "Nor or merely grown weary of childbirth, Mr. Evans. Just Mrs. Mulligan and wandering, and decided to stay someme. We was taken on when Madam where with someone? "I'd like to find and Mr. Kidder expected to spend the her," the Duke thought. lummer here, and we'd've been let At noon Evans brought the car. I when decided to out, guess, go they "Do you know where we're going?" to Germany. If It hadn't been for your asked the Duke. back. coming "Yes. I'm taking you for a ride." "I picked just the right minute, did Almost surly, thought the Duke. n't I?" grinned the Duke. And It had a sinister sound, that "And "You "sure did I" grinned the phrase. linen the over maid, spreading parlor "You want to get lunch, don't you?" the arms of two chairs, chauffeur added, quickly. the It was an amusing conversation, but "I fa Got to Go," Fumed the White-Haire"I want to see the end of the Is It had been too long. to Iteturnlng Gentleman. land. We can eat anywhere." the library, trousers still In hand The Duke sank back Into the cush fee, and I likewise can encountered the "Well, Gilbert good. T.arry ublqul seat. It gave him a curious ioned use this." tous Willetts. "I'll take those, sir, sense of Importance being driven "Yes. sir," said the butler. said the butler, taking them. "A this. Along the highway they like never more mind!" little coffee, sir?" "Oh, "Thank you," assented the Duke sped. car was "They'll need pressing." The slowing down now, "And just one more piece of toast." Til need them." His Grace saw and, ahead, looking Alone In the cheerful breakfast "They'll be ready for you In the another limousine drawn at the morning." Willetts said, with a note room, with the cheerful sunshine side of the road. Evans up threw out "Did of finality. you bring any py streaming down outside, he read the the clutch, and then put his foot on Jamas, sir?" letter. the brake. Any He would do for now A husky young fellow In uniform "Dear Mother: "Yes," answered the Duke, "but I m returning the money. I can't was standing In front of the other like an Idiot, I checked my suit-casI can t go to Southampton. keep It, and him was a spare, white- and God knows what happened to the I'm sending this special delivery, so car. Beside haired And, framed In the to gentleman. time have of serv rid the you'll get check 1" If you decide not to open the car's doorway, ready to alight, stood "I'll get you a pair of your father's,' ants. house. For your sake, I hope father a pretty girl. "You re very Improves at Bad Nauhelm, but I don't Willetts voluntered. "Stop," said the Duke, quite much of a size." He was taking stock want anvthlnff that comes from htm, I sha'n't write again. Thanks, all since they had stopped. and of the new master. "Look like your the same. John.' She was the prettiest girl he had father, If you don't mind my saying The Duke picked up the envelope ever seen, the Duke decided. He had Same figure. Same kind o, sir. made the same decision many times again. face, only kinder. If you don't mind bad been posted the previous before, but this time he felt It would It sir." my saying so, in New York, and there was be final. Tall and slim and dark, The Duke didn't mind. It was all morning no special delivery stamp. dressed In an ensemble of hur.ter's-greehow Ion "a lucky break," only "Well," he remarked; "Santa Glaus tweed, with a top coat to match, would It last? "Mustn't over-plamy Is worked overtime for me and a tiny felt hat perched upon her certainly luck," thought the Duke. But the sleek black hair, she looked, someBack with the toast and coffee, Wilreal Mr. Kidder "wasn't coming until letts Inquired, "Anything Important, how, like a tiling turned out by an tomorrow." Why make a break for It sir?" entirely perfect machine trim, and tonight? The storm was roaring, and polished, and built for speed. Iler eyes "The asked letter?" the as Duke, throwing buckets of water against the were gray, the Duke was to discover been had that from farthest though windows. bis later, and wide, and a little cold. Her "No. I'll send present thoughts. The buller had gone Into the bed It to Bad when I write, and nose was a straight line from her Nauhelm room, and returned with a talr of keep the money until my mother re forehead, and her Hps were bright purple silk pyjamas. red against the pale Ivory of her face. turns." 'Anything else, sir?" "Can I do anything for yon?" In"What time shall you want the car, thanks." "No, sir?" the Duke. quired Til be leaving you then. There' "The car?" was He standing before her now, a lot to do getting the rooms ready sir. a fairish 'Tor It's luncheon, took him In. calmly, and her glance for cook and the maid. They've never walk to the village." long before she answered, nppralslngly, been here be 'ore. Don't know their His Grace reflected. It was a long "No. thanks." about. Evans don't What neither. way walk to the village. It was an even And with that, Barry felt, she time breakfast, sir?" walk to Montauk Point. And erased him from the longer landscape. "Oh. say eight o'clock." apparently, there was no possibility ."Yes, you can," said the white-haire- d "Right, sir. Good night, sir," said of overplaying ' his luck, Why should gentleman. "That Is, If either the butler, bowing himself out. not he ride' to Mentaifk In comfort of knows anything about a car. yon the Duke, standing or, at least, to wrthJn a few miles of "Easy!" thought My chauffeur doesu't." before the fire, with the purple pyjaMontauk and disappear thereV In "We'll be glad to try," the Duke mas In his hand. "Too. i&isyl Too stead of ut Southampton? said, cordially. "'Have a look at It, damned easy! There's a catch tt It "I might take a drive," he said. " will you, Evans?" ," Somewhere!" Out ofsight of the house, he took Willetts Implied .tlint he had been the precaution of burning flint let I Sullenly, Evans walked over to the with the family some time. Why had ter from "John." The truth was that open hood. "It's the Ignltlyn.S the otter; chnnf he never seen thej son? Or even a the Duke's uneasiness over that hnn V told htm. ' picture of hitri? Vfhy. was he so wljl-ln- drerl had nothing to do' with the fear feur "Start her up." to accept a stranger In the house of being caught. He had never stolen "She won't start." . at his own word practically without anything before. "I'll return thrtt The two men began fussing with did he Why take those from mused the money Montauk," question? . trousers? Tm trapped," mused: the Duke. "I 'don't want to be hooked the engine. "It's got to 'go," fumed the white-haire- d for robbing the mulls." Duke, "or else'' . Life gentleman. "I haven't had a Or else what?. bmr;evpf been' flail for $ him bite since or for his father. "Keep moving breakfast, and I'm due In "Or else he's no juore a butler man ifthnt.was the old man's slogan., A,nd New York at five o'clock.? I am Mr.' RIddeK .illosr.-MUriii.tnnt was ail he ever kept. Barry "Hungry myself," said the D" what he Ma?,. Ttyrto "' '" 'memories begirt; In: PIttibnr&' Strand "Where did you mean to eat?" YBluable Junk "In tWs"n6'ose-.'- ' (TO BE tONTIMT'' It wai with that, thought In hit ed, Francis "Gilbert had tutored there. Count Potocki Is Newlv Selected Envoy of Poland Fo land Fo Co iif Count George I'otockl, Poland's net-- l ly appointed ambassador to the Unite States, who arrived on the new mota liner P.atorys maiden voyage. : hear Mil 'arli oi illy "0 5Dg ciat ( U m lore tote an tel. Itagi ha 'Ji( 'ill L pre too wi tit hunt count Is nn Oxonian, a er and a member of one of the molt Illustrious families in Poland, Hell popular with American sportsmen,on many of whom he has entertained his extensive hunting preserves it Lancut, In southern Poland. big-tim- This scroll case at the Norris dam In Tennessee forms the lower end of the penstock or tube which conducts water from Nonas lake to the turbines of the power plant. The swirling water will pass through the wicket gates or valves to the right of the workman, and thus Into the turbines. There are two of these scrolls at the Norris clam, one for each generator. iiu d lai it ia Lindbergli Minnesota Estate to Be State Park I IT Flyer's Early Home Will Become Shrine Honorins; Air Feats On the ninth anniversary of Col. Charles A. Lindbergh's non-stoflight to Paris, WPA announced its final plan for the project to make the Lindbergh estate at Little Falls, Minn., a state park at an expenditure of .S'':,77T. The resilience Is shown at right. super-erogatoril- Scorns Shorter Name his name Is Ed GarroguoiTicaPchevarrin. a P.olse barber bom in pa;n, didn't ask to have It changed when lie applied for final citizenship papers here recently. n P.oise, Idaho. y ' . Although Young Priests Ordained by Cardinal O'ConneB : t g Ml 1' 9 II sh; I t i' Til I II t il in W.ith I 'nnllioii . . dalned Id the priesis ueiore tne altai ceremonies the young T mhss.-.-T .lohh's icVmvU.ea at the mass. ''l Vi)lowln tne ' ftie-nw |