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Show Thursday. October 20, 1932 THE LEHI FREE PRESS 1932" LOCAL ITEMS hNewS F arm and Home News St. Thursday, October 20, Mr. Harold Osborne Lake visitor, Monday. a Salt APOSTLE RICHARD R. LYMAN LEHI TO BE MAIN SPEAKER The home built by the Second Ward AT CONFERENCE for their ward house care taker 3REAKFAST NECESSARY FOR HEALTH OF CHILD MARRIED FOLKS DANCE nearly completed and will be ready I SAYS NUTRITIONIST for its new occupants, the Osborne NEXT WEEK Keith I Lott, Reporter next week. family Stake conference will be quarterly LXHI "No school child should start his The married folks of Lehi will be held Saturday, October 22nd at 7:30 without substantial breakfast," interested to hear that there will W Glenn ebb who is attending the B " h Hifi School Auditorium. be a nutrition-ir- t says Elna Miller, extension costume dance in the Second Ward I The welcoming address is to be given B. Y. U. at Provo spent the week cf the Utah State Agricultural Chapel next week The date has not bT president Virgil H. Peterson, talks end with his mother, Mrs. Jennie college extension sendee. been announied, but it will be soon, so wjl aIso he given by President Nostrum. should begin with 1 "This breakfast LEHI start thinking of how you can mas - Rodney C. Allred, Douglas Phillips and should include a cooked fruit Smith and Glenn Wanlass and N. Virgil Ernest Webb. l bread made querade.. who are attending the B. Y. U. spent cereal, toast or day-ol-d October Sunday morning 23, presi .from whole wheat, one glass of hot REPUBLICAN in Lehi with their par dent Schow will give the main talk, the week-en- d CLUB drink hot some other or cocoa ents. milk, hit TO ENTERTAIN following him Mrs. E. H. Bushman, 5-made with milk, and one egg," recomJ Junius Banks, a Deacon, Teacher and breaka mends Miss Miller. "Such Mrs. Jones of Lake Salt MAIN Priest will Dorothy talk. STREET A social will be held next Monday LEHI, UTAH fast will supply the pupil with enough i guest of her s Sunday afternoon Apostle Richard City, was a week-enR (October evening. at 24.) his him to through carry nergy !. in Ieker. mother, Mrs. Alice Tuckfield. the High School Auditorium by the R morning activities." Sunday evening Dr. W. L. Worlton. Kepublican Club of LehL f Miss Miller says that frequently Miss Ethel Coatea of Salt Lake Stake M. I. A. president, will have unbreak-'faste- d There will be an out of town her to that speak I "teachers report City of the spent Sunday at the home of where the fol charge er a meeting and good program. Refresh students are so hungry when her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther LIVE-A- nd be will lowing program ments will be given: served. Everyone is in at the school building via rbey an-irCoates. Opening song. ladies lunch and cold vited, eat their gentlemen. bus, that Prayer. ; "before schoolthey LEHI and have nothing begins lilt Albert and Richard I Bone spent Talk Joseph Anderson, Stake LIONS CLUB NEWS left to eat at noon. r. I several Improvement Era director, days in West Canyon the "An adequate lunch is just as lid week. past Many excellent, substantial homes in this city arc branded . as U the substantial brear , "in uicci inursuayi Ck.u i.u. i v,ner ""VIk weara "old" because their heating and plumbing facilities are out of nthe T "If Miller. . r. . Miss with n'trht uin, t . XJi. VUUCO. ClUWBrU kfast," continues rJ O Tirana Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nicholea and . www, T the times. with thei hot step something contains mrsen ana u. N. lunch Meiliner in charre Mr. and Mrs. Bob Talk Barton Salt of R. Richard Apostle Lyman. beof Mr. Thornton of Provo will give an pupil has a much better chance We can show you how to modernize those facilities and exLake, were Sunday guests at the W, Prayer. and mentally alert" illustrated, lantern slide, lecture on fit physically ing id i Evans home. S. The a new joy and pride in your home. And if jroo ever theme of the will be perience evening One community recently reported to Zion's Canyon. Musical numbers and LXHI to want sell "The or rent, these modern improvements will add nore In Era Home." Every "Miss Miller that the problem of the readings wJI be given by George to Mr. value Mrs. and Kirkham and Oliver your property than they cost They make you a solved been school lunch had by Brown and Co. of Provo. There will and Mrs. PFOFITI Bushman family Margaret STAKE M. TO is I. A. mother Each how: also be a short business session. them. This is PRESENT PLAY SUN NIGHT were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. I he next meeting will be under responsible for preparing at home J. F. Bradshaw, Sunday. -fjid serving at the school, the hot dish direction of D. R. Mitchell, Ross Niel LEHI After The Stake M. I. A. will present a sen and Hugh Otterson. for one day to the entire group. will be It Mrs. Beck and daughter, Art one act pageant Sunday evening at ch mother has had her turn once ladies night. to returned their home in Barbara, the M. I. A. conference. The play she prepares the dish one additional 0 Los after a short Angeles, California, school. took first place in the Granite Stake sin';' Oay for each child she has in Those presnt from PLUMBING and HEATING at friends here. and visit with relatives had who Road mother Show. The purpose of the play only the funeral M I that way the services Mrs. Fore for UHI PHONE 23 is to advertise and introduce the Era. one child in school does not feel that man were: Mr. and Mrs. Decker of Norman Thomas, Socialist candi- It was presented at the Tabernacle STATE STREET ihe does more than her share of work. Malad, Mr. Decker was LEHI, UTAH A ate for president will be heard over principal or Malad High School when Jennie in Salt Lake at the June conference. the K. S. L. station Thursday, Oct The chorus and cast of speakers re taught there; Mr. C. E. Smith, prin20th at 6:15 p. m. the different parts of the ELECT OFFICERS cipal of Bear River present I School, Mr. and Era LEHI Mrs. N. O. Meiling will entertain AUTUMN LEAF BALL and the house represents a tem Mrs. Dean Capener, Mrs. Nye and Mrs. Mr. and Richard Bone and the Social Club, Thursday (today). of character. AT DANSART FRIDAY current The ple house the of was ate the first meeting At Mrs. Griffin of Garland; Mrs. George LEHI made by the Fourth Ward and will little daughter Merna, Mrs. Luther School Home and Lehi K!' the for year Myers of Ogden; Ms. Ora Chipman, be set up by Byron Whipple and Mr. Coates and Miss Fannie Bone were Mr. and Mrs. James Beverly were The management of the DansArt Miss Adna Anderson, Mrs. Cornwall, )tf. ! league held in the high school the commmittee on building. Salt Lake visitors, Wednesday. Lake Salt visitors Prior, on last Thursday, the evening Mrs. Hafen, Delia Hafen, have Monday. arranged an autumn leaf ball LEHI Mary Hafen -LEHI to be held Friday night October 21. was enlivened by the rapid exchange Mrs. Pratt Duke. Mrs. Marv Kintrs- The committee on the cast is Miss Misses Rinda and Gwen Anderson Coleman and Mr. Washburn. The 3e; of accusating personalities during burg, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mr. and Mrs. Dick Holdaway of The DanceArt is proving very popuSterling, -music committee accompanied Miss Vola Anderson to Vineyard, were consists of Mr. the election of the 1932-3- 3 officers. Mr. and Mrs. Claud B. Miller, Mr. Sunday visitors of lar and pleasing to the large crowds I Miss Salt Lake to see her start for Fort Mr. and Mrs. Alma Beck. Worley and Gail Webb. of the even- - !and Mrg Jed Riddin Mr and M who attend the dances. speaker (The principal s Webb has had personal direction of Collins, Colorado, where she intends LEHI mg was Alva U. rnzgerum, principal Bert Bowen of Salt Lake City; Mrs. the Hp to spend the winter. entire affair. of the Seminary, who delivered an DeVere George, Provo; Mrs. Straw, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thrasherr Miss Golda Jensen of Salt Lake, II LEHI discusmasterful 0 and were Salt Lake visitors, Monday. entertaining was a visitor at the O. A. Slade home, Springville; Mr. and Mrs. Orson Lee Mr. and Mrs Howard Ricks enterFIFTH WARD BAZAR NOV. 3. sion of problems facing the students, and Mrs. Isaac Hayes, Pleasant LEHI last week tained at a party in honor of her Mr. the parents and the teachers, and how Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner Mrs. and Lam-- Mr, Ralph Hutchings, Plans for one of the most enter son, Howard Lee's birthday Saturday Miss Melba Carter and Mrs. Alice G school objectives could be reached byland daughter of Spanish Fork; Mr Evans and Sylvester family of the three. Wesley and Mrs. Bert Bowen, Mr. and Mrs. taining bazars ever held in the Fifth afternoon there were seventeen preswere Salt Lake and Bingwill be guests of the Lehi Free Press Hutchings ent Ward are "Schow presented a cornet solo, and Jams Hyatt, almost A ham visitors, Tuesday. completed. Mr. good and Mrs. E. J, Jr., and Cozy Theatre on Saturday, Sun LEHI "Russell Schow a trombone solo, both Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A Hill, three act drama is being prepared, LEHI or Monday night day on meals will be the served and a fish pond Miss Maxine Anderson of Moront piano by and Mr. and Roland Hill of Payson; "being accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bone have LEHI their mother, Mrs. Randal Schow. A Mr. Nephi Foreman, Monroe; Mr. and pop corn balls will be ready for moved into the home is a guest of Dr. and Mrs. Elmo ocformerly Mr. Mrs. R. H. Giles, son, and irfrls' chrus from the Sixth grade, and Mrs. George Bradbury and son the youngsters. The cause is a good this week. Miss Anderson is Charles Southwick. Glen and daughter, Beth, were Sun Mrs. directed and accompanied by Ethel of Joseph; Mrs Susan Turner, Mr one and should receive the support of cupied by niece. Eddington's LEHI day guests of Mrs. John Bone. "Hall also rendered two numbers. The bazar will be held in LEHI and Mrs. Frank Brecken, Mr. and everyone. . . . . Mrs. Albert Dransfield of Ogden, LEHI "j'Mrs. lone T. Gilchrist was elected Mrs. John Buckwalter and Mr. and rne ward chaPel Thursday, Nov. 3. LEHI with her spent Tuesday visiting win U. for the At the U. of and Y. game held Miss Violet Whimpey, who has been coming year, president Mrs. Ross Buckwalter of American father, Mr. Enoch Russon. F ning over Mrs. A. E. Adams, retiring Fork. GOATES BABY BURIED Saturday, October 15, at the Univer- painting pictures for the Eastman LEHI 8 vote. All other pesident, by a sity of Utah stadium in Salt Lake Kodak Co. of Salt Lake City, was in HERE SUNDAY Lehi Republicans officers were elected by acclamation, Many joined City, Lehi was well represented by Lehi, Sunday, visiting her parents The new born son of Mr. and Mrs. other Utah County Republicans at students who carred the Brigham and friends. B ufter suspension of the rules. They com University Colors. are: David R. MitLEHI Floyd Goates of Salt Lake City, was Provo to boost bmoot for the chell ; secretary-treasureelection Tuesday eveniny. Mrs. Carling WOMAN B. U. Y. here students Lehi burial from for who brought Sunday. ton Wilson; directors: Mrs. Isreal L. LEHI Mrs. Rose Lott sang "Sometime witnessed the game include: Arva "Lott, Mrs. Frank S. Sharp, LeRoy She's an angel in truth, a demon in Mrs. Alice Franks went to Ogden, WSng, Phillis Armitstead, Roberta We'll Understand" at the graveside le' Loveridge, Mrs. Ernest B. Garrett, and Judge George A. Goates of Salt Monday for an indefinite visit with Orren Bone, Dave Whimpey, Allen fiction; a woman's the greatest of all Uoss Nielsen, Mrs. Edward J. Larsen Mrs. Lela Bindrup. Glenn Webb, George Bone, Virgil contradiction She's afraid of a cockLake, dedicated the grave. net and Principal Cecil L. Ash. Retiring LEHI Smith, Allan Wells, Harold Woolston, roach, she'll scream at a mouse but ror officers are: Pres. Mrs. Adams; Lynn Webb, Smith Peterson, Reed she'l tackle a husband as big as a FORMER LEHI GIRL BURNED In spite of storm and cold weather w. E. B. Garrett; r Kirkham, Harold Johnson, Milan house. Shell take him for better, all local hunters are packing readv Jeanne Coleman; diectors Ethel Allred, Wallace Banks, Leo Powell, she'll take him for worse, shell split I Bethel Taylor 20, an employee of for their favorite Hall, Basil Dorton, Junius Banks, hunting srrounds in Oren Bone Dave Whimpey, Allen his head open and then be his nurse, o the Sugar Co., was pain order to be able to shoot their deer Webb "Mrs. Fern Russon and Raymond Dur- and when he is well and can get out of and Glenn Wanlass. burned about the face, neck and early Thursday morning. fully uell. she'll pfek up a teapot and throw EDWARD B. JONES bed, LEHI arms and legs at 11 o'clock Saturday LEHI his at e j four-yehead. She's faithful, deceitful, Candidate for Republican night at the Spanish Fork plant. Miss HIGH SCHOOL NOTES "FILM ANSWERS QUESTION Mrs. J. W. Slade and dauber and blind she's crafty, term County Commissioner. Taylor is employed on the sulphur Shirley and Mrs. Ada Rollins of RayMILIONS ARE ASKING she's simple, she's cruel, she's kind; i Pledges to an economical, efficient stoves and was in the act of The Senior Hop Committee has shell lift a man removing mond, Wyoming, Mrs. Darrpl H'Unn and honest administration and always the lid up, she'll cast a man. preparatory to taking a sulp- and Heber Grant of Salt Lake, been organized with Allen Webb, down; shell make him her Points Way Out For America in mind TAX our PRESENT wef hero, shell keep hur test when tne hot fluid forced the week-enof Mr. and Mrs. O. chairman; Vera Anderson, Edward make him her clown. You fancy she's BURDENS and a determined effort lid off j guests in all directions and A Slade. flying Fox and Eva Stewart 'If more bankers in this country to reduce same by eliminating all this but you find she's tat, for shell LEHI "had guided their businesses with the county waste and necessary expenses. spattering Miss Taylor. LEHI play like a kitten and bite like a cat. Dr. Joseph Hughes who attended The program in Friday's assembly In the morning she will, in the even fare and courage that Tom Dickson Edward B. Jones has been a resi- the Bishop James Giles of Salt Ike, asserts that the will be under direction of the Junior ing she won't, and you're always exTJses in "American Madness," a dent of Utah County for 24 years. burnsinjured girlserious are not was a Lehi visitor, Monday. though very class. pecting she does but she don't. production hailed as , the Educated as a Civil and Mining En deep and she will recover. LEHI reat American picture of today, gineer. Bone Isaac and son, Richard, left Miss Taylor is a daughter of Mr. showing at the Cozy Tonight and He served the UTAH v&L vu. in and Mrs. Charles for Juab, Wednesday where they exof Spanish Taylor Priday, fewer banks would have fail-d- ( Carbon County, Utah, as resident en Fork, formerly of Lehi and is a pect to bring back their deer. during the depression, in Walter gineer at mines for eight years (1900- - Lrandaughter of Mrs, M. A. Taylor. 'Huston's estimation. Mrs. Leo Smith entertained at a He reached this conclusion after Edward B. Jones pays taxes on shower Monday evening in honor of thoroughly immersing himself in the 1,000 acres of dry and irrigated lands JUNIOR DEMOCRATS ORGANIZED Miss Newey Austin, a bride of the tole of Tom Dickson bank president in Utah County and is vitally interin the picture a process of research ested in saving money for the tax near future. The evening was spent that carried him through 10 volumes payer. The Junior Democrats of Lehi were in cards. Dainty refreshments were ' of economic commentary on the Wall Since 1916 Mr. Jones has had organized last Thursday evening. served to Misses LuPriel Goodwin, 'Street crash and subsequent bank charge of the Distribution of Water Speakers of the evening were: Mr. Clarice Allred, Lela Coates, Lucille "failures. In addition, Huston dis- and construction for the Utah Lake Stanley Dunford, candidate for Bateman, Elleanor Harmon, Alma cussed the 8ubieet with several Distributing Company watering 4,000 County Attorney; Hilton Robinson, - Beck, Audery Davis and the hostess. ' prominent Los Angeles banking acres in the north end of Utah County year commissioner candidate; Eldred The guest of honor received many of his. until he had absorbed Mr. Jones has served as secretary- - Royle, candidate for state legislature. useful and beautiful gifts. c mpletely the attitude of bankers LEHI tressurer of the Lehi National Farm The following officers were appoint their work and the money they Loan Assocition since 1920. ed: Joe Shelton, president; Clarice Dr. W. L. Worlton attended ""the 1 andle. Mr. Jones was State Allred, David Evans, Salt Lake County Dental meeting in Tom Dickson represents a type of Road Agent of Utah County, at the secretary and treasurer, Salt Lake, Monday evening. Dr Art Alexander Hamilton of modern bank- - same time being County Engineer, in Wherry of Salt Lake, who recently Z a decisive, utterly fearless, but which position he made an excellent Mr. and Mrs. Leo Goates and son, had the honor of being chosen presicareful executive. He is a man who record. Leo, of Salt Lake City, - and Mr, dent of American Dental Association thinks beyond all rules and reguThe fact that those who are best and Mrs. William Groovs and was the principal speaker, he told the lations, codes arid practices, acquainted with his conduct are the Mrs. Louise Bird of Springville; Mr, dentists that now was the opportune until he has reached the funda- ones who most enthusiastically trust Leslie Goates and Judge George A time to render service to the children mental law from which those rules and praise him, is, in itself a potent Goates of Salt Lake and Mrs. V. J and young people who were the have arisen. Then against that reason why he should be elected Lovelace of Provo. were dinner citizens of tomorrow, that their fu r knowledge he arrives at the conclu- County Commissioner for guests of Mrs. George H. Goates fol ture health might be guarded through sion that there is but one kind of term. I lowing the burial of the infant son proper dental care now. whether thev of Mr. Floyd Goates of Salt Lake, had means to pay or not. (Political Advertisement) ,,eurity needed in banking. 1- VMS! was Winter Is Here Heaters Stove Pipe Window Glass - Hy GILCHRIST HARDWARE A Home Institution Phone 1 d Ln Why Not Profit, Too! e " nt s., Tt MI. -- S. LLdPTTTT out-of-to- -- "PARENT-TEACHER- S -- audi--toriu- m - Le-R- oy i -- Ed-dingt- on . 76-2- Vice-preside- r, vice-Tre- s. secretary-trea-i?He- Utah-Idah- 5 ar keen-sighte- d ; d 2- es Send In Your Subscription Today to-v-rd 1920-192- 6 o- - i search-fr'fcl- y. One Year for $1.00 Six Months for 50c four-yea- The Only Paper Printed in Lehi |