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Show I tr LEHI FREE PRESS, LEHI, UTAH s J i lnitted Fashions Tune to Autumn t By CUERIE NICHOLAS 4 f l i NON-PAYIN- f r-Vt-n Action Brightens Future of Dairy Markets. Br C I. RHODE. Dairy Eztaadsa Specialist. Csltec at Ajrieultur. University at Illlnola WKU Sanrica. Paring the way to stronger markets S 1 1 pounds of milk will be kept off i the market this year if culling continues at the rate it has been going during the first five months. In that time members of dairy herd improvement associations have culled out nearly 10 per cent of their cows and sold them for beef. At that rate almost a fourth of the cows in the herds of members will be culled during the year, a much heavier than normal are approximately 1,400 dairy- 1 : uni st T2i auxns or mutt soap and better prices for dairy products, members of Illinois dairy herd improvement associations are culling their cows at a record rate, thus re dncing heavy surpluses ef milk. It is estimated that more than I i COWS TURNED INTO BEEF G f'rTx rate-The- re I 1 1 I : men, the owners of more than 20,000 cows, who are members of the 55 dairy herd improvement associations now functioning in the state. They are organized by the extension service of the agricultural college to teach farmers methods of feeding, breed and management and other practices which will enable them to market their dairy products to greater T; fxVATURB is glorifying the i f autumn landscape wltb (Mil richer coloring than that (which fashion is lavishing on ftha; new knitted costumes. iTfc browns. and. by the way. special emphasis la be!ng placed on brown in the knitted .realm for early fall, the wine reds land greens and golden hues which radiate from the knitted mesh of the joe sweaters, suits, frocks and are In very counterpart of th warm tones which glow In the setting of an autumnal sun or In the painting of the, myriads of falling leaves which are even now carpeting tbi earth. n making selection of the new knlt- fted, outfit, the Important role which hal been assigned to brown Is a point I well So worth considering. Is this flair for brown that Seven the shoes one wears with the knitted costume are expected to be The girl U0 harmonious brown. 'seated In the picture Is wearing new-i- ; model brown kid oxfords with her flaeyknit brown dress, the same be- I Inf distinguished with clever cutout work at the sides. I The outstanding style points other than Its color in regard to the dress farf Its long sleeves and. most of all, its flattering yoke of white crochet, the buttoned collar of which stresses the high neckline whleb is so essential to chic this season. I -- The novelty of this yoke bespeaks J the fact that It is not alone the color glory of the newer knitted costumes ; which is capturing all the honors for Iwhen It comes to "ideas" their name I Is jlegion. Here's citing a few of them. I such as, for Instance, tlie cunning detachable capes which top many of f thf recent Incoming knitted frocks, sweaters which are made suspender, ! te advantage. Rigid culling which the members are now doing is expected to raise the already high efficiency of their fashion to wear with lingerie gulmpes, herds. It is estimated that if the avand leg o'mutton sleeves, If you please, erage cow in the state were as effand square neck and all sorts of icient as the average of the dairy herd scarf manipulations. Then there Is a improvement association cows that new alliance which calls for a suede present production could be maintained with 407,000 less cows, and Jacket with the knitted dress. lou will be interested, too, In the herd owners would have $20,000,000,-00more to show for their work. perfectly lovely dresses which are Benefits of the culling are indicated knitted of thinnest zephyr, or silk, if you can afford It. done in Irish lace In the case of a Tazewell county dairypattern. There are no words to de- man who got rid of 11 cows, or more herd. He put scribe the chic and the charm of this than a third of his knitted fashion ds luxe, so we will 37,072 pounds less milk and 1,334 leave It to Imagination to picture or pounds less fat on the market the folbetter still go and look them up. They lowing year. The herd of 21 cows reare a revelation in knitted artistry. turned 985.43 more above cost of feed Don't than the 32 cows had the year before. And there's the sweater I forget sweaters. Not that you could, if you would, for sweaters feature Canadians Make Claim 0 hand-croch- . FALL OUTFIT THAT HAS ITS "APPEAL" Knitted things have a new Importance this fall. Their materials are firmer and they have a more tailored quality than they have ever had in the past. There is a new three-piec- e outfit that's stunning, with a skirt of uneven check of diamond pattern In black and white. The sweater Is one of I the most Interesting weaves I've ever seen and you'.l declare, as 1 did, It's white with that It was band-done- . a touch of black, and black ribbed band at the hips and edging the elbow sleeves. The coat is seven-eighth- s with tailered lapels length, semi-fittea ad slit pockets, fastening at the waist with link buttons. You couldn't have anything smarter for the street as well as'for the country, for early falL It cones In other color combinations, too. If you want something brighter. : The tweedy knit effects are especially good. One, in grayish tones, with diagonal ribbing, bas a skirt with a bright green crush girdle of Jersey A that fastens with two buckles. white sweater Is knitted In self stripes and has the new high neckline. Kansas City Times. 193J. Western Newspaper Union. BROWN AND WHITE By I HKKIE Mf.UOI.A9 X3 it P whiter without rubbing? Softens water. Never balls up. Procter & Gambia Fan th Frott Away Fred Rusteburg has 100 acres of beans on his farm near San Benito, Texas. The earliest beans marketed naturally bring premium prices, and as the tender young plants fall an easy prey to late frosts, there is the constant danger of having them nipped. To ward off these late frosts, Busteburg has mounted three airplane propellers with their motors, taken from World war air bombers. Whenever the temperature sinks to the danger point, Rusteburg starts his motors and the currents of air set in motion keep the frost from forming, just as happens on a windy night even If temperatures are Oldait Married Coaple? Jugoslavia claims to have found the oldest married couple in the world. The husband is one hundred and seventeen, and the wife one hundred and fifteen, and they have been married 100 years. They are peasants and live in a village near Nlsii. Both still enjoy good health. More than 100 descendants took part in a festival held recently at the aged couple's farm to honor them. Salt Lake City's Vipvcst Hotel 1 S3?"" I Apartment en Stilts apartment homes on stilts are proposed for New Xork city. The structures would havs no first story. Almost all the space Quite low. usually devoted to a ground floor to be reserved as a sheltered play ground for children. According to Conaciantioui Censors He (as his wife Is packing) I the architects, apartments on the don't think you ought to wear that street level will never be missed. Nine-stor- bathing suit, Helen. She But, dear, I have to you know how strict they are at the beaches. Boston Transcript. "How are things. JoeT" "I never saw cheap vacation trips so a pig when It grunts and a child when It cries, and you will Y X- TEMPLE SQUARE plentlfut" - ERNEST AvW HA " -- ' - I s - AttJ; s "v s ' A f .S?? V i - v-j- V, Felt and Feathers Will Trim Fall Millinery i of the new felt hats are trimmed with felt, many are trimmed with velvet, and some feature feather: trimming. One of the latter group has an unusual bo placed on the edge of tha brim over one eye, made of a bordeaux red leather the same shade as the hat Another has a crown entirely covered with feathers. Bows placed to the fore part of the hat be It a brimmed hat or a turban, are note worthy of the fall millinery. Some i Stripes of All Kind aris has taken to stripes with more than a little enthusiasm and Roman stripes, candy stripes, pin stripes and bold zebra stripes are featured In effects In bright colors or irainmer clothes designed for the smart resorts. two-tone- d i s .A : . Acreage for Each Cow The acreage allowed per cow de pends to a great extent upon the productivity of the soil, but on good land one-hal- f an acre will produce sufficient feed for spring grazing and will also leave a good amount of material te cut for hay or to turn under for soil Improvement. A fertile soil, however, is necessary for best results In any pasture and this should be fertilized with from four to five hundred pounds Work out youf color scheme for of a complete high grade fertilizer. your early fall coat or suit In brown With proper fertilization and the addiand white If you would keep pace tion of two tons of ground limestone with fashion's step. The model pic- one acre will furnish sufficient gras tured Is a forerunner of coats to be Ing for two animals. for the crisp autumn months. It Is of brown and white tweed and Is trimmed with brown and white fur. The ecsembllng of this costume Is perfect from a color standpoint The The little velvet toque Is brown. fact that It Is velvet Is significant for most of the Initial bats are Just such clever velvet fantasies as this. The shoes also enter Into the color alliance. These sturdy brown kid oxfords have a discreet design of o ard across the throat The low cubin heels make the shoe practical for autumn walks. They also assure during the shopping hours. 11 rt a, : What They Do in Oregon Many dairy farmers have not yet learned the value of a dairy herd Improvement association, but here are some who have. The KlamHth association of Oregon found Itself unable to continue testing this year. The 11 dairymen left after reorganization had only enough work to keep a tester busy half time, so In order to keep the association going they arranged to employ him on their farms at regular farm wages during the other two weeks of each month. m4 J IV y 4 Mi" i, '"No bigger than a minute" when be arrived . . But look at bint now! See what the scales are saying! Look at those muscles! Look at that husky framework! Look at the d health of him! bright-eyeIt comes over you both with a great surge of happiness he's a perfect specimen, your baby! - pink-skinne- d, Can a baby thrive like that, if his mother's milk fails? Millions of mothers nod a beaming MYes!" For millions of mothers in America have had proof in their own homes that Eagle Brand builds wonderfully sturdy babies babies that grow to be men and women of fine physique, outstanding health. And recently, two famous baby specialists put Eagle Brand to one of the most searching tests that modern science has ever given a baby food. They fed fifty average infants on Eagle Brand for a period of months, comparing results with other of babies similarly fed on other Soups They tested these babies progress with blood counts, with with the measuring, weighing, every modern check on growing structure, growing strength. And measured by every scientific test, the result was favorable to Eagle Brand. These Eagle Brand babies showed themselves superbly nourished lacking in nothing that makes for future health and stamina. Eagle Brand had proved itself uv e Life's Proudest Agriculturist ihJh , T" S Effect of Feed on Milk y ROSSITER, Mgr. for World's Record Cow Some United States dispatches have recently been received which credit a Holstein cow owned and bred In Minnesota with a world's record for combined milk and butter production in 365 Pride Pontiac Lady days. Lleuwkje, owned by F. E. Murphy, Minn., Breckenrldge, gave 85,629 pounds of milk and 1,273 pounds of butterfat, a test of 3.57 per cent. Such a combined production Is outstanding and Indicates that efforts to raise the standards of the Holstein breed are continuing in spile of conditions. However, Canadians can still point with pride to the world's record for butterfat production, which Is still held by that famous cow, DeKol Plus Segls Dixie, owned by Raymondale farm, Vaudreull, Que. Dead some three years now, her production of 1,384 pounds of butterfat in one year seems likely to remain unchallenged for Bome years yet. Montreal Family Much experimental feeding of dairy cows has been done at various times to determine to what extent the composition of milk Is influenced by the character of the ration fed. In a general way Investigators are agreed that the nature of the feed a cow is fed does not change the composition of the milk. If a cow Is given too little protein, for example, she will draw upon her body protein so long as that Is possible to make up for the deficiency In that constituent In her ration. When that can no longer be done the quantity of the milk falls off to a point that can be maintained by the protein supplied In the feed. But the composition of the milk ItWisconsin self remains constant V C r M A A A Herald. i 200 Tils Baths Radio connection in every room. RATES FROM 1.50 Jmt Ppoif Uatmn Ttitnuth A reporter despises being handed a wisecrack when he wants a fact have a fine pig and a bad child. v HOTEL 200 Rooms Plethora Give to . y . IIII b. r""t1' VBy don't you try tliia amazing goep see bow it sods last till dishes are eparLIing clean how they float dirt ont of clothes and hold it ont so clothes are cleaner and 32-co- w most spectacularly throughout knitted sections this season. If you are up and doing, you will be wearing a "scrumptious" sweater blouse with cloth your new tweed or suede-lik-e swagger suit this fall Paris couturiers are creating stunning outfits consisting of Jacket and shirt of cloth sweaters Instead of with the usual blouse. The three piece pictured to the right Is typical. The suit Is made of black velvety cloth, the Jacket boasting a very gay lining. The Jumper Is hand crocheted and observes all the new rules of the fashion game, such as the square sleeves with neck, the full top and the touch of bright color which enlivens black these days the latter In this Instance accomplished via embroidered designs done In multi-toneangora yarn. ata. a. a. a?. oment equal in every way to the building of 100 babies! You see, Eagle Brand is wonderfully easy to digest second only to mother's milk in easy digestibility. Every drop goes quickly into the making of bones and teeth, tissue and muscle, energy and strength. Eagle Brand is easily prepared yoa merely add boiled water. See directions on the label. Eagle Brand is free from dan gerous germs safe for your baby. It keeps indefinitely in the can. And can be obtained at any grocer's. Send for a free copy of "Baby's Welfare' an booklet on feeding and carfor baby. It gives yoa pictures and ing histories of a number ofEagle Brand babies. And let us send your physician a report of the scientific test we have described. 80-pa- 'As ti with mother's milk, or any milk diet, usual supplementary foods were given. These are, oj course, orange or tomato juice, and oil or other source of the anticod-liv- er rachitic Vitamin D. FREE! COMPLETE BOOKLET ON BABY CARE The Borden company, X-ra- y, Ave, New York, N.Y. Please send me new edition 3 50 Madison .rT -- "Baby's Welfare," containing complete instructions on the many phases of baby care, feeding schedules; also pictures and histories of Eagle Brand babies. Name. Address Gty Pleaae prim name aod . State. addrot pUinl ! |