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Show 1 Thursday, September 8,-- lj r THE LEHI FREE PRESS Thursday, September 8, 1932 ., - - ... a Mrs. Mary Maudsley was Mr. Dal Hadfidd was a Pleasant Monday. Lake visitor, CroTe visitor Sunday evenint". i i Where Do We Go From Here Mrs. Inez Peterson was Mr. and Mrs. Herman Swenaon visitor, Tuesday. were Lindon visitors Sunday. LEHI LEHI Mrs. Leo Hansen and son, were Levan visitors last week. Mrs. Elwood Brown was Lake visitor on Thursday. Better Eats a Provo Salt If it's to eat get it at Larsen Bros. We carry the best line of Meats, Groceries, Vegetables and Seasonable Fruits that will give and the price is you a selection hard to equal always right for quality goods. LEHI LEHI rrovo Mrs. Sadie Kittinger was a Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Noyes of on Saturday. American Fork, were Lehi visitors, visitor LEHI Monday. Mrs. Angus Gardner were Mr. and LEHI of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. O. Meiling returned home, guests Tuesday of SpringviHe. after a two weeks, visit in Robert Chadburn wants to know. Every business man Tuesday we must Years of experience make us believe turn ; every cloud its go UP. Every lane has its silver lining, every nights its day. And night is DARKEST just before DAWN. WE CARRY EVERYTHING LEHI Mt Pleasant LEHI severGuy and Kelley Wilson spent out prospectweek west, al days last ing. day. Surplus $20,000 Telephone 85 FOR PICKLING LARSEN BROS. LEHI PHONE 17 p. Commercial BankingSavings Department Bonds Safety Deposit Vault Insurance VOI PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE with. Miss Ruth Gardner visited Tues Lake, Salt Miss May Terry in Miss Thressa Taylor went to LEHI where she will teach Armond Webb, manager of People's Ogden, Monday, Co-oattended a convention at Salt school, this winter. LEHI Lake City, Tuesday. Mrs. E. W. Taylor spent Saturday LEHI with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. James E. Talmadge and Mrs. in Ogden, visiting Martins. Frank Delia Booth of Salt Lake, were dinner LEHI guests of Mr. and Mrs. Junius Banks, White returned from Mr. Floyd Wednesday. Mr. LEHI Stepto Valley, Nevada, Sunday. for iliere been employed Miss May Louise Micthell returned White has momths. two home this week from a two weeks the past LEHI visit in California with her grandWall Fort The Camp of the Daugh Glazier. Mrs. parents, Mr. and will meet Pioneers Utah of ters lehi m. at 2 Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Arnold and Thursday, September 15, at p. T. William Mrs. Taylor. baby, Ray L., of Salt Lake, were the home of is desired. guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, A good attendance Monday. Miss Lucille Thorley and Miss Fay LEHI of Big Horn, Wyoming, were Hanson Park of Mrs. Mr. and Lyle Stanley R. J. Whipple home City, were visitors at the home of visitors at the Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sorenson? Sun- Thursday. we Take heart and make the most of what still have! With all our misery (?) we are the Spoiled Children of the World. Capital $25 000 Paul, 1 LEHI, MAIN STREET Mr. and Mrs. Louis " prti J spent inurbuay m PRIMARY GRADUATES! Christensen T w,. "V" UTAI! I Graduation exercises were tne gecond Ward Amusement Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cooper &I6 uRt 'niht iWeKAav t "P01 tween the proud owners of a new De OOUJ eh. in Board Stake Primary week. last car, purchased Certificates of graduation were?? autorr LEHI 'to thirty-on- e boys and eighteen Btishi Mr. and Mrs. Leon Taylor of Idaho j consisted of two f 1 program ' jhe Falls, are spendng the week with 0f Mormon plays, a varus? f . . lui , I relatives in Lehi, LEHI Miss Ethel Coates of Salt tation of the activities of the Lake, Builders Association. LEHI spent the week-en- d visiting with her Mr. Mrs. and Luther Coates. parents, CUTS COUNTY lehi Miss Blanch Larson left Monday day. for Bingham where she will teach EXPENSE I ce f .JroB. foth( E was Mr. and Mrs. George P. Price were LEHI wher and Leon Mrs. son, in Mr. and Provo, Saturday on business. Taylor LEHI Expenditures for Utah couiK5em; school. -Mrs. Annie Bone accompanied Mr. Keith, of Idaho Falls, returned home lehi M seven months of 1932 Published by LEHI Mrs. Richard Giles, who were Tuesday after a few days visit wifli Mrs. Margaret Brown and baby the first and leed $259,027.12, or $77,597.82 Lehi Printing Co. to Lehi relatives. Thursday afternoon Mr. W. L. visitors of Lehi over the week-en- d of Jean, Spanish Fork, spent the last 4cks was spent during the same perut LEHI Worlton and daughters, Ruth and Salt Lake City, Monday evening for Every Thursday week-en- d 1 visiting at the home of Mrs. of 1931, the monthly report attended the R. K. O. at an indefinite visit Mr. George Strasburg and sons, D. J. Thurman. Margaret, George P. Price, Manager Auidtor Amman Tuttle for f llf ": Salt Lake, where they saw the picture, j LEHI George and Lloyd, were business visit LEHf shows. ik "The Bird of Paradise." ADVERTISING RATES Mr. and Mrs. Edward Southwick of ors at Soldier Summit last Monday. D Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Telbert of Salt July inch during 30c LEHI LEHI week-enExpenditures per d the at the Salt Lake, spent Display Lake City, spent the week-en- d 3"16 visitincM t9.5 9.anft7. with receipts, 10c per line Miss Nedra Lewis, daughter of Mr. home of Mr. Southwick's parents, Mr. Mrs. James St Clair and daughter, Readers the Thurman family. ing emMrs. now Lewis Mr. is and and Mrs. $9,691.78 received in tax sale and George and Mrs. Edward Southwick of Lehi. Reva, and son Glen LEHI SUBSCRIPTION RATES and $1,369.25 in fees, tions and office of in the as office girl Elmer Micheljohn LEHI daughter, Mrs. La von Young returned home $1.00 ployed One year in advance, according to the repoit s?nd the at visitors were of $12,069.07, Dr. W. L. Worlton. Tooele, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Peterson of a visit at the home of after Monday Indications are that all of uVys I LEHI Want Ads 10c Per. Line For Hillsbrougrh, California, are visiting home of Mr. and Mrs. George Stras- her aunt, Mrs. F. J. Neilson of Mt partments will be well within First Insertion and 5c per line Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Sorenson and with Mr. Peterson's parents of Lehi burg, Sunday. Pleasant effi Per LEHI children of Bingham, were visiting and other friends. budgets with less than 60 per for each additional insertion. LEHI date. to f allotments Bone Leon of Salt their spent Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. Sorenson's father, Mr. Soren LEHI Mr. O. M. Thurman of Salt Lake, amount expended for July, Sorenson, this week. Mrs. Junius Banks and son, Wal- Lake City, were visitors at the home spent the week-en- d with the Thurman first seven months of 1932 and l of Mrs. John Bone, Sunday. lehi lace, were Salt Lake visitors Wednesof Lehi. family and the amount left to be expa felten LEHI Mr. and Mrs. James Trinnaman . day. Mrs. Banks went to be with LEHI Mr. and Mrs. John Bradshaw were and son, and Mrs. Jacobs and daugh- her in each, fund is as follows: Cwf1? Miss Rowlene Bone, small daughter Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Neilson, Miss sister, Maud, who underwent a $90MEFie1 $82,159.19, Salt Lake visitors, Friday. of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bone of Salt $9,898.28, ter, Lillie, of Sugar City, Idaho, re- major operation on that day. Thurman and Miss Ida Margaret $4,69foP LEHI Beth highways, $160,959.20; Lake, and Miss Giles, daughter Thurman turned home after several days visit LEHI were Salt Lake visitors last $75,000; Mrs. $53,473.80, Richard Mr. of and $38,426.49, Giles, spent Mr. and Mrs. Roy Terry ol Salt with friends and relatives in Lehi. Mrs. S. I. Goodwin, Miss Thelma Thursday. and indigent, $5,210.35, $40,ll.time LEHI Lake, visited at the John Peck home, Goodwin and Miss Arleen Goodwin the last of the week visiting with LEHI $88,593.71; county time last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wi W. Dickerson ac- accompanied Mrs. Virginia Goodwin their grandmother, Mrs. John Bone. Mrs. Lela Cutler spent Sundav and $37,115.09, LIHI lehi firmary fund $1,195.53, $7,42iprse companied by their daughter, Lois, to Salt Lake, Sunday. Mrs. Virginia Monday with Mrs. M. A. Tavlor and exhibicarm Mr. Mrs. Richard $15,199.33T; Giles and and $7,383,338, Bradshaw returnJohn and Mrs. Goodwin Mr. and entered the mission school, spent sons, Ervin and William, friends in Lehi. $6; si w week-en$1,701.42, of d Salt Lake, were and advertising, $76, Thursday In Provo, guests of Mr. and ed home from a ten day visit with preparatory to leaving for the Cali- family Iw Ma lehi on interest home Mrs. the visitors of at John Mr. $16,650.20; Mrs. Franklin Bradshaw. Mr. fornia mission. their daughter and and Mrs. U. A. Jones and 63, Bone, Monday, they in coupany with $1,240, $14,630, $15,975.69, $30,324; Srtec LEHI and Mrs. Oral Evans. lehi daughter, Orlean, returned to their d Mrs. Miss John Rachel Bone, Annie, pension for blind, $116, $369.50, fth Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Paltridge, LEHI Guests of Mrs. M. A. Taylor, Monhome in Cedar City, $2 Saturday, after old age pension, Mrs. Sigrid Jones and Mrs. Wanda Olive Paltridge, Danny Paltrdige and Delia Bone spent the day in ten day visit with Mr. and Mrs. $1,000; day were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert $25,731 it.t Provo $11,517.02, Canyon. $15,922.47, William Thomas. Taylor and daughter, Glenda, Mr. and Bushman entertained the Z. B. and and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beck and Mr. and Mrs. bond $54 ehfld LEHI none, $54,000, sinking, all Lake Mrs. Douglas ScaTley and family Z. G." Primary Class Saturday after- baby of Salt City, were guests Jones, Orlean and Mr. and Mrs. Miss state road Katherine Short of fund, Salt Lake Thomas 06, $54,800; of Salt Lake City. noon at the home of Mrs. Jones. off Mr. William Price, on Labor Day. spent four days last week in $4,292.56, $59,641.16, none. who has been visiting with Miss City, lehi LEHI Games were played and dainty reMorgan with Mr. and Mrs. Roy littii In the county road fund, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Curtis and Mr. Melba Carter returned home Thurs Francis. Mrs. A. E. Adams and daughter, freshments were served to sitxeeh was tc1r during day. expended $4,694.29 and Mrs. Alva Wing spent Sunday Dora, spent Saturday in Salt Lake on little guests. LEHI t LEHI month, the largest amounts were and fTL rr Monday visiting friends in Verbusiness and pleasure. If.. LEHI aura. nomas k iuriuiam Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hunter and accompanies nended in Lindon. American K t nal. Miss Ruth Walker returned to her W, LIHI 0i the Second Ward son, Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dunk- - f wnyon, Lehi, Spring lake and Sole lehi ' w wie oan, tiaite tempie, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Winn spent the home in Brigham City after spending you and r Dr. and Tuesday. Mrs. and family Fork, with the latter district Mrs. Samuel Jackson, son, Frank, ley week-en- d in Tremonton, with Mr. and the past three weeks with her grandLEHI $1,030.74 against from $2M and daughter, Velma, returned Tues Barlow Fox and family of Salt Lake Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw and sons. ing Mrs. Radcliffe Henrie. parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Bateman. week-en- d the in City, spent for the others named. Rigfr, s $300 Parley's Cecil day from a three weeks visit In CaliLEHI LEHI and Gordon, of Los Angeles, Provo and canyons. ways purchased during the e& Mrs. Jackson's brother, ! Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Beck, Mrs. Don Mrs. Heber J. Webb entertained at fornia, with California, are spending two weeks cost $543.69, the LEHI Moore. report shows. ; Reddish and son, Jack, Gertrude and a birthday party in honor of Wayne Teddy with relatives here visiting and in Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchings and 0- LEHI Salt Lake City. Virginia Beck were visitors at the Webb, Saturday afternoon at which will be Friends Harold nleased to ) and sons, Frileft last Lamar, of the Pioneers Utah Daughters Robert Allred home on Monday. twenty guest were present A merry that Mrs. Adolph Hunger who f 5M No. 2 will meet with Mrs. Sadie day for the Green River country for LEHI Miss Delila Fox entertained her time was had by many, games being Camp week's been confined to her bed at the fc b a vacation. Mr. Hutchings beKittinger today (Thursday) at 2 Mrs. William Basset of Delta, played. Refreshments were served. School class at Saratov- Sunday interested of in her son, Mr. Adolph Hungei Indian relics chose o'clock, all members are urged to be ing LEHI visted Sunday at the home of Mrs. D. I Wednesday. eames Swimming, and Green the River because of country making rapid strides toward recot. H. Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hutchings, present. luncheon was enjoyed by the young LEHI possibility of making finds in Indian folks. LEHI LEHI Mrs. Alice Hutchings and children, relics. Mrs. Olive will entertain The Athenian Club will begin its Rachel Bone belongs to the work- - spent Sun. in Bingham, visiting with I Dinner guests of Mrs. M. A. Tavlor Mothers Club Taylor at the home of Mr.( LEHI season's work on September 14th. ng class again this week having re- -' Mr. Martell Hutchings who is in were Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mrs. James C. 4 Albert and Dean Van Wagoner Monday, Gough, Friday aS Joined the Post Office staff Tuesday Bingham Hospital. They report that The first meeting will be a business and son, Keith of Idaho Falls, noon. Taylor in Heber spent Monday will and be on vacation. held week's a home at the valley Martell is making satisfactory pro- meeting morning after Miss Lela Cutler of Salt Lake City, business. of Miss Ida Thurman. LEHI LEHI gress. Mrs. Julia Brown and Mrs. E. Wi LEHI LEHI 1 LEHI Eugene Davis and family of Lowell, Mr. Herman Swenaon was caTitf Taylor. Mrs. LeRoy Peterson and Mrs. Mr. Carlyle Bunker and Miss Velda Arizona, are visiting with his folks ( Miss Florence Russon and Miss & Lindon to the bedside of his LEHI Beulah Evans were Salt Lake visitors, in Lehi, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Davis. Zina Anderson entertained for Mrs. Carson attended a Mrs. F. D. Worlton and son, Dan. who suffered a paralytic strike play entitled Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Davis just re- -' Lamour Holbrook of West Point, "Patsy" at 'the Lincoln High School Thursday. were dinner guests of Mr. and "Mrs. urday. Mr. Swenson passed ' eently returned from a trip in Arizona j Wednesday of last week. The guests Auditorium last Saturday. LEHI I Monday night. A. J. Wbrlton. Sundav. with his son and family. Eugene and present were as follows: Mesdames Mr. James Carter LEHI narrowly escaped LEHI LEHI Herman Allred, Ed- family accompanied them home. , Victor Myers, Miss Juliet Lott and Miss Ruth serious injury and possible death last LEHI jward Street, David Roberts, Lott A. Lott left yesterday for the L. D. S. Thursday while on his way to Salt Mr. Aaron Sabey sulfered a pain- - Russon, Clifford Holbrook, Millard Nursing School in Salt Lake City. Lake City. Mr. Carter was traveling ful injury last week when he step- - Roberts, and the guest of honor, Mrs. Both Oil girls are graduates of the norxn on the State highway when a ' ped down from the thresher on to a Holbrook. Mrs. Holbrook returned to Lehi on trucK School and down High the coming carry with them rep belt His ankle was wrenched and' , her home Sunday being accompanied A . . 1. rtniU. win credentials, high recommendation iv.u into tne rear badly aclerated. by Miss WSlmirth Russon who will be from the Lehi High, and the. best side of his car. The one door and LEHI the house truest of Mrs. Holbrook for wishes wi mer we are fender of the Carter car were badly irienas. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bennett and an indefinite stay. uamagea ana Mr. Carter received among their friends. family, Mrs. Alinda Bobbins and Mrs. LEHI bad SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT shaking up. LEHI J. E. Ross of Salt Lake City, were Friends of Miss Emily Carson surMr. and Mrs. G. S. Peterson and sLEHI Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John prised, her by arranging a party in ... i Service is nod service unless you can have it when of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph vanion family Lehi, Clifford Wilson, Peck. Austin, honor of her birthday Wednesday Peterson of Hillsbrough, California, Lynn Webb, Eldred Fox, Roger you really need it. Our garage is equipped to care LEHI Price, Games were night of last week. for your car at any time. No matter Mrs. Samuel I. Peterson of San J. G. Jones and George Bone of Lehi! how suddenly played and refreshments were served. you decide to leave on a long trip we will put your Mr. and Mrs. Howard attended the Vanguard Training class Those in attendance were as follows: Francisco, car in perfect order for you at short notice. No Peterson of American Fork, motored at American Fork last Friday. Prof. Lila Gaisford, Alta Clark, Bertha extra charge for rapid service. to American Fork Canyon, SHOP Monday oigeiow oi we is. Y. U. put over a Carson, Echo Whiles, Cleo Holmstead, c, Stevenson of Salt Lake, Ruth iiiuming wnere uiey ate breakfast! very interesting lesson on the Internal Dependabe Service and First Amy After enjoying themselves for a few combustion engine, specializing nn Pearl Peterson, Leona CarGardner, Class Work Done To Please the u;io cmp son, and the honored guest Miss Caruiey con oue working principles of the automo- on tinued over The Public the engine. Last night another les- son refused to give the correct num-(bloop and down on on Provo the ignition system was given through Canyon, driving back of years responsible for the cele-- I GUY WILSON. Prorj. PRESTON TITCOMB, Prop. to Lehi and a and then out larger to the group of men from Lehi going bration, therefore, it is not in EAST STATE STREET print LEHI, UTAH 'PP,V f yrae Trp-t- M ,!.V fV ,V., ti ho fn .oKrn-'flne- THE LEHI FREE PRESS Lehi, Utah Phone 8--W S t KW -- rehe toti15 De-lor- es, Cf fornst Local Items !el son-in-la- w, i'f er I TUl 6 ; t-- Now is the Time to overhaul or repair your car - ! LEHlHOE er Guy's Garage |