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Show EMERY COUNTY STLE PALE, UTAH ""PFgg T IT n a " III '"if Vi-- J U Goofy Comedie$ . The Sheik Is Funny mm U U U K vauuvy U v ; V uucuv u THE FEATHERHEADS I TJS ' MuTfi 1 By Virginia Vale LOOKS more and more IT if goofy comedies were the wane. First Carole Lombard said she'd have no more of them. Now Claudette Colbert, who helped to start the cycle with "It Happened One Night," has balked. on ' SS K. ! SH!.u tmt Be. 8. ' Kta..r baa . Pack. I Dev. BriBt " S'MATTER POP :- fHPIOJINlSl 25c SERVICE. p.67b , SSt j f VBSB PRINTS-Se- nd amplee introducing fV i 1 our Semi thh Mi on Prinu. . m,-- ? (SS? H Portland. Or, EMBORHft PHmvw tll-W- By C. M. PAYN BronccBtutin'? Nothing to It! I Vlf Ua THK FOCAL80OPf"? & iL I PHOTOGBApuv It was planned that she would do "Are Husbands Necessary?" when ii ii i Restless Holiday B.. rortunj, ela. U QnmmT BEST PHOTO aiTrS",fc4 O. Bnx 507. SH T .t. P BUILDING 'Po'P! f'J IwAwTSec- - 0""V. ? f ,Tt , jmi tni owmWifr leW riBSMMSBSIefci MUWTj" roASH. tms ujimdor - Artc'-TOL- H ,i ball I - n, TTPSaSV-- MFn - ...i J The revival of Valentino's "The Sheik," seems to have been Any picture that old is bound And the to look funny nowadays. that has generation of movie-goegrown up since the days of Valentino just couldn't understand why he had been such a world-beate- r. Some of them roared with laughter. They thought Agnes Ayres. the heroine, a bit too fat though in her day she was considered streamlined! However, no matter what the young folks thought of that picture and the other Valentino revival, "The Son or the Sheik," they brought mobs to the theaters and money to the box offices. rs j CoovrlsM. I FINNEY OP THE FORCE IS SHORE Ol OEWS CAM ClffARS-- Ot V OH 7 , DoMY J 8. L. Huntley. Trade rk 8. Pit. ce Enough Rope B:gffffa II WAMT TO TL fcv SET AY roOMPF- - TO REED STREE- TR,SHT ,S tH'S AND piRECTiONl HOW FAR rrtxE V ' Si i- font SPEAK UP.' VbU A -T' PUMB2 r ill j v NO-TE- j ST y MUM-U- H- TWO THAT BLOCKS" MUM -WAY T. ; SWAUFRED 14' CI SAR, HUH 2 I I f ii c- STILL DomT CHE NICE -t r- It looks as if George Arliss had been tempted into returning to Hollywood, thanks to Samuel Goldwyn. Goldwyn has a picture called "The Exiles" on the fire, based on the stories of the many famous men who have had to leave their homes in Europe because of political troubles. Arliss would play the role of a - jj distinguished scientist. if I PACKAGE. zftv FOR YOU J Warner Brothers will, at last, screen "The Miracle," with Bette Davis in the coveted role of the Nun. Ever since it was so successful as a dramatic spectacle in London in 1911 and in New York in 1924 there has been talk of doing it for the screen. Now, with Max Reinhardt, its original producer, available, they are ready to start. By J. MILLAR WATT PO- P- A Little Surprise 111 II III IB rr's FROM DORIS RETURNING MY ENGAGEMENT RING I . J j 4iB iifkTv)5 4K$y When Bob Burns ducked away from Hollywood for a rest, prepara tory to taking over the Bing Crosby radio program for the lS .K iteiv summer, Br GLUYAS WILLIAMS SEATING ARRANGEMENTS A What's in a Name STRANGLING TRADE Lady to Urchin Never heard of Ten the Commandments? Good graPrisoner-Y- es, "The trousers which I have cious! What's sir. competition your name? me here. The brought washed (or Mike," said his mothmum. Urchin Moses, came into my field and government er, "have shrunk so much that the ruined me. Visitor-P- oor Show Me poor child can hardly get them on." man! How was Wife Are you sure you'll love me that? "Well," replied her friend, "after looking over Mike I would suggest when I'm old and ugly? Was a ma""facturer Husband Who says I don't? of that itwould be a good Idea to Stories would shrink." Bulletin. Philadelphia wash him.iMajrbe he FirfDtS jtU fttAlf JUNIOR AP Sii' HfLPS WKfilDA W FW5 OtllOREK Most conroRft6i AMP ARC ON WHf SEAt. ' KM HMf MKfiLDA 3 ASKOW) Wi4llf SHE IMK5 rolMr WAP MM HK iff OCf ton kf VAtKM AWW MMUCA MWti t ntotjf . . ."1 ATHLETIC GOODS GREAT WESTERN ATHLETIC VollrbalU. Athletic ihon, CO? eteT- -li ""inu onuuii onrrn WANTED! Openint for Lidr to DeMMntJ wnie r.l in Hdr., gilt Uk ICE CREAM Gn. FREEZERS 80DA FOUNTAINS ICR CBUM ti TER FREEZERS and Ice Creaa oM Bar FUturce. Stools. Carhouun I Tablet Also reconditioned eqaipant- -l AKTM An CO. Mlltl MUsEK-St Peat Office Place gill U, MOTORCYCLES HARLEV U e d Motorcycles HOtlSE OF HOPPER, Write 141 E. (or nul Bfyhll POSTCARDS AddreM Potctrd. 2c eacn tiU a in deUila FREE. CLAUDIA MAILING TEM. Dept. 16. Mihwki. I Man EYE GLASSES REPAIRED yor Broken Imtes, I lau m Wholesale prices. SttiafscUta Ami stwing. aw upiieai anop. powion Mail aa BUILDING SPECIALTIES Overhead Garage Doors Domeitk ai mreiiL Ruilt.in Ironine- Botrdl. Msi Mailboxes. Shoe Racks, Vent Fu B. KanRCs. Water Heatera, Steel into" Combination Drainboarda ud Silk Alder 8ale Corp.. 120 W. lid 8a. I BLOCK BUILDING CINDER U.J. A V .1 .nit hmL weifiht. Highest insolation. AttncftW pruoi. iiitAiirwisale, lernnie Inc.-1h .linl-s- -- Cinder Block. W. I7t T PHOTOS New sensational, print 3c en. 8 h glossy printa St.r Kilns CoaiMsr. W. PHOTO SUPPLIES H..A n. a,,, nnw PhotoeTsDhie " Almost 100 pwrei Bulletin. ej values. FOTOSHOP. I36-York City TRUSSES 3 Snroirl Hospital Instrument, Trusses. Manufacturers ot A l porters, Elastic The Phjricisn. SPP& CwsWI 4R W. 2nd Sonth ' - Salt U WJ AGENTS WANJEfr MOI ESTABLISHED NEBRASKA I.IPR INSURANCE COMPANX resentatives In Wyoininf: XjtA ceaamlsaions and Write o"2 n.n.nM nnnccessarv. Linr. Pathfinder Life Inreraso Grand Island. inrasu. FENCES ei crTDlf. FENG Wonderful new conirouw. mt er efTectivenes, and mjrejjl J 124 66 from 112 up to power operated Salesmen INTERNATIONAL ELECTBlt For l la no. ''faql vm excurisonrate; on 377o Saving Round Trip Fare SAMPLE FARES: to .Sill 2431 Boun Butte Salt Lake to YellowsW Vacations the Dj- f- I Saving Itii'Uictal trniMe that Jackie Coogan n wring uhen he grows up; his parents hat e arranged to his put "" a trust jund, keeping earnings $200 a month for themselves . . . Sigrid Curie says her husband threatened to humiliate h, r by getting a station job in a Lots of wives wouldn'tgalsee g humiliating about that . . . Iluro d Lloyd's new picture, "Proles-M- r nam contained in BOTH Peptodent Tooth Powder and Pepnodent Tooth Paste If yon want the tro facts about the remarkable effectiveness of Pepsodent containing Irium, try this modern, new-da- y dentifrice yourself a day with Brash your teeth twice After a Irium. containingPepsodent short time examine your teeth In a EQUIPMENT last year, ODDS AND IMDS-Na- ncy Carroll be seen on the icreen again in "Uiore Gael My Heart" . . . Judy Car land has a wrenched shoulder, the result of an automobile accident . . . hobby llreen won't have the kind of AMP tJ adding mch'u. mtasTul Margaret Tallichet, a compara- ft!MtfliK6 HER tH A6WW i tive newcomer to the screen, will be Ramon Novarro's leading woman in "As You Are." When and if "Gone With the Wind" reaches the screen she will be seen as Kareen O'Hara, younger sister of Scarlet. Miss Tallichet tried the summer the- aters in the East - K a11 - Roof ruik J iu iHM-II) he didn't do so well in choosing a spot to rest in. He and his wife went to New York, but were so besieged by people that left and they went to Buffalo-- he . to wanted show her Niagara Bob Burns falls. And the public caught up with them again. He might try wearing a mask, if he really wants to rest! WORTH TRTINQ "" t FEMALE HELP Speaking of "It Happened One Night," it was revived recently In New York, and a lot of people who'd heard about how funny It was but had missed it the first time round had a chance to see it And the addicts who went to it over and over when it was first released found it just as funny as ever. l. Tvjago over td r nth 8. typirritr8. goofy. b, Drain Tile VIW IMn nccn she returned from that European jaunt, but instead she'll go to work in "Midnight," which is romantic and dramatic and everything but s. and Fire Brkk Pipe OFFICE i CLAUDETTE COLBERT MESCAL IKE Bd MId. list " MATERIAL Node how Pepsodent with has gatitly broshtd away thoea mrfc-tain- a and polished your tMthtothelr fall natural sparklslVVbat'i mors PepKxtent with Irium is SAFE I It contains NO GRIT NO IVMICI,NOORU08i Try it . . . today. ... com-platt- ly ' - any-thm- Beware," will be released sirnul tmeously at special showings in New i ork, Ixtndon and Paris. Western Newspaper Union. . Reerv.rtoM.fy'Hj;,t1S II.!.. Pncll Ul A9ete. lice. St Salt Uk., Net Fails Of ' sT |