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Show Em BUY: CoUNTST' IPlOGIR Ess MS News Notes is ' NO 16 XXVII. VOLCME CT1X D.MJi. UTAH. &ATCKDAV.. t in . DECKMBER 25. 1926 MM do in nu D.8R.G.W.C0NTINUES urn umnv BALLSGHtUULt UKAWW basketball sche-0C- SHOW WIDE SERVICES J It's a Privilege to Live in r Ihe work ot ballasting with slilgl and gravel, which was so extensively j on carried ; in 1926, will be pushed to j fc.s!iateB;fc meetine: of t completion in 1927, and the entire J . ,i nrinrlDals of all the main line from Dernier to Ogden will j fee Con nf ,r...irt,m HIlLllln . v then be fully ballasted. ncoiintewd vnorc difficulty was fm "L suitable schedule as the eighteensireicna where important line v.iil fcnler the state achCO are to be made in 1928. With and compete with cnanges liPric completed and the climina "A". Clevelanl uon fiois of section or.sriarp curvature, which is a school of work, high years two tat pari oi tne program and well under entitled to membership In the wa, tne Denver & Rio Grande West vvu.. em xiuuruHi win nave a track at lu team one P ,organization, c.leve!and hoop squad sianaara comparable with that of any ' he section oiner transcontinental line. iiii It was deem Substitution of heavy rails for llsrht nil teams of eacn school er is progressing, and 110 mies of iu a "'o nlav ,u - and preliminary new .juw r rail, lolled by j.M,.llo tny g "tion "A" of Kegion 5 of chnni Athleuc associ- - S jle RED CROSS FINANCES ! Utah 1 i Past Year Cost $10,321,679X0; : ISe arptin m-le- ..i.-- MAKE M average income of farmers in the vicinity of Drapr, according to a survey Just completed, was more than twice that which official figures credit, to 500 Now York farms, which were i the subject of a Morerecent statistical ummary. over, the Draper income figures are based only on tho profits from susai ess aud milk beets, peus, tomatoa They do not take into acount the iu-- ( front 25.000 bushels of grains,' many carloads of apples and peaches, sheep, hoi and bcof and turkeys. . . . , ,, . ugueu iub AiuwiMii r.u. ua... now hulding approximately 400,000 f acre feet of storage water for southern Idaho farms, W, II. Wattis, proaidont of the Utah Construction company, said upon his retutn from an inaction tour of this work and a railioad extension project at Shoshone, which the company has under way. Salt Lake The second season in the program of the Utah Canners' to develop the home tomato seed industry has dtvulopeU gratifying results, it is reported from the association offices at C;,den. For tho f.rst time since the association has h:'d a surplus ot certiiiftd tomato se;d, samples are to be s.;;U to Colorado fori tests during the 1927 sesson. Lust year, when tho association saved approximately l'JOO pounds of 36?d, many inquiries canio from California eud states for sani; other tomato-growinpies, but the Utah organizations turned deaf ear towards them. Draper H 1927 . tt ?u,ar league u- 110-pou- Colorado Fuel Iron company ween Den- ier and Sa!t Lake uir immeaiai'-'The released 1 ,'fldals to e neiu al iiw."""" rail will be used City. to replace that of lighter weight in branch lines, vard for the schedule Is the Following tracks, and side tracks. Th entire program for 1927 will therefore ints. curuon rnce. ti. JaIL JCentral clude the laying of approximately 300 Jan. j Huntington vs. Cleveland at miles of heavier rail. eveland. Ferron idle. Pite bridges, of which only a few vs. Clevteland at jan i4Ferron are left on main lines, will be replaced by permanent bridges of con- hntlngton. Icrete and steel. The Installed, f vs. cieve.ana aij Jan. and ptrmanent walep wa; ""tIons is vs. Ferron at one 'phndpaInfcaw a special at. ferron. stention. and this will miiirihuto vs. central Jan. less.nin(r itPrr,,nM. vs. Carbon ferron at;totrafflc' astle Pale. Vrron. uevei.mu ' In conlunrtinn with tao 0n,l fo., . vs. ten ral at i Feb. substantlal nm8 wll, Ferron vs. Huntington also au;hrrilies 'astle Dale. be expended for thte elimination Carbon idle. Huntington. of grade crossings ' on federal aid Feb. 11 Carbon vs. Central at Cas- highways. Dale. Cleveland vs. Huntington at hntington. Ferron idle. Feb. 18 Ferron vs. Cleveland at - J & OOST ngton . eieland. Carbon vs. Huntington at Central vs. Ferron at Fer. WATER SPORTS SAFER ice. Feb. 19 4.S0 t.M 7,21 6.00 l.M 1.60 1.80 7.(9 1.5 12.it .11 Hi 12.40 1.20 Huntington vs. Central Ferron vs. Carbon Life-Save- rs crowd Oriental Torpidity. Grotto., 0ct,ujre.-palacthe Worcester (Mass.) police The officers,, swaggering" Importantly.' where the powerful light rushed in and dragged the criminal department, is used. Instructed to be on the look- out of the building. out for the light from Its position on a "He shot his' victim entirely withbuilding, the police, on seeing it, go out provocation," ln a hushed whisper at once to the nearest patrol box for said a bystander. details of the theft The light is thMi "Without provocation the dickturned on the part of the city where ens!" spoke up a man who had Just the theft was committed. corae out of the show shop. "The victim kept volunteering information about the actors on the screen and at Dog Has Bank Account A Brooklyn man named Feidler has the same time jabbing the slayer ln elbow to fix his atkept "bachelor hall" for several years, the ribs with his of them and was back sat I tention. being household companion his only Is just feeling the edge of my knife, when Billy Boy, his dog. The latter a common dog, but he Is an aristocrat suddenly the prisoner drew a revolver in that he has a $5,000 bank account. and shot his annoyer dead. 'Now,' he Mr. Feidler. fearing that the dog cried, T guess 1 can watch the shew care in the ln peace I' "Kansas City Star. might not receive proper event of his mater's sudden departure from this world, has deposited that Pastor's Unique Idea sum ln the bank to be devoted to the Two hundred of the 950 couples marcare of the animal. ried by Rev. Stanley B. Roberts durPocatello Stay of execution until ing the 37 years he has been pastor at next March has been given the 300 or Minneapolis, Minn., were invited to more wild horses roaming the4.Cache attend a reception given by the pastor national forest reserve as a result of and his wife. Couples who are grandthe early week's snow. Ordered shot parents, down the scale of age to those who were still honeymooners, were this month by forest rangers, successful hunt of thein h?.s been made im- Included In the list. All would have possible by the heavy snowfall in the been invited, but Doctor Roberts could flnrl the addresses of only 200 couple. reserve. 30-inc- H.fiO !'.e schedule of v section "C" includes Blandin. Monticollo. County high of Moab and Irani River will be drawn up at a ban. Myton The Comsrcial club of Myton at a recent meeting took definite action to improve the condition of Main street. An appropriation of 50 was made for immediate use, this sum to be duplicated through private sub acrlptions.. A committee was selected to 'WorS"out'a' plan to gravel Main street, including H, H. Blaine, R. L Hurd and J. R. Bywater. The com munity Christmas tree received the support of the club and $50 was ap propriated for it. The annual election of officers will occur the first Tuesday in January. to report reMyton According cently made by H. S. Olson of Vernal, superintendent of schools for Uintah county, the school census for the entire county, Just completed, shows an enrollment of 3070, an increase of sixty-eigh- t pupils from 6 to 18 years of age Indian childreh of school age. children Two hundred and thirty-eigh- t of school age are in the district who for various reasons are not enrolled in any school, and of this number thirty-fou- r are without legal excuse. Of the total of 3070, 90 per oent are regularly In attendance at the schools. - at jntington. at Expert and Many rice. Cleveland idle. Light Fo'ls Thieves Nemeu's When the teams of section "A" arte A Thousand Swimmers Reduce A murder hud been done. it is planned to play some of the searchlamp has cut the theft rate of gathered outside of the Annual Water TolL ms of section "B" from the I'intah motor cars in half, according .to Mn 5.11 (.49 2.M l.Vl at vs. Cleveland Carbon 21 eveland. Feb. 25 ' The hich ... Water sports In the United States have never been so safe as they are kter date. today, a survey of the work done by Although the Denver & Rio Grandte j experts of the American estern improvement program, now . In the past year indicates. paring completon, was most telabo- - I Red Cross te, the budget for 1927 Thousands of adults and young peoprovides fori n expenditure of approximately $7,-- 1 ple were taught to swim proficiently '10,000 and is a continuation of the by these experts during this period. 'licy of building up the property to ; In addition, 5,681 men, 4,187 women, e highest standard. and 13.024 juniors successfully passed the rigid tests of the Life Saving SerRitk In Peppermint Growing vice of the Red Cross. The total thus me greafpsr ppnnorinint aren in thp trained during the year 22,892 is is the rcjrion lyin;; to the t and northwest of Fort Wayne. 5,041 more than last year's results. The total membership of the Life Savai, and reartiins up for 40 miles' 1 Michigan, aeenrdine to the Fort ing Corps of the Red Cross on June Prne was 72,810 persons. The region ! rwiu8 mmum s of nnraa nt hancn Meeting the demand for qualified ,ack tottom lands, and travelers no- - Instructors and councillors In these the aromatic odor arising from camps, are the college men and women e fields. The yield this year Is un- - of the country, many devoting whole and the quality of oil is exeel-- . or part of their annual vacation periOne farmer, with a small mint ods to this field. Meeting the need weage, Is assured of 8,000 pounds of of standardized instruction In which, at SO a ; pound, will yield First-Aid- , and kindred subBut the production of pep- Red Cross conAmericaii the ruunt 18 not easv. No crnn ronnlroa jects, g First-Aiand COddllne and tin .mr. ,lmoD ducted nine a total with this u year exactly perfect soil comoosl-- : Camp Institutes 7" When attendance of more than 600, in Maine. It pavs It JI Massachusetts, New York, North Car- doesn't navlLwii W. And there are many years when ollna - In"iana. Wisconsin, Oregon, and "oesn't pay. Representatives of Red California. Cross Chapters, summer camps, life Machine Testa beachAviator guards at municipal pools and "Biniments have education in of physical directors es, WasurinB an nir,T .... imuc o ojieeu, mii- - schools, and others of this cauore ti and directions: now onmoa a made up the student body. w for the aviator himself, called A number of city or regional instialso conducted during were an jeleron.eter. Intricate little tutlons hows how his body the winter at indoor pools to develop tnm?." cr,,ft's bounces, sudden local experts. The aquatic school conwas ua aips. York New Chapter tresses and strains ducted by the the avintnv mirCSSSfUL ' It IS SiaiBU. h,l nIC OUllHieUj Oil nanontallv ""f"""' "MB many tni3 strip of film. The Instrument 8Pired by CTP ' 8yste, the tn koooha. nip., have -- - - - urcuuoQ or. Lieut H pools, uaiuiue ,D of the hole 0r ln sejvlcarmy air eExchange. Cross Life Saving and water-safetstates program. In the New England Ur 180 camps employ than more alne, o a councillors trained ln these methods, nteer e Red CroS9 a11 A more than S theiinit partial survey indicates States .un'ted senior con- - on are doine Red Cross th UT Tftr nt OV tnica J mong their prod- - teBt as amjd minimum requirement forbeta, Bralll0Te,.than 90 P8' oent of their municipal life guards. Educato it S matter for th bBt tlonal institutions hav turned ot Cl0th" with enthusiasm. tat4surBi?fr0duCt,0n ' mj,g widespread lnsirucnou 'sings. unprecedented numbers Bides Life-Savin- g in-1- l. Life-Savin- ". d Life-Savin- J aZ 43,000,000-cnu(llepow- A it. S 'fW' 1,1 f v' j ( .X . I r,,;, U1PPING INTO SriFMrr I I "MH.AAAAAAAAAAA.A,, .. nowpr in t0 T EnKltehbe Arno,d's botanist, a Joseph "fh a YniJi ism ii Ponn,iu j 1 limn, on the Ishmrt uiscoverexi 11 t- i ! , -" niensures. . about . weigns in ('Pntor of thp flow' "01 wi(ipeach Petal a aml frnra q"nrters ot 0D lnch Armor," . fa n foot Inn to tw thlct o - one-quart- 'x'wspaper, union.) H.,,,, y f Mlk ' . ' creating , ure-saver- . records ,arRWt miu fCv year-roun- I. Wft,u.- - , Dr ! i f5 ahow. gj0 In- Red Cross (Including both th? tlonal Organization and the Chapters) iurlng this period aggregated e 111,679.80 The obligation of the Araerlcsn Ifsd Cross . to the and senijd prt , thly .lim hv total expenditure of 14,223,292 6V. In the Interests ot dlmU'.ed veterans, th Red Cross exp?udod 13.577,916 42. f which $1,677,918.42 came from the National Organization, and ft.OOo.uJO from the more than S.000 Chapter! and local branches of ths society Red Cross services to the men of tha Regular Army and Nsvy the yer called for $647,370 19. of which tbs National Organization furtilr.hed $310,-3719, and the Chapters. $337,000. ,i Sharing In importance with was the Rsd Croas wo;k of disaster relief during the year "hi these operations there was absorbed a total of $1,922 782 00 up to June 30. this yunr This represented $1 of National Organization funds and $300,000 from the Chapters. Relief in foreign disasters amounted to $2S"i.579.35. This sum was appropriated altogether by the National Organ Ization. ( Insular and forelen operations of the American Red Cross during the year Included relief In foreign disasters, the League of Red Cross Societies, Junlon. Red Cross Foreign Projects, assistance to Insular Chapters and similar functions. Beside Its disaster relief, the National Organization financed these other branches of foreign work also, Including $110,238.72 for assistance to insular chapters, $177,450 for the League of Red Ciws Societies, $84,384.43 for Junior projects abroad, and $80,057 .62 for other Insular and foreign operations. In addition to Its paramount duty to assist veterans and other service men and their families, and Its disaster relief, the Red Cross expended at home through its national and chapter funds, a total of $1 029.616.05 for its Public Health Nursing Service; $154,-13- 5 6 09 for nutrition Instruction; for First Aid and Life Saving; $445,707.34 for Junior Red Cross; $132,759.88 for instruction In Home Hygiene and Care'of the Sick; jyid carried on similarly Important home dutte. Included ln the latter were such valuable services as the Enrolled Nurses' Reserve, for which, the National Organization expended white other national ouera- t)ong at home an)0mUed t0 j302.957.64. Thfj chapters, ln addition to the large part tney played , all activlty, spent $678,000 of their own' tun(j8 on general chapter services. Tne broad humanity of the Amerl-sam- e can Cross can never be measured by the money it costs, but even in bare terras of dollars and cents, the A scope of Its work is indicated. study of these facts also shows the' necessity for the largest possible enrollment, since Red Cross service Is maintained almost entirely by its " membership. rpr.-Bp- . n. p-- 6 thisxu-sponsiblllt- y 0 $314,-422.7- $45,-62.6- 4: onion crop bait LaKe utans is now estimated at 330,000 bushels, i figures is- according to the revise sued Thursday by Frank Andrews,; state statistician with the department j of agriculture. This production is thej as for 1925, though the 1926 acre- was 300 compared with 500 acres! age last year. In 1924, 138,000 bushels of onions came from 309 acres. The total value of the ciop at prices paid to growers is figured at $19S,000 for this year compared with $234,000 last year and $104,000 for 1924. Vernal According to a report recently made, improvements have been Lehi Lehi is to have a white way, made along constructive lines at Ver according to a decision of the city nal during tho past year amounting to council and business men at the Mem$253,000. The now federal building, orial building last Friday. The plan the lower floor of which is occupied by calls for the erection of ornamental the Vernal poetoffice and the uppor cement standards to serve as light floor by the headquarters of the Ash- posts, eight of which aro to be placed ley national forest, represents $r0,000 on each block in the business section The new Uintah high school building Boise Dividends at the regular rate cost $125,000; the Red Front garage, $20,000; the build'ng of the Vernal of i tier cent have been authorized Auto company, $35,000, and the Wood-ai- on the preferred stock of tha Utah building, $18,000. Idauo Sugar company for the quartei Twin Falls Twin Falls high school ending December 31, 1926, but no dis basketball schedule for the next seaon common stock will bt son has been practically completed. bursements of expenditures to bi. because made Twelve games are on the list and it is Incurred in extending operations of tlu probable that one or two more will be an it to South Dakota, company added later. Thei season will open W. H. Wattis nounced by Tuesday here January 11 with the Hazelton vice president and general . manager Coach Felix high school quintet. This decision was made Friday by th, Plastino has but two letter men back board of directors of the company this year, but is optimistic because of was t"it nTino'!riord until Tuesday but the showing made by new material iu the Interr.Ia.is competition. "L a CHJOOOO Your Conversation S "MACARONI" $ made f '"fix a -- js'Zit f . IT'Sft - roitl." 2 Strong Membership Apps?! In Red Cross Disaster Relief CKKKJOO The first macaroni which was In Italy was of diverse and Jumbled shapes. It was brought to Enajand about 176V by certain youdfg men who af- fected the foreign ways and habits which they saw In their travels. . The mime was trans ferred to these joung fops, who were then known as "mui-u- Improving Big Waterway bridge Construction of a permanent neon deacross the Rhine river authorGenfhtrf cided upon by the the remove not only will ities This more old pontoon bridge, which has or less obstructed Rhine navigation, promoting but it will also serve h transportation development . of .removing southwest Germany and. the certain traffic disadvantages to k ottrnctinc much traffic Bitnrouted over indirect llnet. The national and 4 i7 ib of expert .t hodv of Americans who are at . i t, mater All coatributes for swim- to safety the m-respoa a recognised mUig is Washington. ternational servlcus of the American Red Cross are portrayed graph Vtlijr la a statement ot the Red Cr finances for tho past fUeal year en.l.J June 30, 1925. Expenditures by the d " V, Paramount . ; I Men jd ON THE SESQUI LAGOONS y T ce , -' 111- TZ Duty to Cr-tf- 11 i The g FOR RED CROSS WOR tin. Feb. YEAY if Asking themselves "What If disss ter should visit our city?" the leadin?' 2 of many communities of the S citizens United States have adopted the Scout ' 2 motto to "Be Prepared." , S the and the frequency Impressed by X wide range of peace time calamities v in their country, they have organized their communities with the thorough v ness which normal conditions permit. ., I against the possibility of a time when J I there will be no chance for thought or plan. Red Cross Chapters in many i localities are similarly prepared. : |