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Show Emery coitWty eits t;i& whnnr ' " He would not take me out w -- .o: -- T often PLAYING Kounw Dan ?7?eri A !ASTIJf? DALE, UTAH GAME f AI'ITAL $25,000 CI-iiLD'- S SURPLUS SI 5.000 8AMl t.L &JNuuliOi(. frtMNdant ... It. CKAWFOKD, EDMUND fHAWFOKD, Caatalw P. P. a. d. nt V" ri T-- r MOTHER bini darling, Angell I If I didn't mean darling. Jim." By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Thass riiflit. Phyllis. Now. I laugh Dean of Men, University cf Don't yet. Inrrup' Ha! ha! ha! Xo: Illinois. So thass why you call nim dolling. : Ua ha! ha!" m. .. "Ye. Jim. that is why. tl:i. na, na. T UtAKU a man say once uini am uiu had moved nearmi-The d.irk-ey-er the door whence the voices came from home because the boy's He still held the book away more plainly. would separate him. be felt, going at as open in his han't, but it his from mother's InflneBc. It was ......I hnrt1 trutiif ll ! ! I .10 PHILIP E. STEVENSON E KKixea PLTEB JOHJLNBJtN W C SNOW, Directors Auu!ld. V. f&tfe .?n r v"::.:.:,::zcz;; Co.) '.a.' make three-- ' l"f of L"' at - aViS1' 2nd d DTJBN1 it Olarei.r-- fH Si r.!, -tt a s rk : of th I'tah. ," -- 7 n & foolish thought nothing iu i.au ..e .., 'HE tuaid of all work opened the lie unit? ut ill utaiauw ium vcymaiv inflnefMW. one nn ran F. Tvir,n Ton such from front door uiul admitted a tliort, i ;jeeh. "Less, see, Phyl, what's he say nex durk-cye1 We Pa Fmr feel It man in a very tight- thousand tea Cent on Saving Write for Particulars with put miles,1,11" today oh. yes. Zat why you call me dolling, 1. or twenty yetra utertenlng as strong- - j litting gray suit. too?" ''A'oosir, the madam ain't back yet. ly as you did when as a child yon lay Will ye wait, BirV" Phyllis hesitated before she begun. with your head npon ner breast ana ; trict Court nf s? -I The dark-eyeman left his bat and No, Jim, I tall you darling because ""- - "i me ieu ner geuue oaaa upon your uair. so . . . are big stick sod entered a room off the en- love you and you You can hear her Tolee and see her trance hall, lie did not immediately and strong and handsome and I no as ix duv w"7i"c uwrf h ouui f' ticitui OI the Put iaic . o in a MO can succeed with-o'J- t sit down, tut moved hither and thither j don't you love nie, Jim? If you do with you. I. M deceased, r,n,t x. edverrisii.g, therefore we Mecham, about the room, gazing familiarly at j - - - kiss me, Jim. and now. may I "I lost my mother forty years ago," solicit the raP-onay-e vf ovrr readen or, rather, through the elaborate fur-- j go to the theater? I thought that . . . an old man said to me recently, "and ,7""-c- . .Mane Uus,i-.-- . e kr vho Ly their advertising flkhlugB. It was plain he knew them j yu were not coming home, or I would yet I have never ceased to feel a dally Crawford, and 7v " Si j too well to examine them with any hi- - Dot go. That was a long one, Ange-teres- t. sense of loneliness and loss." And so help to make this paper poss.'bk He seamed preoccupied. He Una." added Phyllis, hopefully, "uiu at , i many of us feel. am. aay of Ap ril ,T."W looked at his watch, replaced it hu- - j "Good work, Phyllis! Now, I mus And yet no matter how long she ha P.m.. at the Trr.n.' I and then say, been gone or how far patiently, and picked up a novel from j kiss you away sb.8 Is. Courthouse in Mrs. Ramona Smith and baby the big oak table near the middle of j Course you nius go with the wop, and you know very well what she would County, Utah th. the room. What siily things, he re- - .vou can call him dolling 's long 's say If she were with you daughter are here from Hayaon, visittoday, and ing with home folks and friends. Lut he'll take you out when I'm out 's what she would have you do. She fleeted, these American books All of Section Mrs. Hector Peterson entertained what was that? long 's you love your ole man " tion Twelve 12), jOnem . wants you first of all to be good the young married women's club at The front door closed with a bang to be clean and honest and He listened. (16) South. A child's voice. strong and Salt her home Thursday afternoon. Lake Merldf-Angelina, it must be. In the ground that shook the house with the force do wants She Alan ty. v. .L . V to you Mrs. Roy F. Millet entertained a lloor of a dynamite explosion. The dark-eye- d the nursery, probably. of Section Eleven day's work manfully and well number cf friends Friday afternoon man in the "However, can you be such un gray suit without whimpering and without com- half nf th v.':1,,:ilti, for the pleasure of Mrs. A. J. Izatt, West had gone. half of the naughty girl!" w ho Is her plaint. S!;e may never have said these of Section guest. It seemed preternaturally Angelina was frightened Into silence. Thirteen! In so many words but quit to things you ortheast My Dahlia bulbs, all sprouted, will Where quarter ot ttx the dark-eyemun sat listening Phyllis welcomed the interruption. be ready for disposition April 15. You of know without quarter Section the words having you Four "Come on. Angelina," she said, shyly, been all know the quality so enough said. absently. The voice cune more clearly. spoken. I "However "let's UI can so nice." Mrs. Mom bad W. L. Cash, Castle Iale, Utah. play something you be If through your endeavor there allT. of the above section A GOOD 11ADIO SET, COM in Tornf' spank! Get undressed this minute, Mr. and Mrs. Roy F. Millet and litshould come to you honor or recogni (16) South. Uange Cn(i PLLTTXY EQUIPPED, WILL tle daughter Margie made a flying do you hear? For shame; such a big Mu tion her heart will thrill with Joy to Salt I.ak COST YOU NO MOKE THAN A Frcjs Give Concerts tton trip to Mt. Pleasant over the week girl like you making such an awful If you Inconceivable; yon unhappily of PHOXOCillAPH Six end, Mr. A. J. Izatt and little daughin Louisiana Swamps should encounter defeat or fuss! Here, nurse, help me unbutton v disgrace ter of Moroni accompanying them on her dress." Quarter nf But with the radio you may Louisiana's the the which will Northwest quarter V she whistling suffer frog, which pain their return lo Cosile Dale. yoo "Yes. madanie," said another voice, sinu's like a bird, is one of have the latest and best of east Quarter also the SonhJ tvill never quite understand. seven speHer love ter Or. D. V. McArthur, wellknown of theNonhwest very small and precise. lectures, plays, bedtime storcies friiL's of Hvinw true In f Tumi. and faith her follow will Salt you through dentist, formerly of Emery ies and other features with but (is,; the .otth': Eighteen .iut uc umi, ninny parish. Its notes cannot be every diversity of experience, and no county, wishes to advise his friends a tura of the dlul. Nothing in ouartM,! .,. . "",lesi says 'mudame.' She always Jus' B1I,sh(,,, fmlu w of th , of tion the matter who of his removal office or deceive from f turn the the world's history has had the f'eni D5 ) in TownAj. against (16) South Felt to 901 Deseret National building naiige Eleven il! phenomenal growth of the radio Considering yon, she cat be counted on. Bank building, where lie will be glad here, nurse, take off her other shoe." the frog family as a whole, , business for the simple reason ?ut?"tnf vm "My bov Is a rood hov" !'"?u it is mother, i ' i " ett mun quarter to welcome old and new friends with "Yes, muni," said Nurse Phyllis, trythat nothing- has ever offered doubtful if any area its size in the to me often In the Innocence of their (11); the Northeast quart" everythng new In the way of equiping hard to elude uii vowels, but fail- world has a the advantages of the best of "I know he hasn't a 'single Muuncr or Section f: greater frog population trust. ment from Unite to (adv.28-4- ) home entertainment at a coat ing miserably. (14), arid the V.'iest half of th, than Honey island, near Cogalusa. Al- bad habit." s is or fcection Th r'e !" that quai-iitalmost negligible. "Oh, Phyi-liIf I am t surprised that most college in Township ready there have been recorded t) Sixteen iu', you want to make your home WATER OUT APRIL 11 But, Angelina! I can't say It any distinct species of frogs and toads, men turn out well when for so many itange Ten (10) East, Sar life such that young; and old can better than that, real ly." the voices of nearly all of which are years I have seen what faith and con iuer.aian, lotai a.uOO arm. Notice ia hereby given that the hardly be pried away from home Also 3,000 shares of aiw fi "Well, all rlghtey. . . . Oh ! You in the evening, Just install a sometimes audible during a single fldenee their mothers have In them water will be turned out of the Mamwould run aroun'.ln your bare feet! summer uu, water and1 ciuui, nnd It what radio set. built upon their Company, moth canal on Saturday, April 11, hope night, according to Sim Weis with any a For shame! nurse not no, Slap her, He would be craven Indeed water and water rights used 925, and from that date until water in American Forests and Forest Life. future. like Annie that does It with the back These notes Is back In the canal, water from the who disappointed his mother and who connection with the above i range in tone from the A papier-mach- e lived city mains must not be used except of her hand, like this." to a lower Ideal than she set iuna. cricketlike pleasant of O. W. SITTERn the tiny for up song or this use object resounded with the blow. cricket iur culinary purposes. him. Sheriff. Emerv Pn frogs, through intermediate tne water will be turned Into the "There, that'll teach you, missy." 1925, Western Newspaper Union.) Dated at Caatle Dale. I'm mains at 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. for one "Shall I get her nightgown mum?" sounds, such as the crowlike caw of i in uay ui aiarcn, lvzi. Nie spade-foo- t iLiLXJLJmIi nut half hour each 'day. uaiibam toads, to the deep bass First pub. ilar. 2S last Apr. Angelina clucked her tongue in exasbull-lik- e bellow of the giant Louisiana By order of the city council. ; peration, but only assented wearily: "COQUETTE" almost any night of the week J. W. SKELY JR., Supervisor bandmaster "nar excel- "Do, nurse. . . . There. Now bullfrog TI, with a moment's tuning. Even . the most II' We fence, "a f one of : can guarantee loud speaker you're ready, child. Nurse, that'll do. is at heart something i. spiftster fr"ffs that hri th.e.se forth a note Now Villi lima' tvm mit Phvllis-4- nie i ; of reception of programs from Los DITCII.CIALU NOTICE a i vui, "coquette." Coquette is ,.,.u,0Pvn" " trIIls for ha rely a minute, vet i. derived from the French v And rii always does. Angeles, Oakland, San Francisword entnm,'(ls tllp listener Notice is hereby given that the with baby. co, Denver, Chicago, St. Louis, with sweet-reallthe y No, you don't have to i I "coq," which means a cock. The n"SS an1 vo,ume t,f its out of th Mammoth canal on SaturOmaha, Kansas City, and many The . tendency of that bird to strut go out. Jus" turn your back or j other places, Including Texas up commercinl day, April 11, and will some'tn. Thass ull right frogs of Louisiana 'Now- and down the parude grounds of and Canadian stations. Scores 'of begin Monday morning, April 13. All 1,"I,nrtantIn fact, there is a ; q"lfe the barnyard, attracting atten-- I water transfers must be completed smalier cities and far eastern j (,Jan,te on irs n"';s that begins thus: tion to himself. Is widely known. cities come In under favorable by that date as ("ivlders will be set as Good i ,'rhe ovvml'itiP nnd title to all fross conditions. the cleaning progresses. The cities named The word was coined to denote J Ule ' ""' state of A. T. ItEID, Watermaster Louisiana may be rolled upon to come In is U'night, baby; happy dreams. . the girl, who, conscious of her i chwet to !le"''''-with the regularity of the comMr.' he in the state." Not yet. Phyllis. I must call up Is something of a flirt. ; charms. Mi.Miuciion ing of darkness. is not due to their our sib Paglioni first. I'll tell you when to , The pronunciation is voices, but to their hind legs, so cehe- come in. nessai with the accent on Deaf to Ordinary Sounds the second "Hello! Is Mr. Paglioni in? Oh. hol , hrated as a delicacy that .lar.nn h as Is v i si tint; syllable. Rattlesnakes cannot hear their own L low, dolling. I'm muwful well. Are ...,,. ,,-- Louisiana bullfrogs to stock cards tattles, according to F. B. Manning of you taking anybody out to the theater frog farms in that faraway country. Harvard, who has been experimenting, tonight? You wan' me to go? Oh, . ... with a number of diamond-bacand other invitaiionst ... corand dear Mr. Pa I mean Writer Advocate of Golf mnu1 mo- prouucis. or mm og, dolling, I'd Great Artists Had to timber rattlesnakes. He found snakes phlets. folders, letterhead poration may be depended upon Jus' love to go. Papa I mean Jitu to be efficient, well-buil- t, practically unresponsive to ordinary said he wouldn' be P statements, shipping tags aint and for home till lawful Signs Living sounds. Tones were used rangtm? In late. I'll be easily understood and operated etc. constant in a few minutes. In envelopes the ready days before and just ufter the by anyone. We are agents for pitch from 43 to 2,752 vibrations a for yoit stock in carried "Now, nius' come you in. l'hvllis. 'Revolution, only fashionable mis line as well as several other second and of nn Intensity loud pintera You're papa uwful mud; 'member could make a accommodation. makes and we shall fce glad to living by enough for the human ear to hear what I told por-rurnisn further Information and , you? Now, you nius' come .,,, 4,i;if;uziiie painting them 100 yards away. Rut the snakes in." inrnrius us. Get our figures on tta make demonstration appointr.ven tne most popular showed no reof painters signs hearing. However, ments upon request of anyone "Well! . . . Are you talking to ceiveu but a small printtn you h&veW when the boards of the cage floor were compensution for interested. that da darned darned What vs their portraits, thinking of Twenty-rivset Into vibration the snakes responddollars was it, Angelina?" considered a fiimi-eCAUTION S3 i high ed to the vibrations. Manning say "Wop." There ensued a pause of ?14 was the average fee. Latest rattlesnakes have very sensitive eves. Beware of the cheap set so fre-- ij several seconds before the dark-eyeIn order to make a -living Pathfinder most ;?ssi of Magazine. fluently advertised. ; Most of man heard Angelina's voice again, i'ae those Colonial Faces artists resorted to the me promises and guarantees was electric with silent contempt. painting of signs. In those air nade by the makers of theae days houses "Never mind it, Phyllis," said Ange- aid shops were not Silk Worms Weave Dyes sets wll be found so hedged a- numbered; every Knnt ,.. A'French scientist lias succeeded lina. "I guess 1 better be papa 'n' j ou business street presented a succession in. "J mat make thtiir guarantees valueless, while In making silkworms weave dyes into can be mom. 1 guess 'at's better. of. golden balls, crowns, dogs, the equipment necessary to opsnd horses. Many of these elephants their own output. He Is reported to Now, I come in. . signs were erate the sets at our distance "Lookeer. You been calling up that painted by men who are now have Injected dyes into the cocoon and ranked from socd broadcasting stations the result was colored threads being wop again? Why don' chanswer? among the foremost painters of will be found to bring the cost that Now, on, go spun. Not ouly the ordinary shades, period. Some of the better-knowPhyl; you know." up to that of a standard set. "Yes, Angelina Oh!. Jim, do not artists of that period who but the tones and hues that are made painted from combining various tints, are prospeak so loudly I You will awaken R ens to keep the wolf from the door 1.2 ThhttrjmT are Matthew Pratt. Charles Wilson duced by the little workers receiving the baby. Wn that right?" The "Yes. but, l'hvllis, why can't you Peale and treatment by this process. Silk Is Cianiiand Ulce. noted nm-t- . Benjamin West, who later talk She didn't Wy was president of the Royal jus' natehal? usually dyed after it has been wound the links at Miami. Fla. Mr Pavld S. Williams, Prop. academy. Ric and twisted into floss, but the new that, anyway. She jus' said : Shud- "f KM. n1 h ! CASTLE DALE method Is expected to grow It In col dup, Jim; baby's 'sleep.' See?" UTAH . .. . rV one Great at Encyclopedia game himself. fld he It "Shut up, Jim, the baby is asleep." J ors that lll not fude. HI II 1I1CT" no In the latter part of the 88 PS8lble. Be said Phyllis, apologetically. n,.MiZ Eighteenth ne preaches. ""at Chin century had I his Lung "Well, don' care! She won hear scholars collect all available Chinese us. You been calling up that records wop and write them Your Conyer-.tlinto history, known as Now, you again say" "Ssu Ku the Chuan Snu." "Oh, I know. Angelina. Please, let "YANKEE" Four spfa vn.,u . .. : e ma. A s I V. ..wc .1ucyoncu., in tne iro- the m ie rkn 111 was first aged durlansee' I' I llV in I and like him. He takes me to the safety, says the De-ing the Revolution as a has laim term himself of theater when you reproach by the regulars of This great work filled 10S,000 volthe "And the opra, Phyllis." British army m faith -ehewillnoj written by hand and bound in discussing the "theater and the opra when you umes, colonial Insurgents. Bilk. "TanW-greare salt Through the fates of wars but are out. I only call" You vertise out of the 1 one mf! set remains "Wa-aiof attempt ! Intact, although seven the Phyl Then I say. Lookeer. Indians to pronounce uic CALL ON I heard you call him dolling Then wines were originally made. English. Their broad,uura1 you say" whose ads 11 ' Toungheei Neo-Mode,Tde Oh, yes. Stop, Jim, hurt me, gh" the sonnn n paoer bcciiiisej then! I only call him darling because Architect And what stvle of The term was nrhi used . An ho IIL'M . mn tortnro Ha ... In . .. oods JVU are wish ior vonr tin to dai-- 4 ously by the Dutch ,i;?pt". l K .... .' t... i ,n j iiuntrrr ' reference to th vii, ru, waif worn. Mrs. Is the lat. ler , : d ! sheriff's d ay ViLmK -- i th-,z- ! ... -! cT ! I RADIO ... I 1 V . tight-fittin- Wonder of the Age I g d r. Seve-n'nVrX- (; (,: nu-e!- o. aZl tke T - y. r 1 All the Bis Cities of the West (. within your reach man-hatin- g ditch-cleani- Our Hei ng - hould-die-be-fore- Is rrintms ! ; ; A "ko-ket- ," Croslev the Ford of Radio j t V. ! Sj i - New Tpe, Stvle d ... ""' mm, 3 4dverft n Outine Shop 11 r.." J Article o, Lumber of All Grades Almost Any Quantity ... ! . chant lse All Good Quality it. Datronizin? t, E. E. REID, ORANGEVILLE, UT. chants this rn , JsZTf. Newly-Rlch-Wh- est SUCH IS LIFE Rustx I think f GONMA BE V Van COUPLA MINUTPC A J I COM kifi IN' FEEL OVER ME Zelnrj t A Down" 4 COME- - . m not shop style?-L- ife. I DON'T XMosy GO OUT vT"" WHAT Bad I'm BAD IN ( trhirh " v ! AN' J viHETriEQ H U xZZl wDprf a Horn ,oBE ..A iNTMr ID BETTER 1 COACH rifH OF . CQME WTT f VMlLK n'A ADJI |