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Show ay I EUERT COUNTY OfTER , .nd Wtr,IdJ , THE CAPITALIST h'lt.Miidi ot Arr of FIjMrit na, Promtalnc Ul t'ti.arecu. JnXhaustlM T.Ti-tort' y '11 moor. Ideal ply raetork-ftor sugar Het l 1 l!u i i U 1 rtt - - on ts i : All the -- Newi of THE EMPIRE OF EME3Y CASTIJfc' MARY LARSEN BLISS SlISH CABINET I DATE, ITAEL SATCBDAT. ' jfj RECOGNITION INVOLVES MAY LEAD AND c SOVIET Vfl RAPPROCHEMENT. iaHr Recovery May Be O. tccme Await fcnfs Ifole Control Rapid; Returns With interest !"by Announcement from T'iiah " 4i.. me ttai invokes ratified a treaty which recogniti.m of the soviet republic evidences K uf.the first cnorete of with the coming tliat ie fi.ct fallen at last has Poland M4 firm bani'.s. Wary La"en Bli8s' wife ' f Marion Bliss, formerly of Prue and foster granadaugliter of the late Piesidtn t C. G. Larsen of Castle Dale died Christmas eve at Standardville. Twin ends were born to Jirs. Bltss, but both a.ed. Bodies of the mother nd tables were taken to Price Tueedav morning by the J. E. Klynn under- takers. Mrs. Bliss was born in Castle Dale thirty-si- x years ago. Her mother died at her birth and she was raised ty her grandparent. j?he married Marion Bliss of Price in 1905 and the family had lived a long time on the Big Springs ranch at Sunnyaide. mm-ing to Standardville about a year ago. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the undertaking parlor at Price. A. W. llorsley, president of Carbon stake! and Bishop W. E. Stoker were speakers, while members of the ward choir rendered the singing. f Burial took place in the Price cemetery, j where mother and babes were interred in one casket. These twin girls were the first children born to Mrs. Bliss. Nevs Notes I i war problems of i'oland have been the To reunite three fractions ml. ;lie i'alisli patrimnny, long held in jection by three military empires, Austria and Itusinely, Germany, to bring about any internal unity, by the world - of actual peace would difficult task. But Po. J has been threatenod from with- threatened by Kussbi. perpetual- jaienaced. by Germany and at times a period in been a e sr. hostility both in object of ' In a the Rome. reunion of there have been many completion of the ial lands With Czeeho-Slovak- ia j disputes. re has been the debate over Tess- fffl, which was that settled, and Javorina, which is still under dis- With Lithuania there has pon. in- - the lonj quarrel over Vilna, only settled hy the council of am- Mors. With Russia there was fa )tt by k f question by of the eastern whole including the title to eastern In the main this dispute :s settled hy treaty of Riga fol-tdefeat of the Russian of Poland, but it is only in current year that the eastern :ician mutter was disposed of by great powers who ruled In Po. stier, he P in-si- fd'a favor. With Germany directly the ones. P of Upper Silesia was long a cause unmet and even of peril to Euro-i- B Peace.tSettled at last by the of nations, the settlement has w ueen accented in fonrt faith hv Germans and the. same id m f i;anzig is tnre of ot the treaty Versailles. ror the Poles, the zi problem has cover been really '"N and tht- - :prm m.r.t in ....... , v., UIIIV ... ul m town bus in sought every way SEV. n and CtaH span? 09epk stroru, compromise "amper Polish Loderneaih in " ,. i "es tue danti Jt n tltf Germany eJllthe iD t w Cast ,t the i, to- ornet (CtiO KID Lake (St) aim; joutt Nine dths (S!) lotitn anil is, Qn und- lea i .,., l , ever-prese- partitions of """cm i,r Tny .. has ever .. nt 4. that . Manti, In pursuance of u plan set in operation a year agif tit Ephraim, the livestock nun have recently reorganized the CoopciitLive Livestock Marketing association. .Salt Lake, Even if the stale agricultural inspection fund should run low, agricultural inspection work may still be financed by contributions from the general fund of a county, it is held by Harvey II. Cluff, attorney rendered at general, in an opinion the request of A. A. Hinckley, commissioner of agriculture. Salt Lake, Federal warrants total received by the ing $;10,440.09 were state road commission in part payment of the government's share of road work as follows: Emery county-Castle n road, $12,589.-i- l ; bridge over Price river at Wood-id- e $Xi43.82; Uintah county, $2345.20 Juab county Sanpete county Moroni line project $18,071.76. Salt Lake, LeGrande Jensen, 22 years of age, was instantly killed when he fell from the tenth floor of .he Continental National bank building, now under construction. Jenson, ivho was employed us a mason, was working on a beam when he slipped He fell entirely in an icy support :lear of the building. Ephraim. Messrs. Woods and Evans of the District office at Ogden, spent from noon December 15 until noon December 18 in the supervisor's office going over working plans and allotment estimates- for the fiscal year 1925. All of the Manti rangers with the exception of Ranger Williams were present at this meeting. We are advised that if present plans do not fail, Mr. Headley, chief of operation in the Washington office and C. N. Woods, chief of operation and C. B. Morse, chief of forest management in. the Ogden office, will spend the principal part of the month of July on the Mantl forest next season The Manti allowance letter for 1924 has been received. It authorizes the grazing of 21,600 head of cattle and 129,900 sheep on the Manti forest for the season of 1924. This is an increase In the permitted number of 3,000 head, s'heep of approximately and a reduction In the total number of cattle of approximately 1,000 head. This change in numbers should provide for the different numbers of stock to be grazed where exchanges from one class to the other Is contemplated. The supervisor's to office apply has had definite instructions whatever reductions are necessary where ranges are too closely grazed before the awarding of the ten year to grazing permits which are expected become operative in 1925. The forest rangers of the Manti forest estimate that there are 2,235 Mandeer, 385 elk, and 40 bears' on the ti forest. Deer are reported increasing on all districts except on District No. 7 Elk are now found on six of the seven districts of the forest. Game are rebirds, blue and ruffed grouse while ported as increasing slightly sage hens are reported stationary. were 211 000 fish fry and fingerlings the Mantl within streams in placed past season. Most forest during the deput of the plantings- were made by local fun by assisted wardens game and game associations. Ourki reports .how that 100 bucks were the Manti forest ourine that season. There is a possibility Kinea n..,o mnv have been lore deer to the than have been reported two-burn- ISerd0. ' (,t Sunday Christmas cheer ,i ,i,y. with a BILL BOOSTER WfMG tD AMD ?aaP Co, 300 -- fm :ime. be-n- in Grand Moab. The snowfall :ounty so far this winter has been light, most of it disappearing soon after falling, except in the higher altitudes in the mountains. Fisher val-lin the eastern part of the county, reported a depth of eight inches. aw his bed the coffee "Did occupied and returned to City. .Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Snow have to KenLlworth for the holidays. room. go to my room just the night porter. the reply. you see me now?" he said to "Yes, sir," us "Well, then why didn't you tell me I'd gone to bed siren dy?" he grunted, and proceeded to finish the night on chair of In frout shire Post. the Are. Ward conference was held here la.t Sunday, President Lars P. Ovcson official!. .pr. 1'dward Jorgensen, firt counselor in the lushouric, was succeeded by Calvin Jentfen. Other ordinations niiide Included Abe Day as Sunday school superintendent; C. K. Jensen as bead ward teacher, Blz.ila. Hal', Relief society president: Elizabeth I'.arney, Religion cltn: Nana King, Primary: Willis Price, deacon's; ". Cora Oiiarteiworih, Young Lodien; H. Price, .genealogical work. All vacancies will lie filled at an early date will be and work of the organization pusbd w ith the commencement of the County rr . ORANGE VILLE new Mr. and Mrs. Ieroy Luke received a visit from the stork about a week lairo. It was another boy. Mrs. Luke has been very 111 but is better at the j present writing. Mr. and Mrs. Len Huntington welcomed a new boy at their home last week. Our dances during Xmna holiday week and before have been big successes, everyone having enjoyed themselves. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Poulsen are visiting- with Mr. Poulsen's parents at Ephraim this ,wcek. Mrs. Poulsen was Miss Julia Jewketf. They were married a few days before Christmas.at Rice was a prominent feature school during the day. Clair Reid is visiting with his parents and Ora during the holidays. There were quite a number of our home people down froiro the camps for Xmas, several staying for the dance Misa Ardella Anderson one of our school teachers, has gone to Salt Lake J I - V. 5tjV r LAWSON C York- year. Bishop and Mrs. J. Orson Barney are away on a trip to the reservation country. Wa're glad to see around again Mrs. Edith Jensen, who has undergone a recent operation for appendicitis, also Victor Price, who has been laid up with rheumatic fever but Is now convalescing. There la a new baby girl at the home of Wiler Henrle. A campaign having for Its object the cleaning up and beautifying of our town is soon to be underway with the Idoa of Improving sanitary condl-- . Hons and making the town more attractive to both tourlats and residents. Graveling of sidewalks, eradication of weeda, drainage of seeps, and other matters will receive attention. Mrs. Clark of Lawrence Is a recent arrival here. Wm. Reld is now our local bluck-smlt- h and garage man. Mrs. Verda Hall is away on a visit. The counsel of President Oveson and son Merrill was much appreciated. Come again. KH'Lj.n IV gane a. f JE r .,: iZLfr.' y?-i- l urn mm By BUCK CAMPBELL t...........4.......a....4.-.......Hope of better days Is sort of a consolation prize. H The best man at a wedding may get the best of the bargain. Some folks have a pride In to be on the wrong side. trying always The man with evil heart has no trouble erlng evil In others. SAYS In his own In discov You can bow to the Inevitable been introwithout having to duced, and not be considered out of form. When the devil runs shy on means for making trouble he has some good girl marry a man to reform hlxn. KAERCHMaTS tb COrAE fO Some of the candidates for the dog that chases the train they are doing their darndest to get there. dream for you, a splendid dream And in it life and hope were very sweet; We drifted in the sunshine down a stream lean across and greet; Where fringing pine-top- s I kept a f. And o'er the heart peace lingered like a mist,;!' And tender as the lips you one time kissed; You left the dream untold; itemeaning hevSf?2 .4L, A darkening office remind me of SAFE OFFER Bllkins had no love for his wife's dog, but one day when It mysteriously disappeared he offered $25 reward for its recovery. j "But I thought," said a friend, "you hated that dog like poison?" "So I did," replied Bllkins; "I could ! not bear It I" "Then why on earth did you offer 'such a big reward for Its return?" "I like to please my wife." "Well, that may be, but $25 is sure to bring the dog back 1" "I think not," answered Bllkins, "unless some one saw me bury it in the, little pet ! j n SMALL TOWN HUMOR AND PHV.OSOPHY er MOTHlUGt TO AXTftWlT , -- y, THEM, WHEUTWEOO yr ,0 ""'l the ?Jther, measures. - - auroaii , a whichproperty a z? n. Uon of antilndependencj NET IAJJW EX.PECT TRWJE H .L Salt Lake. Headqearters of the Western Tarrif association, formed it a meeting of tariff propenents at Denver last October, will be estab-ishe- d at Salt Lake within a short BOOSTER B&UEVE PEP AWERTtSlNOt Vj W FMtVfcfc.'0 MO UP euSlUESS? STOOL W TMG PASSvr OU ViO EXPECT THE COWS TURE OP "ID BE MLVP, Pet'-- I - Leroy A. McGee. two-burn- er ioad eral strike la in progress. He daily train Is operating a passenger detachment, each way preceded by cars. motor in rural guard of the Conviction of Pere: Upheld court of the Manila -- The supreme combtion by ,h the and '"embers of the Philippines has upheld of secretary im 0oultry for th of Isaac Perez, municipal earttn provin Sorsogon Sunday Dr. Hall the town t Pilar sedi"env er was night. found guilty of was sixth and Seat- - ince who ninth. months two tion' and sentenced to tor and one day in prison FtUppl-J- J the a conversation that Ttia government . Jiilw una. ' as - 4Um,) Price. The corner stone for the Masonic Temple at Price was aid December 15 under the direction jf Most Worshipful Grand Master new - oZheEmslde an"'1 .. divi-Jen- 0. The public health nurse of Ramsey county, Minnesota, has a novel plan for serving hot lunches In the rural schools of her county which she calls "The Pint Jar Method Hot Lunch." Each child brings from home some particular kind of food in a tightly closed mason pint Jar. Upon reaching school the jar is set on a rack in a clothes boiler. This boiler is partly filled with water and placed on a oil stove. At the morning recess the stove is lighted and by noon the contents of the jars are hot. Then monitors distribute the Jars- and the children supplement the warm dish with the cold food in their lunch basket. Each child has his Initials scratched on the cover of his Jar In The order to insure identification. nurae recommends the following kinds of foods for the Jars: cocoa, milk, soups, certain kinds of fruits and vegetables, .macaroni, rice, creamed meat. eggs, baked beans, and stewed The equipment required consists of a oil stove, a clothes boiler, rack, and hot can lifter. l'W iQriffij announced resumption of on common stock. The first will be 1 per cent for the last quarter of this year, and will mean the sxpenditure of approximately $140,-)0- dino-tau- - jfeiilHl Utah-Idah- o The board of directors Sugar company has Repeated. course. two friends at n hostelry where There will be a dance at the audifit most rooms, one wont off mw.t keys torium Friday nlcht. to bed, undressed, and turned In. nils-It- ' lir. uno Mis. H. M. Iteid have gone king his friend's room for his own. for a,i expended visit wih their ciiild-ivHalf an hour Inter the friend followed. i.t Keiiilworth qnd at Sell Lake kv! , g Salt Lake. Rapid progress Is made in the excavation of the iinosaur for the University of Utah, iccording to Dr. Earl Douglas, who r s in charge of the work at the PIXT JAR METHOD HOT LUNCH quarry. -", k Salt Lake. f the Dale-Fcrro- . 'meg Whitney Hall, ti,. "miuiiHi film in it rtn ''easfi "f Corless Griffi rnfined in a German j, trover """"I'tcd capture of p was-htub- direction of temporary officers. Logan. Final tryouts for d n,.ting teams at the Utah Agrictiltiv .i college were held recntly and students selected to represent the college in debates with the University of Utah, and the llrigbam Young college. , airtn an of n two held out lias county pra growers nave determined to perfect a County Crop association, and to the i.eccs-sar- y formalities prior to incorporation are now being attendid to under the a il The board of commhsion-?r- s of San Juan county has received a communication from the state road commission that bids for the con suuiiiuu ui piujtrci xt.. ni, me luii way from La Sal Junction south to Montiee'.lo, will be let a3 soon as the mrvey of the project is completed. the Ogden. Dead since Sunday, uody of Mrs. Margaret Sage, 41, was found stretched across a in which she had been washing her hair, when taken with a stroke of apoplexy the police say. Salt Lake. From the bureau of public roads in Washington, tne state :reasurer has received warrants on the treasury of the United States he sum of $44,317.76 in payment of the government's portion of federal highway construction work done in Utah recently. Ogden. Ground was broken for the wholesale plant of the Texas Oil Company of Utah on a tract of land leased from the enver & Rio Grande Western railroad. Moab. hail I'rco, Utah machinery is expecieu ff on ha operators plan hand on strong Germany would ary. The2.000 of aspen cords I" endure . . at lea th,. oy the time OI 1'OSeU, , to commence operations 8ia an" Gallcla, al- - the machinery is installed. majority ot Poles. l8 dl8. in the figures of all Hhat h,,s been le- Zl 1 wilier some ad- -. been approve m,nt were and horses on the conceivable with Rus- - The limit for cattle ihi forest is w neauis of the forest it nut exemption The 50 neaa. Griff. ne,u. U't.o is forest Sent Christmas Cheer At sheep on the entire I ,,,,' .i- - M . thllis.n,U Wedncsuay liiurnim;. Tne s.hool been unoJcunil f'r , he pa-- t weeks, uo school sessions bein : because of the boiler p'ani beiai: . of nrrt ii V"'U' oi uie vnv.e not been detertuiiod. the l'o isn peril arrefiEff may seek to the last cen- - rangers. work on the box Construction aiijusiuiruk and the is going fine Mantl been possible factory at i ......It- - in llllll- - ''Be in and Itna tlle "lture j.i. the . A. C. - Ot l.--"e lf or expanded fire gutted the lnkd. ten mil. s from th Let iv eon Oasis and He,-,.f.Si ill jd for the holiday.' We wonder how Elden la enjoying the holidays' Our Sunday school conference was "My, r.y, Charlie Is wearing himself was out, walking the flour all night about held last Sunday. The program SunV.'e ought to attend I very good. a little inouey matter between us. mere than we d J; let's wake told hliu not to worry ; Just to go to day school etake superintendent and The up. bed and sleep, but lie walks and walks fiist counselor were visitors at boih and groans twribly. sessions. "Just be tuisij he owes you money? The Indies Aid club Is fsolng to How foidbhl" have a bi dance Saturday night at "Oh, no, not because he owes me the auditorium. The last meeting of the Mutual was uiouey. I'.erause be lent me some." well attended and som very splend.d repot ty were given on the reading Almost RESTLESS - Ddta. suffered more since j country l;as in the Polish case. is. ,var;.iliat recovered liberty and unity. e it Site Has been nuacK- Poland. a Kussian invasion y enemies and her capital ana jiuiost readied her indepen-3- , on'y d' to the Bolshevism but brought FOREST She of western um Europe. also been crippled by steady jiiy coming from countries like On December 14, Jacob Keller iin from Which she might have loaded one car of baby-bee- f at Eph-raiIt is reported he received six sstea inenuiy anppoii. and one-hacents per pound f. o. b. )f all the countries which were cre- - Jglas Bur- - U.M A TXAB A. R. Mclntyre of Ogden, member of the Utah legls- ho is going to St. Louis to uve, has presented to Governor Mabey his resignation fiom the board of trustees of the Utah Agricultural College. This will require an appointment by the governor for the remainder of the term, which expires,- in 1927. The appointment will be subject to confirmation ty the next state senate. UTAH J 29. 1923. Ojrden. From All Parts of Won. f Uw Tlstt AO , garden." . shadow ever, in my . . eyes.) I kept a day for you, a gkdsomejaay With all it held of mirth and joy and thought; Its .spirit with the throb of life was gay, It held rare promises that Love had brought From out the 'And words treasure-hous- e of sacred things- v - like pearls on silver strings Words that were just for you and songs unsung; s You left the silent, the pearls unstrung. to thread heart-string- Copyti)i!biW4Md'Co,loc . |