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Show Wednesday, November 14, 1990 The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page salaries public education gets some from other sources, Shea said. The two may be treated differently, though, because "public education is just more in the from page one employee of a school district who is under contract with the district shall receive a $1,000 increase on his or her salary public's eye." Nilson said that local taxes, from within districts, contribute to public education funds. Also, while the state legislature is is schedule for FY 1990-91.- '" No amount was specified for each faculty member of higher education, Hardy said, but an increase was required. "The legislature adopted a notion that said everyone session, the Utah Education System and lobby groups "hammer the legislators over the head." Shea also said a higher salary increase would have been should get acceptable because "(the something." Thor Nilsen, legislative fiscal is U. quite a bit behind market." According to the State Board of Regents' report, the U. is analyst for higher education appropriations subcommittee, said that although different behind comparable institutions by 13 percent in salary increases were required in the different education systems, both are basically treated the same. "They do from the standpoint of appropriating state money." The state legislature tries to speaker from page three be confronted in an educational setting, and instructors must expect students to make judgements about these issues, he said. This confrontation must occur in an environment of academic freedom, where the instructor doesn't hesitate to voice his or her views, but also doesn't expect students to accept those views. Additionally, students and instructors must have mutual respect for each other's views. In an effort to be objective, many instructors try to avoid issues of values or morals as they teach their courses, he said. However, education of facts is also important, because "this is required before students can come to their own conclusions in an there isn't a value or moral conflict. Another problem with teachers attempting neutrality it that "we teachers aren't even very coy about hiding our opinions. By the end of the course, students usually always pick up on the views of the teacher anyway," he said. To accomplish the goal of helping students make judgements, it is informed way," he said. "But neutrality may confuse students," because this implies important to teach them to articulate their values, since it is impossible for the students to arrive at a judgement from facts and values if they don't know what their values are, he said. But complete knowledge of the facts of an issue is impossible at times, he said. For example, it is nearly impossible for many people to know all the facts concerning the Kuwait crisis, but this shouldn't prevent students from making a judgement about the situation. Because this lack of students and of information, instructors avoid possible to make judgements because of the complexity of contemporary issues," he added. I would have to say that increase isn't sufficient." treat three sectors of public said Tucker employees equitably, he said. These sectors include regular that such comparisons to peer institutions are g prophecies" because the groups of peer institutions keep changing until the the university being evaluated has become a state employees, higher education workers, and public education workers. Mike Shea, compensation manager at the U., said that the systems are difficult to compare because not all of the funds for education come from the state legislature. Higher education gets more funds from food tax, while "self-fulfillin- university of "lesser quality." The slow salary increases of the U. faculty has already caused the university to lose good he said. "We can tell Erofessors, all over campus about that." 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