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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Six Tuesday, November 13. 1990 Editorial bickering hurts fight for equality Inter-minori- ty Ever since the civil rights movement started entering the country will take jobs away from Anglos form a large majority of the registered making an impact on American society over a blacks and cause wages to fall. Hispanic voters. The trend in many large cities seems generation ago, minorities have worked leaders strongly favor going easy on to be that Hispanics are gaining power at the The result is together to bring about equality for all victims immigration, mainly due to the fact that a expense of of discrimination. Unfortunately, now it majority of Hispanics are either immigrants resentment and a breakdown in the unity that has enabled the groups to work together. appears that the Rainbow Coalition, or the children of immigrants. Another dispute between the groups is over The Chronicle believes bickering between composed of minorities banded together to the way legislative districts are drawn in minorities is detrimental to the progress that promote common goals, is in danger. The split is most readily seen among the areas with large numbers of minorities. has been made over the past three decades. It African-America- n and Hispanic groups. Traditionally, most African-American- s is just as racist for minority voters to support While both groups share the same desire to holding elected office have represented a candidate because he is from a minority, as see prejudice come to an end, they differ districts with a majority black population. it is for an Anglo voter to support a candidate markedly on many of the issues facing civil Many of the political gains made by just because he is an Anglo. Discrimination rights promoters today. Hispanics have been in areas that have long and prejudice work both ways. One of the most divisive problems facing been controlled by blacks. If minorities want to improve the level of the two groups is how to deal with Hispanics have also been more successful in equality in this country, they need to work d leaders are being elected in immigration. African-America- n regions. together and not allow their own selfish to three California has opposed easing immigration policies. They Hispanic congressmen, interests to divide them. Working together is fear increased numbers of unskilled workers and all of them represent districts in which the key to racial harmony. African-American- s. Anglo-dominate- Omar tries for peace, ends up paying for it Scene: Saddam Hussein's office in Baghdad. The Iraqi dictator Chris Aggeler was perusing documents, but has become distracted playing with a pair of toy tanks sitting on his desk. He stops making explosion sounds with his mouth as Omar, a government janitor, enters his office and begins emptying the waste baskets. Saddam: "You! What are you doing?" Omar (nervously dropping waste basket): "In the name of Letters Chrony art critic hinders full understanding Editor: I would like to comment on the articles written by the Chronicle's art critic, Emily would like to that Cannon experience to Cannon. First, I express my opinion does not have the write about art in a M. responsible manner. Her definition of art will only confuse those who know little about the subject, and waste the time of those who do understand it. Cannon's opinions are naive. She gives the impression that a few years in the undergraduate program gives her the ability to decide what is "good" art and what is "bad" art. According to Cannon, it appears that Four-wheeli- ng Editor: Michael Loring sounds like a generic whiner who prostrates himself in front of moving bulldozers ("Motorized vehicle activities do not belong in pristine wilderness areas," Nov. 6). Why do I say this? He wants to keep motorized vehicles out of wilderness areas and thereby keep handicapped people from seeing such places. How else are these people going to enjoy them? He uses the example of three motorcyclists who rode illegally, in a restricted area to in general are imply that irresponsible people who tear up the off-roade- rs good art is what she and her friends make, while bad art is anything that sells. I know many people who would rather make a living sliding a paint brush over a canvas to match someone's sofa, than sliding a hamburger off a grill at the nearest d restaurant. Cannon's pseudo-elitiattitude is amusing when one looks at the whole picture. Most international artists would spit at the majority of art work created in Utah. Throughout history, artists have been slaves to the bourgeois art market, but have managed to create some incredible works of art. Michelangelo was forced to paint the Sistine Chapel. fast-foo- st Imagination comes in many forms. Finding an artistic outlet to survive in this world is a miracle in itself. Responsible, constructive art criticism has never hindered the advancement of art. However, irresponsible destructive art criticism usually reinforces the actions of ignorant conservative groups who are looking for any opportunity to attack things they do not understand. Please, help to create a more open understanding of art, instead of reaffirming those who fear it. Susan Travis Graduate art history opens nature to handicapped environment by riding or driving carelessly. I may as well, by using his logic, lump him in with homosexuals, or "Gay men," if you prefer. His attitude is typical of some environmentalists no room for compromise. Such a disposition fosters bad feelings among decent people and does absolutely nothing in terms of helping preserve the environment. If he wants to keep people from tearing up the environment, he should get involved with an organization engaged in efforts to keep wilderness areas undamaged. "Tread Lightly" is a the by government and other organizations in which has very little, if effect on the any, ecosystem. Like it or not, motorized vehicles are here to stay. I, for one, use my drive to take my wife (who has a mild handicap) to visit such areas, and I do so responsibly. If we want to preserve our wilderness areas and give everyone the opportunity to take advantage of them, we must work together. program four-whe- sponsored el Mike Raymond Senior communication Allah! I swear I was just emptying your waste basket, O most exalted leader of the Arab world! And, may I add, what a privilege it is to handle such holy refuse..." S: "Knock it off. (hesitates) What do you think I should be doing, janitor?" O: "Excuse me, your Greatness?" S: "I realize that you are only a lowly custodian, but I feel as if I should speak with someone about my current situation. Things are not looking good." O: "To say the least." S: "What was that?" O: "Oh, nothing really, sir. It's just that the common people like myself are getting a little nervous about the prospect of having our neighborhoods rocked by We hear rumors of the huge forces gathering in the Saudi Arabian desert." S: "Oh, sure, there may be a large force out there, and 200,000 more infidels may be arriving from the United States, but there are lots of rifts among the allied forces! Lots of rifts! As a matter of fact, I wouldn't even call them allies." O (unenthusiastically): "As B-5- I'm sure you are completely correct in your always, infinite wisdom." S: "I still can't believe that my Arab brothers would join with the unholy Americans. Why, I have heard reliable reports that the GIs are drinking beer and tossing their empty cans all about our holy places. Their women inject hormones which make them grow facial hair. They parade around beating on the men they command." O: "Shameless, absolutely shameless, O Great One." S: "I tried to call all of my Arab half-nake- d, brethren together, and they betrayed me. Now my only hope is to unite them all against a common enemy, and we all know who that may be." O: "You can only be speaking of those Zionists." Chronicle Si'? Assoc. Editor still owe them one for S: "I bombing our reactor. If I may say so, it was a brilliant plan to connect our Kuwait invasion with the Palestinian situation. Instead of appearing to be just a t greedy leader eager for some more oil funds, I have transformed myself into' the rebellious Arab spokesman, seeking justice on behalf of my brothers on the West Bank and Gaza." 0: "Absolutely brilliant." S: "And still, my brothers are turned against me. You common people are not alone in your fear of invasion. I am sure that Bush would like to see American troops marching down the streets of Baghdad. And Egypt and Syria would like to benefit from this entire situation." 0: "Forgive my boldness, sir, but some of us have wondered if it might not be possible to somehow pull out of Kuwait, and still save face. I mean, you yourself said how desperate the whole situation is. And, to be honest, we're all getting a little tired of this embargo. Just the other day I couldn't find a frisbee to buy anywhere." S (pulling thoughtfully on his moustache): "Hmmm..." 0: "Maybe you could arrange a compromise so that we gain access to some of the disputed oilfields, and then we could stop worrying about the possibility of invasion and all look back and laugh about the whole thing over some beverages. I non-alcohol- mop, ic don't love pushing a but I think it beats dodging mean, I fire," "Janitor?" 0: "Yes, 0 Fabulous Leader." S: "You are exactly the type of cancer I cannot afford to have in Iraq at this time. Security! " O: "But, sir, it was just a suggestion!" (Omar is led out of the room by two guards.) S (wildly): "Kuwait is mine, and you can't take it away from me! Mine mine mine! I'll have nucleap weapons soon! I've got hostages lots of hostages! I'll crush the infidels!" (Saddam goes machine-gu- n S: back to playing with his toy tanks.) |