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Show n The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Eight Thursday, January ( WHAT PAKTOF M T FlMD THE MOST AROUSING? oo you i A lit f f 7 A ? tffiic riivi 1 i 1 " aW? ME T"" U3HAT rfA AFRMP "-r- PAT OpV DO JJOU by Buddy Hickerson THEQUIGMANS 7 MATT 11, 1990 Fil " I'MV" " r" r" --- T Qlff , nl t ' o : does Q:Uiha have up his By TWM coo -- there Just oo fci trvjlrN to b sleeves? AWc frUo. oj II III A: Sovfe-f- - - ' 4 - Arms! pan Mxuirll fJOHN GLOMP5HIRE : hlrn blaociino over e Worx, GokdcheV Sooooo debonair dnd aU the u Kile pieces of (00 Stuck between his teeth Y MASHER OF TME AIR X10PMQNE( OH.VEAHlI THE a Of : tin. iT a vi irrj m f THE Be" V '0 RLv., AUSrnX htPUBLtiW rAPxyii 1 1 IWM ) UjAI. Jo& urn lii.i rir i 00 KNCUl 4w Y6U Could SAS IW APPENiM'l IMP A CRM "5 m 1 ' J |