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Show Friday. December 8, 1989 The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page J Thirty-On- e ' r. i&ep twc nim the derMg I ft f V. . "ft phone and TO jowr touch-ton- e !" can transfer your money, make payments, see if a check has cleared and make an advance from your VISA to savings or checking. And you can do it on weekends or holidays. Drop by or call the credit union to sign up The University of Utah Credit Union's new let's you take care telephone service, of your financial needs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. With just a litde time, a touch-ton- e phone and a Personal Identification Number (PIN), you "U-TAL- "U-TALK- K," for U-TAL- A T . K. , . A nn it ID i i C R "TV Sir ED IT581-610- Wg.W U N - I O N 5 ?VWKW-- K Wrf1 i |