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Show Tuesday. April 11, 1989 Chronicle - Page Eleven Stieve FSshei? Dandls hoop job -- soccer sft tune UmiDveirsDy off By Bob Wojnowski . Gannett News Service ANN ARBOR, f -- ' , ; week after helping Michigan win its first NCAA basketball championship, Steve Fisher won himself a job. " Fisher led the Wolverines on a 0 march through the NCAA Tournament after replacing Bill Frieder on an interim Mich.-O- ne nature of the announcement, but the Detroit News reported that Fisher will receive the job. "If you add two and two together, this one comes out four every time," sports information director Bruce Madej said. . Fisher is believed to be the only candidate interviewed by Athletic Director Bo Schembechler and Associate Athletic Director Jack Weidenbach. Schembechler and Weidenbach could not be reached for comment Sunday. Fisher met with Schembechler and Weidenbach last Wednesday and Friday, and all but secured the job during the Friday morning meeting, the News said. Fisher became the logical and leading won the national candidate when U-M title last Monday in Seattle, defeating Seton Hall 9 in overtime. He became the first rookie coach to 80-7- win the NCAA championship and tVOiclhSgairQ coaching soccer-aft- er capped a whirlwind three weeks with a trip to the White House last Thursday although some players play on both. One team is in the Utah Soccer Association Major Division that plays about Fisher, but there were no indications of any other serious on Saturdays, while the other club participates in the Under-2- 3 Select Division, which has games on candidates. " Schembechler also wanted to make Wednesday nights. The Under-2- 3 team is the one Veal hopes to eventually mold into a varsity squad. sure, rumors of possible improprieties in Frieder's program, particularly involving boosters, were either unfounded or The two biggest problems toward soccer becoming a varsity sport are insufficient money and lack of support from the athletic department. But Veal is working to change that. He has a goal to have soccer become a varsity sport by September 1990. and an d sport by the following year. "Soccer is not an expensive sport," Veal said. "We're working at the moment to develop a fund in which alumni can donate money to the soccer club with the purpose of soccer becoming a varsity sport. Then when I go to the athletic director, Chris Hill, I can say we have a good schedule, we've played against some NCAA teams in practice games arid done well and we have couldn't be linked to Fisher, creating the ' one-wee- lapse before Monday's k announcement, the Detroit News W; reported. The players, who praised Fisher's relaxed, confident approach during the; tournament, said they fully supported the decision, although they hadn't been officially informed by Sunday night. Fisher's public unveiling will come Monday night at the annual Basketball Bust at Crisler Arena. "I've played for him and he seems to get the best out of NCAA-sanctione- me," center Terry Mills said. "I love to play for him. He's been around the program and we know what to expect. If someone else had come in, we'd have to adjust to a new system." Frieder, reached in Scottsdale, Ariz., was ecstatic. "I'm elated that the people there made the right decision," he said. Copyright 1989, USA TodayApple College Information Network graduation. Veal says Utah actually has two teams, Schembechler and Weidenbach took their time learning as much as possible 6-- basis. Michigan officials wouldn't specify the from page ten Antonio, Texas. He is now a graduate student in chemistry at the U., who would like to go into teaching-a- nd Chronicle photo by Kristan Jacobsen Sean Bogan tries to dribble the ball past Wayne Lammle in practice Monday afternoon. Utah will next be in action against the Latinos at Sunnyside Park beginning at 3:30 p.m. Saturday. 661 wasn't rubbing it in--I just wanted monetary backing from alumni." WUh Veal's knows? Who determination, the U. may just sponsor a soccer team before long. "MANDATOEY" MAYFEST Eddie to know the score of last right's game." " . COMMHTTEE MEEIMG fi: j Wed. April 12 at 1:00 in room 312 KOW OPEN If y f The COW rasj 'T':-W!0- f "N. Go ahead and gloat. You can rub it in all the way to Chicago with AT&T Long Distance Service. Besides, your best friend Eddie was the one who said your team could never win three straight. So give him a call. It costs a lot less than you think to let him know who's headed for the Playoffs. Reach out and touch someone. 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