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Show Monday, December 5, 1988 Chronicle - Page Sixteen FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER editsword processes dissertations, reports, texts, Classifieds begin on page 15 manuscripts, manes. Also editsrevises rh ts kedna Word Perfect files. Foreifv't7aduaie stud-eoelcome. Specialize at WORD PROCESSING, TYPING. Caa check spelling, grammar, references (APA. Turabiaa. 1209 Campbell), esc Mrs. Nelley. WordPerfect. IBM XT; WORDPROCTSSING: finding: spiral or veto. Same Day Copying: Service. Lynn I2A EDIT-1NWORDPROCESSING TYPING IBM Computer. Word Perfect. Letter Theses -Quality Printing. Dissertatioas Brawn Fquariniw Farm Manuscripts Tables, 25 years experience. B.S. Biological Sciences. Fast, professional service. Diana Fox SERIOUS STUDENT, climer. tkiier aecds momnate k dure 2 be apt dose to V. $202-5- 0 eves. 1239 BBlitxa included HOUSEMATE. Share house near Sugufeotue 583-91- 83 amh pad. HudcnL I ainfcy. fireplace. yart. imm hedrrMWBfai No smokers, no pels. Prefer grad. student or professional. S225.00 plus utilities. Available mom. 2f 0124 (272-405- SERVICES EATING DISORDERS - Free Informstioa ses-siCall Margaret Tuesdays at 1:00 ThompsonSail Lake Child V Family Therapy 8 for information. 310 Clinic: 0600. sale: round trip Salt Depart Dec. 13, return Jan. 03. so Seattle via San Francisco. Lv. 121688. Ret. 121988. Ph. 149 after 6pm." 1207 ROUNDTRIP to L.A. Lv. 1218 Rtn. 1230. $178.00. Call StefanLv. message at 1209 -- TYPING- 2 BLOCKS FROM U. Word processing, edit. 12 years legal experience. $1 a page. Call Diane, 6. 0310 WORDS EXPRESS Quality word processing 20 years experience, evening to morning turnaround time. 1209 AZTEC TYPING is your best word processing and typing choice for value and service. Also take conveadvantage of AZTEC COPY'S 484-471- 3. one-sto- p nience for quality reproduction. 1209 359-785- 5 : FAST WP, 90 cents DS-pagspellingediting, medical termin. copies, notary, resumes, thesis 1205 business. Sue 1208 7. " rates. Electronic office typewriter. eves, and weekends. I2AW Call ' "QUALITY, fast word processingediting. Great Near "UH. Resumes. Sherry rates. Resumes, Cover Letters, Reports, Dissertations. ' 1209 PROFESSIONAL WORD ProcessingDesk-To- p Publishing. 10 Years Experience. Laser Printer. 9. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Claudia 1209 r NEW SERVICE AVAILABLE: LASER PRINTING. Fast, accurate word processing. Resumes, papers, theses. Technical, scientific typing. Legal, medical, foreign language. Editing, revising, composing. Nielsen Computer Services. 1209 MHHI EDITING- - WE EDIT SCHOLARLY MANUSCRIPTS, textbooks & dissertations for logic, style & conti1209 nuity. Winslow's. WANTED- BARTENDING CLASSES. Be ready for holiday opportunities. Small Tues. Thurs. evening 1209 classes. Bartenders Incredible TELEPHONE SURVEYERS. Public relations firm hiring telephone surveyers and lead generators. Part-tim- e evenings. Hourly wage plus 9 for appt. 1209 bonuses. Call WHERE MWU? Fwr young chiffon need responsible, energetic, and warn indmiuol to Jvc mvmnrmt. 30 mm mm Boston, ocean, skiing, wgm it worm tey ami weekends free. Flex, Scfory negotiable. Let s folk. IMS PHOT0GRAPV Umda. Meffctc, wfco 207 ng G children seeking FOUR nanny. 40 hrswk, 30 miles from Boston. Must like to take walks, sing songs, eat peanut butler and jelly. Jackie Bannister. 380 Winter St.. N. Andover. MA 01845. or call ws WAITERS NEEDED part time. Must be 21 years old, beer bar. Must be hard working. Apply The Bar A Grill MO East after 6 p.m. Weds.-S800 So. I1Q9 law SPORADIC secretarial help for technical research proposal and report preparation. Must be able to transcribe tapes. Experience with Macintosh and Word necessary. Call Protein Solutions. Inc.. 277-- 1 259 evenings. 1209 CLERICAL Assistant. Part time accounting year around, 19 positions on campus, M-- Experience helpful. Apply in person in Personnel Part Time hiring. 1030 Annex. Phone hweek. I2A19 HILTON BENNI0N HALL 581-63- 52 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL NirECL'S PMCTOGRAPwiC'EPV'CES Salt Lake s most comploto lino of futons and AVAILABLE m)mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm " NANNY NEEDED, bright children ages I and 4. related furniture, lighting and accessories FAC'.,L7Y-STAFF-;7.TENT- FULL COLOR PROFESSIONAL STUDIO PORTRAITS VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. Mexico Service Project World Student Service Corp. Call Maria 1205 or leave message. "PART-TIME custodians needed for early morn Office. ing shifts. $4.05 hr. Apply Part-Tim- e Personnel, Annex Bldg." -- Equal Opportunity Employer- - 1209 Near NYC. Contact Roxanne after 5pm ' 1207 from INDIVIDUALS-COUPLES-FAMILIE- NEW LOCATION 1326 Foothill Blvd. In Foothill S' Numerous print packages available starting at $18.50 for more details and appointment IMS PHOTOGRAPHY 207 MBH 581-63Call Village i 583-685- 8 52 Price t8se.J on inJiv..!- 582-183- 9. - si"ms eposes 2 5X7 color prints TRAINING TABLE has positions available for counter and bus people. Apply in person at ' restaurant. 1207 MALE & FEMALE model for bronze sculpture. Grecian physique. body, 1207 0123 211 E. 300 So., W COMPUTERIZED WORD PROCESSING.: 26 years experience. Thesis, WANTED: Talented women and minorities to serve their country in the US Air Force, one of the leading equal opportunity employers. Your future is unlimited: Av Force ROTC is the key. Callus 6 at or stop by room 2009. Annex bldg for details. I2A 1 HUB PRINTING Services is looking for a "Few Good Salespeople". Full or part time. Work your 8 - 5. 1205 own hours. Call Paul at 1208 DINING ROOM help needed. Flexible hours, good pay: Fort Douglas Country Club, 2 Medical Drive. 1208 $5.00 to $14.50 per hour guarait-lee- d salary. Working at telephone order desk evenings andor weekends. No experience necessary, but you must be dependable, ambitious, and 1207 willing to learn. Call Mr. Scott 483-166- WORKSTUDY Financial Aid Qualified Only. Receptioning. filing, copying, and typing 15-2- 0 hoursweek. Wage dependant on skill and experi-enc- e. 1206 6 Jerry PART-TIM- E THE WRITE STUFF Professional word processing. 3 dollarspage. Free editing, pick-u- p 4 eves. 1207 delivery. PROOFREADINGCorrections. Reasonable MOTHER'S HELPER needed in avenues home old Ten so 12 hours per week. Hours flexible with your schedule. Must have references and transportation. Call Kim 4. 1205 CAR POOL to and from Oram Provo area. Call for 2 yr AIM MORTGAGE is currently expanding its sales force. Only 10 part-tim-e positions available. Earn $200 a week, evenings and Saturdays, ting appointments for our FHA specialists. Call 485-935- 5. Ask for Bob or Rick. 1209 NATIONS CREATIONS now hiring part-tim- e help at Crossroads Mall. Retail experience 1206 required. ANY TYPING, any time, by retired career typist 1209 service. Leon, 484-976Usually one-da- y 3. CAR STEREO PERSONNEL sales, cashier, installers - men or women. Ask for Bill 451-081- 5. 1205 DONAHUE Editing and word processing. Fast. J accurate service. Close to campus. OPEN LATE 1207 A & 3. or 266-343- 5 urn ROUNDTRIP ticket for sale. Baltimore or Chicago. Dec 19Jan 5. S250S225. Call Jerry experienced student wanted for part-ti466-7071205 HOLIDAY HELP. Retail $9.25 to start hrs. No exp. nec. Good people skills. before I P.M. 1209 Ginger Rogers did everything Fred Astalre did, only backwards and In high heels. 12 DONATIONS NEEDED: Food, clothes, toys, painting) rnpplirr. Mciira Srrvirr Project. Vinrlrt Student Service Corp. Call Maria or leave mes-sa- ge child care. NANY WANTED in NYC area. Care for 2 boys, own room, bath, use of car. Near LDS Church. 12 hour from NYC Call collect (914) 1205 mini- $IOhr-$5.0- 0 Rough draft & final. Jean 0112 Overnight WPTyping. LQ printing. Experienced, accurate, extra help avail-abl- e, evenings. 0113 Slfrage. Sandi. 359-785FAST, ACCURATE typing, W, True letter 7. quality prim. Close to U. Call Diane SIX aV . ALTO DETAILER wanted ao experience accesHours flexible until winter quarter starts, during winter quarter hours are: M-- F 7:00am-12:30p- m and every other Saturday 8:00am 4:30pm. $4.50hr. Ming Auto Beauty Center. hours. Engineering or earth sciences major. Also, positioa exists for civil, geological or mining esiginecring major in FORTRAN and BASIC pro2. 0103 gramming. Phone CARING WANTED SOFTWARE Testers. Hours: M-$5xXVht Applicants must be alert. reliable and have a curioas attitude. Must be familiar with using IBM PCs aad basic DOS commands. Job utvotves working wish BKjgiaav ment in testing functionality of a Data Collection IZQ9 System. Conner Caegg Stmae sary. SECRETARIAL WORK, part time, flexible COMPUTER TYPING: CALL 1206 PEOPLE WANTED - Now Casting For T V, Movies. Print, Shows! No Experience, Excellent 1209 Pay. CUSTODIAN 20 hours per week. Apply Tues-Frida-y. First Congregational Church. 2150 Foothill Dr. 1205 WORDPROCESSING, W.P. 4.2 or S. 17th So. 1209 2ndE. Reasonable 87-0866. AIRLINE TICKET for FEMALES, MALES warned ait types, ages ceded! Earn to S50 hour. Models. Acton. Extras IZQ9 QUALITY TYPINGWORD PROCESSING. Reasonable rales. Accurate, fast. ck. spelling. Call Laurie 0112 mum. ROUND TRIP to LA. - Departs 1224 Return I2A III S240OBO. Call sale. 1209 Fast efficient. 4 or 531- - . ; TYPE RIGHT! Let us take the panic out of your quarter. Call now for immediate pick-uquick turnaround. clean copy, and no mistakes. 56-251I2A9 U TRAVEL "2 R.T. AIR tickets for Free 0104 TYPINGWORD Processing. Good rues. Ask for Rebecca. ONE WAY AIRLINE TICKET. SALT LAKE ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS TOLEDO. DEC 15 8:4 AM TWA. $7i.M. CALL ASTY 1209 BEFORE 4:30 PM. 464-017-Z $269.00. M A. 80 cents page. LET US DO your wordprocessing. convenient and delivery. Call pick-u- p 1209 129 PRECISION HAIR Styling, perms & color. 12AW student discount. Call Paula Services. English ALPHA OMEGA Former Teacher-Typ- es Corrections. ACCENT MODIFICATION Inprove your com- -' swnicatioa skills and confidence. Lean basics of American English pronunciation. Beverly 272-31- o. - 12A9 CASH FOR used svcsteraliaeiBaaeKgiaeer boots, hi --top sneakers, dress shoes. Call 359- - . 5145. I2Q8 5:30-:30p- Jacmorm S0H85S138. THE OLD SALT Lake City Jail Restaurant is hiring for all positions. Part lime, days & nights. Apply in person. 1207 AFTER-SCHOO- L companionship for a handicapped teen. Must have own transportation. References required. Call evenings. 1207 MALE GYMNASTICS Instructor for boysgirls beg. to intermed. plus tumbling. Call 277-91after 3:30p.m. 1209 DOORMANBouncer Part time. Must be 21 years old. Clean cut. hard working. Apply after 6 The Bar & Grill 60 East 800 p.m. Weds.-S' , , So. 1209 SALT LAKE PACKING LOW COST WE ARRANGE FOR A TRUCK AND DRIVER 292-166- 6 LOADING TOLL FREE UNLOADING INSURANCE FREE ESTIMATES CALL US FOR YOUR 0UT 0F STATE MOVE "1 Planned Panenteod IK- I - 0- LJ CONFIDENTIAL AL3 AFFODADLE 1 70 ScttC3E25t(Sslt3 13) 322-557- WIHHJ'S HEALTH CARE K3 KlSssd Drhw SERVICES 272-423- 1 ATTENTION THE UNIVERSITY COMMUNITY You are invited to review and comment on proposed revisions to the STUDENT CODE bringing it into compliance with PPM Speech University Regulations Regulations. . TREAT YOURSELF Candelight Midnight Mass This Saturday and Sunday to our famous 390 Hamburger This Saturday, Dec. 10 No coupon needed THE HUNGRY GUY Newman Center, Univ. Dr. & 200 S. Caroling and tree trimming at 10 p.m. (The Center will also have midnight Mass on Dec. 24) Copies of the proposed amendments are available to be reviewed in the Offices-234 ASUU Olpin Union Office of the Dean for Student Affairs and Park Student Involvement Center-27- 0 Olpin Union Comments and views are encouraged. They must be submitted to Virginia Peterson, Executive Secretary for the Committee on Student Affairs, Student Involvement Center, 270 Union, Services-20- 8 by January 20,1989 273 S. 1300 E. it K H A it i:wsi ill) w S l (me Mushroom Burger III . 14 LB SWISS & n AM du Ho bn In VVI FRESH MUSHROOMS charbroiled to perfection! ' 582-720- 0 7800 S State 255-590- 0 99f tm l H A S e 222 So 1300 E H -- BLT y SANDWICHES Luscious Bacon, Crisp Lettuce, Plump Slices of Tomato on Wheat Breadl M S State 222 So 1300 E COUPON 582-720- 0 n& EXPIRES 255-590- 0 S THE BEST 582-720- 0 IN THE WEST! 222 So 1300 E 7800 S State S |