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Show TucsdAy, January Paqe Iwtlvt ChuoftidE NOTICE The Chronicle reserves the right to deny or edit classified advertisements on the basis of good taste and propriety. Classified advertisements will not be taken after 4 00 p.m. workdays. Rates are as follows: 0 words $2 75day, $10 00 per week; words S4.25day, $17.00 per week. Classified ad deadline is two days prior to the date ad is to run. For Classified information call AUTOMOTIVE transportation Runs after 6:00 weekdays. 5 126 BUS. Body and interior in good shape. Needs engine. $600 or offer. VW CAMPER Steve. 129 84 MERCURY TOPAZ. 4 door. AMFM cassette, 7. AC. Great Condition. Call 127 AC AMFM cassette Stereo, good condition, economical & 128 7 86 NONOA CRX AM-FCass. 5 yr. Warranty, Low Mileage, great condition. Must sell. Call Lance. or 5 128 Excellent condition- - rebuilt motor, nice interior. $950 or best offer. 73 SUPERBEETLE. 21 400 cc. helmet and 1 12 y insurance, as new $400 bo. Lecar, '80. runs good, great in HONDA snow, chains, low mileage, needs new tires. W: Ask for $250bo. H: Nibe. Must sell because of return to Europe. 21 large, quiet and furnished. Close to University $285.00. All utilities included except lights. Washroom and or storage available. Mo Lease. stop by: 228 South Douglas Street (1250 E ) ONE BEDROOM 128 vaulted ceilings, frplc. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, country kitchen ft more. Private yet convenient location. $500mo. Discount Realty Services. 129 AREA. One bedroom. $265 month. Basement one bedroom studio. 129 $195month. Includes heat. month contract. Graduate students ferred. The Beverly. pre- 129 AVES. 1 bdrm. Quiet, clean. Washer, dryer included. Lots of charm. Ask for Vic, 278- -4414, 23 Large newly remodeled studio. all utilities paid. Washerdryer hook-upAVENUES. 25 3 BDRM NEAR CAMPUS. Heat & hot water incl. 128 University St. 128 0L0 IN APARTMENT Close to U. Great House, Great People. 131 So 1200 E. Stop by or call HOUSE. 129 Jory. 2 BEDROOM APT. $245mo. $150 deposit. Beige carpet, levelors. Robert, 531- - 7648. 21 AVENUES LARGE FURNISHED 1 Washer APARTMENT. BASEMENT BEDROOM & dryer. $200. or 5834638. RENT. Duplex FOR ROOMS 14 month plus near 0 127 utilities. Call Randy at 28 bdrm. 2 bath, newly renovated historic Victorian home! Has 3 separate entries, all appliances incl. dishwasher, wahser & dryer, air, cable, covered porch, garage, 3 car off street parking, hillside terraces, trees, grape vines! Lots of charm in quaint "Memory Grove" secluded neighborhood on private lane just COLLEGE HOUSEI Avenues 5 block from downtown and close to U of U! Available soon - prefer group of 5 student girlsguys to share jointcontract. Also, right upstairs, a "smallish" but charming 2 bdrm apartment, for 2 students, which has seperate entry. Covered balconystairs, picturesque views, additional 2 car off street parking! Liberal landlord - Music, smoke, study, drink O.K. but No Pets! $165mo. each or $200utils paid! See at 226 N. Spencer Ct. (4th Ave. and 140 East - right turn off Canyon 8 for details. Rd.) Then call John at 126 $230. ONE BEDROOM. All util. paid. Fireplace, no pets. Ave. location. Cute, must see. 481 8 926 days, eve. 22 BE0R00M CLOSE TO UNIVERSITY. 304 So. 1286 E. $280mo. $200 deposit. Gas & water 1 126 paid. STUDIO TYPE APT CLOSE TO U. 304 So. 1300 East. $210mo. $150 deposit. All utilities 126 paid. 1 ONE Carpet, 217 Sugarhouse area. washer, dryer. $200 plus 12 eves. 126 days, BEDROOM APARTMENT. Hot tub, utilities. 3 6 bedroom. $225 plus util. Free 126 laundry, off st. parking, decl. WALK TO U. 1 SPACIOUS BEDROOM 1 APT. 2 BLKS FROM business 129 SKIS- - Olin Mark IV Comp skis with Tyrolia 2800 bindings, only $100 for the package. Good condition, recently tuned up. Call Scott. nights. 129 DIAMONDS: Guaranteed lowest prices in Utah. Large selection. Men's and women's 63 settings, earrings, wholesale. P.C. Tandy 1000. Color I.B.M. COMPATIBLE Monitor, two disc drives, printer & lots of 126 softwares. $890 o.b.o. MOVING SALEI EVERYTHING MUST GO -Brand New Mt. Bike, Stereo, Tape Deck & Radio. MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING, ETC. GET A EXCHANGE SOUND WE BUY SELL. TRADE audio names like Denon, Klipsch, SANYO COMPUTER wprinter Apple lie 128 Call Tony 311 PAULA. Prescision Cutting, Newest Styles. Discount to U. Students. Cal the Mane Tamer at TAME MANE WITH YOUR 311 MODIFICATION. FOREIGN ACCENT Programmed instruction on pronunciation of American Instruction. Comprehensive and efficient. Call Beverly at 212 PICK UP AND REPAIR. TV. VCR. STEREO DELIVERY. 126 ONE BEDROOM PLANS? Get the TRAVEL 129 OLIN MARK IV SKIS. WITH POLES FOR SALE. $70. DOWNHILL AND BOOTS SIZE 9 12 127 583-540- 6 WK OLD GOLDEN Price neg. Call RETRIEVERS. With papers. aft. 5 pm. 9 best Lowest -- Theresa deal in town! ULTIMATE 24 21 U TYPING. experience. WORD PROCESSING. SOCpg. 13 years spelling, grammar, references 0. BA 311 TEACHER editsword your chunked-i- n WordPerfect files. Foreigngraduate students welcome. 311 WORDPROCESSING TYPING IBM EDITING. Computer, 4.0 Word Perfect, Letter Quality Printer. Dissertations - Theses - Manuscripts - Resumes - Forms - Equations - Tables. Twenty years of experience as a Secretary Typist. B.S. Biological Sciences. For fast, professional service call Diana Fox -- 216 WORDPROCESSING: reports, resumes, theses. Typesetting. Put it in print. Call Jeff, 127 PROCESSING USING IBM WORD PERFECT, AND DICTAPHONETRANSCRIP-TIOOF CASSETTES. CALL 218 EXPERT WORD U of WE EDIT SCHOLARLY MANUSCRIPTS, books text- dissertations for logic, style & 311 continuity. Winslow's. & (A PA, etc. Mrs. Nelley, 311 WANTED EXPERT TYPING. Papers, reports, theses, dissertations. Fast service. Aztec Typing Service. AT THE BAY. PROFESSIONAL TYPING IBM PC w low impact -Body sculpting elastic resistance exercises. $25mo. or $3class. 2100 S. 1160 E. High 583-019- 211 Why not? $3.00visit. 10 677 S. 7th East. 21 12 130. D. DUBLIN MISSION. Party in Park City 126 Bresnahan, ADOPTION. Our loving marriage provides all but a child to love. We want to fill and our to white hearts newborn adopt life. Legal, confidential. Call Susan and or our adoption Murray collect 23 counselor, MONEY FOR COLLEGE, for application write: Scholarship Search, 316 Ridgecrest Circle, 129 Denton, TX 76205. Aspects" by Money Forgeries-HistoricHarry F. Campbell. $8.95 plus tax and ru fTfii Wheelwri-te- r m PERFECT WP. Resumes, term papers, PART TIME CONSULTANT TO RESEARCH MEDICAL ISSUES IN MALPRACTICE CASES. 330 WORD manuscripts. Fast. Accurate. Call Dorene, 311 NEAR PROFESSIONAL WORDPROCESSING. U. Fast, accurate. etc. Joanne, All formats. Check spelling, 211 2 BLOCKS Word processing, edit. 12 experience. $1 a page. Call Diane, years QUICK 210 3. FROM U. 311 - NEAR U. Wordpractul noTyping or W3-301- I. Editing. Spelling. KL KZ - Minor KL KZ all of the new To M Kappa Sigma Junior Actives CONGRATS BOYS! Love J.C. w H KZ KS KZ KI 21 KX 6 FOLK GUITARIST. AT DAN BERN. ( 00 Peace Corps Information Center iCN 50 wpm, 22 TIME MARKETING OPPORTUNITY! EARN MONEY and gain experience marketing FORTUNE 500 Companies' products ON CAMPUS! Flexible hours! References given. Call AMBA at: 127 for Metropolitan car dealership. Professional appearance and attitude a must! Must be able to work evenings and Saturdays. Apply in person only! Mark Miller Subaru, 3734 South State, Salt Lake City, Utah. 127 RECEPTIONIST for ASSISTANT typing, filing, bookkeeping. High GPA, type Can work around classes. 70th South location. $6.00hour. Call Kerry Jorgensen, 129 JOB FAIR. Great jobs New York City Area. NANNY available NOW! '$150-30- 0 weekly salary. 'all families screened. 'recruiter also needed! Salt Lake City Marriott, 75 South West Temple. Salt Lake City. Utah. January 30th 10:00 For further information call: Tender Loving Care Nannies, SITTER: 0508. BARTENDING PART TIME AFTERNOON FLORAL DELIVERY DRIVER. Very responsible person. Knowledge of city streets helpful. Good driving record. at Apply Hyland Floral, 3995 So. Redwood Rd. 129 children Sat. or Sun all day, occ. evenings; provide own transportation; pay 128 negotiable. Amy, 25 hr. course. Small CLASSES evening classes. Call Incredible. 2 Bartenders 222 tnd family need 3 bdrm house or apt. for 1 yr. during a fellowship. Excellent references 1 child (5 yr.) July 1 '88-'8- 9 Under $450 mo. In Salt Lake City contact: Pat 0 Dr. or write Wooley at Timothy Steege, Bx 7 LARMC, APO N.Y. 09180. 219 MD baby. Tues. Thurs. FOR references, experienced, own transportation. Avenues. 128 VOLUNTEERS NEEOEO for telemarketing promotion for Camp Kostopolus on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9 pm. Volunteers will be paid 10 of money 3 for details and to generated. Call 127 sign up. 7. Room-Boar- 2 CHILDREN $450 per month. 1 1 & 21 129 CONCERNED AOULTS. SINGLE OR COUPLES. needed to provide specialized foster care, for troubled youth, primarily males under agency supervision. Paid position. 126 CHILDCARE. mos 2 12 BOUDREAUX Part time, in home. 2 children: 8 129 yrs. Sugarhouse. Screening new talent. opportunities in SLC, Las 9 ext. 1200. 129 AGENCY. Actingmodeling Vegas, and LA. M ASUU Presents FRIDAYS ONLY FILM and writing skills. Flexible hours. Send resume to 50 West Broadway, Suite 700, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101. 126 "1 fast service, 20 years experience. Resumes, thesis, term papers. PART Must have medical training, good research EXPRESS. Quality word processing, WORDS SECRETARYOFFICE 311 MEN WANTED: 0 years old, in good health, 6 earn money for medical research. or 127 CINEMAaomsouTHiuouJ DAVID LYNCKS "THE GRANDMOTHER" WITH "BLUE VELVET 5:10 AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL BENEFTT NELSON MANDELLA" FILM: WINNE "PRBONERS OF CONSCIENCE" MUSIC: INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED United Bonus Tickets, Delta. Western, etc. Up to $350 ea. COUPONS WANTED: NEED appraisal office. Responsibilities include NANNY NEEDED TO CARE FOR AIRLINE printer or IBM Sel. II, 90Cpg. double spaced. Fast, accurate. Please call: Sue, & STA-TA- IRELAND Expert word processing. 211 East 300 South. 311 ). PERSONAL AEROBICS "Forget mutual funds! How 'bout an EMOTIONAL bond?" MODELS WANTED. Highest commissions paid. Models, actors. No experience. All ages. BABYSITTER Can check TYPING. Turabian, Campbell), 25 yrs. English. Close to WRD PROCESSING. EDITING correct spelling. JAN, 311 I iof U. processes dissertations, reports, texts, manuscripts, resumes. Will also editrevise TYPING PROFESSIONAL U FORMER ENGLISH GOOD ENGLISH! HOME 512K MACINTOSH. Like new. Lots of accessories and software. $1200. OONAHUE EDITING exp. 15 yrs. at Campus. 272058. TRAVEL on East Hollywood - priced in the 30's. Great deck with big yard and garden area. Very Evergreen energy efficient!! Ann, 129 Realtors, REMODELED TOTALLY ) no sense, Pete. My job is a regular grind, but my boss is an automatic drip." "It makes ANO START ONE AT 2ND AVENUE BREAK TANNING SALON. 1030 2nd Ave. Call fine JBL, Mission, Soundlab, Nakamichi, B&O. HH Scott. Hafler, JVC, etc. Now buying used CD's 268-6065130 South State. 219 MBC-55- mm TAN FOR THE WINTER FOR SPRING 127 Call with him for as long as he is on this earth.' A Peace Corps Volunteer in Sierra Leone 581-51- Dee will help you fix your essay or research paper. Dee will repair your spelling and clean and tighten your grammar. Call 3 and ask for Dee tutoring services at Wolfe. 216 535-137- "For what should a volunteer be prepared? He should be prepared for a rewarding experience which wlllive cl Free information session Wednesdays at 12:00. Call Margaret 41 Thompson for information. CHEER UP! FOR SALE STARTS Olpin Union MWF 10--2 or SERVICES 21 127 100 21 28 U Heat included. $295. I 2 BDRM APT. Close to all utilities but phone. Call rent and $185 Mike. C0M0D0RE APTS. 1107 E. So. Temple. Luxury 3 bdrm apt. 2 bath. Heat paid. Newly painted. shipping. Call or write Mrs. Campbell, P.O. 8 Box 151463, SLC, UT 841 15 or phone 129 after 5:00 pm. $210. Large, clean 1 bedroom drapes. Near U. No pets. 660 Grand. k NTS water incl. CAMPUS. Heat S hot to U. 2 large bedroom apts. Heat and other utilities included. 126 3 blocks REDUCTION. Wl, COFFEE MF IN A3 STMf NEEDED FOR ROOMMATE U. spacious apt. Covered parking. Rose Park area near golf 0 2 1 or course. $375. NEW BOOK C0MIN6 128 A AL' Ifj tff NONSMOKER Condo, own bedroom and bath, covered parking, pool, tennis and 1 128 laundry. $200 .00Utilities. UTILITIES INCLUDE0.2 bedroom BORM NEAR NICE ROOM FOR A HOUSE OFF FOOTHILL. $165 plus utils. Lots of extras. Call 127 BDRM bdrm. 147 S. 10th East. Off S265M0. Free heat, parking. Roommates OK. Leave message. 2 BEDROOM. LARGE RENT HEY! WE'VE GOT street parking, quiet, storage, heat. 129 $190mo. U. $165 a 532- - 5813. 129 2 bedroom condo in Centerville-leas- e available. $400 a mo. Washerdryer hookups, corner unit, carport. Call 261-14129 evenings or leave message. 3 i HOUSE, Washerdryer included. $250mo. TV. PAIDH BSMNT. APT. NICE Near 1800 S. 22oo E. Own bedroom, living room wfireplace. bathroom, diningstudy area. Microwave, enclosed parking, cable 359-131- NEAT TO SNARE WANTED ROOMMATE ac 583-552- BEDROOM ROOMMATES APT. 7th East and S. Temple. New carpet, new fridge, off street parking, basement storage, heat paid. Ground floor, $325mo. $175 deposit. 12 TWO WOLFE TANNING BED. Great opportunity. Call for details. UPPER is ' i BEDROOM 127 APARTMENT at 979 E. Logan Avenue (1600 So.). Includes garage. $190. or $10 discount if paid early. 266-333- 9 277- - 8516. 21 OUT 127 EATING DISORDERS: CUTE BASEMENT FUNK! GROOVE N THE RYTHMS OF K.C. AND THE BOYS! SHAKE IT. QUAKE IT N' BOOGIE DOWN TO BONE BREAKIN' RIFFS! FUNKENSTEIN SKANKS AMOUNG US! DUDES 'N' BABES. LET HIS RYTHM QUIVER YOUR MEAT. NOAH. TO UNIVERSITY PARTY MACHINE! Rent a mobile hot tub and sauna. Call Splash Transit at THREE BRIN6 BACK PSYCHAOEUC - FOR RENT LOVE. 129 THE ULTIMATE $275month. FOR UNCONDITIONAL HEALING. FORGIVENESS. AND ACCEPTANCE? Come fellowship. Christian Bible Study and Healing Prayer. Thurs. 7:00 pm. Union Bldg. Rm. 312. 21 SPACIOUS HOLLA DAY DUPLEX, with ENTERTAINMENT (2) ONE BEDROOM. Apartments. $215 and up. ARE YOU LOOKINB 0 363-503- FOR RENT dinners (in ft out), lunch, dancing, winter fun, etc. Poss. int.- - business, youth work, Scten. 4 Tech.. Sci-f- i. Rock n Roll, Jazz. R&B. Steve. 128 128 532-610- 6 coin-op- s, 79 Tsyota Celici Sedan, 5 speed 0 I BE0R00M APT. Parking, 3 blocks from U. 1. $190 plus eiec. Heat paid. Teri. 1978 VW RABBIT. Cheap great. $500. 21wishes to meet ProL or Cath. women plus lor casual dates, post "dutch' treat: movies, plays, drinks, concerts, MAN URGE I BE0R00i.S220mo. 1466 S. 1100 E 5 128 iran to U. Covered parking. HEAI II Quiet 4 room duplex apt. and kitcti, bath, strge. fenced yard $250. children OK DISCLAIMER 26, 1988 1 Pregnant I i Need a Friend? i l 5 l i I Birthright 531-609- 0 I 1 ! I i Free Confidential Pregnancy Testing LrJrJnJrJrJrJrT Featuring: i 1 E Jan. 29 Jj Withnail and Fridays Noon Union 2:00-7:00-9:- I 00 OSH Auditorium Prepare for: April 9th TO Starting at per month 1st Time Buyers Welcome Classes Start: January 30th -- CLINES 4600 So. State ft KJ EDUCATION CENTER 515 So. 700 E. Suite 2 E 1G1.AAAA "m 266-003- 3 00 '20 down, cash or trade, - 60 rnontht, plu tax and Kcenu, OAC 11 9 APR . We've mofc7;CoY7er Tf |