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Show ThtnsdAy, jANtARy 14, 1988 ChRCMntclE Protection of our environment vital Editor: Who is Edward Abbey and why might you be interested in his viewpoint? In the Dream Garden Press publication Resist Much, Obey Little, noted environmental authors Barry Lopez and Wendell Berry admire Abbey's perception in seeing environmental truths and expressing them honestly. Berry comments that such honesty relief td read. Perhaps more than any other time in our history, we are beginning to be ready to hear the truth about the degradation caused by expansionist mania in this country. Maybe we have finally reached or are reaching some kind of limit on these behaviors. Perhaps we are even ready to cooperate in learning ways to help the economy, which do not damage the environment.' If we wish o pass on a safe, healthy planet to our children and grandchildren, we must consider being little less greedy financially and put our efforts into incorporating generous amounts of pristine wilderness into our constitutional rights.' Energy might also be devoted to making sure conservation and ecology are taught in our school system. We have every right as members of a democratic society to know that there are wilderness areas untouched by man to explore. We also have the right to be educated in conservation principles and is a values. To deeply know and value a place such as our home, our neighborhood, our favorite city park, our favorite canyon, our favorite river or lake, our favorite national park, or our entire state is as American a right as any other right we now bless in this country. If we are aware of our state's environmental blessings and problems, we are more likely to be able to make better personal, occupational and political decisions about its future. Perhaps Edward Abbey's truth will help us look at ourselves in the mirror and know that these kinds of issues need addressing immediately. Edward Abbey is the author of Desert Solitaire, Fire on the Mountain and The setting of the cartoon accompanying the article appears to be in a library. Most people would miss the obvious evidence of the spilled Direct the table. on damage to beverage is to say materials extensive, quite library of the of upholstery and damage nothing carpets. The added costs of cleaning another serious problem upholstery, carpets and washing table tops could be avoided. This alone should be reason to understand why food and drink are not allowed in the library. Our custodians arc doing an excellent job of maintaining the Pae StU Indirect damage results because food crumbs and residue from spilled materials attracts vermin that also like the glue used in bookmaking and the paper itself. The Marriott Library spends thousands of dollars per year for fumigation and cleaning in an effort to avoid infestation of silver fish and the like. The money spent for fumigation could be better used to buy library materials. At any rate, both problems should be corrected. Roger K. Hanson Director of libraries Marriott Library, in spite of reduced numbers because of budget cuts. Good News. The lecture will be held Friday, Jan. 1 5, at p.m. at Bowman Auditorium in East High School. Despite snow, a good crowd is expected. 7:30 Sara Solaimanian Free library from flashers, crumbs Editor: Amber McKee is to be complimented for her article titled, "U. campus is a prime spot for being flashed." No doubt that it is a problem on campus and the library is one of the locations for an exhibitionist to practice hisher "art." Very few cases have been reported, however and they should be reported. Students Take A Break! Elk Meadows Resort on Mt. Holly, Utah's Sffii resort invites you to enjoy a great day of skiing and a good night's sleep for just newest ski $20.00. Call now for reservations: (in Utah) (Outside Utah) past $10 00. Ovtrnight lodging $10.00. Baud on quad occupancy and space Diy Ilk MIAIKMS KLSOIti availablt. PRESENT STUDENT CARD SKI RENTALS AVAILABLE AT TICKET WINDOW ASUU PRESENTS Dance Repertory In heatre Concert Planning to Run for ASUU ASSEMBLY? order to be elegible, you need to have declared a major by Friday, January 15 at the Academic Counciling Office, 450 SSB 6 Addtional Information: CAll I 581-686- with the Henry Wolking Sextet live! Friday January 15th 8:00 p.m. iKingsbury Hall S9SUU Student Tickets Only: $3 and $5 Ticket available at Kingsbury Hall and the Union Front Desk All seats are reserved Performance also Sat. Jan 16th I 11 |