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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Thursday, January age Eight Ckraac reserves tt ae ftfTEE-T- Ml aeny ar aas&med ngM te aovertseenis m tl ss.s of geed taste propriety. CasSftttd MrVtiSMMMaS Ml t UfcM anar 4 00 p ol Mnuri. Rates art as tottews. US wares TSei t W E rt fil . $17 Ctak. days anar M) (4 2Sday. Oessrtied at eeaftune it l it e ad it na. 1 16-3- 0C-w- CARPWL I Rave 7 45 aM 450 classes Live 122 at taua aM at eatiey. Ataa 943-7K- 2. TIMS LEMMA: The incompetency of M angiaeai is evectty areaartoaal te me Owl mad ance at las ccuUtor Books. 1268 East 4a Soma. 1K Close 117 RISES ARE RES. eieiets are Btua. Oreny vawflttfw specials are caaung t true placemen attar yea tints at course 0 Inea Sckeel of Real Estate aad aasaranct. Cal 26&561X 117 464-823- 6. 266-021- ir3i Vil. ar 295-589- 1 tea $1.200 ar anar. 1 2-- ML aMar It Sana are ceafl tie SI TOOL beew tea book, awst 1 see SAAl tea n MX great eeneitioa. mileage. 1 aatu. etra tuacuans mm m ai RP4ICV S13S. Cwrttt ratciracs. etcene 150 277-B77- 1 CMftlTEB. APfU u mm tercel ar 5a4-t?-Q 464-827- Caowets Atiar 500 AUTOMOTIVE tt amsage at 122 J2 CT iAABtl $850 ar anar. retail 4. 122 Goo ATEfctEl com. ar $150 Uat SJi 117 tea anar. SAiH ATBMC IRC, 200 cm. arm Sawmoa sweatees, asel only ace. $121 Willy 1 123 SO 21 18. SPEilEIS. All Pieeeer ceepeaeets. pay eeoosi 5o64JtZ DISCLAIMER ea BR 111 REEB a anvate address? A permanent aooress? Rant a pntate mataot iraa Ma Boies Etc USA 24 ar access to e&aiL can Have a tt see 4 yew fea street aaaress ar P O Boa IM asse are a Hrestara Urwoe agency, snip tor OPS ana 2S3S . 3300 enter aascanaaaoui serve HOT EXDTEKIT: CAMTMJkS ON EtrSI eTH EXPEDITION LEADER fttl FtCAT CttTlACT FBI SALE. MVf &m$et I 292-689- 1. S7& pacs. MARCH. FR CAY 1 P M BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES AiOlTOW'JIi $2 TCJTT$ IX'DN CAMPUS OR OUTDOOR ffO&RAM DCS Hi 117 fttCHEATm S. STelEITf ACW.TT BATES Ull estate ar leseraace. 117 enes&ega tuMua. otter. 354121, leave 122 2 ar. PSPB ar. 486-574122 fusty, runs we 1173 V BuPEIBUTLE. excel com., m rust. IIJ4 CHE ft WPAU B'een tier, eve mti great in 12.090 122 F0n (lENT SECURE. IRSlOt SELF ST0IASE four lock, your key student rates 5310900 II units near U. 4 up. Specal ins WEEK A UP. Women A 13I 583-300- 272-595- f 1 0M tt. bedroom. $160 mo utilities Call 582 3201 117 $150 deposit Eskimo 009 Stands or Ids M.ko 266-756- 6 XT taM tt Accurate word processing 10 years eiperience. Close to the U. Call Kert 3H4 5S6399. 113 (m CorkrMm'') Desperate, paper due oe it. Return to Uniofl Desk lost 4 117 round or Chronicle tronl desk. All BlAMORI V PEnSONAL DOrT LET TNI WVEIS10R get you 120 close m. Utilitiot paid. S250mo. Call 596 0908. utilities APT. CaM 328-30- 1 NT. 120 $205month incl. all a 120 I II utilt Ross BUPLEX. 940 400 S 1360 581 8151 tmt. 364-719-5 eves. 121 HIT ol Urge 3 bedroom condominium with roommates. Air conditioning, pool, tennis, clubhouse and mora. $395 per month. 967-616121 IHARE Hardwood floors, close to University. $195 montt plus utilities. for appointment 121 SPACIOUS STU0I0, 9 $280 F7M 2 bedroom apt. Partly furnished, Sugarhouse arta. carport, ttoragt. No pett. 121 278-098- I 1300 L 2 303 328-210- furnished. $325. BEOIOON. 121 303 S. 1300 E. FUINISHE0 STUDIO, large kitchen. $2l5mo. 328-210121 HEAT PAID, 2 328-210- weeks free. 2 bdrm., laundry, washer dryer. 122 REOflOOM PLUI STUDY, 1462 E. 1300 S. $250. 583-256-5 and and STUDIO APARTMENT, close to U VAMC. $285 includes utilities, fireplace UNIQUE washroom. 117 582-898- APARTMENTS sizes, all types, REIT, all FOR all locations. Kip Paul. or 530-500- 5 2712 5. a roe Hving EXTRA LARGE TWO IEDR00M. I room. $300mo 255 So. 600 Apartments E. Suzanne im plus Vita. Mastercard, ttc and improve your credit rating! No job or credit necessary! Free 131 confidential consultation. 1 LOANS AVAILABLE TODAY: 581-120- ADULT CHILBRER 6F ALCOHOLICS Support group. Jan. 16. 730p m. Ballif Lounge. Call for into. 117 Millstream Realty. MEMORY. 512 K $135. 2 meg MACINTOSH $700. 1 year guarantee, 314 Digigraphics. 1 $54.000. GARDENS FOOTHILL BEDROOM C0N00. minutes from University. 9 evenings. days. 5 Fireplace. 583-421- 364-369- 8 131 UNTOUCHED. MINOLTA X700 CAMERA 35-7- zooms. ll?sh. auto winder 80-21- 0 wwarranties. Must sell 486-172- 11( CL0THIN6 ft antiques in my 8 only! Cindi & Daughter, 4J shop. Jan. E. 33rd So. (between State & Main 11E 304 OFF VINTAGE WANT THE PRIVACY OF A SINGLE? Assume m dorm contract in Austin. Call Chris 116 584-479-4. First month free! 00RM CONTRACT FOR SALL or 116 532-618- 5. than triple your speed in 7 sessions, shortens homework, master 314 teachert. documented. SPEED REEOIHS. More CRUISE SHIPS HIRINGI$1f $30,000 Carribean. World! Call for guide, newsservice! (916) 944-444- 4 CBALITIBR 'II. How would you spend $500,000? Run tor ASUU Assembly! Jan. 17. 12-- 2 Union E Ballroom. 117 MIML BARLINS. of course the Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs mets at noon today. Shirley Backets of The Self Esteem Center will speak. MHGH. Business Lecture 116 Building. Be there. Alpha. Biff. BIB BAB IEITHA. my baa on Thursday sounds lovely Indeed, and If we tip both ours together we'll have room for our knees. Naughty Norman. 116 8 USED COUCH, good condition, for sale $50. 117 after 5:30 p.m. Call 298-059-1 UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS PRESTIGIOUS two bedroom. Easy terms! $63,900 Barbara 4 Badger-Jense- n 272-944- 120 2 BEO. HOUSE near Derks field, little to no money down, don't pass this up if even for some rental property. Call Phil Craig at ERA 121 Village Realtors, 943-341- DEAD GOAT SALOON in Arrowpress Square presents The Backwash Band Wed.-Sa- t. Jan. 15-1- 8 WORD quality printer. $1 X word processing 30 4 yrs. business, legal eiperience after S p m. and weekends anytime. 212 MARTEB STVBEITS titue PAST liME aoors Cal Arta Carporatiaa 0 121 S&ICAl RESJEIT enta anoergrad flegree Part tune pestuee ant MaAtcal Laser Ce ta regutaiary ariatrs. g LBSFARULT SEE1S RAARtf. Lavety et.r tewa seacoast Bestoa. Uaiversity ward ataiUDie OuMcare, cooking, aousekeep-tn- g shared wrta writer mottier f dwtOrea ages 3 months te etevaa. C Lyech 29 Arnold Ad. Hingham. MA 02041 WANTED EATIRB BISSIDEBSEVAIUATIBR and treatment. Call M. Thompson tor Information at SL Child Family Therapy Clinic. I the 39th Street Salon. Haircuts only $8 and artificial nails 10 off 3540 E. 3900 S. with student I D. 363-771- 13 util. to after 5 p.m. U17 $130mo. 553-49- STUDENT DISCOUNT at 25 PATIENTS for special study. NEEDED FCS 105 1 forming. Call 50. 355-654- 7 nr. Call 530 weekend study group p m. weekdays. 0 116 BUY A DIAMOND YOU CAN SEE for a price you can afford. Diamonds, engagement rings, custom jewelry, school rings 4 invitations at of retail prices. Salt Lake Jewelry Co., Brian Fullmer Michael Snow 1M6 ROOMMATE TO SNA IE 2 bdrm. Walk MALE U. t Nancy. 3 SIAO STUDENTS SEEK spacious $165. apt. 603 1st Ave. V17 359-254- I00MMATE TO SNARE Avenues house. $163month includes utilities. Try 117 anytime FEMALE TO SHARE with same. 2 bedroom apartment t block from U. no smoke drink. FEMALE SCUBA EQUIP. BC, 484-970-1. tank. (ins. kmfc. Eves 116 SPARiSI ARB FBERCR TEACHEI1 three Ik hour sessions per week, tor elementary school. Eiperience with language and children preferred For more mtormatioa. call 116 271-265- WAITER: REALTIY VBMER with bladder ntecDofls tor participatioa m drug study. Free medical exam A medications Requires 4 visits to Student Health Center over S week period Reimbursement lor tnconven-lanc-e V27 SUPERVISOISEBlfEI. Part time, Steve s Ice Cream. Apply in person 221 S 1300 E. 2-- 7 117 pm. ECEFTIBIIIT. will tram as optician. S3 85hr plus commission. Sandy location 117 1 MAUI Steve s Ice Cream. WiU tram. Apply In person. 221 So. 1300 E 2 7 ICE CREAM 117 pm. NELftl MOTHERS hours, close to after 5 328-260- 0 MEEBES IMMEB. flexible U . live In or out. Call 117 pa, WAITER. MOTNEB S NELfEl ) sml. boys, hours: M-- F 7 30-- 8 30 a m and 4 to 7 p m Babysitting and light housework. 322-480- LAR6E RATIO NAl LIFE IISUIANCE CO. needs marketing rep. tor SLC area $18.000 1st yr. Income bonus. Complete group benefits. Job requires working with college students. Intensive training at company expense. Must have at least 3 yr. college, graduate preferred. Mail resume to Mr. Barnes. 120 N. 12th Suite 9. Pocatello. Idaho 83201. 122 REtlOEIT rOUNIELfll. YMCA teen home. Shift wik wsome overnights. Contact Stephanie Velsmid $5hr. 355-280- PICTURE YOURSELF LYIN8 on a sunny beach in Tahiti. A gentle breeze cools your brown TEACREIS WAMTEB Japanese children returned. Discounts for U students & faculty on tanning. 39th St. Salon. 117 EXCELLENT 0PP0BTUIITY to continue education on free days while working as Nanny in Princton. N.J. $150 mm. wk. rm. S board. Car all travel expenses provided. 2 t children ages immediately. available. away. 7 nights at Playa Mazatlan Hotel. Leaves March 20th. Includes airfare, hotel, transfers. Prices start at $448. Hurry, space limited. Travel Associates. Call Lynda 355-603- 9 121 For info, call 14 frliiu 485-695- Call Other placements 6-- y 943-444- 117 124 The Sundance Institute Presents (Now offered for credit.) M&Wat 6:30 p.m. HPER W101 Beginners welcome. 278-046- 1. to teach English to In Sapporo. Japan. Native American speakers with degree in Education only need apply. Call Chad at 968-702- 7 after 3 p.m. 117 Join J.K.A. Karate skin. Feel and look like you've just W17 p m. 4-- 7 1 1 dR to share 2 bdrm. apt. close to U. $157mo. heat included. utilities. Robyn. LIBERAL FEMALE Lake City ofttc Sand resume or letter ot application te: Utah Pizza Service Inc. P 0 Boa 25871 SIX UT 84125 121 girlsboys. Beg. to Intermediate evenings. Call 363-182- FIR6ERPAIRTS RAIL SALBI now open in Crossroads Mall, third floor. Sculptured, tips and wraps by certified professionals. L Ask for Deborah and get Call whole set for $25. Limited time offer. Call now! 221 117 -- 277-917- 7 MAZATLAN. Spring Break get considerate art-de- the aatiees largest tarry out pizza chata is seeking a parson wrta computer skills te work hi their Salt IYMIASTICS IRSTIUCT8B for child 3 hours daily in my 117 home. References required. CNILBCAIE: 314 TRAVEL to share Maryland condo $225. Bedroom study. FEMALE SRA6 STUDENT WANTEB m LITTLE CAESAIS. 117 110 865-171- 2 UTAH-CRUIS- ATTEI: 'IMPORT CAB OWNERS '. Trouble finding parts? Prices too high! Buy from the warehouse If we don't have it, we'll find it. Call 23 Adults paid $50 tor approx. 331 543-912- 1 RESUMES Professional! Write, adit andor type Reasonable! Evenings weekends. noor.ir.iATES cassette, V31 MONO PIOCEISINS. letter dspage. Call Shannon. PROFESSIONAL 484-504-9. Hawaii. 27 486-528- r) Prisantid In cooperation with the Etati of Utah Film Oevilopment Otficel 120 363944. 484-688- 27 1 Hilton Head Island. SC 29928. 1 266-242- 1 277-023- MF LIBERAL U. $158 house near for 3 bedroom 13 util. Call 364-232- 21 missing in your lile? Do you see yourself developing a personal relationship with your television, finding the only reason you stay up late on Friday is to watch Turkey Theater? Could there possibly be more excit'ng things in college than fighting for a parking space in the morning; going back home: then coming back for more the next day? Yes! There is! Become a member ot a national fraternity here on campus. Fraternities offer a host of social and scholastic activities. Enrich your college experience, go through Winter Rush. January 21st through January 24th. or stop by Union Rm. 270 for Call is there something MEN. MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED. No smoking or drinking. Own bedroom in Holladay. Rent utilities. Call Trent at $130 a month 3 121 or 3 MALES SEEKING SAME Foothill Apt. $107.50 mo. Call 486-182- to share large 'A $135 mo. TO 117 house wgarage. utils. Eves. 122 13 973-462- 1. SHARE 2 bdrm. home close to utilities. Call mo. 122 FOR RENT for 2 beautiful girls who party but don't smoke. You will have your own bathroom. It is preferable that you have a color TV. 116 364-529- your daily life.' Free introductory talk on ECKANKAR, the Ancient Science of Soul Travel. Thursday. Jan. 16. 7:00 p.m. SLC Main Library. 209 East 500 South. 116 I SPECIALIZE IN FINDING HOUSES, & 5. Cassandra's Closet 9izzo!! lay (a quality consignment shop) 4227 So. Highland Drive 7 pirector p.m. Tuesday, January Admission $1.50 wUniv. I.D. NOON MOVIE $1.00 ' Tues.-Sa- t. ! 86 11 Thursday, January 23 Dennehy, Diane Verone. PIZZA SALAD SANDWICHES TKOI I1T MP .MM . Classes begin: January 18 3632979 11 11 to 5:30 aAa W a.m.-1- 0 a.m.-1- 1 p.m. Mon.-Thurp.m. FrL & Sat. s. I If I -- 3mlOl l-- M ft Educational Canter Q& ."ito .y, (TJiiv,. Wednesday. January 22 LOST HORIZON Frank Capra's masterpiece restored to its original length. Prepare for: APRIL 19 For additional information 278-544- 6 21 THE WOMAN AND THE STRANGER Grand Prize Winner 1985 Berlin Film Festival. Starring Bryan Brown, Brian We also accept children's current, quality clothing. at POWER Sidney Lumet in person. FX Has Cadillac Clothing. . . furs, jewelry & accessories At Chevy prices. contact Suzt Berrett Saturday, January 18 ONE WOMAN OR TWO Starring Gerard Depardieu, Sigourney Weaver, Dr. Ruth Westheimer Sunday, January 19 Sunday 7 p.m. apartments wseller financing, easy assumptions & good cash flows. Great buys for investors and students! Service is free, many areas! Bob Lafortune. ERA Village Realtors. 120 Opening Night Regency Theater, Salt Lake City Apocalypse Now Fri. & Sat 7 & 9:30 p.m. duplexes Friday, January 17 THE TRIP TO BOUNTIFUL MOVIES Thurs. 12 noon & SERVICES UTE. in copy "BEING CAUSE (not effect) in UNION U. $210 467-070- 2 ROOMS V21 center 114. had to say angels are real, your beautiful. Admirer. 11E LADY Reason 2 No Commuting Hassles WITH util. $60 dep. 1 into. TAKE OFF TO SHARE 3 bdrm. MALE MF m 117 Call Kelly 363-352- , space pate. 24 nr. 966-566- 34 year Tound Special prices tor students and faculty. 10th St. 460 South 10th East Tanning 364-626- application and information, write: Tourism Information Services. P.O. Box ) was 212.000 slashed $159,900. (2886 Won't last! 1.5 view lots Cottonwoods 3205 E. 5810 So Starting $54,900. Keith Kikel ,'vf 1 27 Reasonable rates. 277-074- 9 Ext. R 9717 0 4 CAREER JOBS AVAILABLE! Resort Hotels. Cruise Liners 4 Amusement Parks now accepting applications! To receive an E 486-648- 0 ( PIOCESSI your PROFESSIONAL TYF1RS. KEEP A BEAUTIFUL TAB 741 . ... 117 SUMMER SUPER BUYS. Oak Hills 1175 So. Mercedes 0ll thesis, papers, reports, resumes, etc. Call . 129 FOR SALE 314 I LL TYPE 278-046-1. 117 1 II. service. Joyce 278-046-1 $315. Setectric B43-741- down-tr- eat 3221531. F0 REIT. I BE8R00M APABTME 754OS page IBM Fast accurate. Please call Sue. TYPIRfi. PROFESSIORAL TYPIRB. 90S double Now Hiring Call 805487-600for current federal list HE I0IM TYPiRB W1TR 0RI PROaSSOR: pica, elite. Can check grammar, spelling, references, 0. etc. Mrs, heltey, 314 w EAR KM. wat wedding gift, great sentimental value. Reward offered 6454388. 122 LOST: PEARL 60VERIMERTJ6IS.$16.O4O-$S9.230yr- 584-438- 8. Jn4 KM TYF1RC. Uue book close to U. $50week includes utilities females only 117 II PBBCESSlRS. 564-250- LOST. tACAASlRS THE PRESIDE RCY.' 400 pg AFFORDABLE F UIRISNEB B00MI contract MB meet all your typing 566-785- 0 113. Call OS la yourself to a warm beautiful Ian. Student rates! 39th Street Salon. HALLS. Dorm U confidential word processing, typing Phone m or you Denver. Murray. 131 Prompt! Day wight EXPRESS Research at Park, all StCRETAIT typing aa IBM. PC. with laser printer. 131 delivery available 120 I BEOIOON APT. $235 includes utilities, washer dryer No smoke, drink, 117 pets. Rose Park 5950496. RE SIRE ICE Wor SAL FRtfiAT. and weights 15 486-545- CBif BTEII7EI ARM Call us first wt weeds 58M323. 116 Ml. LIST: Female Wnite American IE I OK I 582-202- Ooa Adams 0. wtM Process dtssertatiofts. reports Graduate 314 toretga stuoants pretarred. (black 4 white) wheairv chatfl. ttue leasa choke Found by Ft Douglas 1 f UlttlMEl 272 9444 FRAMES ERSUSI TEACatB MALAR UT Oub Cat $ipp. 6, 1 V Country 24 M possrbM. Papers, w aracessmg. editing, thesis, etc. Pickup 571 9099- il U dativary . Pal LOST & FOUND APT. 730 1 100 S. (next to Wasatch louring) t?00 a month, utilities included CaM 322 1 M0 between 3 116 p m A 7 p m tor tale. Call A&esU-e- a Mjsi be m good fteara. cal 5AV7t, teate 117 aame A prion aumtiar. RESfRCSaXf PEJSRR tt baoysa any hocne wee. says 0 p ea. Ova aansponatioa reqmred Oos tt Uwe. Cal 583t55-12- 0 TYPIBS. IOC page 12 years U at U experience I correct spelling 4 grammar. 3A4 Jaa Kit SMALL 6HE BEOIOON mi HuaaRigsCaMMe by U PAIT TIME BERTAL ASSiSTAST. Foothill 4. 117 Vmage area. FIUI0: pair of sunglasses, m N parking lot of Merrill Engineering Call 10 identity, 2509289 116 man. dean, S2I qutet. kitchen, tt at telephone, cable. HBO TV Furnished. Mar sftconj S 4 Eighth E . IM Seaa resume to: HEM Meecat Laser Systems, 3958 lAest 183 So SlX. UT 14 04 117 532-376- 2m tearl CALCULAT8B FIUII 521 9169 to claim. IM TRAVEL ACERT EXPERT aa Europe Euraf, Aise: stoOent eagafianomg. Utk 2S Psyche tarof card cansuttatians. lK TYfiafc &tp I IL0CII gearaatee I pratocsis aavc teea renewed S approved -- runs good $1200 ar bus stops Ike RE All Ft! etaie eotuntecrs aeescd tar arag researcb trials. AM F BURSAL TYPING UriTtrtTtCaCilT.arctu A TARIlRSi Taeeme 117 14 MBIEf aad eipeneac m real ' black. $ PC. 1 1 III SET. etceiiet aaiity Must sett, aiake etter. 122 Dorothy 531-765- Sify 1 BR 19U SO JACKSSi ROLE tor as tale as Stt a day tor toegmf 4 ins. Uury s saaut aaxmaWauxtt Ban Wt facteis at Saaw KjC Mtwma Hot tub. sauna fteaiee peal, gam roeau ajgf suing (Thurs, fn. Sat)-9tree Rape? hot every weat.nign toe Stars breakfast luaca hones at foasaaaDM ances Canpamantary stwtee hi Jacksea heic Ski Aaa. $45 par persea smote occupancy $22 50 double SSCmpie. tor mtoratauoa $tS aual CaM A fesarvabeaa. (3 yrs A. 2 ask drwes. Make aner 268-957-1 f MLL 1112 Sllff I UCil RERA8LT. $3 000, sunroof, trontwheat drive, steree. Desper3644967. 121 ate Cal AMFM 1, 21 tt tfee 0 10tt Street 3644264. 460 Sautt lOtt East 582-73- 122 Stream ances 467-220- 16, 'lBjTil'. iW'';T.tiT4;i eTTiI3.1?eJTl Jijs C? 4..i Cell Day., Evening, Weekend. 363-444- 4 450 S. 9th East Friday, January 24 DESERT BLOOM Director Eugene Corr and actors Jon Voight, Ellen Barkin and Annabeth Gish in person. Saturday, January 25 HANNAH AND HER SISTERS Directed by Woody Allen. Sunday, January 26 TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 For Information About Other Centers In Major U.S. Cities Outside N.Y. Stete CALL TOLL FREE: A Abroad Closing Night TROUBLE IN MIND Directed by Alan Rudolph For information call: (801) 32 |