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Show The Daily Utah Chronicle, Tuesday, January Page Eight it CtttCE BESmmai IUUK LIT 55 21 bod Sa imiversxy St Zoned lor ekipte. 1 115 (32.000 S8V7367. AUTOMOTIVE f ItfCLBtlitL 2 bedroom ait ettturmsnea basement Good ISO. (1 405 50 cenflSMM. 3 years ed rate FnA loan. (412.54 flow 10 5 1 Badger-jertse- a payment Pi CaH Aim BTSTANBiNS MA3A SX eacettent cfMdft.ee ener. wteage S2JO0 or lMt t9 17 MuSTAftS ins i 486-XH- S66-215- iis 6et steed Paper trained caa buy this comm. Walking distance te school. Very low flow priced at under (35 000. Call Phd at ERA 2 114 Village Realtors O.d f aithfur inspected, good engine some bofly rust $500 MM. gg-ois- o. SITTEI PUPfi Heaftny. 115 . me 75 SAAB B9LE conciiion. torn 81.200 or test otter 278-620- re j mt$t 117 IBS2 SILVEB LECAR RENAULT. S3 000. sunroof, trontwfteel drive, stereo Desper121 ate" Call Shelley 3644967. Ml mY BENT1 Whoa you I tilt: Dynastar Course SL. lengtb 203. Marker IMO adjustable racing bindings Ea. COOdrtKXl. (IBS R'k at 272-296- 9 114 TOUtiM BCTCLi PACaJuSL Cantunoa Elite 10 speed, 23 cbromemoiy frame ita Avoret seat touring stutters handlebars. Blackburn rack, Banters Zetel pump. 700 wheels. (275 (over (500 new) CaH M m a. 115 46fr22T2- - FOR nENT 0 w warranties Must sen Off 30 VtNTACE mb iMf I UP. Women I tree clean, telephone, cable. HBO quirt. kitchen, TV Furnished, near second S Eighth E . bus Stops S 3000. J BEBIOON AFT8. near U Heat paid. S370mo. Call or leave message at WEEK ft men, t l3t 114 S83-748- 1 2 MB I IE DAM. Trolley Village condonw-Mum- s f ie color TV. aw conditioning, pool. acum tennis, clubhouse Unfurnished 1300. 1400 month Furnished $345. (475 ITU month. near U. wisher-drye(230 per month includes all utilities. OK BE0A00M AfARTMEIT. r. 114 583-009- 6 VEIT CLEAN I IE0IOOM location near if T. Eicellent Includes all utilities. (250. U 115 467-621- 1 carpet, paint and turmtur es. rooms Vk block to U Rent now. piy no deposit Great meals, only $1 24 when purchased by the month. Clean, quiet, private Cooking facility available See to 200 So 5636433 115 appreciate, 1310 a 116 CLITNiM 8 antiques m my only Ctndi 8 Daughter. 45 A Mam) 116 487-927- Special 533-090- 0. CI 35-- 7 486-172- snop Jan 33d So. (betweea State 11-1- 1 SCCUtf. ItSJDL SELF STDUCf units near U CAMERA. earns, flash, auto winder. 10-21- Of A SINGLE Assume my WANT THE PBIVACY dorm contract ia Austin Call Chris 116 584-479- 4. MEAT TOWNHOUSE COBOB. 2 bedrooms. 1 baths, unfinished basement (39 900 (1.995 down. 11 05 fued rate ever 30 years. Badger-Jense- n (362 41 P I Call Allen 596-090- 8 1 1S Realty 272 9444. tree BORN CONTRACT FOI (ALL First month Call Kelly 521 2168 or 363-352-1. I 117 good condition, tor sale (50 Call 2964591 after 5 30 pm. 117 USE COUCH, UNIVEKITYIEItlTSPRESTIfilOUStwo bedroom Easy terms! (63 900 Barbara 120 272 9444. Badger-Jense- n 4 SKIERS: men s. ladies wool undershirts, closeout (5 Men's trousers 2 114 pr. (10 Skinny ties. 3638650 ATTENTION SI 75 SI8S Mew VEIT (MALI ONE E0RO0N APT. 730 E 100 S (neit to Wasatch Touring) (200 a month, CaH between 3 utilities included 116 pm 4 7pm I BLOCKS riOM U. bedroom, (160mo utilities Call 582 3208. 117 (150 deposit 1 (295 includes smoke, drink, APT. dryer No FURMISHEO I BEDROOM utilities, washer 117 pets Rose Park AFFORDABLE f URNISHlFlOois Close to U (50week includes food and utilities Femalei only 595-049- 6 IN THE RESIDENCE lor sale Call APARTMENT, close (205month incl. all 120 was 212.000 slashed (159 900 (2886 Won't last' 15 view lots Cottonwoods 3205 E 5810 So Starting (54.900. Keith Kikel 544-200- 1 MEMORY. 512 K FOOTHILL BEDROOM Fireplace. (54,000. 117 Realty. (135. 5 364-369- 8 2 meg 314 6ARDENS C0N00. minutes from University. evenings. days. 131 583-421-9 LSI Great 27B-04- - 25 ttlENS tf SOURCE PRESENTS CENTER Wmier Ouaner werksneps Assemveness ; Being Training Tuesdays. 3 00-- 4 30 ReaMy Alive. Mondays. 7- -i p m .; Ceptrvj woti Depressios, Mondays 300-- 4 30 pm : Tesdays 7 p Groups begia Jaa 13. 14 or 27 Cafl 581-8C115 tor more antormatioa. Adults pail T LET THE INVERSION get you down-tr- eat yourself to a warm beautiful tan. Student rates! 39th Street Salon. 117 . FCS 105 34 A plus Visa. Mastercard, etc. and improve your credit rating' No job or credit necessary! Free confidential consultation. 131 LOANS AVAILABLE TODAY; forming CaH 355-654- 7 p 0 weekdays 111 PllSOaAUZE YOUB AUTB insurance 4 save! Hill & Associates insurance 486-728- 3 Specializing auto, commercial in A renttrs. 115 Small group open to university employees Leara to control your urge to eat Call: Barbara Jacobson. Deal Family Medicine K TB WtiOlT CONTNOC APPtOACN im for a price you BUY A BiAMOMO can afford. Diamonds, engagement rings, custom jewelry, school rings invitations at of retail prices Salt Lake Jewelry Co . Brian Fullmer 484 6880. Michael Snow YOU CAN SEE t 27 583-449-7. on your neit car or house Professional negotiator will also teH A what should you what s wrong with cost to tn May also rent it when you need SAIrt LET ME YOU MONEY i i aircraft partnerships extra income. RV rides to any city No also available, charge if I don't save you money. Call mornings, or write Exchange. P 0. Box 100, West Jordan. Utah 84084. 114 i 8 works better it you plug it in. Waking Owl Books. 1260 East 4th SATTlNGEI S LAW It 114 582-732- s 116 532-618- SPEED REEDIN6. More than triple your speed in 7 sessions, shortens homework, master teachers, documented. 314 484-504- 2 in a bag was oh so hot. I'd rather be with you than not Thursday? My bag or your? Big Bad Bertha. 114 NAUGHTY NORMAN. 117 ceesieer ate spacsous arveece apt 6C3WAve BIAS STitfiENTS SEEK Sifci TYPINt. page 12 years U et U experience I csrrect speiUfig & grammar. 9f i1J 3525t Jaa FEMALE BBSIMATE TB SaAtE Aesi,es house S163 awfflt anduees utilities. Try t STIaj6T ext i win same, 2 bearoora trow U. m smoke Or if I"7 13 utilites Briaa te snare MANTEB Tva o'd S- - cosy 2 12 t- - UN staoem tor Mata carry-cM- StulA buys assumptions I good cash flows tor investors and students' Service is tree, many areas1 Bob latortune. ERA Village 120 Realtors. 4&40985. STUBENTf ACULTf BATES Close to the 117 East I 121 noonr.iATEs Seiectric IEEI a private mailing address? A permanent address? Rent a private mailbox from Mail Boxes Etc USA 24 nr. access to mail, call to see rt you have mail Have a street address or P.O. Box t We also art a Western Union agency, ship tor UPS and other miscellaneous services 2035 E 3300 121 S Student prices. ROOMMATES WAITEO AVES. large remodeled home, privacy, amenities. $150 share 5 or 533-529ulil. in4 RESPONSIBLE, room-mat- e. gay or straight, to share nice 2 bdrm. house near U. and Westminster. Prefer serious student. $165 plus Vi util 466-357- ins MF TO SNARE spacious, sunny apt. close to U. Heat incl. $180mo. 4 n or 645-817Greg TYPE (WORI PB0CESSI your thesis, papers, reports, resumes, ate. Call 1 Reasonable rates 27 277-074- LIBERAL 27 486-528- 117 4 t MESOUITE IIIIIAM STEAIS needs waiters, waitresses and broiler cook eves. Call tor appointment noon te 2 p e. Tuesday through Friday Ask for Connie PROFESSIONAL 1M4 Call Shannon. WAITEI. CYMIASTICS TEACIEI in West Valley area CaN Jack ting School. LETTER QUALITY PRINTER, word processing Dose to U. SI dspage. 314 563-912- 1 966-500- 1M4 . and exponent in real estatt or insurance Wt guarantee placement after you finish our doursa. 0 Brian School ef Real Estate and 117 Insurance Call 266-561- 3 WANTED FINANCIAL BE WARS FOI male volunteers by U Human Rights Committee Must be m good health, call Ages IT EXPERT on Europe. Eurail. Also: student, vagabonding. Lilli 25 Psychic tarot card consultations. PICTURE YOURSELF LYING on a sunny beach in Tahiti. A gentle breeze cools your brown skin. Feel and look like you've just returned Discounts tor U students & faculty 39th St. Salon. 117 on tinning SKI JACKSON HOLE tor as little as $19 a day ski-ofor lodging & lifts Luxury ski-iaccommodations Daily lift tickets at Snow King Mountain Hot tub. sauna, heated pool, game room, night skiing (Thurs . Fri Sat L 99 happy hour every weekmght with tree food. Skiers breakfast & lunch buffets at reasonable prices Complimentary shuttle to Jackson Hole Ski Area $45 per person single occupancy. $22 50 double. $20 triple. for information $19 quad Call & reservations. 116 TRAVEL ABE Spring Break get away. 7 nights at Playa Mazatlan Hotel. Leaves March 20th. Includes airfare, hotel, transfers. Prices start at $448 Hurry, space limited. Travel Associates CaH Lynda MA2ATLAN. 18-4- leave 117 flexible name 8 phone number. WANTED PART TIME STUDENTS hours Call Kita Corporation 0 121 with undergrad engineering degree Part time position with Medical Laser Co. in regulatory affairs. Send resume to: HEM Medical Laser Systems. 3959 West 1820 So SLC, UT 84104 MEDICAL RESIOENT W17 PART TIME OENTAL ASSISTANT. Foothill 117 area Village RESPONSIBLE PERSON to babysit in my home weekdays 12-- 3 00 p m. Own transportation required Close to Univ. Call TEACHERS WANTED Japanese children 583-315- 1 ICE SALES. Energy device. MOTHERS LEI Steve MELPEI t Ice Cream Will 221 So. 1300 E. Part-Tim- NEEDED IMMEB. flexible M-- 322-480- 7 117 STMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR Beg. to intermediate 277 9177 4-- 7 pm. for girlsboys. evenings. Call 117 child 3 hours daily in my home. References requited 11 CHILOCARE: 1 363-182- 120 Bad Drivers Wanted Paying too much for auto insurance? Reasonable rates for persons wilh 2 or more tickets. Call for Comparison Quote. $300 sale. $84 $120 $1.200mo. part time easy. 114 942-44- 84 355-603- 9 121 Consider the Benefits of Becoming a Navy Nurse to share 2 bdrm. apt. close to $157mo. heat included. utilities. Robyn. U. S81-888- 120 qwtie e 30 days paid vacation per year Free medical and dental care e Travel e Upward mobility e Professional growth e Creater Nursing experience and responsibilities Info 5f to register for an Institute Class. Still time Wednesday e Money Consultant earning up to $1,000month working as little as 2 hrs. per day. Really. Attend the FREE Career Opportunity Seminar at the Salt Palace Holiday Inn Wednesday, January 15 at 7 p.m. For Reservations Call: Reason 3 Friends The NAVY is seeking highly qualified applicants who are interested in a challenging and rewarding career in nursing. 5:20-- 7 p.m. WOMEN OF THE RESTORATION Jan. Eliza R. Snow; 15 Women In Carol Cornwall Jan. Mary Fielding Smith 22 Amelia Smith McConkie 5 Susa Young Gates; Anna Gaarden Wldstoe Linda Jones Gibbs Eudora Widstoe Durham Feb. Emma Hale Smith Feb. Belle Spafford 19 ? Classes heain: Januarv 18 Feb. Call Dayt, Evenings, Weekends 363-444- Educational Center 26 Zlna Huntington Young Mar. 450 S. 9th East 5 Mar. TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 12 A Abroad Women and the Law Huldah Parker Young Legia Mendenhall Judge Sharon McCully Women Musicians; Margaret Summerhays PE 50 R-- l Submaximal Bike Test PE 50 R-- 2 Maximal Treadmill Test PE 50 R 3 AM Walk Jog T&H PE 50 Johnson 4 For Information About Other Center In Major U.S. Cltlea Outside N.Y. State CALL TOLL FREE Richard Now Available: "Well U Exerdse" Carol Jean Summerhays R-- 4 T,H & L. Anderson 12 35 years of age graduate with accredited bachelor's degree in Nursing Program or college seniors If you meet these qualification? and would like more information on the opportunities available as a Navy Nurse please Call: Madsen Jan. Women Artists; 29 Minerva Tel chert less than e United States Citizenship e good physical health Winter Quarters Feb. Prepare for: APRIL 19 2-- 7 1M7 WAITEI. MOTHER S HELPER. 3 sml. boys, 7 308 30 a m. and 4 to 7 p m. hours: Babysitting and light housework. Sapporo. Japan. 363-614-9 MA hours, close to U . live in or out. Call 328 2600 after 5 pm 117 Native American speakers with degree m Education only need apply. Call Chad at -966-702-7 117 .iter 3 p m. comm. CIEAM train. Apply in person. pm. to teach English to in INSTRUCTORS t needed tor drug research trials. All TRAVEL WAITEI te train community survival Skills to high school students with moderate severe handicaps 2 hours daily. Experience whendt-cappe-d children or adults preferred Start at $5hr. Interested persons contact Or. Susan McFarland at 117 STUOENT EARN BIS MONEY 116 FEMALE space pate. 24 nr. TYPlNfi. 90C double service Joyce 117 ECEPTIOIIST. will train as epticiaa. S3 85tir. plus commission. Sandy location 467-220- 0 to share Maryland condo $225. Bedroom & study. Nancy. I" ILL SO YOU FEMALE GRAO STUOENT WANTED 322-138- 3 SUttlvtSMSEIVEI. Part bme, Steve s tee Cream. Apply w person 221 S, 1300 E 2 7 314 3W14 Reliable and efficient. References available. Can 3S283. 114 278-046- I NEEDS IL 943-741- n SAY FEMALE TYPIIC 754OS page IBM Fast accurate. Please caN Sue, PROFESSIONAL ROUSE CLEANlNfi. I 0 Tourism Information Services. 7411 Hilton Headlsland.SC 29928 467-432- ISIBBEBSEVALIATIBI and treatment. Cad M. Thompson tor m tor ation at SL Child Family Therapy Clinic. f AT 1MB 521 5061 314 pica, elite. Caa check grammar, spelling, references. 3714 etc. Mrs. Meuey. 1lt WAITEI: IEALTIY WBMEI with bladder nfectiofts tor parttapatioa m drug study. Free medic exam 8 medications fieouires 4 visits to Student Hearth Center ever 5 week period Fteimbursement lor inconvenience 127 TYPNkS WITI W0AI PROCESSOR: 10th Street Tanning U 460 South 10Ui 364-826-6, II 583-639-9. 121 kaite Eves 278-265- (M TYPlMC Accurate word processing 10 years experience. Dose to the U Can ken TANNINS! UT 84125. SPAIiSI All f IEICI TEACiEIS. three hour sessions per week, tor elementary school. Experience with language and chttdrea preferred. For ewe entormatioe. call 1H pf I SU ERlBP. BC tank, tms. 464-970- 1 confidential word processing, or you deliver. Murray. typing Ptione 131 Day eight 56tV 785ft Pro-nSECKTAIY E1PIESS at ResearcH Park, aH typing ea IBM. PC. wita laser prmler. 131 delivery available wseiier tieaacmg. easy Great apartments t Boa 25871 SAL FBtfiAY. II FINS1NS I OUSEL duplexes I SPECULQE 114 CAE appucatioe to man Pizza Service Inc P 0 II 115 fr iEtiiiitl 323 S $350 tir J U IS. the aatioas largest puzt chan is seeking a perse in computer skua te won ex tnee Sal Lake Dry ettce Send resume or tener of UITLE 562-202- 0. 351 58V5C20 (SSr) 342 FtkHttl EN6USI TEACHER wul ttAl Word Process dissertations, reports Graduate' 314 foreign students preferred- BIB PIBCESSilfi. CBMPITEBiZES Cad es first We M meet al your typing 3n4 needs bvn r3 l 114 24 nr. pes&rM. Papers, m. Slpp, 29 MA MANTEB: TNTSBSCIiSE 114 6. n SENICES 1M4 application and information, P write: Box ttngnant. ATTEktANT MANTEB tor fl sab.ed SUiOent $430 plus tree rent CaS 544-534- 6 UVE-t- processing, efiinnj thesis, etc Pickup 3. 14 571 9099. aehvery Pal or 486-367- 17281. aparmerd at 525 583-- 0911- - TTPiNt area. MATES. Soganwu&e BOOM $140 montti FEMALE . 564-250- FEMALE TB SAARE apaament t tMoefc 582- -46 250-377- SEC Til f EXfUSL Researck Park. papers, thesis, reports, resumes e processor. Delivery aai&Me 11? 1. anytime Aotd i4 272-53- C lyivch, eeaC2041 ages 3 "Renins te eee-smof- Eligibility: HS'B'rSiDSI-triEa- i Be a Professional Beauty if g protocols have been reviewed 8 approved CAREEN JOBS AVAILABLE) Resort SUM MEN Hotels. Cruise Liners 8 Amusement Parks now accepting applications' To receive an LUti Ley seacsast leaa ecar Eistti uamersity ward cootttg. touseteep-eniiiuM QMacare, 6 cnue swed mm TYPING 5p n ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS support group. Jan 16. 7 30 p.m. Ballif Lounge. Call for info. mm II 1140 weekend Study group RESPONSIBLE Ext. 56343S2 wTtter-anom- 530 277-93- 5 Now Hiring Call for current federal list. fe teUBEJ tor speoaf study ttr. Call S50 tor apprec. PATN-NT- clean, tor home close to Brickyard. Own bdrm. No smoker pet. Call 114 after 5 p m. PERSONAL SOVERNMENTJOIS.Sl6.040-S59.230vr- li 13 tftt LBS FAMILY SEELS a IfClMATl Tl SURE 2 Mr $1 3Cj 583-132- 1 MONI 117 E l year guarantee, Digigraphics. ii MF BEAUTIFUL TAN year 'round. Special prices for students and faculty. 10th St. 460 South 10th East. Tanning. SUPER BUYS. Oak Hills 1175 So Mercedes 1 Street Saoa HaKcuts emy and anrttciai naiis 10 off 3540 1- 3300 S wit student 1 0 BACKPACK, IEWAR0. LOST: Female White American Eskimo dog Stands 12 tall and weights 15 or 486-545lbs. Mike 266-756-6 120 t MACINTOSH 7 STUOLNT BuSCOiMT K me 39ra 363-593- KEEP FOR SALE CaM the eeoeifeaecwetttndai 23 at 114 278-046- 114 328-301- (700 1471 Pet 561-898- 359-368- warefMKse glucose meter for diabetic treatment and HP12C calculator. 114 Very essential' Steve DON 120 HOUSE, fenced back, remodeled, Mtllstream at in. 596-090- 272 9444 486-648- 0 ONE PAIR EYEGLASSES Federal Way (KUD North). 120 Utilities paid. (250mo. Call 639 So 7th E.. w approval. ONE I0RM. APT. utilities Call 116 Dorm contract NALLS 9 FOR RENT. I BEDROOM I BEDROOM wheavv chain, 583-400- LOST: MAROON tm Tre6 e INIEIS". BifL blue leash choke Found by Ft. Douglas Oon Adams. Country Dub. Call EOUNO: MALI our lemonade stand. This time I won't drink all the merchandise fit FOUND MALAMUT (black & white) CAB I tadmg pans? Prices toe feugf Buy tro MIML Let im 322-153- LIVE "IBftlT ATTEN: South. LOST S3C OOC Carnbea. VU 7. UNT0UCIH1 MINOLTA; 1700 Your lock. your key SI 8 student rates 14 Saws Only 1174 CslOLLA. anw ilitl BEAUTIFUL lovable AfcC 1 runs 12 TlrBTA TElCfl tATCalAU. ctceiteM torn book, must conditio (3700. & KM- - 544 Realty 272 115 M TIHTA TERCEL, treat wfteei eoofl toots 9oo. S1.25G fU S 596-090- 9C.300 miles. anernaiof . etc $398 V- -l 8 sec (6 464-106- MtduUCS. rw twos pant. 466-8S7- home low te St Haean. Werie' Call (or fmoe. c assent ewsservice' fllfg M4 444 uIAH- cttutSL 14, 1984 630 a.m. Fteldhouse AM Aerobics F 630 a.m. W105T.H and W122F PE 50 R-- 5 PM WalkJog MW 4:45 p.m. Fieldhouse PE 50R-- 6 PM Aerobics M 5:00 p.m. W105 W430p.m. W105 H 5:00 p.m. W122 Fees: Section 1: $40 Section 2: $150 Tuition includes: Hydro static weigh-in- , blood chemistry analysis and risk appraisal. Other sections are: $50 (does not include tuition reduction available to qualified personnel). Sections 1 or 2 required for assessment and prescribed participation in exercise classes. All sections conducted by trained and qualified staff members. i i, ' . :m ! ! I |