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Show The Dt&y Utah Chresskie, Thmniay, I - IT' . t .. vj.i i m in for describing one of its dolls as a "paranoid schizophrenic," and pledged a dooatkm for the study of mental illness to make up for the gaff. The Indiana Mental Health Association had complained that the doll, Zartan the Enemy, from the company's "G.I. Joe" scries, misrepresented the mentally ill-- We .VV ,Wi&MMmmSi IMMt MMIWIIMIIIIIWnk II ixoti on Ltxtznt oox descnpeu toe (UPI-Hx$- broPAWTUCOET, Bradley Inc. , a major toymxker, tpofcgued doll as an "extreme paranoid schizoph- 8 . - - toy paranoid regrets Company OL .4- - limn m, 1 I IMWv j.'K- IK" personalities to such an extent that tbe original personality becomes buried Hasbro Vice President Donald Robbins said the card slipped through company proof readers and that the error should never have occurred. He expressed the company's deep regret over the incident. rent the equipment you want to try... and at good prices. . - twsai- lowest markeds P'ice on our Merchandise S, slORiWlD even ifsn item ttnle. Grows into various multiple are thinking about upgrading your cross country ski equipment, or if youll you're a first time skier, you can try out quality equipment So if you first-assu- ring find the package that's perfect for you. We've selected the best lines of equipment for the Rocky Mountain skier. And our ski experts will take the time to fit you properly and answer any questions. So try Kirkham's and Crocs Country ... the sport for everyone. 4$ Metal edge skis W KATES Uetal Edge Skis KNEISSL Red $6.00day $4.00day $3.50day $2.50day $6.00day Snowshoes PEPS Backoountry Boots XC Touring Package Star & White Star PHOENIX Classic, Torsion Comp, & Wilderness SWALLOW TR Alpine JARVINEN Advent KARHU Extreme 'Lower rates available for weekly rentals Other outdoor equipment Backoountry boots Sherpa Snowshoes VASQUE Telemark Boots Pieps II Climbing Skins TRAK Light Touring Boots We're Salt Lake'f cross iiimii!ii!:m'i - . .. DogoGuakoo 2ttCa University Bookstore VHit l Just 15 minutes from -- PAY THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH LIBERAL EDUCATION COUNCIL FOR TEXTBOOKS!! ANNOUNCES THE THE BUYBACK STORY STUDY ABROAD SCHOLARSHIP The Liberal Education Council of the University of Utah provides a limited number of $1,000 scholarships to students who are planning to enhance their academic program with a quarter or year of college-lev- el study in a foreign country. The award is intended to help defray the cost of tuition, board and room, and transportation involved with a study abroad program. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS 1. Matriculated Status. 2. 3.00 g.p.a. 3. Completion of 36 hours in residence at the University of Utah prior to departure (excluding 4. 5. credit-by-exam- ). status (at least 2 out of 3 quarters during the year prior to departure). Priority will be given to students who will be sophomores or juniors during their study abroad Full-tim- e program. 6. Priority will be given to students who have not previously received a study abroad scholarship through the University of Utah. APPLICATION DEADLINE: December 14 for programs beginning in Winter and Spring 1985. U are buying back books, requested as texts for Winter Quarter. 2. We buy back the books on our list at 60 of the new (not used) price. 3. Publishers, NOT the Bookstore, set the list prices on most new textbooks. 4. The books must be current, the correct volume, in good condition, etc. 5. If a book is not on our list, the reasons are: A. We have bought back the maximum based on instructors submitted enrollments. Once the maximum is reached, the title is deleted from our list, so come in as early as possible. B. We have not received a written faculty request for future use. C. It is an old edition, programmed text, etc. D. In a few cases, we're overstocked. 1. We LIBERAL EDUCATION BUT BACK HOUBS: Friday, Dec. 7 ... 8 p.m. Dec. a.m.-5:3- 8 Saturday, Monday, Dec. 10 Tuesday, Dec. 11 Wednesday, Dec. 12 through Friday, Dec. 14 . 10 0 a.m.-- 3 8 a.m.-5:3- 0 8 a.m.-7:3- 0 8 a.m.-5:3- 0 store. X outdoor products Open Mon Sat. stor for cpoclflt CateSs. eeutry ski specialty p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 9:30-6p- m the 1 3125 South State Thursday k Friday til 9pm U 486-416- 17E IUVITE YOU TO COTJEAHE! OTHERS PAY JUST 50 OF WHAT THE BOOKS COST YOU. WE OFFER TOP DOLLARS BY PAY- ING 60 OF THE CURRENT NEW PRICE. THAT'S A SAVINGS OF 20-5- 5! NEBRASKA BOOK CO. WILL MAKE YOU THEIR BEST OFFER ON MOST TITLES THAT WE CANNOT BUY BACK THEIR PRICE IS DETERMINED BY THE NATIONAL RESALE MARKET. CURRENT UNIVERSITY OF UTAH I.D. OR UTAH DRIVER'S LICENSE REQUIRED!! 003D MTQ OUT STUDY ABROAD OFFICE 159 Union Building Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 OF U (801) 581-58- 49 University Bookstore Ed |