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Show The Daily Utah Chrenick, M day, N.wwahcr 5, lt34 Twpcjtc auro:.ioTivE - WH i U 1 O r darty m edit rtmmed advwlii Hit tests of goad taste and prapmfy . p FJfXH inftssTK&n& ...- W M of or Ckwc ntsomsftt rigM to OCTCE-- The III MOTW U CICCLOOEB -- . Beetles and specializing Super Swedes. Complete km of new and used parts. body aad interiors, restortioas. we buy Buqs dead or aaVe. 991 THE BSS S3CTS9. pa"t act. 1113 350-294- 7. lit HTtSI 19 brown. excftnt condition interior and exterior. snow tires. $3,100 or bast after. includes altar Oe Call 117 513-227- 0. fe CM HEASY HI WwTTER at Mr Parts witfc Bascb spark plugs A Varvoime Remember we also give additional discounts to students with Tj tD Mr. Parts. 912 East 9th South. 3 or 4705 South Holtaday Blvd. BET VMM f& 328-311- I 1130 272-924- 3. VtSfl grain and whitt paint. Cempltttly reconditioned, lots of chrome, many extras. 117 SLC'S most mod Vtspa. British 9? 467-452- SI CHEVY KL make otter. AM. 2 door. KT. Must set attar 5:30 117 1979 9l8Wa IMW tea. must sell! Excellent interiorexterior. Make best offer. Price negotiable! Call Jim days 594-459- 9 486-301- 1. 119 evenings BATSUH for 219 sale. $2,000. Call 1999 364-904- 3. 119 582-735- 99 VOLKSWASEH 9U9. Excellent condition. New paint, must sell! 91.996. 254-142-2. 119 good condition, must sell soon. $11,990 or best offer. (Book 1991 CORVETTE Very $13,500) Call anytime after 5.00 278-167- 9 119 pro 92 9UICK 8KYMWK. 4 cyt. 4 speed, front wheel drive, all season radials. good on gas and great in snow. 33.000 miles. $5,500 firm, call 117 355-207- 19 SPEE9 BIERS SKE NflRt SgW9 S3G& DinitJG BETWEEN OF LE9AH0H food, 154 E. 200 So. lunch, RESTAURAHT. dinner. belly-dancin- 127 364-409-6. 1 wt I MET MY ACA8EMK SWEETHEART Excellent W9 PUT YOUR 990X9 BN A BOOKCASE. Large wooden bookcase 7x4. $40, can 355-207- 1076 E. 200 So. including utilities. Mgr. ELECTRONIC TYPEWRITER. $170mo. IVY MOUSE. 355-712- or 1113 9 322-360- 0. What happened to your sense of humor. You used to be so much fun. Your concerned brothers (ZK 250 and ARTY SLATER: 115 RUM9N9 TRA9EI Need 2 Monday tickets. Have 2 Tuesday upper dress Sec U9 Row UN. Please caH 5994181. 119 NEIL Brother IP20, LCD display and memory fits in briefcase, 115 weighs 2 lbs.. $150. CaN 355-207- 0. for $200 to $50,000 per student for graduate, undergraduate and athletic students are available, as well as. grants and fellowships. Now sources convenient terms. Information packet SCH9LARSHIPS 9199 9. 300 E.. 2 bdrm condo. refrig., dishwasher, swamp cooler, hkps., pool, disposal, carport, storage, levators, gas frplc. $360mo. a LB. CARPET, 9375 oarage, LOOT & FOUND 110 596-042- 1. available, write to Computer Age Scholarship Services, 109 North State. Suite 211, Oram, Utah 94057. Include your printed name and address and 9l.00(refundab!e) to cover postage and handling. 119 9ASESAURUS3UT grand opening this weak. 10 off aN merchandise. Free prizes. Enter daily. Ute star Jeff Judkrns appearing Sat. Nov. 10 5 p.m. Buy, sell, trade baseball cards. 2870 E. 3300 S. 4940641. 6 p.m. drapes, Hotladay. fireplace, 2724979. utilities pd. 322-542- 6. 119 2 999. 9MT. APT. 1531 E. 1500 So. $225 utilities. On bus line 9 close to shopping. 117 359-239- REBR00N APT. Walk to U. Assume a through June at $290. This includes 1 lease heat and water. Garages are available. Call before 9:00 a.m. and after PatJim 3 6:00 p.m. 119 FOR REIT. Prestige address. City high-ris- e FOURS: BLB EN9USN SNEEP8SS. found on 1111 University St CaN 364291. F0UNB: IB BAYS ABB. Golden Retriever 116 (appron. 1 yr. old) LOST: BUSSES on Tuesday at bus stop on South Campus Blvd. by Museum of Fine Arts. 119 292-225- 9. 2-- 487-063- 2 9EDR00M. quiet, great view, heat paid. 3 blocks from U. $375. 343 S. 1100 E. LARGE Apt. F. Call 119 3. 729 S. 900 E new large one and two bed, free cable, carpets, drapaa. 486-785- S270-S32- 119 277-010- with 350 members. The Professional Matchmaker caters to University staff and students. Low cost. High satisfaction. We guarantee dates. Office: 369 East 900 South. SLC. Call discount 1121 ' 1979 ZENITN Pro" $60. Call TV $90. Girl 10 speed "All before 9 a m, 113 364-274- 1 large, great condition. Please 114 evenings (9150ofter) 9UY A LARGER, finer diamond for less! The Salt Lake Jewelry Company guarantees the COUCH, nice, call 277-957- 4 lowest prices on quality diamonds, engagement rings, wedding bands and invitations. Call for appointment at 1116 484-688- 0. NEW. skiis, unmounted Olin Mark 4 200 cm, $150. V 583-840- Ooug. GS racing evenings, 116 Get $20 worth of fish; pay only $15. Offer ends Thanksgiving. TROPICAL 272-407- DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Will 582-931- 4 pay $400. 115 (afternoon). Monday Nov. 5th. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday Nov. 6th. Reduced prices: 9 am. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Marriott 116 Library Auditorium level 2. ROOK SALE: S3 TYPEWRITER. Must sell. Best offer. Call Ken at 364-440-1. 118 OLIVETTI LEXICON Group or individual. Single $29.90 mo; Husband 9 wife $59.75 mo; Family $81.90 mo. Other rates for people over 30. Maternity, Life insurance available. Phone 1121 stylus. Brand new $125. Todd, evenings afternoons 117 487-845- 486-173- 4, HAVIRB PR99LEM9 with your thesis dissertation? Perhaps I can help. Consultation, editing, data analysis, Dr. M Pott. 127 C9MPVTE9 URBERSTARSINS CRUISE. students per class. 6 hours $30 CaH TRAVEL ABERT. 1130 3-- 127 training. Institute of Travel. More fun than humans should be allowed to have. Lyle, FEMALES, 469-798- 4. 3640906. Ml 127 for accurate, dependable typing call Cathay Marilyn 4940152. TYPIB9 SPECIALISTS fast or NEALTN INSURANCE: With $2,000 maternity benefit, as low as $5S.90month. Call 117 registration November 6. swap Hours 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. For runs more info call 119 FEMALE ROOMMATE 9. or leave message at r Spell, single. 7 900-111- 4. FAST. EXPERT TYP1RS processor with two Mocks from 5634503. letter-quaHt- U. and adrttng on a word y printer. Only of U. CaH Cynthia at W4 TYPE JW9RI PROCESS) your thesis, rU papers, reports, resumes, etc. Call 2774)749. Reasonable rates. 1130 fast 127 W8SS KSCESSSS. afficient, reasonable Karl, 5834399. 583-132- 3 12yrs. U of 127 Group or Individual. wife SS8.7S Single $29.90 mo; Husband mo; Family $91.90 mo. Maternity included. 1 1115 People over 30 STVSEITS. need extra money? Drive over Auction Block on Tuesdays Salt Lake Auto Auction. 400 Orange St SLC. Utah 04104. On 5th South two bracks west of Redwood Rd. Phone 9734715 Must be 23 or 10 YEARS LEBAL SECRETARIAL EXPERIENCE. 2 O IBM Nocks from "U". word processor Selectric. 5834786, 127 3. W0RB PROCESSIRB and COMPUTER copy service. Resumes, cover letters, term papers etc. Call The Fast Word, Lynn fe7 4S070P6. EXCEPTIONAL TYPII8 0UAUTY. We train. $4 hr. to start plus Salt Lakes finest office accommodations. 2 shifts. 102 and 5 Apply in person. 3700 So. Highland Dr. Suite SCO. ADTEL 11AS KEEK I in microbiology lab for washing glassware, media preparation. LAS JUI 20 hwk. Previous experience preferred, not necessary. Possibly on work or study. CaN Luciano at wave massage. . .. 117 450-463- n, 4. I 581-3S- RATteSAL FCR has many full part time positions available in management and sales. CaH 2SS0S9. 117 CARP03L FRta ASEA TB V. Mrning classes only. CaR Julie at 8254841 Leave name and number. , 119 -- . AITIST T9 TEACI ettorty peoph) to paint. For mora info, caH 9044047; 110 534-793- 1. 0:00-5:0- 1121 OVERSEAS JOBS. Summer, yr. round. Europe. S. Amer., AustraHs. Asia. All fields. $000-200- 0 mo. Sightseeing, Free info. Write -4 IJC, PO Bx Corona Oel Mar. CA 02025. 127 MRTRER'S HELPER NEEIEI for busv household in Connecticut 1 hr. from N.Y.C. Drivers lie. necessary. Position starts mid Dec Own room, weekends free. CaN collect 1116 evenings (203) 226-381- 5. WANT 127 24 immediate openings. National advertising Arm needs phone reps for market research, surveys and advertising campaigns. No experience necessary. TELECARXETINO. tl WANTED BABYSITTER SURARNSUSE. Three wk. Need car. S4hr. Call Jane afternoons 119 495-276- ear is Zsnm TUTNSCRSBE WANTEB for disabled student for EE 330 and 351. $4 per hr. 10 hrs. per wk. Call 501-50or 562-517-4. Wt unal General labor. Flexible hours. Paid weekly. Car. phone necessary. CaH Greg at 119 ANPBWEB IS NIRIRI. 304-056- 1. MCSEL WAITER for artist I need interesting people to model for drawings 9 paintings. 119 582-147- 2. IBM Elec- WORD PROCESSIRB. thesis, 943-584- 4. 13 117 QUALITY TYPIR0W0RR PROCESSUS. Convenient location, fast service and reasonable rates. Call Mei, 1119 Get the ones you need to make better grades infitersture. 7. Sugarhouse. own bedroom, bath, living room. Laundry, yard garage. $20 includes utilities. Carol at 3. 116 Available at: im 466-316- 5. 4tt$fl ROOMMATE NEE0E0 ASAP. Nice 3 bedroom, inexpensive house in Avenues 8. area. Call 119 FEMALE oil. pastel or drawing. Reasonable rates. Satisfaction 119 guaranteed. Call Jerry PORTRAITS W CSaPUTERUEB Work around your schedule. For additional information call collect (303) 487-306- 8. 7-- 9. S. PIS0R. Please call Frank W. Thesis, reports, Susan 1127 MF. modern townhouse at Foothill Place, $225 healthy apt. 117 atmosphere. John SKI SWAP, 8 I Selection Service needs a campus representative. Earning potential great term papers, resumes, etc. Call Secretarial 1114 Systems 359-724- 3. EMI0RATI0H CANYON HOME $175 plus utilities. Fresh air, 10 min. from U. 582-668- 7. 089308, 497-15- TYPHI. Expart typingword processing. Reports, papora, resumes, theses, dissertations. 211 East 300 So., PROFESSIONAL liberal, clean, 532-335- 7. 1116 TYPISTS. resumes, pickup delivery available. . Kathy 272533. TYPIBfi. Wang word processing. merge. Pickup. $1.00 double. $2.00 HEALTH RSVIARCE: AZTEC 1 tronic; theses, dissertations, reports, transcription; work guaranteed: paper 1112 supplied. Carol 9694610. share house in Capitol Hill area. Rent $80. CaH 1V6 SLEI6NT-0F-NAN- experienced secretary. Resumes. 889O041. CKLR CARE MY RSSE. Walking distance of U of U. Girl 3 and up. Phone 582-310-9. 118 TYPO i CEALS. CSSX WANTEB. will tram, 119 p.m. 3640050 EARI EXTRA ICOIEV. The Law School FREE APT. 041-030- TYPtlt reasonable rates, 482-009- 7 charming Harvard, Yale area home with young lady. No smoking. 3 minutes from U of U. feOOmo. plus utilities. Write: Sue Ann FA. 369 E 900 So.. SLC, UT 84111. 116 Internship gives valuable 1130 EXPERT 118 262-081- prompt professional papers, resumes, statistical, legal word 127 processingtyping. Robyn JOHN'S WIRI PROCESSUS. Several type styles, letter quality, boldface etc anytime. Super fast service. 115 272-767- 9. qualify to be a Travel Agent career opportunities. ' 5 RUSH JOB SPECIALIST, 364-012- in 8 weeks. Exciting 583-237- 483-408- 6. fireplace, washerdryer, smoking & drinking allowed, $219 (includes electricity) call James at 115 HOUSE NBILABAY. $175 utilities. 115 evenings. FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTEB to share 563-950- BAIL In Video 484-940- Maxine 127 MF. oreat house, 3rd So. and 10th East, PERM SPECIAL, Reg. $40. now $28. Includes cut. Long hair mora. On Wed., Fri. & Sat. only. Ask for Ann. Haircuts $9. 13th Street Hair Co., 1674 E. 1300 $0. 115 PAINTED in 582-147- 2. Prepare for: January 26 - - - littffctollU TAKE OFF tlt (it,1HlMi WITH - 7 Class begins: November 10 CIJ UnivwrrityBoolcstDiw fit Hius 1 ihoooon MATT Third row. center section (SEC Nov. 15th) Call Sam 272-020- 4. 118 linear tracking turntable with 477-822- PROFESSIONAL TYP1N9. 9Mpg. U typing experience. Jan 272-596- 4. ROOMMATES 534-783- 1. BAN F06FLRER6 TICKETS. TECHNICS, catalog-15.- 278 465-397- NEALTN INSURANCE: FISN SPECIAU Complete deluxe 10 gallon aquarium $47.99. Aquatic plants, books, Marine Fishes. Salt Lake Aquarium, 4689 South 2300 East, 117 309-pa- ge topics! Rush 92.00. Research. 11322 Idaho, f2CSM8. Los Angeles 90025. (213) 3 Experienced, rates. Marsha 127 322-535- 9 322-491- 467-964- 9. PAPERSI RESEARCH A for the holidays via video Christmas cards. Your own creation or our cards starring you. Bashf ulness is no obstacle. We cater to the camera shy. Order before Nov. 23 for 10 second sctectlc hand clothing and household items, great for student budgets. 118 OFFERS LOWEST PRICES on players: $295 to $345 with coupon worth $50 in compact discs. at SENS YOURSELF ROSE 466 East South Temple DISCRIMINATOR Magnavox CD Election Party D.W.'s. I'm Mad As Hell. Vote Harwood, Florida's kind of governor. 115 PERSONAL FUN 9ATIN8I Now 19TH COAUTfON, TYPHI REASSNA9LE RATEt Sugarhouse Park location. CaR 9a.m. to 9 p.m. 967-254- 0, 272-012- 487-151- 2. FOR SALE 119 at AU8UST 534-079- 4. NEW BASEMENT APARTMENT, lots of storage. $250 includes utilities, 2297 East 1700 South. 583-510- 3 119 appointment SERVICES 2-- Mon.-S- 364-904- condo. near Trolley square. Two bedroom, one bath, south view, security, storage, sauna, pool, heat furnished. Available now. 10th. $500 month. 115 11 ZK280). 1121 593-744- 5. PROFESSIONAL 322-467- size 335 (medium shall). Mark, evenings TVPfel ACS VSSI PROCESS, experienced. close to "IT. reason, rates, call Karren 1129 SPANISH, emphasis on speaking. Eight students par 117 class. Call FBB SALE. NEW S9L9SAN SXI BSBTS, $170. SECURE. INSIDE. SELF ST0RA6E unitt near U. your lock, your key 96 and up. Special student rates 5334900. 117 at College 115 117. 269-98B- student. 415 University St apt 6. You'd have to live on campus to be any closer. $125 per month 13 utilities $75 110 dep. Contact Mrs. Wood 2954071 twelve two hour classes ideal for south of the border travelers or basic grammar review INTENSIVE C0SAR9 SNERPA MT. SME. 19 frame. $400. 592-572- 3. must to serious Bowl, now I would like to meet you. Information at 245 University Union or call ft. 2 or 3 bedrooms. 149 sq. 117 409-367- 9. IK SERIATE 0PEKS1 male roommate, 119 tfBys ut. near U. $100 university but wifl consider other arrangements. Inquiries please ca (504) Northfaca men's mad. Gortex Jacket $95. FOR (lEHT r, 643-427- 4. Bctt jflkV WAITER. Liberal, serious student. Nice house FEMALE R99MMATE us Fully fenced. Assume Utah Housing loan. 6. $39.900. Hal 119 Call on one year graduate study seeks lodging beginning January. 1995. Prefer location near I ANB B0WNTBWN. U starter home. CEOARS ASA ENIPLOYEE WATER9E9. complete $129. Bookcase style $179. mirrored bookcase $199. Actionwood 125 Mfg.. 261-286- 3 No Commuting Hassles UNION MOVIES Breaking ritHltiiiU'eil. 3 mo. old, $125. Weight bench, 11 9 great shape only $25. Call A NATIONWIDE NETWORK OF ELECTRONIC MINTSHOPS Away D0URLE RED, 486-917-6. Dad Drivers Wanted Paying too much for.auto insurance? Reasonable rates for persons with 3 or more tickets. Call Quote. 943-71- 31 7 r.. N turner 363-444- 4 . hou o. sin casii TEST PREPARATION SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 tiW t i: ;si;i 'in Iiim. Thurs. & Sun. 7:30 p.m. Fri. & SaL 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. 118, 119, 1110, 1111 $1.50 Union Theatre 230 So. Main 533-944-4 1320 E. 503-340-0 200 SO. |