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Show tfEAR RIvxiR VALLEY LEADER. Examination for Postmaster. An examination u till racsncj tilt filthe of Siiiw ille. Utah, ill tiiiH-I- will at the pogtofftec in Sat in lay. Max J.'ird. The office is in the ami the postmaster the civil service Roll of Honor The following bava been enrolled as subscribers t The Leader since our last issue : .1. C. Whitlock. Trenton. S. C. w Smith. Pearl, PL; Bins 8. Pell and Axel Nelson. Ticinon ton !lj de lepbarl Howell, tab Jos. II. Karl. Holorook, Idaho; scar Nelson, island. Idaho lit fl bold he thi citj u : i I fourth euua, comes under Persons desiring farther particulars should eonsnil Postmaster Binkele .1 ( ( i I I . W. Dr. J handlers, ( The advertisements are Interesting and Profitable Readiny ffeterin-a- r surgeon of (iarland, was in Wednseday, ami puid The Leader a pleasant call, wishing to keep iii touch with the people of the Bear River Valley, and Boi Elder count) In- irdered the publication of bis professional which see sanouBcement, THE town . - lr o. Scott " MEMJV SEEOER, Manger We WHOLESALE BUYING OF ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE, VEAL, CHICKENS, TURKEYS, DUCKS, ETC. Highest Write ci' Cash j)huU(.' - m Prices special at Paid All kind. Phone No. i Phone Blacksmith and Wagon Shop Mechanics 'Always at Your Service" 19-- O- BURGE Horses Shod by the most Skilled KENDALL a tah. I Tremonton, 2 ROBERT Times us and our wagon will come direct to your home. C. R. j imi-tatio- take interest in adjusting Pleasant settlements. By rnaiOII of our connections wiih prominent attorneys we aie in a position to handle legal matters of every ) I COLLECTION disputed claims. sold left PRODUCE AND i Daring 'he weei Heorj Seeg Player Piano Recital. to (Jeorjfe Steed a strip l Monday The Glen Bros. Roberts Pkno for Provo and Spanish Fork on property at the rear of the latter I Co. of Ogden will give a Player li and returned bome Wed-- property on .Main street, to proin i.e Methodisl ehureh, recital vide needed room for a toadway. sday. i ida evening at 8:30. assisted Mondav a real estate transacTomorrow ( Friday the annual .Mrs. jJep. Carler and Mr I' by .M.i t Festival of the School tion wa. eonsumnated whereby'the E. Ault. who will render a number fof Uie Deaf and Blind wijl he property of the Smarthwaite Grain of vocal solos. accompanied to toe held at Ofden, beginning at 5:30 & Elevator Co., of Ogden, located Flekotone Player. This eoneeU is on Main A OOrdial in the afternoon. iresi of the railroad given tu demonstrate the possibiliwas a'iiiired by the li.- - ties d the Flexotone Player Piqjao extended the pnblic to Street, t attend the exercises and ste domitable Collection agency 6t a new improved player that jjjfcowhat these unfortunate hoys and his city. A small; grain house lutelv overcomes all mechaaical and scales Q& upy the premise.-- . girls can do. Bound, and maker- it possibw to reproduce the artist Dlayingper-teeth- . All Lovers f music are '. INDOMITABLE AGENCY R. i ( BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Special Facilities for Satisfactory Plow Work Courteous treatment Right Prices i - LET BLANK invited to attend. Popular Vote Contest .1914. I hereh HADLtY & BURNS, Proprietors Cars at all times for passenger to all parts of the county. Autos cared lor by the dav. week or month Gasoline Supplies Phone 18 be will Ad. no charge. Summons. In the Justice's Court, in and nominate or surest the name of Address Ibi1 worthy to bebome a candidate in your Popular Voting Contest. present this name with the distinct understanding and agreement that the editor shall not divulge my name. This does not ohligate me in any way whatever. As a 1 Signed There . Address ree Us Wyatt The largest and most complete Retail Market in Northern Utah BUYERS AND DEALERS IN cILL KINDS OF LIVE STOCK We are buyers and shippers of Live Stock of every kind. See us when you have Stock to seil Best Companies Market Prices Always Phone No. 31 Wyatt Building II REAL Paid E Mora s Tremonton, SALE quick. By making this purchase we have eliminated the profits of three middlemen. This will mean a tremendous saving to you. This lot comprises some of the finest Cambric and L. Mi SMITH. Our sporting goods will "make a hit" with you. We have all the proper curves on the kinds you want. But we give you a STRAIGHT DEAL on sporting goods and everything else yov buy at OUR Here is just one of the many values we will offer during this special sale. Swiss Flounces, 27 inches wide, values up to 50c per yard, for 9c per yd. for the others GEPHART BROS. GOLDEN RULE STORE We drug We Serve No Meals Rooms 35, SO and 75 Cents Rates by Week or Month Pay Special Attention (o Everybody stcre. Curtain Scrimf priced from 'JHAS. M. OROVE.S, Practical Horse -- Shoer and General Blacksmith Druggists lompson-Scol- l, We Strive to Do Better Work The Tremonton, OXcJUj Store 5 DENTAL SPECIALIST 12 Years Actual Experience Permanently located in Tremonton. 'ainless operations by my new method, naking the treatment of your teeth a All the latest featnres of 'leasure. dentistry including new Enamel Work, Jnlay Fillings, ahd Crown and Bridge .Vork. Plates that will please you. treatment of Diseased Gums. Prices easonable. Work Guaranteed for 10 ,ears. WOODWARDS 5 Pool Hall H. T. WOODWARD, Manager comfortable place to spend a pleasant hour in entertaining recreation Cfcan and Orderly Conducted Cigars, Tobaccos and Soft Drinks Farm Bargains some cents up to 50 cents a yard. Property, the Utah A. E, Samuelson Painting and Paper Hanging Complete House Painting. Kalscmining and all Work Painting Line Straw Hats For the entire family, for both dress and field wear, some priced as low as 8 cents up to $5 00 f r genuine Panamas Price Reasonable Tinting, the in Rest Work Phone No. 12 Landvatter Bros, ffousc ofQiialjty Buyers of Hay, Grain, Potatoes PHONE PHONF; J 13 (fijv itv acta datitfiY ibluc .yvr-AJMfAV- 5 and All Oilier I ,irm Products Pay highest market prices all the year round Car Load Shippers ri Retailers of Above Products ., purl of city Phone No. 701. faM Dellverj to Read The Leader for the neti m in THOMAS LYNCH Tremonton, on bargain table. Some of them reduced to a small fraction of their original cost, y Come early and get first choice. foravrr dAjr fine Town irosperous town of Tremonton, Utah. Will direct you to owners of any oroperty in town or country. You Deal Direct With Owner For further information call at Ti e Leader office. 1 Straw Hats Utah OR. C. O. SCOTT We give you what you ASK for Wash Dress Goods Bargains The Proprietor Chris Beck Also Inspect the Manager Tremonton Hotel We have made special preparations to care for your House Cleaning wants. See the Lace Curtains on Bargain Table at just half their value. Others in regular stock from 60 cents up to $5.00 th pair. Swiss sets made, consisting of tions, edges and allovers to match. See our Windows s 4 in demand at this time. Inser- 1 Thoroughly Modern Throughout Rooms 50c to $1.00 per day The best Cafe in Northern Utah in connection. Stricltly Euioiean plan You will no doubt want Lace Curtains, Curtain Scrims, a new Bed Spread, and perhaps other articles We have just purchased over 300 pieces of Embroidery from a mill agent who needed the cash so badly that he took a 37 per cent loss in order to clean up LHa The Shield Hotel HOUSE CLEANING TIME s Lowest Rates McCLURE & WILCOX 1 Highest Fi e Life, and Tornado. Von Bros. Meat Co. For Insurance Either Health, Accident, for Manila Precinct, Box Elder County) Connh of Utah before W. B. Hartley Justice of the Peace. '. Harris1 Tfaomas Waldron, B, 1). and J. Hants, doing business under the firm name f Waldron & Harris Brothers, Plain! iff, ... Leroy Ellis ai d Emma Ellis, Defendant. The St de oi Utah to the Defenx-ant- : are hereby summoned lo appear before the above entitltd court writhin ten days after the service of this summons upon you, if served within the county in which this action is brought, otherwise, within twenty days after this service, and defend the above entitled action brought against you to recover the sum of $59.50 for goods, wares and merchandise delivered and sold by the plaintiffs to the dependents at their sjMuual instance and request and as more fully appears in the complaint on iile in my office to which you are referred, and in case of your failure to do so, judgment will e rendered against vim according to the demand of the complaint. Given under my hand this loth day of May. A 1. 1!)14. W E. BADLEY, Justice of the Peace. HAUL YOU" tAuto Garage - NOMINATING J HADLEY j ! - |