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Show Thursday, December 30. THE LEADER. Tremonton. Utah IS 54 FIKLDINf; H A IB SERVING THE Kv ID IE IB RIVER 'BEAR TRAVEL TO CALIFORNIA FOR LONG VISIT. TO SEE GRID CLASSIC VALLEY Published by the LEADER PUBLISHING COMPANY, Inc. on Thursday afternoon, for Friday Distribution RATES SUBSCRIPTION (in advance) -- 43.00 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hess of per year Entered at the post office at Trenonton, Utah as Second Claa matter, October 15. 1925 under act of March 3, 1879. A. N. RATTING, Editor-Publishe- r LoomriG HOEID . BUCAflOM HtnONM MOOMM Truth Letters " Charles M. White, president of Republic Steel, a great American and a sound thinker, has just returned from a business trip to Europe, visiting England, Scotland, France, Italy and Spain. lie encountered an attitude, a state of mind, a public opinion throughout Europe based on propaganda falsehoods detrimental to our nation. Wrote Open Letter He wrote the following open letter to Republic's 40,000 em and I wish to submit ployees it to America's 160,000,000 citizens with a recommendation for action. "In each country," wrote Mr. White to his employees, "I talked to a great many people. I was particularly interested in two things the feeling of Europeans toward the United States and the strength of Communism in Western Europe. V ' . The response which I received to my inquiry on both subjects disturbed me a great deal. I found that in spite of all this country has done to help the nations of Western Europe we &ave few friends abroad , , False Conception "Much to my amazement our great and humanitarian country Is largely looked upon as the country most likely to upset peace in the world. In other words, the Communists have done their work so well in these countries that we are tagged as warmongers because we enjoy our freedom so much that we are willing to fight for others to have it. Communist Hold On my second point of inquiry I was tremendously disturbed to see the hold which Communism hal in some of the countries I visited. The Communists say that our government is ruled by Wall Street, that starvation and poverty are the usual thing. There was nothing too bad for the Communists to say. And they repeated these lies often enough that people belived them. "I have been giving a lot of thought to this matter and I have an idea which, with your help, can be carried out. I know that many Republic employees either were born abroad or have relatives and friends abroad. So I would like to suggest this program: Write The Truth "That you and every Republic employee. . . write a long letter telling about your life here, your job; your home; the schools your children attend; your churches; the kind of food you eat; the kind of newspapers and magazines you read; the movies and television you see and radio to which you listen. Tell about your freedoms your freedom to travel, to attend the church of your choice, to criticize the government, to vote by secret ballot. -- TV and RADIO SERVICE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS AT I8V2 South First West TREMONTON WE SERVICE ALL MAKES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Electronic Ser vice Phone 5186 Florence Munson San Francisco were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. Hess parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Anderson and family of Snowville, Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Wood and family of Brigham, Mr. and Mrs. Lemoine Hess and family of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Evan Hess and family of Plymouth and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Godfrey and family, Tuesday morning Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess accomptnied Lewis and wife to California where they plan to attend the Rose Bowl game at Pasadena, visit with Mrs. Hazel West at San Carlos and spend several weeks with Lewis and wife at San Francisco and also with their son, Frank and family at Elsubrante and their daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kuhn at San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Justensen of Salt Lake City were Christmas Eve guests at the Ralph Grover home. In Salt Lake City Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cannon are spending an indefinite period with their daughtt-- and Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Krausct family at Salt Lake. son-in-la- r son-in-la- "But most important, tell them that there is no secret to our standard of living. It rests firmly on the fact that we produce nv .re and more. This means more and more jobs and more and more people able to buy things they make. Facts Good Enough "We know that everything isn't perfect in this country but I think we also know that we're a great deal better off than most other people in the world. From what I have seen, even our poorest people live better than many of the skilled work ers in other countries. Don't boast but just talk in your letters as you might talk if you were meeting your friends face ' to face. "If you will write such a letter, Republic wants to help too. Take that letter to your employ ment manager. He will affix stamp supplied by Republic and will see that it is delivered to the post office for you. I think working together in this way Republic and Republic employees can do a great deal to bring truth to other lands and toward insuring peace on earth. Let's have thousands of letters from Republic employees mailed to other countries during the next month. Will you help?" All Can Help couldn't Americans Why everywhere who have contacts in Europe pick up the challenge to do something effective for their nation in the realm of foreign relations! In nearly every community there are people with personal friends or relatives in Europo, and if reminded of the good they could do, they would be glad to write "Truth Letters" such as Mr. White suggests. Let's find them and remind them of thb opportunity to help America Dinner guests at the E. C. Mason home on Christmas were Mrs. J. L. Overmyer and Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Sharkey and son, Jejse, of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jackman and family of Midvale, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Voorhies and family of Clearfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Thomas and fam.ly of Soda Springs. Tuesday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gam were Mr. and Mrs. Slacey Gam and family of Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Ell wood Hess were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hess at Ogden Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anger and family spent Monday vi.vt-inwith Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Allred and family at Brigham. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Burns spent Friday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Arch Hall ind family and Mrs. Louise Priest at Ogden. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Coombs were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Harris and family . and Miss Faye Coombs of Ogden. g Home For Holidays Lt. and Mrs. Nish Zundel of Great Falls, Montana spent the Christmas holidays with heir parent1, Bishop and Mrs. Roel Zundel and family. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Burton and daughters spent Christmas Eve with Mrs. Burt n's parent 1, Mr. and Mrs. John bjoblom at Farmington. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farnsworth enjoyed Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Theron F irnsvorth and family at Brigham. David Christensen of Spiing-vill- e visited with his sister. Mrs. E!ma Petersen and family ihe forepart of the weeir. Weekend guests at the home of Bishop and Mrs. Rosol Zun del were Mrs. S. id Zundel of Salt Lake City, Mr and Mrs. Horton Nish of Rher Heights and Bob Zundel of T.oan. Sunday dinner guests at the A. W. Burns horn were Mr. and Mrs. Odell Bur.n and family and Mr. and Mrs Hardy Christensen and family of Bountiful, Mi. and Mrs. Dave Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burns and family of Gari me. Mrs. Carmen Richardson and son, Brent, of feait Lake City and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Gardner ond family of Uritvuii were callers at the Leo Farnsworth home during the weekend. Mr. and Mr:-!- . Wynn Zundel spent Friday in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess spent Monday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Suttlemyer and family at Ogden and with Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Wood and family at Brigham City. David and Jay Dee Thompson of Clarkston visited with Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hess Tuesday. Travel to Northwest Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Garn ic companied by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Nye and small son, Wesley of Garland left Thursday morning for Moses Lake, WqsVr.'lon to spend the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Burnett and family. Mr. and Mrs. JacK Cam and family of Seattle, Washington will join with thern for the holidays at the Burnett home. Mrs. Edith Udyh-l- d a party at her home following Mutifal Tuesday evening ibr all the V. W.M.I. A. officers and teachers. A lovely luncheon was served. Crowd on the pounds and at low cost piSfpf r'imr'as " We aren't talking VETl we're not allowed to. But we we have can tell you this much some new products and within a few days you'll be asking us all about them. Announcement Day is just around the comer. Can't talk yet . . . Fact is, ... Buf we will be on GOJTY FADH 'SUIKCE PHONE 5321 CROSSROADS . . . with HOG CHOW and grain feeders Thousands of Purina Program hog report hogs ready for market when only months old. When hoats weigh 5 lbs., they'are fed Hog Chow and grain to market weight. And it takes only 5 bu. of corn nd 45 lbs. of Hog Chow to put on 100 lbs. of gain! SAVI TOUR GRAIN, get more for it by walking grain to market as pork. Lots of your neighbors feed Hog frOWA.We iovi,e ou to sk them h4t they think of Hog Chow results. COM! SEI US. Let us tell you more about Purina' proved plan for feeding hogs. Make it soon! 100-12- BEAR RVER FARM SUPPLY Phone TREMONTON 3 non odd on Garland n o o n n o n o and dinner at the home of her father, Radcliffe Henrie. The was brought family about by the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Tomsk of Helper who are visiting at the Henrie home. Others present included Mr. M.d Mrs. Paul Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Weston Henrie of Logan, and Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Henrie and their families. PENROSE Mrs. Leonard Peterson get-to-geth- er MANY CHRISTMAS VISITORS IN PENROSE Smith were Salt Lake City visitors Saturday. Sunday they had as dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Marcell Palmer and family of Students Heme Salt Lake City. The Palmers Miss Joan Jensen, daughter of also visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orsen Jensen arMr. and Mrs. Engvar Petersen rived home from the BYU at and her brothers Preston and Provo and is spending the holiWilliam Peterson and their famwith her parents. The Jendays ilies. sen home was made happy by Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hall and the presence of Mrs. Jane fam.ly enjoyed a family reunion (Grandma) Jensen of Brigham. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mr. and Mrs. Owtn Hess and son Owen Jr. spent Christmas Day with their daughter and con Mr. and Mr?. Cloyd Pruitt and family at Ogdtn. Dale Jones of Salt Lake City is spending the holidays with hi3 parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Jones and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holt were visiting with relatives at Ogden Tuesday: Mr. and Mrs. David Scott spent Christmas with Mr.. Scctt s Mr. and Mrs. Don parents, Thompson at Clarkston. Miss Pheobe Wetii ij of Salt Lake City spent Christma.t with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Dsr v 1 Godfrey and family spent Christ. rras ih Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Godfrey at Clarkston. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Garn were Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Rothaar and son, Bruce, of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Packer spent the weekend with their children, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Asplund and family and Mi and Mrs. Thayne Packer and family at Logan. Mrs. Cooper Haffield of Salt Lake City spent Monday visiting with Mr. and airs. Dan Garn. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Mason and family spent the forepart of the week with relatives at Midvale, Clearfield and Ogden. in-la- Ray- Lit-tie- STOP SMOKING Christmas Party The family of Mr. and Mrs.. Engvar Petersen including Mr. and Mrs. Margell Palmer and family of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Petersen Scientists proved in clinical tests that with Bantron 4 out of 5 people can stop smoking in 5 days. This formula developed by a leading American it University is safe, forming, pleasant to take. You must stop amok- first box with the very (only $1.00) ing or money back. Ask for Bantron amok-tablets. deterrent ing non-hab- CITY DRUG, Tremonton DANCING LESSONS - f, ACROBATIC BALLET TAP Classes To Begin January 7 and 8 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Grover Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Anderson and family of Bothwell, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sutherland and family of Pocatello, Mrs. Darwin Brough and family of Tremon-toMr. and Mrs. Lcm Grover and family and Mr. and Mrs. Claine Grover and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Hess and Karl Hess enjoyed a lovely Christmas Eve dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hess and family at Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Jensen of Ogden visited at the Ernest Anger home on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Asael Godfrey and daughter, Susan of Ogden visited with Mrs. Eliza Godfrey Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Thompson of Clarkston and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grill of Ogden were Christmas guests at the John Owen home. California Visitors Mr. and Mrs. O Dean Jensen and daughter, Debra, of Bur-banCalif., spent the Christmas holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jensen and other relatives in the valley. They left Tuesday to return to grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. mond E. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller were in Salt Lake City for Christmas at the home of their daughter (Merle) and family Mr. and Mrs. Lee Eskelson. Bishop and Mrs. Orsen Jensen and family enjoyed a visit to Promontory Tuesday evening for the annual Christmas party. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Petersen and family and Mrs. William (Beth) Petersen and children Leon Miller, also a BYU stud- spent Sunday aand Monday visent is spending his vacation with iting with their parents, Mr. and his father, J. Wilford Miller. Mrs. Joseph W. Steed at VirginMyrna Petersen, daughter of ia, Ida., and a sister, Mrs. DeMr. and Mrs. L. M. Petersen and vere Stardard of Downey. a student at Henegars in Salt Present Play Lake City visited with her sister-in-laThe M.I.A. presented a three-ac- t Mrs. Fred W. Petersen play Tuesday and Wednesat the Dewey Spendlove home day evenings. The cast included in Brigham Wednesday after- Albert Smith, Ella Holt, Jesse noon before coming home for Peterson, Harold Egley, Marlene Christmas vacatron. Chloan Egley, Summers, Delia .. Mrs. Jack Leak and son Dee Gwen Silvester and James visited in Brigham Monday. Returning home with them to visit Thursday evening the children this week were Curtis and Cher-yl- e enjoyed a visit from Santa folPetersen, children of Mr. lowing a very entertaining proand Mrs. Len Petersen of Brig- gram. Each received a gift in ham City. addition to nuts and candy. Mr. and Mrs. George Hewitt Darrel Stokes returned Monand family of Clearfield and day to Fort Ord after spending Miss Verlene Nelson of Salt Christmas at home. Lake City arrived here Friday to spend Christmas with their will help you mother, Mrs. Josephine Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Devere Nelson and family arrived from Nyssa, Ore., Sunday. Family Dinner entertained at a family dinner at their home Sunday. Guests were Dean Grover and family of Kaysville, Mr. and Mrs. Verl Grover and Mr. and Mrs. Spence Ahlmer and families of Ogden, and family and Mr. and Mrs. William Petersen and family, enjoyed a Christmas party at the Penrose Recreation Hall on Monday. Miss Marlene Egley is visiting this week in Ogden with her REGISTER NOW Grace Or me Call Brigham City. R.F.D. n, k. their home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hess of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McFarland and daughter of Arimo, Idaho, visited at the Ellwood Hess home Christmas Day. Mrs. Elma Petersen entertained at a family dinner at her home Sunday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sorenson and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Allen and their families of Garland, Mr. and Mrs. Ferris McFarland and daughter, Judy, of Riverside, Norman Petersen of Salt Lake City and Milton Bywater of Bear River City. Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Zundel and family spent Christmas with Mrs. Zundcls parents. Mr. and Mrs. Doyc Cutler and family at Snowville. Miss Nancy Garn of Ogden spent the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gam and family. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Godfrey and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Gorfrcys mother, Mrs. Carrie Jessop and family at 5c Sale 5c Sale PRE-INVENTO- RY Clearance Ijorl DRESS SALE dress at regular price and 2d a second one for 5 cents. Buy 1 ALL FALL AND WINTER DRESSES INCLUDED OTHER REDUCTIONS SWEATERS SKIRTS BLOUSES PAJAMAS GOWNS ROBES HOUSECOATS JERSEYS 30 20 20 20 20 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 20 20 OFF OFF Vs OFF COSTUME JEWELRY Also see the large assortment of Vicky Vaughn's New Spring Dresses Just arrived. The June ia January Jubilee at SJ93 The Classic Shop Phone 3141 5c Sale Tremonton 5c Sale 1 I j i i ' |