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Show LEADER. T h (1 Social Events F.SC.ACFMEST AWOVSCF.n A delightful Bridge Thursday, April 300th Broadcast LADIES ENTERTAINED AT COUNTRY CLUB Club News an Tremonton. Utah Seven cars collided in a blind- ing dust storm south of Bear River City Sunday afternoon, hospitalizing three persons. The crash occured near the Malad River Bridge on U. S. Highway 30S. f All the autos involved were J ' t j . - V r IS n v i t - A v VARIETY CLUB MEETS IN GARLAND The members of the Variety Club were entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Barbara Valentine in Gaarland. The guests spent the afternoon playing Monte Carlo Whist with prizes going to Lila Miller and Marlene Archibald. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess GIVES FAMILY PARTY Wjcj f Participating in "the 300th WCTU broadcast over KHUH Sunday were, front: Trixie Hjorn, Mrs. Axel Frederickson, and Moana Korth. Standing: John P. Darrell Smith and Mel Richardson. Another speaker. Judge Lewis Jones, is absent from picture. The program was commended for its encouragement of activity and for its crusade for temperance. Lily-whit- Jaycees Urge Wallace Christcnsen en tertained at a family party at her home Friday night. Twenty three guests were present for the occasion. Games and a pro gram were enjoyed, with Jean Stokes and her daughter Marlee giving some musical numbers, and Jean and her sister Zola Mae Barfuss singing duet numA new significance will be bers. Refreshments were served by given to the Communist holithe hostess. day, May Day, when the Junior Chamber of Commerce leads the observance of a day of special prayer for world peace on Saturday, May 1. "On May Day the members of the Jaycee organization will The first commencement pro- pray that God bring together gram of Intermountain School in spirit the Communist leaders at Brigham City will be held and the leaders of our nation next Tuesday evening in the so they may conschool's auditorium, beginning duct a zealous search for lasting at 8 p.mpeace," explains John Laws, Twenty four students will be local Jaycee president. graduated in the first class to All citizens of the community complete the school program. are asked to join the Jaycees Next year's graduating class has by individually offering their been estimated at 200 students. prayers for this goal on SaturAll graduates have been plac- day, May 1. ed in permanent jobs, and will Official support of the profollow-u- p receive occasional gram has been given by Mayor services by the school staff, Jesse Day to Superintendent according A. George Boyce. Main speaker at the program will be Mrs. Hildegard Thompson, Chief of the Education Mrs. . Prayer on Red Holidc MYRL NEWMAN WEDDING DATE SET LITERARY CLUB FETED FOR MYRL NEWMAN Fifteen members of the AND GRANT NISH Iiitermoimtain Sets Graduation Rites Literary Club met Wednesday evening in Mr. and Mrs. Jack Newman Bothwell at the home of Mrs. of Thatcher announce the en Leona Anderson, who was hostgagement and forthcoming wed ess. ding of their daughter, Myrl, Mrs. Belle Wood gave an into Grant W. Nish, son of Mr. teresting review of "Life Among and Mrs. Frank M. Nish of the Savages," by Shirley JackLogan. son. Mrs. Anderson served a The wedding is set for Friday, delicious tray luncheon. May 7 in the Logan L.DS. Temple. A reception honoring the PIOC CLUB HOLDS will follow that newlyweds in Thatcher Gym, SAFETY PROGRAM the evening 11:30 from 8:30 to p.m. c The Club met The bride is a graduate of with Rachel Probst asThursday hostess. the Bear River high school and After a short devotional and is now employed at the First business meeting, the evening Security Bank in Tremonton. and was spent in discussion The groom is a graduate of tests Oraellen regarding safety. Logan high school and has com Redfield was in charge of the U.S.A.C. two at the years pleted program. He is now employed at the Hill At the close of the meeting, Branch of the Indian Bureau Air Force Base. Mrs. Probst served refreshments from Washington, D. C. to twelve members. Officials of the Navajo reservation and the area office are expected to attend. The public is invited. hand-in-han- d e, Two Men Fill Draft Quota Two Box Elder men filled the April' selective service call and were inducted into the Army at Fort Douglas last Thursday. The inductees are John Kelson Jones, son of Mrs Gene B. Jones of Brigham City; and Frank Deverel Gardner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elden Gardner, of El wood. The next call is set for May 19, when two more Box Elder County Men will be called, announced Marilla L. Spencer, clerk. Students Elect : Choir Schedules New Concert Dates Joan Nelson Gets New Mission Post Engagements have been made far two appearances of the Bear Joan Nelson, serving as a River A Cappella Choir next missionary in Alexandria, La., week, according to Gene Jorgen-so- has been transferred to serve as director. Mission Recorder in Houston, The singers will present a Texas, it was learned here this program Sunday evening in the week. Garland Tabernacle during the She had iust returned from a evening session of the Bear missionary conference in Tur. River Stake Quarterly Conferkey Creek, La-- when she receivence, which will be an M.I.A. ed her new assignment. Music Festival. Joan will replace Sister Lou-ell- a Another appearance is planwho will serve as ned Tuesday night, May 4, in her Baker, companion for a short time. the Brigham City Second Ward She writes to express thanks for an M.IA. meeting. for receiving The Leader, which she called "bigger and better VERNA HAYES than ever." n, , LEAVES FOR ENGLAND Miss Verna Hayes left Salt ENJOY CALIFORNIA Lake City Tuesday by train for New .York City. She plans to TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gephart sail aboard the United States on April 30 fori England where returned home Friday, after she will spend the summer with visiting friends and relatives in California for the past month. relatives. Verna is a daughter of Mr. Most of the time they were in1 and Mrs. Horace Hayes of Tre- Los Angeles with their son monton. She has been attending Burke and his family, ant with Henager's Business College dur- Mr. Gephart's sister, Mrs. Elmer Niemoeller. ing the winter months. While on the coast, they went In England, she will visit with Rickard Elsie Miss to San Diego and visited with her aunt, and her grand mother, at Wigan. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Goddard and family. Mrs. Goddard is the Lancashire. former Emma Lou Stander They also visited with M r and ACCORDION RECITAL Mrs. J D. Larkm and their new SLAfED babv in San Diego. Mrs. Larkin Mrs. Prudence (Penny) Reed-e- r was formerly Sally Kirkham of announced an accordion recit- this City. to be presented by her pupils al Sunday afternoon at 3 p.m. at the Brigham Seventh ward hall. RECOVERING FROM The church is located at 5th OPERATION North and 1st West Streets. Miss Mary E. Burns returned The famous accordion player. home last weekend from Ogden, will of Sam Pezzotane Ogden, she had a major operat where be the guest artist of the proShe is reported to be recovion. gram. Valley students who are listed ering satisfactorily. on the program are LaRee Kot-teTommy Rose, Arnold Eber-har- CARD OF THANKS Pamela Anderson and The family of Bert Gibson Sandra Austin. acknowledge with sincere gratitude the many acts of kindness MAY TIME shown us upon the loss of our beloved husband and father. DANCE ANNOUNCED V ri Deep appreciation is exprotd The Tremonton Second to those who helped in th? fun. Ti.no a announces M.IA. May . Pali for ih four Tremonton eral services, to the Bism-piicw.ids to be held Saturday Reiki Society, speakers, Clmusicrtr right in the 5rcond wari haU ians, and for the lovely at 8:30. This is the last dance and to the many who aided us, A special floor show has been we 2fain say thanks The Hert Gibson Family, Tinned for hc four wards. r, d, Wheat, Beet Days Slated in Garland August 13-1- 4 Wheat and Beet Days for at Garland will be held Friday and Saturday, 1954 August 13 and 14 announced Charles J. Wood, cele- Summer Work bration uVeeded for Navajo Girls Approximately 35 to 40 Nav a jo girls at Intermountain School are available for summer jobs. These girls are all 16 years or above in age and have been in school here for at least three years They all have parental oer mission to remain here for this summer, if jobs can be found for them. Otherwise, they will return to their homes on May general chairman this week. The dates were approved at a meeting attended by representatives of all civic organizations. At the same meeting appointments were made for another session to organize committees, to be hejd Friday, April 30, at 7:30 o'clock. All club heads and offic. ers and representatives of wards and auxiliaries are asked to attend this meeting, in order to get detailed plans ready for the annual festival. 9. For home service, 25 girls have been placed for the sum mer at $8.50 to $12.50 per week, plus room and board. Girls with previous employment experience have been placed at $12.50 to $15.00 per week, plus room and board. Any prospective emDlover should contact Miss Elizabeth Oliver at Intermountain School. Post Office Box 345, Brigham City. SECOND WARD SETS MUSIC FESTIVAL day distribution. !) (m Entered at the port office at Tremonton, Utah aa Second Class matter October 15, 1928 under act of March. 3, 1879. A, N. RTTTINO er EDITORIAL ASoc5T4-- President Walter C. Dean outlined briefly the progress made during 1953 and the financial condition of the bank after 37 years of operation. Dean added that the bank's net worth is now more than $22 million and the $5 million in capital stock is owned in its entirety by the national farm loan association, which in turn are owned by the farmers and ranchers who use the facilities this long-ter- In final studentbody elections Thursday, Garth Josephson was voted studentbody president with Karen Smith as vice pres-Heand Holly Oben as n se.-ret-rr- T,.l'r1ed as cluv leaders wr Jolene Conger, Lorna Fuhriman, Joan Lamb, Ma Turly end Vern Wood. Heavy campaigning for candidates on the "Red" and "White" tickets for studentbody officers at Bear River high school was underway early this week in preparation for final voting on Thursday. David Calderwood and Garth Josephson won spots on the final ballot for studentbody president in primary election voting last week. Nominations were made at the beginning of the week, and students cast primary votes on Thursday. Finalists for vice president were Sid Cutler and Karen Smith. Secretary finalists were Holly Olsen and Dick Green. Two members of this year's cheerleader team, Jolene Con. ger and Glenna Richardson, won victories in the primary voting. Other finSlists for the team of five are Jeniel Bennett, Lorna Fuhriman, Joan Lamb, Darlene Brough, Mary Pali, Sherleen Mohr, Vern Wood and Max Turley. A campaign assembly was staged Tuesday in the school's auditorium, as students explained their ambitions and platforms. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Norr greatly enjoyed a visit from their daughter Elaine, who is now Mrs. A. J. Hoshock and her baby girl during the week. The visitors stayed several days in Tremonton. While here, they accompanied the Norrs on a visit to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ariel Jorgensen in Salt Lake City. City. They have , returned , to their home in Denver. -- BUS TRANSPORTATION FOR DANCE FESTIVAL Bus transportation to Salt Lake City for the June Dance festival is being arranged bv those in charge of the dance grqups from this area. Anyone desiring to go by bus is urged to make reservations with the president of his own ward MIA before Sunday, so the necessary bus charter may be completed. Ths cost of the trip to' Salt Lake City and return after the enertainment will be $2.00. TOURS WITH HAWAII CLUB Hollis Neal who is attending the Brigham Young University is now on a tour to Denver and Wyoming in company with the Hawaii Club of the University- Training award certificates from the National Council of thf Boy Scouts of America have been presented to 20 Scouts and Explorer leaders of the Golden Spike District, Scout officials announced today. Receiving the certificates at an outdoor training course held last Saturday at the county fair grounds in Tremonton were: Scout leaders basic; Rex Richards, Bert Reeves, Odeen Buxton, Ted Valentine, Nellie M( and DonllarriS' Explorer leaders basic; Norman Burden, Don C. Hess, Arnold Rhodes, Delose Udy, Reese Kunzler, and E. LaMont Yates. Instructor's certificates; Russell Capener, Paul S. Larsen, Alvin E. Fuller, Willis C. Peterson, Waldo Cook, Melvin Johnson, Carl Olson, William C, Welch. The awards are presented tor the successful completion of seven basic Scout and Explorer leader's experiences as outlined by the National Council and the Lake Bonneville Council of the Boy ScoaU of America. There experiences have been conduced during lt past seven weks under the direction of the Gold en Spike District training committee headed by Chairmaa Frank SUvrns. Some 75 adults and boy leaders of the District attended the final session which was, held last Saturday as a camping county fair. It was a combination of the training overnight, the monthly district roundtable, and the training. Under the direction of DistT. rict Scout Commissioner Frank Coppin and his staff, the camping fair included demonstrations in pioneering, fire building, cooking, axemanship, silent signals, living in camp, .nd lashings. All of the events that will be conducted at the out Campore-- , May 7 tt at Joe's Flat in Willard Basin, w.re oxplained and demonstratpre-campor- ee ed FEED BRINGS OUT FULL -- POSSIBILITIES OF CHICKS By QUENTIN ALLEN You can be assured of success in the poultry business by producing pullets that will be healthy, well developed and vigorous when they are ready to lay. Here's how to do it! with well-bre- d chicks from a reliable source. Then brood them properly,, avoid- on Thursday afternoon for Fri- r Twenty Scoutcrs Receive Awards For Training A quentin Allen Start Published by the NATIONAL But the car following Mr. Oyler couldn't stop in time, and pushed him into the first auto, which left the scene. The Oylers said they felt the jolts as each auto struck the car ahead of it. Drivers were Jerald Edward Anderson, 1107 E. 6th South, Salt Lake City; Verda E. Gibson, 415 So. 9th, Pocatello, Ida.; Dennis William Willmore, 487 E 7th North, Logan; Clarence Bassett. 2248 Jefferson, Ogden, and Barbara Lundsuist , 17, Route 2, Provo Injured were Miss Lundquist and Mr. Bassett and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Bassett were taken to the Valley Hospital where he was treated for head bruses and face cuts and she for broken ribs and bruises. Thep were brought to the hospital by Tremonton Volunteer Fire Department Ambulance. HOME FROM DENVER The annual music festival of the Tremonton Second ward M I. A. will be presented Sunday evening in the ward hall at 7 o'clock. Phyllis Markham is the music director and Hilma Anderson the accompanist. They have arranged the program, which will consist of several Weekend guests at the Herspecial musical numbers and a man Ebcrhard home were Mr. talk on "Youth ond Music," by and Mrs. Jack Phillips of Salt Lake ,City. Lorry Rytting. LEADER PUBLISHING COMPANY, Inc. Editor-Publish- Earl Oyler, Tremonton, said he saw the brake lights of a car in front of him, so he stopped. credit system. losephson As BRHS Prexv QDOO SUBSCRIPTION RATES advance) $3.00 per year. occured. The Box Elder County National Farm Loan Association, local agricultural credit was represented bv Mr. Lloyd N. Davis and E. J. Holm-- j grcn, directors, at the annual meeting of the Federal Land Bank of Berkley held at the! bank's headquarters on April 22 and 23. Assembled in Berkley for the meeting, Mr. Davis stated, were representatives of the more than 10 national form loan associations in California, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. The association representatives took an active part in the annual proceedings of the meeting, leading and assisting in panel discussions of farm credit policy matters as well as other topics of general 'concern to farmers and ranchers. In presenting his annual bus iness report on the first morn-1- . ing of the meeting. Land Bank of - Pi-O- driving south when the pileup ' Lind Bank Holds Stockholders Meet j Wood. - N .... :: ::n ca ftUMtaN Ma Ml W i 1954 Three Injured As Seven Cars Collide luncheon was given by Mrs. J. S. Fruin and Ulalla Cornwall Friday afternoon. Twenty one guests enjoyed a delicious luncheon at the Country Club in Ogden, then spent the afternoon at cards Winners at the game were 'Mrs. Ford ScaPey, Mrs. Gi; Johnson. Mrs. Dent Rich, Miss Bessie Hansen and Mrs. Haz?l Fuller of Ogden. Other guests were Mesdar.ns Vincnt Chiodo. Harry Drew,1 Wvr.n Hansen, Russ Waldron, Elmer Winzeler, G if ford Wat-- j land. Ferrel Bess, Quentin All-- 1 en. Jed Abbott, Jack Fronk, Alma Theurer. Delbert Holmgren, Reuben Baer, and Mel 29, ing crowding. Keep litter dry. and avoid Provid adequate nutrition to stimulate growth. Yju can give your well bred chicks the opportunity Coc-cidios- , QUENTIN ALLEN Phon 4992 ls. to capitalize on their inherited capabilities by feeding DRAPER PREMIUM. QUALITY FEEDS Call me today for your d, supply of these .premium quality feeds. field-teste- 153 No 2nd East. Tremonton. Utah, |