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Show Trimenten, Utah THE LEADER. and children Kennard and Emma Ree visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kennard and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Udy during the week end. Mrs. Eltinge is the daughter of Mr. Kennard. Diane Bourne spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Bourne. Wednesday evening the Pri mary officers met in a prepare tion meeting at the Relief So ciety room of the church. La Preal Capener and Florence Udy were the hostesses for the social hour after the work of the even ing was completed. Riverside Ward Carnival Held Tuesday evening the MI A. sponsored a carnival. It began with a clever program and continued with carnival games and plenty to eat. Bingo and a dart game or two were games of the evening. Prizes for these games were donated by ward members. The money taken in is to be used for the erection of a tennis court for the ward recreation. Robert Hemmert, cousin of Mrs. William Bowcutt and Nina Dustin, whom they haven't seen for about 33 years, and Frank Linford of St. Charles, Idaho called on the Bowcutta Monday. Melvin Mortensen of Montpelier, Idaho, brother of the two ladies also visited them. It was a very happy reunion for them. Ren Bowcutt, brother of Mr. Bowcutt, also of Lewiston and Myrtle Bowcutt of Garland were guests ' Monday at the Bowcutt home. On Monday Mrs. J. H. Ward attended the funeral of an aunt in Logan. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ward and family assembled at the home of a daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Burl Hermansen in Salt Lake during the Easter week end. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Eltinge ATTEND FAMILY GATHERING Mrs. Phebe Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ward and Mr. and Mrs Art Ward were in Logan Friday night to attend a family get together in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Bott, daughter and sister of the Wards, who are leaving shortly for a mission to California. Thursday evening the ladies of the Jr. Birthday Club met with Lynnette Macfarlane in honor of her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Sanley Bowcutt and daughters of Ogden spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Bowcutt and other relatives. Gordon Crowther who has been working in Ogden during the winter spent Saturday and Sunday night with his mother, Mrs. Ed Udy. He is leaving Mon- - WoJP AFFORD e. ct ORDER NOW Beautiful Granite Wen-dov- er Memorial Mrs.-Morr- Memorial 30th is. JOHN H. BOTT & SONS COMPANY Tremonton, Utah LIBERTY THEATRE 24-2- HERBERT FARM Portage 2 ill. I . Mrs. Virgil C. Harris I lew jmm i'Mut STERLING Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Harris received word this week that their son, Reid who is in the Navy has arrived in Korea aboard the U. S. S. New Jersey. Mrs. Virginia Jones left Satur- i Second Feature 'STAR OF TEXAS" News Cartoon A ,EPUBIIC starring Claudette Colbert Cartoon Short WCT1wrrT wn rut also "Romance In Rhythm" Cartoon Television Ireaf day with her Mr. and Mrs. Milton Jones of Malad, for Seattle, Wash, to meet her husband, MJelvel, who is being released from the army. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Erickson and son of Logan spent Sunday with Mrs. Erickson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Howell. Mrs. Ladetha Hoskins spent several days this week visiting with her son and daughter-in-laMr. and Mrs. Murray Hoskins at Sahara Village. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo E. Hoskins had all of their family home with them Sunday, Mr and Mrs. Eldon Hoskins and daughters of Georgetown, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. Afton Pierson of Plymouth, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Hoskins and family of Malad and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hoskins, Portage. Their granddaughter and ' her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Conger of Tremonton also visited them. Darrell Rose of Provo spent the week end at home. Edmund Howell of Preston, Idaho visited Thursday with his mother, Mrs. Margaret R. Howell. Mrs. and Henry Sorenson of East Garland brought her mother, Mrs. Francis Allen to her home here from Ogden where she had spent the winter. Mrs. J. C. Gibbs, Mrs. Margaret Knudsen, Eliza Knudson, Nassie Moon and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Hoskins attended the Open House held Saturday for John Wells 83rd. Birthday at his home in Woodruff. Miss Beverely McCrary returned to Grantsville, to resume ffie BUICK CIRCUS HOUR every ourh Tuesday. s, Many farmers have found that they cannot afford to farm without sugar beets in their crop rotation program. Here are their reasons: if Sugar beets pay a big return on commercial fertilizer , if applied, and at the same time leave the greater part of applied fertilizer for other crops that follow in rotation. That's why farmers get bigger yields of grain, alfalfa and other crops that follow sugar beets. Sugar beers make up the cash crop that Is so important to a farm producing mostly feed crops. Without the sugar industry as an outlet for this cash crop, the economy of the entire area would be hurt. w, if Sugar beets are two crops in one. Besides the sugar that brings in cash, there are tops and other byproducts that make excellent livestock feed. (You grow twice as much on your land.) it Sugar beets keep fertility on the farm where it belongs. This is true where the sugar beef by products are returned to the farm and fed to livestock. The suear itself does not remove any elements from the soil; pure sugar is made of nothing but elements from air and water, with the beet merely acting as the factory and storage plant. Keep vour farming program well rounded with a good acrenee of suear beets in rotation with other crops. The 1953 contracts are ready for signing . . . Call your U and 1 Fitldman today. UTAH-IDAH- SUGAR CO. O T quiet and efficiency, plus infinite smoothness to and through every speed range. JLt's only fair to warn you. When you try a new Buick with the sensa- tional Xhere's a lot more to be had, of course, in these great new Buicks. Higher horsepowers and compression ratios. A still finer ride. Dynaflow Drive, you'll tingle all over with thrill. You'll sweep your speedometer needle from Twin-Turbin- e Easier handling. Improved visibility. More comfort and richer interiors. But start with take-of- f the greatest in Buick's fifty great years and learn the rest of the story from there. Can you drop in on us this week? zero to 30 mph so quickly, you won't have time to breathe but twice. You'll move from a standing start to legal speed so quietly, you'll practically hear your heart beat. You'll experience such complete and utter smoothness every step of the way, you'll be wholly relaxed, refreshed, and ready for more. This is not dream stuff. 'Standard on This is real. what actually happens when you're at the wheel of a new 1953 Buick with TT Dynaflow. Twin Turbines in the Dynaflow unit, instead of just a single one in addition to other engineering advances make the tremendous difference. So you feel a firmer and more immediate "take hold" get far faster getaway, new This is bs D D 0t n m mi m m mrSs EY HOUND TRAVEL BUREAU bbb ojysj 'II D I am especially interested in a vacation trip 0 TO Mr I tions, special sightseeing, I I and transportation. and would like to receive information on the tours checked: D Catftornia So.CaGfornia Q NAME. 0 ADDRESS. D CfTY Padfk Northwest Padfk Coast DaaaaDDa Yellowstone New York Gty Old Mexico Alt set for Summer AIRCONblTIONER for 1953 Super and Roadmaster Riviera and Sedan models, available now at extra cost. D WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE 00- - - 1 Historic East Roadmaster, optional at extra cost on other Series. , FKEE Greyhound Vacation Planning Service includts hotel accommoda- 0 D sZm '$ 107 Wm South Tempi Soil LoVi City 1, Utah i m ii iwncn VEH IIMI ,EVE MILLER In Korea YATES ICS Reed Harris SUGAR VBEETy yB son-in-la- w 22-2- 3 TAuJOwithout tfe.rf PsfeH her teaching at the High School Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Johnson Stanrod, Idaho visited with the day for Idaho Falls where he there after spending the Easter is improving. summer. for the will work Mrs. John W. Knudsen return- Floyd Roses Tuesday of last and family of Thatcher and Mr. vacation at home with her parand Mrs. Leland Didrickson and FOUR BIRTHDAYS ents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mc- ed home Thursday from Salt week. Mrs. J. Hyrum Gibbs visiteed family of Peterson, Utah were Lake City where she has been OBSERVED BY Crary. receiving medical treatment for four days last week with her Sunday guests of their parents, FAMILY ATTEND BRIDAL and daughter, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Roderick. the past week. In honor of the birthdays of SHOWER Mrs. C. A, Hall, Mrs. Margaret and Mrs. Jay Maughn at Wells-villMr. and Mrs. Lynn Livingston four members of the Earl family, Florene John and Carol HarShe returned home Fri- Knudson and Nassie Moon of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Bourne ris attended a personal shower of Ogden were Sunday guests of day. Brigham City visited with relentertained Sunday. A lovely at the home of Janice Lamb in Mr. and Mrs. Wendell C. Hall. atives here Saturday. MorMiss Carol Harris spent FriDevere Harris and Glen dinner and visiting were enjoyed Plymouth Thursday evening in ris are in Idaho Falls an business by the following members of the honor of Miss Phyllis Arbon, day and Saturday n Provo. LEADER WANT ADS Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jones of this week. family: Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Rugg bride-eleof Snowville. BRINGS RESULTS and son Jerry, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Allen of OgMr. Claude Earl of Salt Lake, den spent Sunday with their and Mrs. Ed Earl and Miss Clara parents, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Earl of Farmington. Mrs. Bourne Allen. is one of the four whose birth Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howell and daughter, DeAnn visited days were celebrated. The Sorority Sisters of Diane several days with relatives in a Bourne met in Salt Lake City Bingham Canyon, Kearnes and Lake Salt where Gordon Owen, the radio City Virgil Harris and son Phil and personality, favorably known in Utah, was guest speaker. Mr. Stephen Harris were in Owen presented each member Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Hawks and with an autographed copy of his son J. D. spent the week end in own personal scrap book. for this Mrs. Marian Kirby visited Bingham Canyon, visiting with Myrle Udy Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Hawks' parents, Mr. and Day-M- ay Mr. and Mrs. Austin Udy were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoggan and in Logan visiting Mrs. .Udy's mother, Mrs. Orson Bailey, who daughters of Ogden were Sunhas veen ill for some time. day guests of Mrs. Hoggan's Mr. and Mrs. Oran Parparents, VALEEA CROWTHER Our 80 years of continuous service in this area is your guarantee of quality and kinson. IN AUSTRALIA satisfaction. Call at Our plant and buy direct from the manufacturer. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Udy received RECOVERING FROM word Fridav that Valooa SEVERE BURNS Tommy John was returned to Crowther and other missionaries arrived safety in Sydney Austra- his home Sunday from the Vallia after about 25 days on the ley Hospital by his parents, Mr. Ceramic Tile Granite Memorials water. Elder Tony Stander, son and Mrs. DeMour John, after treatment for the receiving of David Stander of Tremonton, past 2nd North" & 4th East Phone 220 Brigham City and three other missionaries met week for burns caused from igthem at the dock. She reports nited gun powder. His condition it is a very happy feeding to be on land again. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ward andi Mr. and Mrs. Art Ward w in Logan Sunday night to attend the farewell testimonial in honor 5 SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, April WED., THURS.. April FRI., SAT, April of their sister, Mrs. Nephi Bott Hits Two and Mr. Bott who are leaving for Big SOKES BUILT 8Y BULLETS. DYNAMITE AND the California mission soon. J. Cecl B.Def.Tille's 1 NEW m you Thursday, April 16. 1953 BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM. D Q STATE. 0 D it mw i tit mamw Fronk Chevrolet Go. phone mi TREMONTON, UTAH |