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Show THiE Portage OUT OF STATE VISITORS ARRIVE Mr .and Mrs. Cecil Harrison iamuy or cama carDara, California arrived Friday to visit with Mrs. Harrison's mother, Mrs. Margaret R. Howell and rel- - na 1 can ouv 4tltl'rOV " wi Cord Ttn5tf . . . Of up The Great New PLOS-1- 0 DOODLE EAGLE GOODFVEACI J UwwrwrWw' W Www RESIST-A-SKI- WW D TREAD ' Darrell Rose and his friend. Jack Allen visited over the week end with Darrell's father, Floyd Rose in Logan Canyon and with his mother here Mrs. Rose and daughter Janice took them to Ogden Sunday evening where they are employed. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell C. Hall visited Thursday in Brlgham City with the Henry Mclntyre family and with Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Smith. The Rees family enioved a social afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Harris Sunday. Dinner was served on the lawn to Mrs. Nellie Rees, Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Glead and family, Mr .and Mrs. Phil Rees and family: of Malad, Mr. and Mrs. Cliford Madsen and family of Pleasantview and Mr. and Mrs. Harris and family. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal G. Harris visited a few days this week in Provo with their and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles The safest tire you can buy the world's only cora passenger car Tiro with the exclusive Resist-A- - son-in-la- w all-nyl- Sharp. They returned home Sunday evening. i . ". . extra traction on all Word was received' by Mrs. roadsl Vera Hall of the birth of a baby Corns In! See This Stronger, boy Saturday to Sgt. and Mrs. Theo Coombs at Spokane," Wash. Saftr, Easier Riding Tire NOW Mrs. Coombs was formerly Miss Norma Hall." Mrs. Hall left Sunday for Spokane. She plans to be gone about two weeks." Lee Johnson of Ogden came to eet his wife and chil Sunday RODDER dren,, who have visited the past week with her mother, Mrs. Margaret HowelL Mr .and Mrs. Maurice Thomas Dial 394; , Tremonton and family left Thursday for a vacation trip to Twin Falls, Ida 0. . WELDERS HOW YOU CAR OVn ee M-M- en ell ton returned home Monday after spending the summer in Califor nia with Mrs. Harris' daughters, Maxine, Elaine and Carolyn. Mrs. DeAnn Howell is visiting this week in Ogden with relat thday. Henry E. Thomas and Karl Smith of the Malad Stake High Council were the speakers at Sacrament meeting Sunday ev- ening. Dell Madsen of Pleasantview ives. is visiting this week with his Miss Gaye Harding of Moscow. cousin, Phil Harris. Idaho, who has been visiting Sarah M. Conley, Vera Hall, witn her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Azella Gibbs, Sarah Morris and Mrs. James E. John for the past VaRene John visited with rel- two weeks, left Saturday to visit atives in McCammon Friday. .relatives in Malad before return ' Devere Harris and Glen Morris ing home. were business visitors in Idaho Ronald John, Carlon McCrarv. Falls Thursday. Mrs. Roy Merrill Larry Howell, Trent John and rode back with them to visit a DeVon Price of Ogden spent the few days with her father, David weekend here. W. Morris and other relatives. Mrs. N. J. John and daughter, Florene, Mrs. Virgil Harris and daughter Carol and June Gibbs attended the funeral services for Nadene Glead at Malad Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Durl Gibbs and son of Rockland, Idaho visited with relatives Sunday. Cleone Hobson and baby are visiting with her mother, Mrs Nancy Cleg? this week. Miss June Gibbs of Kaysville spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David P Gibbs. Her parents took her to Kaysville Monday. Woodrow Halford of Garfield, Thursday, August 28, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Skinner and . Mr. and Mrs. Milton Cutler and family and Mrs. A. N. Checketts daughters, Judy Lynn and Anof Preston were Sunday visitors! nette cf Salt Lake spent the week of the Lynn Checkete family.' end with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Iverson. David J. Rehklau and family left Friday for their home in Toledo, Ohio, his wife and children have been spendng the summer at the hoe of Sam Getz. the Idaho. This Tamera Ewer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orval Ewer is visiting this week with her grandfather, E. Robinson at Providence. Is No Professor and Mrs. Walter Kerr of Salt Lake spent Sunday visiting with relatives. Popularity at ... DEALER'S NAME iiJ u Contest You a mn to represent you in ere hiring Washington FARM SUPPORT NO-SME- AR IM-SUUD- ' GE FEEIIWET' III A! M AGAINST TRUMANISM and both inflation and deflation. ECCLES sp" and as a FIGHTER and "IKE" THINK ALIKE Introductory Meal 1 MARRINER mg IP mhi S. ECCLES FOR U. S. SENATE PRIMARY SEPT. ADAM'S DRUG STORE Tremonton Paid Political AdvortiMimnt rd . Mr. Marva and Mrs. Oran Parkinson, Jean and Barry, visited Saturday at East Garland with Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Sorenson. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoggan of Cgden are parents of a baby girl CAMERA For only If you're looking for: Unexcelled study opportunities An outstanding faculty Home state environment g)75 SMALL friendly university A balanced study, social and athletic program You'll find all this . . . and much more at your State University A DOWN PAYMENT , Easy Terms Colleges of instruction include: Engineering law Education Mining Finn Arts Medicine I', t a family Going on a trip? Giving a party? Having Polaroid reunion? Doable the fan by renting a Land Camera, the camera that give you a finished hutter! just 60 second after you snap the print There's no thrill like passing around a picture just one minute after you've taken it. And the Polaroid Camera is simple to operate, even for a beginner. Now you can enjoy this thrill at trifling cost by Your renting "the world's most exciting camera. rental payment applies against the purchase prica if you decide to buy. Ashcraffc's Jewelry Go. TREMONTON Business Pharmacy Sc.alWork Nursing and other fields Means So Much --To S o Many In all the history of the world's commerce, it is doubtful whether another manufactured product has ever had such a hold on the affections of its owners as the Cadillac car. o There is a gentleman in a southern state, for instance, who will permit no one to minister to his Cadillac except himself other than for'its mechanical needs. He washes it, polishes it and cleans it . . himself. There is a family in New York which has owned a long series of Cadillacs to which have been given the names of people because they regard their cars as all but members of the household. state There is a professional man in a who insists that his whole life changed for the better when he got his Cadillac. These are but typical of innumerable instances of the deep regard in which Cadillac owners hold their cars. The loyalty and respect a Cadillac engenders are extraordinary indeed. You might well ask what there could be about well-to-d- mid-weste- . ft lull fotfWlMtjM rt Ollln tl Iht PrnMtnt UNIVERSITY UTAH Salt lad City I, Utah rn I ! a motor car to make it mean so much to so many. The answer is not far to seek. Because of its world-wid- e standing as one of life's better things, it reflects credit upon its owner and indicates that he is a person of substance and good taste. Because it performs so well and so dependably, it is conducive.to nis desire to travel and to see the world an inspiring companion for his daily movements among his fellows. Because it is beautiful and luxurious, it is a joy to own and a pleasure to contemplate. Standing in his driveway, rolling down the streets of his favorite city, or parked at the entrance to a distinguished club or hotel it is a credit to his judgment and a testimonial to his work. No wonder he cherishes it, and thinks of it as all but a part of his own personality. Don t you think that a car which can mean so much to so many could mean a great deal to you? Better come in today and talk it over. WAYNE SANDALL MOTOR COMPANY PHONE 30Sa TREMONTON, UTAH 9 VOTE REPUBLICAN e" ' j Marriner S. Eccles has proved his great worth in: PUBLIC FINANCE PRIVATE BUSINESS Utah, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Royal Hal-fo- 1952 Mr. and Mrs. Ross Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Rogers atAdams family retended union held Saturday at Weston, You'll find it at the. . . A POLAROID "picture-in-a-minut- sister-- o, 1 br Tremonton, Utah ho, where they plan to visit with born August 22. Mrs. Hoggan, before her marriage was Miss Re-nMrs. Thomas brother and in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Parkinson. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oran Parkinson and VaNojv Mrs. Sarah Morris left for her Mrs. Francis, Allen spent Sunhome in Ogden Saturday after a day with her. Mrs. Allen reweek s visit with Mr. and Mrs. mained there untiLTuesday evJohn F. Conley. ening. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stuart and Mr. and Mrs. Herald Jenkins returned home Friday from a va- daughter Joan of Provo, Utah cation trip to Yellowstone Park. were guests of Mrs. Stuart's moMr. and Mis. Roy Gibbs and ther. Mrs. Francis Allen Friday. The and Gleaners, acfamily of Magna spent the week end with their parents, Mrs. companied by Mr .and Mrs. WalGrace John and Mr. and Mrs. ter E. Gibbs attended a stake J. Hyrum Gibbs. fireside Chat at the new stake at Malad Sunday evenbuilding VirMrs. Floyd Rose and Mrs. A quartet ing. Tueswere in Harris consisting of La-Dgil Logan Gibbs, Raymond Hall, Car-Io- n day. McCrary and Sherman Gibbs Mrs. E. T. Hoskins returned to her home Sunday from the Val- sang a number on the program. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gibbs, Marley Hospital, where she undergaret Knudsen and Nassie Moon went a major operation last were among those who attended week. Mrs. Reed Neilsen and children the dedication of the Seventh went to Ogden Friday with her Ward building at Brigam City sister, Mrs. Harold Thomas and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Smth of children of Lava Hot Springs, Idaho. They visited with their Pleasantveiw and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Isaacson of Malad and Mrs. Lake City. They returned to their brothers and families. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Jenkins Asael John of Cherry Creek vishome Sunday evening and Eric of Ozden visited Sunday with ited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos P. Ward, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Herald Jenkins, John Sunday. his grandparents returned with the occasion being Herald's birrs. Rose Harris and son Clinthem. atives in Malad. Mrs. Oliver Williams Jr. and children of Idaho and Mrs. Joe Morgan and children of Malad also visited with Mrs. Howell Friday. Mr .and Mrs. Don Larsen and children of Billings, Montana, arrived Friday for a visit with Mrs. Larsen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton McCrary. They attended the Larsen reunion in Mendon Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Han-se- y and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Allen of Ogden were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Allen. Mr .and Mrs. Jay Maughn and daughter, of Wellsville and Mr. and Mrs. Don Gibbs and family of Malad visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ward and Mrs. Evan Stevenson of Idaho Falls, drove down Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ward spent the weekend with Mr. and Mds. John F. Conley and Mrs. Stevenson and her mother, Mrs. Vera Hall spent the weekend in Salt Poca-tell- Mrs. Virgil C. Harris LEADER, |