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Show Thursday, August 9, THE LEADER. Tremonton. Utah 1951 THATCHER FRI. - SAT. THE ROSKI.IA ANDERSON Joan Waldron August TWO BIG HITS NEW Is Golden GI BOMBA, SUN. - MON. 1011 the Jungle Boy LIBERTY "The Hidden Cily" THEATRE and Whip Wilson X Week of Aug. 10 to 16 Week of Aug. 10 to 16 FRI. - SAT. Randolph Scott FRI. - SAT. First Showing Gene Autrey in ' CANYON' "SILVER "SUGARFOOT' Feature "HIGHWAY 301" Chap. 1 Serial Matinee Only Second In Technicolor Chapter 1, Serial Saturday Matinee Only SUN. - MON. Bette Davis and Barry Sullivan SUN. - MON. - TUES. Kirk Dougles Virginia Mayo in John Agar "PAYMENT ON DEMAND' "ALONG THE GREAT in DIVIDE' TUE3. - WED. WED. - THURS. Howard Hughes presents Faith Domergue A First Run "SOLDIERS THREE' Stewart Granger Walter Pidgeon David Nevin in "VENDETTA'' Tin nrnr v TnT777 v v nesday. Mrs. Melvin Christensen nad as dinner guests Sunday a sister, Elnora Anderson of Ogden, and her mother, Mrs. Mary P. Anderson. Mrs. Mary P. Anderson went to Ogden where she will re- main indefinitely, visiting with Miss Elnora Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. John Grosberg and family. Mrs. Lou Peterson attended a dinner at the Gray Cliffs in Ogden Wednesday, given by Mrs. Ida Johnson of Corinne in honor of Mrs. Effie Adams of Brigham City, who will leave soon to make her home in California. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Peterson called on Mr. and Mrs. Willard Peterson of Honeyville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Johnson and family spent Wednesday and Thursday in Salt Lake City where they visited the parks and many other places of interest. The Primary organization presented the program Sunday evMrs. Mabel Stokes, ening. Stake president, gave a short! ,talk on the Children's Friend, and Connie Giles presented the certificate for a 100 percent quota to the magazine. A beautiful display of flowers, also work completed by the children this summer was exhibited in the recreation hall. Mr. and Mrs. Pay Perkins and n Annie children, and M-of Ogden. and Mrs. Barker of Bear River s. Dider-ickso- Lo-ren- za 15-1- in Joe Palooka in FRI. - SAT. 6 CARTOON City, visited wth Mr. and Mrs. Milton Anderson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn B. Clark and family attended the Bird reunion at Logan canyon on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Thornley of Smithfield, visited here with Mr. and' Mrs. George Thorrlev Jr. Mrs. Lorin Shellabarger, Mrs. Ben Tolman, Mrs. Dale Comp-to- n and Mrs. Dewayne Harding combined business and pleasure in a trip to' Logan Thursday. Mrs. Vern Roche enterta'ned Friday evening' in honor of her sister, Mrs. Kimber Barlow. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peterson of Brigham, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Peterson, Ruth Anderson and La Vern Erickson, of Brigham. Marie Peterson, Hazel Stoke Ruth Egley and Irene Shuman of Penrose, Mrs. Lorna Stokes of Bothwell, Ilene Shellabarger, Clara Harding, Anna Barlow and Mrs. Birdie Peterson. Competitive games were played and a delicious lunch served. Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Kurd-- 1 ing entertained at a dinner Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kimber Barlow and family. SECOND FEATURE "Navy Bound" CARTOON wood Sunday. Mr. Hunsaker was here to name his grand- Mrs. Orson Christensen, were by Sophia Woerner, spent the Elwood Larsen and family of weekend at Yellowstone park daughter. and Jackson. Mesa, Arizona. Summer vacations Mrs. Martina Larson returnfrom Hansen sufferEphraim Mesa, Ariz., who have visited at ed home Saturday from a ed a sun stroke a week ago the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vic- month long visit at the home and has been confined to his tor Hansen at different times of her daughter in Boise, Ida- home since. during the past weeks are, Mr. ho. Accompanying her home Erma Abel was here from and Mrs. David Hatcock and was another daughter and fam- her work in Idaho Falls for the two children, and Mrs. Henry ily, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Adams weekend. Hatcock and her brother, Ar- of South Dakota, who will thur Munns. Dr. and Mrs. Grant Cook and spend a week here. Sharon Riggs of Wellsviile. Mrs. Sharon Poppleton of fam'ly of Los Angeles are visspent last week with her cous- Wellsviile, spent two days last iting the doctor's parents, Mr. in, Darlene Brough, daughter week with her parents, Mr. and and Mrs. A. L. Cook, this week. of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Brough. Mrs. William Kroksh. The group all attended the Cook family reunion at Logan Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eggenton rethe Anderson Attending and two children of Kaysville, union at Saratoga Springs on park Thursday. spent last Sunday at the home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Francom. Junius Thompson and Mr. and: Dr. and Mrs. J. Harold Smith Mrs. Ella T. Frank of Logan Mrs. Eldon Thompson. and four children of Amhurst, spent last week at the home Provo visitors at the home of Massachusetts, are spending of her grand-daughtMr. and Mr. and Mrs. Junius Thompson their vacation in this valley, Mrs. Mack Hansen. last week were Mrs. Victor visiting with Dr. Smith's parSpending two days last week Billings and son. ents, the J. II. Smiths in at the home of his sister and Mrs. Lillle Mann, accompanied Fielding, and other relatives. er, HAVGVUn DC BC3BD, OTORAGG TANK ELWOOD By Mable Romer Four Babies Christened no reason under the sun why postpone the extra satisfaction of owning a Pontiac. Stop in as soon as you can, we'll work out a deal and then you'll appreciate the extra satisfaction of a Pontiac! You'll notice it first in the pride you take in your Pontiac's distinctive beauty, for there's nothing else like it. You'll notice it every mile you drive, &Qf? rosvr! At fast meeting Sunday morning four babies were named: a son of Mr .and Mrs. Garnet Abel, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Rasmussen, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hansen, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Hunsaker. The following children were confirmed at the same meeting: Rosalie Eic- less, Meriette Sanders, Terry Gardner, and Rickie Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hunsaker of Logan were visiting in El r " ;. for your Pontiac will perform brilliantly, year after year. You'll notice it, too, in the admiring glances of others, for Pontiac is always sought after, always valuable. But best of all you'll notice it on the price tag for the extra satisfaction of a Pontiac costs nothing! If you can afford any new car you can afford a wonderful new Pontiac! PI10UE TODAY! YouH enjoy your summer fun more when you know for sure you have plenty of fuel oil on hand for the first cold days of winter. Don't wait. Fuel oil may be hard to get on a short notice when winter comes. Get ready now. Fill your fuel oil storage tank today. It's the only sure way of knowing you'll have the fuel oil you need when you need it. ORDER HIGH QUALITY PHILLIPS PHILLIPS 66 FURNACE OIL: Here's a truly fine burning oil. It's ideal for use in basement type furnaces. Eauipmtnt, mntaorm UwMt-Prir- H LwMl-Prlee- 4 Drive Car with CM HyaVaMalc (Optional mt txtta tut) UDollar foxUPollair W trim illmstrttd mr tmkjett ctsmn vitbemt mukt Straight Eight Yaar Cfcalea al Silver Streah Eaglaea-Stralg- ht Eight ar Six The Mmt Beaatifal Thlag aa Wheel Ualateel Bea ay Maker you can't beat a 3856 66 FUEL OIL! PHILLIPS 66 STOVE OIL: This exceptionally fine fuel oil is especially recommended for space heaters. Fill your storage tank with Phillips 66 Fuel Oil today and be assured of a warm home next winter. You'll get a quality fuel oil. Both Phillips 66 Stove Oil and Phillips 66 Furnace Oil burn clean. They are free flowing help keep filter screens from clogging. And you get high heat content in every gallon. Get in touch with your Phillips 66 Distributor today. You'll appreciate bis dependable service. IS PHONE YOUR PHILLIPS ii .iPcDmilMKB Wayne Sandall Motor Co. Dial I l I wM There's AMrita'i 18 "Ghost Chasers" "Father's Gone Wild" SHORT 17-- The Bowery Boys in and NEWS Aug. TWO BIG HITS "The Squared Grcle" CARTOON Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nelson had as guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Glen Nelson and children of Elwood, Mr. and Mrs. Don Housley and baty of Bear River City, and Mrs. Lorna Crozier and baby of Tremonton. Mrs. Joseph Ray went to Ogden Monday for medical attention. She remained to visit with her daughters, Mrs. Irva Lauritzson and Miss Doris Ray. She returned home Wed- August Ronald Regan, Diana Lynn "Bedtime and Bonzo" jn "Cherokee Uprising" 0RPI1EUM WED. - THURS. AUG. DOUBLE BILL FEATURE IN Mrs. Joan Waldron received the honor of becoming the first Golden Gleaner of the Y.WJMXA. of the Thatcher TREMONTON ward at a meeting held here Sunday evening. The presentation of the certificate was made by Mrs. Ruby Thompson, Mrs. Carmen Christensen. Mis. Stake Gleaner Leader. An out- Wight and Mrs. Christensen line of the requirements a girl are both former residents o must achieve in order to gain Australia. this honor was given by Miss Doran Barlow and Hnrley Erma Adams, stake secretary. Granger spent Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tolman Sunday at Arco, Idaho. and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Meeks Mr. and Mis. Floyd Jensen in and Mrs. Rue Harding of Fair- Logan Friday. at view, Idaho were visitors Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson the Doran Barlow home on visited with Mrs. Lynn Ander- Thursday. son in Brigham on Sunday. They Mrs. Doran Barlow entermotored on to Ogden where tained at a dinner Monday in they were the guests of Mr. and, honor of Kimber Barlow prior Mrs. Art Messenger. to his leaving to join the A.'.r Mr. and Mrs. John Hodges Those present were Corps. of Logan, and Mrs. Uel Mrs. Lydia K. Barlow of LoGarn of Fielding visited in gan, Mr. and Mrs. Kemieth Thatcher Sunday. Mrs. Garn Barlow of Salt Lake City, Mr. was a former school teacher; and Mrs. Ralph Barlow of Roy, here. and Mr. and Mrs. Kimber BarMr. and Mrs. James Wight low and children. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nelson and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Welling McFar-lan- e and children attended to .bus- of Ogden. They also vis- - iness matters in Logan Satur- ited at the home of Mr. and .day, and also called on relatives. in - TUES. Tremonton 2 66 DISTRIBUTOR TODAY! WASATCH SALES INC. Tremonton Phone 2206 2261 Garland 4166 |