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Show APRIL 5, THURSDAY, 1951 THE LEADER, Tremonton, Utah P L Y r.i Prices Effective Friday, Saturday & Monday aQiia MIX ,KE 0 n T Mrs. Kathryn Squire of Torof Ogden spent the weeeknd at the home of their parents, the rance, California and Mrs. Lea Collett and daughter, LaRae of Jetta Whiting Jesse Lambs. Mr. and Canada visited this son of Alberta, Nish, Terry Mr. and Mrs. George Young-ma- n Mrs. Ernest Nish of Salt Lake week with Mr. and Mrs. M. W. and son of Ogden were is a week at the home Ward. They are sisters of Mrs. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. of spending Ward and are on their way to Mrs- Jesse Lamb. Mr. and George A. Hess, their parents. and attend confrence at Salt Lake Mrs. Irene Archibald Mrs. Wednesday Dewey Thornton and Mrs. Eric Speedi- daughter, NaDean, were in Salt City. Lake on business Tuesday. ly visited with Mrs. Thornton's Beth Oyler and Nola Heppler Mrs. mother, Hannah Wolverton of Salt Lake City visited with of Mr. Mrs. Lee and Brough and sister, Mrs. Jesse Hess. Salt Lake City were weekend their parents, the Henry Oylers Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Udy were in Ogden on business guests at the home of Mr. and and R. Z. Hepplers over the weekend. Mrs. O. L. Brough. Saturday. Mrs- Clarence Spraker of Aberdeen, Idaho called at the J A. Pierson home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Whiting and family were Ogden visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Archibald FOR YOUR PHOTO NEEDS see! WANTED Driver, salesman for and brother, Golby, were in ASHCRAFTS. Dealer for Bell k delivery truck. Apply in person. Willard to visit their brother foe and Revere moving pic- Permanent Howard, employment and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ira cameras. Also good stock right man. Beehive Bottling ture Archibald on Sunday. of 35 MM cameras and supplies. Works, Brigham City 577 No. Mr. Mrs. and Lawrence tfnc ltc Main. Archibald were in Logan Monday evening to visit with their ROSES 40 varieties. Ornamen- WANTED Married man to daughter and family, Mr. and tal and shade trees, many kinds; work on dry farm. Modern Mrs- Dale Cash. fruit trees, berry bushes, and house furnished with job. Call Mrs. Dale Steed and Mrs. all kinds of flowering shrubs. at Leader office. t2c Jesse Hess were in Ogden Peonies and bleeding heart. PerThursday visiting. ennials of all kinds. See us for SEEDS FERTILIZER SPRAYS Mr. and Mrs. Wm J. Hess all your landscaping needs. We1 All kinds and descriptions at were in Logan to visit with plan and landscape your home lowest prices. their son, Mr. and Mrs. DeVerl grounds. Walton Valley Nursery, MARKHAM'S Hess and family and in Lew- - Tremonton. Phone 2926. t3c ltc Fhone 4921 eston to visit their other son, Washers 1 FOR SALE Spring seed wheat, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Hess and FOR SALE-JUSale Price $69.95. early bart. Guaranteed free Easy Spindry, family Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Hess 1 Maytag, sq. tub (white) sale, from all noxious weeds. Raised! were in Clearfield Tuesday to price $44.95. 1 Maytag sq tub, on dry farm. See James Roberts 1 or visit Mr. and Mrs. Reed Hess. (white) sale price $59.95. phone 3107. t2p Those visiting Monday at the Speed Queen (white) sale price home of Bishop and Mrs. Oleen $34.95. 1 Automatic (white) FOR SALE 2 complete Farm Josephson were Mr. and Mrs. Bale price $29.95. Many other Master milker units, with stainJohn Williams of Ogden their makes, models and prices. West less steel milker buckets. See and J. D., Mr. ern Stores, Tremonton. sons, Richard ltc Wildon Grover, East Garland or tfnc phone Fielding. and Mrs. Bert Call of Malad and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Joseph-so- n FOR RENT Unfurnished 3 rm Room, furnishedi apartment in Garland. Conven- FOR RENT of Brigham City. for water Hot heater. located. light housekeeping. Adults! Mr. and Mrs. Newell Nish and iently See Mary E. Christensen, 173J. Call Garland only. Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Nish and tip 165 N. 2nd East or call 4787. ltp were in Salt daughter, Joan, FOR SALE Used gravel bed Lake on business Saturday. truck. Good condition. Call Gar FORI SALE Charles of London Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heusser 173J. land tip living room set, good condition.' of Deweyville visited at the Also platform rocker. See Haoip home of their daughter, Mr. FOR SALE Furnace cleaning Bradshaw. Phone 3056. ltp and Mrs. Orvil Nish Monday. with the World's largest vacuMr. and Mrs. Dewey Lamb um cleaner by the Holland FOR RENT furnished or un were in Ogden Friday and Sat- Furnace Company. Logan, Utah. furnished apartment. 260 No. t3c 1st west, or call 3992. Phone 2140. urday on business. ltp Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harris SERVICE DRAPERY DEWEY at Monarch coal of Ogden visited with their FOR SALE a Phone good Deweyville Good supply carry condition. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper range. 2501. Rudd Sunday. tip of drapery rods and materialsamples in all qualities. UpholMrs. Ida Steed returned to FOR SALE Ford front end, stry supplies also available. Mrs. her home here Sunday after tires, wheels and axel. Ideal for M. Barrus, Manager. spending the winter months in trailer. $15.00. See Dick Davis. Winford in Trained drapery work at California with her son, Mr. Phone 3556. ltc Hasco Drapery Service. Phone and Mrs. Dean Steed and tfnc family and daughter, Mr. and FOR SALE Two unit Serge 5728 Thompson. milking machine. 15 gal. dairy UNFURNISHED APT. FOR RENT Mrs. Dee Williams . and water heater. Double dairy tubs Dial 2091. tfnc daughter of Ogden spent from Terms. Phone Richard C. HarInSunday until Tuesday with her ris, 3089. t3p Before buying automobile surance be sure to see JAMES parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse LOST Lady's black handbag. BROUGH, agent hi Tremonton. Archibald. tfnc- Neil badly needed drivcontaining Price Mrs. of Ogden spent the past few days with er's license and car keys. Call Auto Glass Installation for all her parents, Mr .and Mrs. 5164 ltp make cars. Dick's Auto Shop. Newell Nish. FOR SALE or TRADE 1946 Phone 3556 ; tfnc Mrs. Elda Wolverton and sedan. Al con Mercury weekend wm pay in dition. Radio and family spent the white UTAH Yost with her sister, Mrs. Rod- Bidewall tires. Bestheater, cash for dead or useless cows, the in buy ney Taylor state. See at Riverview Garage, horses, sheep or hogs. Dial TreMr. and Mrs. Ray Udy and monton 2141 or Garland tfs 141 So. 1st East. Tremonton. son, Lynn Ray were in Samaria, Phone 4021 tfnc FOR RENT OR SALE 6 room to visit her parents, Mr. and house in Garland. Modern. Oil Mrs. Andrew Atkinson. COARSE IT'S TEXTURED, Mrs. Sarah Moon and family bulkier and molassified. A won furnace. Large lot $3500. with were at the derful new product of General $1000.00 down and $35 a month. of Farmington home of her parents, Mr. and Mills! A real milk producer. And Miller Real Estate and Insurance. Utah. Phono Mrs. Ted Hess Friday. It has Larromin. No supplemen- 1040. Brigham, tfnc Mrs. Nadine Lamb, Mrstary minerals needed. Come in Udy, Mrs. Maxlne Mar- and hear the story. It's guaran ROSES 40 varieties. Ornamenshall, Mrs. Lois Lamb and their teed, too! Anderson Seed & Feed tal and shade trees. Many kinds families were in Malad Thurs- Co. ltc fruit trees, berry bushes and all, day. They were also dinner kinds of flowering shrubs. Peguests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew FOR SALE Used Refrigerators. onies and bleeding heart. Per1 Norge 7 cu ft. Sale Atkinson of Samaria. price ennials of all kinds. See us for 1 Westinghouse 5 cu ft., $69.95. were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lamb all your landscapeing needs. We visiting at the home of Mr. and sale price $59.95. 1 Apex 5 cu plan and landscape your home Mrs. E. C. Mason of Fielding ft. sale price $54.95. These re grounds. Walton Valley Nursey, frigerators have a new paint Tremonton. Phone 2926. Monday evening. tic Mr. and Mrs. LaMont Lamb Job and are also overhauled set. room Western FOR SALE Dining Fully guaranteed. Stores. Tremonton. ltc Call 3048. tip NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALE U - 10 lbs. ding Volue - Salmon Highway ripe segments No. 303 iitutouu 89 U 12 cans 389 12 cant 2,54 ..25 Lb. Bag Enriched 1 Vi Lb. Loof Coffee AA ZUC CMntk vOTTCG Coffee Dated Dozen Fresh 19c Quart . .2 55c box 89c Lb. 25c lb. Fresh, Creamy . H cm 33c ALASKAN Toll Can 7C .... Can Pound Ground Nob Hi" Quality Coffee o llZr... J$4jC 15 91c co 1.78 Carton Can ... Large No. IVi 12 Cm . 112 Ca. Can . ELmm Horvert MOW Fiou, CIaiip nOUr .nrich Oat$ Sperry'i 31c . RED BREAST Tall No. lUCe Kitchen Croft ICrd . . . A, .30 ...... .10 lb. 2 Inspected H0I!ey Good Qu'olity Shortening RCISinS lb. boo Jewtl . .3 )b. con 24 oa. Porter's Cut Dam White or Pinto cello pkg Dressing 98c 97l Choice seedless... 4 Ibi. SnOCk feM-Oea- Peonut 69c . 303 Con . 3 . . . . . 17c cans TS Corn 01 Lunch Meat, 12 oz. . .con 53c COUNTRY HOME C.S. 35c 9C : 303 No. US cans ... Can . . H 15c Beans HIGHWAY CUT GREEN No. Asparagus Td"'' "" 303 lb. 23c 12 cans " . reas U. S. No. I New Crop mi Carrots ib. pods 31bs25c crisp zA I c Ib. tnaptop Green Onions Mild bunch 8c . 3e PRODUCE PRICES SUBJECT Saace DEL MONTE or HUNT'S TOMATO 8oz. 2Ccj . . . 13c Avocados AnnlAe California's finest Largo ttzo ..oach Kid Size AppieS Washington Oranges 'oney lod jC b. 9c . . . Ib. Sweet, Juicy Navels EMERALD BAY . Fancy No. IVi 19c RANCHO TOMATO 22 Oz. Cca .... Spaghetti FRANCO AMERICAN 15 oz. . 12.. 2 "tea Sonp ,16c - Ell-ere- P 27c Fish TORPEDO GRATED No. , IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR IVATCn FOD Pursuant to a Decree of the above court dated November 25, 1950, in the case of Smith Land Company, et al, plaintiffs, vs. v Pocatello Valley Pipeline Company, et ai, defendants, the receiver, Joseph E. Deakin, will on the 21st day of April, 1951, at 12:00 o'clock noon at his residence, 583 Tremonton Street, Tremonton, Utah, sell, at public auction for cash to the highest bidder the assets of the Pocatello Valley Pipeline Company consisting of water rights in the springs located near the Utah-Idaat the boundary line Delbert Fuhriman residence in Pocatello Valley, and a pipeline from running said springs eight miles in length commonly known as the Pocatello Valley Pipeline. Signed: Joseph E. Deakin Date of Publication March 28, to April 19, 1951. ASHCRAFTS jun-heard-- ..... 25c of -- values during ho Rogers Hollow Handle Silverware Service for 8 - South-wester- ly to J3 ne BOX ELDER COUNTY: Cess . TO DAILY MARKET CHANGES Spinach to - 18c 1 59 14c Can lieu. Potatoes Mrs.-Donal- 53-- ...qt. Bun, ,2 US nS 4 lbs. cascade soiod Peter Pan 55C 35c pkg. .... No. 33c S: Macaroni or Spaghetti 9e lb. bog lb. con Egg Noodles ep,0,r.:6 87c bag 4 (K Vt'. 3 lbs. Cello pock 398 cans . . . FANCY SUGAR BELLE . Show Boot long groin 1 Peas ..3,39 29c Can " Blossom Family 50 lb. bag 17c Salmon box Libby's Sliced No. 2 ZM 98 . Con Highway Half Slices or. 2 Lb. box 1 -- sed H2 cans 6 . 49c STAR BOAT MUSTARD . or. TOMATO SAUCE at Pound savings 10 . -- (Bior....289 39c 26c u Cello r OOrS Omf Melrose, Ag. oz. Package X3C Tig Fleet WixKVo'Pk9...'.. 44c. Pound ese - - Sardines CigaretteS Jands Crackers oven &o .... Grahams 0ven gi0 Ba Pound GOLD COVE e sale of Silverware, sponsored by the Silverware Manufacturers of America. leading A I 14.9s nation-wid- ft |