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Show A A WONDERFUL GAIN. Utah Pioneer Tells a Remarkable Story. J. W. Browning, 1011 2':a St., Ogden, a who crossed the juams in l48, suy.--, "Five years apo the doctors said 1 had diabetes. My kidneys were all out of order, I had to rise often at night, looked sallow, felt dull and listless and had lost 40 pounds. My back ached and I had Bpells of rheumatism and dizziness. Doan's Kidney Pills relieved me of these troubles and have kept me well for a year past. Though 75 years old, 1 am in good health." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Utah, Foster-Milbur- pioneer Co., Buffalo, N. Y. n Hard to Realize. "Mother," said a college student who had brought his chura home for the holidays, "permit me to present my friend, Mr. Specknoodle." Hts mother, who was a little hard of hearing, placed her hand to her ear. "I'm sorry. George, but I didn't quite catch your friend's name. You'll have to speak a little louder. I'm afraid." "I say, mother." shouted George, "I want to present Mr. Specknoodle." "I'm sorry, George, but Mr. What was the name again?" "Mr. Specknoodle!" George fairly yelled. The old lady shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry, George, but I'm afraid It's no use. It sounds just like Specknoodle to me." Everybody's Magazine. Medicine of Bamboo Sap. In India the sap of the female bam boo tree is used for medicinal purposes. "Tabasheer," or "banslochan," is sold in all Indian bazars, as it has been known from the earliest times as a medicinal agent. It is also known In Borneo, and was an article of commerce with early Arab traders of the east. Its properties are said to be strengthening, tonic and cooling. It has been analyzed and has been shown to consist almost entirely of silica, with traces of lime and potash. FrrAn Its remarkable occurrence in the hollows of bamboos the eastern mind has long associated it with miraculous powers. Shake Into Your Shoes . Allen's It cures painful,swollen, Makes new shoes marting, sweating feet. all Sold by easy. Druggists and Shoe Stores. Don't accept any substitute. SampleFREE. Address A. S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Foot-Ease- The streak man is larger genius. of yellow in than his the average streak oi Don't Use "Practically Pure" White Lead There is no other pigment that is "practically" White Lead no other paint that has the properties of Pure White Lead Paint. Pure White Lead, good paint that it is, cannot carry adulterants without having its efficiency impaired. To get Pure White Lead durability, see to it that every keg bears the Dutch Boy trade mark a guarantee that the contents are absolutely Pure White Lead made by the Old Dutch Process. SEND FOR BOOK Talk on Paint." gives valuable information on the paint subject. Sent free ujjoii request. "A NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY m whichever of the following alien is nearest you l Now York. Buffalo, Cleveland, Boston, St. Louli, PhiladelCincinnati, Uroa. Oo.J; Pittsburgh phia Uohn T. Lewis & Ltd Oil Co. MINES AND MINING Ore is now being shipped at a lively rate from the Gilmore lead bonanza on Birch creek, in Fremont county, Idaho. Utah Consolidated stood the pressure of the heavy liquidation and beai selling better than almost any other active stock on the list. The work of retimbering the burned shaft of the Utah company's mine at Fish Springs is progressing steadily and it Vill not be long till it is finished. Big things are expected from the Oxarna Gold Mining company's mine, near Custer, Idaho, as soon as the snow disappears, and it is possible to start up the mill, which was installed last tall. After some time lost in securing and installing powerful equipment, the McDonald Ely company has started three shifts at work upon the Golden Gate shaft, and progress from now on should be redoubled. It has been demonstrated that the waters flowing through and from beneath the ore bodies of the Ely, Nevada district, are so thoroughly im pregnated with copper, that they are of high commercial value. Davenport is located between the new town of Farrel and Mazuma on a beautiful plat, well watered, at the mouth of Burnt canyon. Many valuable properties are developing in this section of Seven Troughs district. Some strong investors from Minnesota have been going over the iron deposits of Iron county, Utah, pretty in all thoroughly of late, gathering that remained unspoken for, and purchasing much that was owned by others. The latest acquisition to the district of Seven Troughs in the shape of a new camp is the town of Farrell, situated about seven miles northeast of Vernon, and located at the entrance to what has been known as Stone House canyon. A strong combination of well known Salt Lakers has been formed for the purpose of taking over a gold and copper proposition in the noted old Bullion district of Nevada. The property is located about one and half miles from Tenabo. There is plenty of money in tht East, more than ever before in the history of the country, and it is anxious to be placed right; but when it conies to being placed upon a mining stock scheme, it is very timid. The easterners have to be shown. DeLamar, Idaho, is taking on new life. Since the new cyanide mill has proved to be such a success the demand for men is increasing. The demand is being met only in part. Each stage comes in loaded with men who are to be put to work immediately. Fire has broken out in No. 4 stope of the Comox mines, in British Columbia. No loss of life occurred, the large staff of miners making their es miners are emcape. Over 1000 ployed in the mine alone, where R. Dunsmuirs Sons mine the bulk of their coal product in the Comox dis p Js Libby'sVeal Loaf With Beef and Pork Do you like Veal Loaf? Yon will surely be delighted with Libliv V;"r1. made from choice fresh meats, in T.t'-v- ' spotless kitchens. It is pure, wholesome and delicious in flavor. lr dy for StMlng At Once. nh sattce li in appetUtog garnished or dinner. luncheon lor entrfp Ask for MMf irW (MtlllC I !! rr Llhby, McNeill Chicago A lla Libby SUMMARY FELT ENVY PANGS. ALMOST The strike of Journeymen carpenters of Newark, N. H., May 1, ended on the 29th in & full victory for the men. T. F. Eckman killed Leah Boyer at s resort near Chicago and then suicided, because the girl refused to marry him. An entire family of six negroes were drowned near Honey Grove, Texas, as a result of the sudden rise of a creek. Salary advances averaging 10 per cent all around have been granted by the Burlington to employes over the entire system. were killed Three persons by asphyxiation and another was overcome in a Lawton avenue rooming house, St. Louis. While ferrying a man across the North Platte river the boat turned turtle and Archie Sheldon of Galloway, Neb., was drowned. t The passenger fare bill has been approved by Governor Den-eeof Illinois. This bill makes a t a mile limit on all straight railroads in Illinois. As the result of a collision of trolley cars at Elyria, Ohio, on Decoration day, four people were killed and thirteen seriously injured, eight ot Trhom will probably die. The absolutist regime is now in full operation in Portugal. King Charles has signed a number of decrees granting subsidies and increasing the salaries of civil servants, etc. two-cen- n two-cen- George Burnham, Jr., former general counsel of the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance company, who is now serving a term in Sing Sing for grand larceny, is to have a new trial. The case against Mrs. Cramer, charged with the murder of her husband at Page, N. D., last February, has been dismissed. Two juries disagreed, the last one being out 94 hours. The appeal of Count Boni de against the decision of the court, granting a divorce to his wife, has again been postponed. It probably will not be heard until December. The fate of the two lieutenants of engineers who ascended from Alder-shoEngland, in a balloon on May 28, during a review in honor of Prince a Fushimi of Japan, still remains mystery. The state senate of New York by a vote of 38 to 8 passed the Assembly bill providing for a recount of the ballots cast in the McClellan-Hears- t mayorality election of 1905 in New York city. Miss Philander Swinnen, 30 years old, believed to be demented, shot and killed her mother, attempted to kill her father and then set fire to her garments and was burned to death at their home in Chicago. The Russian famine committee has notified its representatives in London and New York that the time has arrived to cease agitation for foreign subscription, as Russia now is able to care for her own people. What is believed to be evidence of a brutal murder was discovered at the trict. Ryan soap works in Cincinnati. The ore mutilated and almost completely conis copper sulphide grade High, now being encountered in the tunnel sumed body of a man was found in the furnace of the factory. on the property of the Ogden Buck-horSalvador San Felippe, a well known Mining company, which is operItalian agriculturist residing near ating mines in Cold Water canyon, was murdered San Sunday Jose, just east of Ogden. The tunnel was run for 260 feet and, at a depth of 225 morning at about 9:30 o'clock by his feet from the surface, the rich ore brother, Felippo. The murder was was struck. the result of a quarrel between the brothers. To secure the repeal of the troublesome Apex law, the source of nearly Rensational reports Concerning between all the litigation that has harassed about expectations of war owners of mines, will be the aim of a Mexico and Gautemala, Ambassador committee appointed by President J. Creel of Mexico said: "There is H. Richards of the American Mining nothing pending and no reason for Congress. This committee will draft any fear of war between the two coun. a vertical side line law which will do tries." ;way altogether with extra lateral Dispatches received from Mellila, rights. Morocco, says that the rebellion or Shipments from the mines and the Pretender has routed the Sultan's leases of Goldfield district are averagtroops with great loss. The latter's ing about 1,500 tons per week. The troops are said to be in full retreat Combination, Jumbo and Mohawk with the Pretender's forces following mines are regularly in the market, closely. and some leases which are steady state The monthly comparative contributors are the Frances Dump, ment of the government receipts and Loftus-Davis- , McNaughton, Mohawk for May, , Oddie, Truett expenditures shows that Jumbo, and Quartzlte. 1907, the total receipts were $57,488,- After two weeks' trial at Denver, a 012, and the expenditures $48,912,800, a surplus 'fot the month of decision was given in favor of the leaving $8,575,212. Stratton Independence Mining comThe investigation of the New York pany, limited, of Ixmdon, Eng., and police department in connection with Ms lessees In the suit of the Portland Gould divorce case has disclosed the to recover the Gold Mining company value of about $500,000 for gold ores no criminal evidence against any of JlegiQd to have been taken by the de the officers involved, according to a fendants from ground in the Cripple statement made by Police CommisCn-edistrict owned by the plaintiff. sioner Bingham. The second payment of $10,000 was The French minister of marine has made on the Daisy mine at Neal, Ida- received advices to the effect that the cruisei bulkheads of the French ho, last week. The property was purchased- some months ago by George Chanzy, that went ashore on one of F. Both of Rochester, N. Y., and his the Saddle Islands, May 30, burst: asMTiHtes. They made a payment of that the crew abandoned the vessel, and that she sank. 110,000 at 'he time of the transfer. What is said to be the highest price The Falrvlew News stated fn Its last issue that the past month had ever paid for a bull at a Jersey cattle been the banner one from an ore sale in America was received at the shipment. Htandpoint. Up to the 21st sale of T. H. Cooper's blooded importof the month a total of fourteen cars ed stock at his farm, Coopersburg, of high grade rook had been taken Pa., last week. The bull. Imported from the district to Fallon, the shipwas sold for $11,500. tftockwell, ping point. Morton-Beesley- Products NEWS Cas-tella- t, Qreat Cricketer's Simple Tribute to His Own Worth. In 1885 there was a great celebration in London in honor of Dr. Samuel Johnson, and among those in attendance was the Australian "crack" cricketer Bonner, then at the height of his fame. As one of the guests, says the compiler of the recently published "Let-ten- " of the late Dr. George llirkbeck Hill, Bonner's health was proposed. His response was noteworthy. "After seeing the way in which Dr. Johnson's memory is revered," he said, with great simplicity. "I am not sure that I would not rather have been euch a man than have gained my own in crickeL" greatest triumphs Youth's Companion. SORES AS BIG AS PENNIES. Whole Head and Neck Covered Hair All Came Out Cured in Three Weeks by Cuticura. "After having the measles my whole head and neck were covered with scaly sores about as large as a penny. They were just as thick as they could be. My hair all came oat. I let the trouble run along, taking the doctor's blood remedies and rubbing on salve, but it did not seem to ge' any better. It stayed that way for about six months; then I got a set of the Cuticura Remedies, and in about a week I noticed a big difference, and in three weeks it was well entirely and I have not had the trouble any more, and as this was seven years ago, I consider myself cured. Mrs. Henry Porter, Albion, Neb., Aug. 25, 1906." Sad Mistakt. In my father's native village lives Mr. S., a very deaf old man. During the summer months he lets his spare rooms to some of the many pleasure-seekerwho frequent the place, says a Boston Herald writer, and one day last summer, while Mr. S. was in his garden, a young man of the village chanced by, and the following conversation took place: "Good morning, Mr. S." "Mawnin'." "You've got your house full of boarders this summer." Mr. S. was picking potato bugs off from his plants, but he managed to stop long enough to answer, "Yes." "Some nice looking young larKcs among them," continued the youcg man. Mr. S. stood up and eyed the potatoes critically, then answered: "Well, they'd ought to look purty I just picked two quarts vl good. bugs off 'em." A s Piety. In a recent number of a German magazine a writer offers a variant of the tale lately published in a book of children's true sayings, which relates how two small girls tried to sit on one stool, cad one6f them remarked: "If one of us was to get off the stool, there would be more room for me." The Teutonic version tells how a German sal by t'j- bedside of his dying "If it wife and murmured piously: pleases the good God to take one of us, 1 shall go to Berlin." Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL Ai'IM.Ii ATIoNs.n they rannut fetch tbe etc of tbe dtseasa. Catarrh la a tilii.nl or conM-tullonuiufet take ultra?, and In order 14 eure It Internal remedies. Iluti'a Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, tlld acta direct. y a the blood and mucous aurfacea. Hail's Catarrh t ore la not t quack medione of the beat phyalclana cine. It waa presented In thla country (or years aud la a regular prescrlptlun. It la compoaed of the beat tonics known, combined wltbtha !ei blood pun llers. acting directly on the mucoua aurfacea. The perfect combination of the two Ingredients la what produce iuch wonderful lu curing catarrh. Send f r tektlnionlala, free. F. J. I'HKNEV & CO., Prop., Toledo, O. Bold by Ilruglat. price 75c. Take fiall'a Family PlUa for constipation. Identified. "Your man." said the promotor of a feast, "is a has been.' " "And yours." retorted the whipper-ifor the rival show, "is a 'never was.' " Thus, by a chance bit of repartee, was the identity of the stellar attractions made clear enough. n Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottleof CASTOHTA, taafeand sure remedy for infanta and children, and we that It The acme of goodness is to love tin public, to study universal good, and tc promote the interests of the whole: world, as far as lies in our power. Buskin. Mra. WtntTnw'a Soothing Syrnp. For children teething, aoftena the gurus, reduces Inflammation, allays pain, curea wind colic 25c a butt) Aspiring minds must sometimes sua tain loss Plato. regulate the Bowels. SMALL edy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste la the Moutli. Coated Tongue, Pain In the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Purely Vegetable. PILL SMALL SMALL PRICE. DOSE. Genuine Must Bear CARTERS Fac-Sim- Signature WlVER PILLS. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 23, 1907. The first requisite of a good mother is good health, and the experience of maternity should not be approached without careful physical preparation, as a woman who is in good physical condition transmits to her children the blessings of a good constitution. Preparation for healthy maternity is accomplished by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which is made from native roots and herbs, more successfully than by any other medicine because it gives tone and strength to the entire feminine . uu organism, curing displacements, ulMRS. JAMES CHESTER ceration and iullaimuation. mul t)it result is less suffering and more children healthy at birth For more su than thirty years Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound has been the standby of American mothers in preparing for childbirth. Note what Mrs JamesChester,of427 VV. 35th St., New York says in this letter: Dear Mrs. Pinkham:-- "! wish every expectant mother knew about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. A neighbor who had learned of its great value at this trying period of a woman's life urged me to try it and I did so, and I cannot say enough in regard to the good it did me. I recovered quickly and am in the best of health now." Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is certainly a successful remedy for the peculiar weaknesses and ailments of women. It has cured almost every form of Female Complaints, Dragging Sensations, Weak Hack, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation, Ulcerations and Organic Diseases of Women and is invaluable in preparing for Childbirth and during the Change of Life. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women from suffering write Mrs Pinkham, any form of female weakness are invited to Mass Her advice is free. at Lvnn, BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. IT the "A year ago I was a wreck from coffee drinking and was on the point of giving up my position in the school room because of nervousness. "I was telling a friend about it and she said, 'We drink nothing at meal time but Postum Food Coffee, and it is such a comfort to have something we can enjoy drinking with the children.' "I was astonished that she would allow the children to drink any kind of coffee, but she said Posttim was inmost healthful drink In the world tor children as well as for older ones, and that the condition of both the hilrtren and adults showed that to be a fact, "My first trial was a failure. The cook boiled it four or five minutes and it tasted so fiat that I was In despair but determined to give it one BOM trial. This time we followed the direct!o and boiled it fifteen minutes after the boiling began I' wit a da cided success and i win completely won by Its rich delicious flavour. In a short time I noticed a decided Im provement in my condition mid kept (rowing fawttM and better month after month. until now I am perfectly healthy, and do my work in the school oom wiib ppw and pleasure. would not return to the nerve destroying reir ular coffee for any money "There's a Reason " Read Die famous little "Health Classic," "The Road to Wall vitie," Iti kg. 1 They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect rem- MOTHERHOOD Telephones in Boston. Boston is the greatest telephone user in the world, according to the annual report of the New England TeleEvery phone & Telegraph company. day in New England there is an average of 935,858 telephone conversations. In Boston there is a phone for every 1 persons. in IVER PILLS. Positively cared by these Little Pills. iTTLE fit Effect of Their Warm Drink Morning. CAKTErtSi In Cm For Over 30 Yeara. The Kind You lia?e Always Bought Will Live in Paris. The widow of Collis P. Huntington has informed friends in Washington of her purpose to reside permanent in Paris. With this object in view she is preparing to close her house in New York and go to the French capital, where there will soon be completed a mansion for her costing near Mrs. Huntington was ly $1,000,000. many years younger than her great husband, who left her the bulk of his millions to do with as she might see SHOWED SICK HEADACHE Bears the Signature of Where He Met Him. He was one of those, smart men whc. like to show their cleverness "Watch me take a rise out of him," he said, as the tramp approached. Then he listened solemnly to the tale of hard luck. "That's the same old story you told me the last time you accosted me," he said, when the vagrant had finished. "Is it?" was the answering question "When did I tell it to you?" "Last week." "Mebbe I did, mehbe I did," admitted the tramp. "I'd forgotten meet ing you. I was in jail all last week." CHILDREN A Capable Wotian. "There is no place fil'.eJ by man,1 Mrs. remarked Strongmind, "thai woman cannot fill." "It wouldn't be so bad." rejoined) her husband, "if she would only let II who waa go at that. I saw one filling twa men's places.' "Where?" queried Mrs. S. the "In a street car," answered wretch as he made a hurried exit from the room. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. Sold by all Druggist. i I ' Don't Push The horse can draw the load without help, if you reduce friction to almost nothing by applying MicaAxle ma. Grease M m to the wheels. No other lubri cant ever made wear, so long 1 ESI H BTR ! If k 1 E To rntivlnie Any wnnmu th.it m n tllio A ntl.-.tl- r improve her hfaltb WW do all e claim B"1" lor ll . Wo will send her absolutely Iff a Urge trial box of Paxtlne with book of lnstriie-tioti- a and genuine testmioiiinls. (Send jour name and address on a postal card. r AA I INt Surh as DaMal estarrh pelvic .inli and Inflammation CMMd by Ills; soio eye, sore throat and mouth, by diie. t lo al treatment ltt power over these troubles it extrarelief. ordinary and gives Immediate Thousands ot women are using and reo--, cent60 at It day. every omineiiiling feetlnns, (ami-nin- e t e di iii'kI"1 IT I H 01 t ONTS i It. by mall. Remember, however, V rOC NOTHINU TO Tit IT. CO., Jtoatuo, Alaaa. and saves so much hore power. Next time try N ici Axi.k C.ricasi:. Slandtirtl Oil Co. in- ... 4 .. DEFIANCE STARCH li M'!nrf thr iirrti ofnf 18 Of FIANCK" UPtH Ifl OUOCM tO the p k prior nc DUALITY, MID" |