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Show TOMMY TRIES THE TREMONT TIMES. Published Every Thursday Tremonton, Utah. WA H. Oapwrll. Kditor IBd ttWd At Manner ler he (fives . ' " V Kott result. 1 papers about the of uzln asbs for might as well try If it wui a suckses hull lot mussel ut hand. the resett whiteh called for salt, aihes.col, woter and oxalic asaid I had 30 anything In my labbrytory but the as I red aid and THIS. I eez, i wunder whare ean git that Rube i Finely i happened to Kusliaus had r voak ov oien so thl-.- li it. went i There are more young men in over thare and sea, sez i. Kube, l want wurl1' 0 "lic "i(L the penitentiaries in this country "VVol thai? Tommy," sez 'e. I la.rnino- feoHoa tW thpr. sr.! doau'l uo sez i, but it n sumlhiu about outside of them learning trades. MM i shood judja from the name ov the The principal cause of this is aubstuuls. He sed he haddent nsTor uiat, we are eaucaung our young neerd 0T lt fore but we wood g0 out t0 men for idle gentlemen, trying the o sht.l and look around. Aftar a to make lawyers, preachers, doc- - cairfuii xeminashuu isaz, thay uaiot tlutt UeHr U,L','01 tord and clerks out of material m,llel or w betwixt ao i sez will lake a pale full or that is needed for blacksmiths, lhaze hear chips hoani and maka my c irpenters, merchants and other mixcher. I cum hoamand put :i bushels honest "hewers of wood and ov aahea, bushel t cole, a powud ov drawers of water." It is a mis- salt, a pala of water and the oxalic assid take and a big one, to teach boys oi the barn lioar and mixt il all up with and girls to believe that labor is tha skoop snuTvla. Then thawt coud "ajroOTC on tbe re8e,t ,0 p,,t iu 5or 6 disgraceful, and to do nothing lbs ov blasting ponder whiteh i had in a for a living is more becoming to cagg for to blow up sum rox. 0 eoarst l such Hang society! society. uloMlv & biiy noUe the IM)wder wuz It is rotton to the core and is jCUmluitabl but i flggrd that aokeln it and up wiiu wet wotter wood distroy its ruining our country there are sons and daughters who blowupatlvenasa ao to speak and it wmd are being educated to play "the at as a atimaiunt on them uther and i iwun to man, it did. leading lady and walking gentleI loald Mandy to mix up sum man" in the great drama of life for to bake with the wunderfull new who will light out for the poor-hou- fule wot had Lio dlakuverd by ayunce &, or the penitentiary before art, then begun to hild my fir out ov the curtain drops On the last sad wood and wind with m" mowib, thuaa act Of the play to which they Uy'n '"laahun for the paitent fule have been educated by their too After tha wood got to goiu good put on sum or the substunce with a little indulgent parents, Manti Mess- & a - 3 L i 1 1 1 I to-da- y; iugree-dings- , ts se j I huvvle. It sizzled frida like peesc fat'haram in a hot spider, but it t small haff ao good. Uimeby took off the lad and lookt in, it diddant seam t ha in uo harry to aumbuat. but it wuz smosklu like a frate lojiu. Thinx i, it nearis moar on ao I put it on good and plentry and sot down to awate the arrlv el ov the turiftlcla hect manshund in the goocebury and current press. I wated long in van. It diddent git down to biznisa wurth a dura. Mandy had bur blskits reddy and kep a splttin on bur finger and fealin the uv van to see if it wuzhotanuff yit, aha begun to ihow siues ov a brane storm and i wuz gittin pritty oueazy but suddautly thay cum a climb ax as the feller saz. I heard a re enger. ov did-den- 1 A bulletin issued by the Colo-rad- o experiment station describes a new disease in the form of a bacterial blight that has attacked the lucern in several sections of the state, causing great damage and loss. The first evidence of disease is noticed in the thin, light colored growth of the first crop. Later it is apparent in blackened stalks, from which a thiek juice exudes. When the disease attacks a field it does not im f flnalfAir a rvwAn f iinmKA plants the first year, but eventually it renders the field useless. As in Utah, alfalfa is one of the state's principal crops and the new disease, for which no remedy has yet been found, is a serious menace to one of the chief sources of the State's wealth. It is to he feared also that unless methods of prOVea tion are adopted, it may find its wav into l tah. Logan Of Journal. j tin commishun ou the stait kappltla at Harrasberg. Evry led on theetoar, wuz boA lhru tB8 roof evr-- dor WM Dlod opn "d the kUchin wuz e,Mterd wllh the crate invenshuu diskuvverd br that dum kobblcr down to Altuney. , wu blod, flzlck. T morrly ,Dd Mnanshuiiy out ov my britches. When i rekuverd from the shock and f got up an aean Mandy dlggin oxalic aasid and stuff out ov eyes and eraa ana aba wuz,a'in lhio!' wbilch wood N uu propper to publish in tha H sharp She called me moar kinds ov a fool than thay polight langw idga to express, all ov whiteh i hoar with paahunts and 40tude. Now see hear Mandy aez 1, pickin up tha fragmuncc ov my britches, yu aid ra, , , pr.elicklt Men . ,nd vu eM plln,y is T Whence the Name "Polly." The name applied to th parrot is said to have been brought to the north In an early day by flat bOUBsM. who tKk grain and prowilu 009 eJe fuU 0T ""c Mlli nd visions down the O'.lio nnd Mississippi rivers to New CrlMUn. Parrots were tuther shat ti;e, that yu haiut got mutch in cages at the doors of manv French to grumble over compared to me. Jest shops and Ihe westerners beard the French say to (' bird. "Parlez, parpo"n ha exploshun had survd yu liks lez," pronotiaoed narlev. ami mcanlne it di,l m I ntHi nritfv I his word, as they speak, Kpeal;. i sse a in lessun lint the katastrofy. grate brought it back, came to be polly. I am warnaii by this not never to take no (Jently moves the bowels and at the stawk In auzanaoar tails never aein tbav same time stops the cough. Bee I I.axa tle I ough Svrup. Contains Honev and ar a delooshuu and a analr for the featkor-evTar. No opiate, liest for coughs, colds, tb 0BWr-Agin, the truata and w Is mlxin Satiafactiou up thairaelfs a roupand hooping cough. parashuns Children like it. Mothera duinplln jest like thai dum sturi, and ndorscit For sale by Tremont Mer . ,um ff Uh b whilcn j it w, rant lie Co. will knock the alivversotT thair wlgwama brown stoan and marble. New Tork farmers have perfected1 I hav bin ii days and a half pickin the an organization oue of the objects of . co1 0"1 ov LlnfownJI which Is to whatever promote TOilM T HOTT. ehtnges are ncocssary to lnaure Just- ice to the producer and consumer alike. ' As a beginning they mlcbt Machine Doe Fireman's Work. pass resolutions against putUng all A machine that will hurl coal into the wormy apples at the bottom of the the firebox of a locomotive at the rate barrel Springfield t Masa ) t'nion. of 200 shovelful a minute, If necesPreserved from Mediocrity. sary, will lighten the labor of the fireA man never mediocre when he men ou many engines. An order has has much good seiut and much good ,'en I,lttce!l or 700 these mochani cal stokers at a cost of 1350:000. loubcrt. feeling - fl r- . ' I Portage SUPPLY. heard how Three Times required to chop wood by te( t & elbo -- IN MM Havrin rd iu the wuoderfuli inrenshun a'.oar wood, i thawt I of congress of the enprimunt and my i wood be sairin a Subscription rat. One year In advance Six months in advance One year not in advance SOMETHING tritiljjmm TUBER THE no AlUora man had inventrd a new fuel and thought he would trj it. In this let ns class matter April-1904at the Post offire at Trcrnontou. Utah, under the ait March 3rd 179 Our EXPERIMENT. All Each is Inch Timber Osed Ten is the Forest Grots. leis. You Will Want On the 21th of April Lewis Mansfield, a pioneer of this valley, passed away. He was H was eighty two years old. in makborn in Euglnad and when a young man, To save as many big gold dollar as posgile served in the English srmy. When for the house, if po call ing your spring purchases shoot thirty six years old be joined the line of on us at our store. We carry a complete church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and emigrated to America. Land ing in New York he wended his way In westward enduring many hardships 1865 be settled in this valley and has reMr. Mansfield sided here ever since. waa a true, honest and upright man. He leaves a wife aud four sons and many friends to mourn bis death. Mrs. Eveline Conley ami Miss Louisa (0 feet of timber have been cut for lumber alone, including 83.000,000,000 feet Gibb are ou the sick list this week. of coniferous timber in excess of tha toR. C. Harris made a business Hip to tal conifcrci.s stumpage estimate of the Garlsnd last week. Censua in 1HM). William H. Gibbs, Jr , ia ou his ranch 'hear are aoine of the remarkable at McCammon, Idaho. statements made in Ciraular 07 of the Mrs Phebe Thomas of Maladaud MarForest Service, which dean with the tim garet Harm of Cherry Crack are vUit-inber supply of the United States and retheir mother, Mrs. Kriggs. views the stumpage estimates made by A great many of our young people C& all the important authorities. A study went to Malad Friday evening, April 26, of the circular must lead directly to the and Saturday the 27ih to attend the musconclusion that the rate at which forest ic festival. Among other vnoted singers products in the United Statea have been was Mrs. Edwards of Salt Lake City. Will handle all kinds of horses, draft, roadsters and and are being consumed is far too lavish, Many of the Sunday School workers at saddle animals. All horses sold or exchanged guaranand that only one result can follow un tended the Sunday School conference at teed as represented. Give me a call at the Proctor barn. hss steps are promptly taken to prevent Mulad on Sunday. y iste iu use aud to increase the John F. Conley is making some Ira growth Proprietor, r te of every acre of forest in the United provements around his home. Mates. This result is a timber famine. Orson P. Merrill and mother have been This country is to day in the same poai visiting their relatives iu Briham. tion with regard to forest resources aa Joseph E. Gibbs is reported some betwas Germany 150 years ago. During ter. Meals 25c. Served From G A. M. to 10 P. M. this period of 160 years such German Mrs. Francis Allen presented her bus States as Saxony and Prusaia, particular baud with a beautiful Good Meals and Good Rooms. Satisfaction Guarateed. baby girl ou the the a have ly latter, applied policy of 30th of April. Bucz. Telephone Connection W'ith Both Lines. government control and regulation which E A. KENT, Prop. Tremonton, Utah. has Immensely increased the productiviCRAZY ANOTHER FOOL GORE ty of the forests. The game policy will achieve cveu better results in the United Gives Away His Property and Awaits S.ates, because wa have the advantage End oi the World. o' all the lessons which Europe has laarn ed ana paid for in the course of a cen CHEAT FALLS. Mont., May 3 -- Re of and tury theory practice. lieving that the end of the world will Lest it might be assumed thst th rap- come within ten days and that he. with id and gaining depletion of American a haixitul of followers, w ill be straightforeat resources is sufficiently accounted way translated to Heaven, A. Y. StanHEADQUARTERS FOR WALL PAPER. for by the increase of population, it is ton, a prominent stock man of this city, Sign and Carriage Painting Neatly Done. pointed out in lb circular that the In- to day disposed of all his property, valcrease in population since 1880 is barely ued at several thousands of dollars, to Will Meet Prices on First Class Work. more-thahalf the increase iu lumber the first bidder for $150, and, taking up c it in the same period. Two arensfliup-p'yluhis residence in t ranted house iu the timber have already reached and most elevated part of the city, is calmly passed their maximum pr duetion the awaiting th end. Stanton's followers, Northeastern States in 1870 and the Lake eight in number, disposed of their posStates in 1800. To day the Southern sessions in a similar manner and are States, whiob cut yellow pine amounting with him to one third the total annual lumber cut Stanton was wealthy, but has disposed of the conulry. are undoubtedly near of his belongings in order to be unenThe Mammo h Imported Jack, "KENO,"' will stand their maximum. The Pacific States will cumbered when called from the earth. soon take the ascendency. The State of during the season at Hudson's Barn, Tremonton, Thursdays. Piles are dangerous but do not submit Washington w thin a few year has come and Saturdays, and at our farm oue mile west of to an operation until you have first tried Fridays to the front and now ranks first of all inManZan, the Great Pile Remedy. It is Dewey ville the remainder of the time. dividual States in volume of out. put up in collapsible tubes with a noz-z:TERMS: $10 for the Season. At present but one fifth of the total for that allows it to be applied exactly WARDROP BROS., Dewey ville, Utah. est area of the United Stated is embraced where lt is needed. If you have itcbinir in National Forests. The remaining or protuding piles and ManZan does not relieve, money refunded. Soothes and have already passed or are cools. Relieves at once. For sale by most likely to paas into private hands. Tremont Mercantile Co. The average age of the trees felled for lumber thia year is not less than 110 for Evory years. In other words, if he is to sefViStfT fifc body. 5ff cure a second crop of trees of the sam y Why not have some letter heads and size, the lumberman or private forest envelopes printed with your name, busiowner must wait, say , at least one ness and address on them for the use of years for the second crop to grow. yourself and family? We can furni-Asa rule, such long-timinvestments as them at very little more than the blank this walling would involve do not com- ones would cost and they look much nic' ' in when in town aud let us mend themselves to business man who er. Call ijjf show you samples and tell you the cost. l' are accustomed to quiek returns. Hut Tata Tim KB, the States and the Nation can look much Tremonton, Utah. farther ahead. The larger, then, the iV BUILDING LOTS. Two good build safs area of National and Slat control over some fenced for and lots sale cheap Ing woodlands, the greater is the likelihood trees on them SO by 150 feet each . Call that the forests of the country will be Bl PK!Hj H at this office for particulars. W H Cap kept permanently productive. well. Times Office. ' Every person in tha I'nited flutes is using over six times aa much wood as be would use if he were in Europe. The country as a whole consumes every year between three and four times mora wood than all of the forests of the Unitad Htales grow in the meantime. The average acre of forest lays up a store of only 10 cubic feet annually, whereas it ought to be laying up at least 30 cubie feet in o .ler to furnish the products taken out it. Since 18W) more than 700,000,000,-- Dining Room, Bed Room, Kitchen or Parlor Furniture, Carpets, LinoJ Ileum, Rugs, and Lace Curtains. Also, Ranges, Tinware and Glassware. Termonton Furniture Company. I EXCHANGE FEED, SALE STABLES. Tremonton. HODE WOOD, THE KENT HOTEL & SHORT ORDER HOUSE. George Meldrum, House Painting and Decorating, Utah. Tremonton, To Horsemen. c four-fifth- Tremonton Horse Breeders' Association. s sffn Job Printing v- huu-dre- -- ' sLlPP lS . rUl s Ended the Discussion. Conn., girl, aa adopted child, turned the tables with stunning effect upon children who were teaslnr her because she was an adopted child to the parents who loved her as their own. ' My papa and mamma picked me out. and wanted me," was her retort. "Yours bad to take ou Just as you were whether they wanted you or not." A little Wlnsted. Drank Gasoline A 14 year-olboy In the Union Iron works, San Franctscn, having seen men start gasoline flowing from a barrel Into a hose by sucking the end of a hose, thought he would try It, but the gasoline responded so quickly that a pint of lt had gone down his throat before the experimenter could get his mouth away. He was pumped out at the hospital. Thirty days treatment for kidney blad der troubles and rbuematism for 1.0U Your money refunded if not satisfied. Pinculcs contains no alcohol. Does not derange the stomach. Easy to take. For sale by Tremont Mercantile. Co. ManZan Pile Remedy ftELIIVIa WHIN OTHERS FAIL - Sb a BREED TO THE BEST. MOINEA-U- The Old Reliable-N- o. 44324. An Imported French Feroheron, wcleht 2200, is at ("barl.s Schmuti's place, 2H miles west of Tremonton. for the season of 1607. Terms of ser vir- ,fnrsinflc aenlif.nr 20 whr-- ihr mam is known to ! in foil eo V CARS' KXPIIIIKNCK .li d Rvres. On of Hla "Ham on rye!" bitterly reflected Goodman Gonrong, as he hungrily tackled the free lunch "There was a time when I could afford unlimited rye on ham!" The Imported Percheron Stallion, Of siosia u ttu attjatoi. Sckitific Hmtrton. klv. Kara Tar : ttltn-v month. - w bra" fr Ciu,tV. "COMERE1" tt. CeVrMsMT mar Aaroew aandtns a skatati and MIMIon oar fraa whMkar ovimnn ataklr aeortlB omaianli InvaaUo la roHT llnnaawirtlf wna.it ll MsSOtOOt " I'aiaou aeat fraa. 01ea aanar oatann a Co. reoelTt raunia taken throw SjjSJp fW. without share. In th TaraHa Will stand season of 1907 at my stable in Tremonton. He is 4 years old, and weighs 1800 lbs., color black. Call and see him. W. T. HUDSON. |