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Show The Mr. Harriman announces that he is goinp; to "give more atten- Engineer. tion We sing of hcroei every ilay , Of brave men tiled aud (rue; M has much tn soy In praise the t liat I be) do. Of brave to the public." Hands Official Directory. tttit lliit. friends, want In Kay a word ' Of one -- a btffl plain. Of whom but little firaUe h hearil The man u ho "pulls" the train. I life U alwaya in bis hand. lie hasn't much to say; He rlares ahead at two steel bands Hi That line the right of way. lie knows that grim death hovers near, Vet iort 'ti likes the strain; llu hs to be devoid of fear The man who "pulls" the train. When wrecks occur he'll stt hi teeth And bid the ti reman leap; fil i.L ' a THEM ON TON uioiuiiig uepaiiiucui. want Japan will never become chris-- : chairmanof Board, J A Fishburn. tianized enough to celebrate East Member " " EM Wyatt. er Sunday until the Japanese wo " " J c Gates. men are taught to wear hats. D c Roush. " " SBWatland. "Uncle Joe" Cannon has been George Shuman. seeing the world, but Mr. Bryan cler John Shuman. is still the only genuine Ameri- Treasurer can Traveler. R F Meldrum Marshall Nebraska farmers must be ridSTATE ing in Pullman cars mainly now. The legislature has passed a bill John c Cutler. Governor reducing parlor car thtrge3 with Charles S Tingey. Secretary i i the state, M A Bredden. General Atty. A Chicago woman sued for a Auditor J A Edwards. divorce because her husband told Treasurer James Christiansen her she resembled one of her Supt. of Public Instruction aunts. After a Icok at the aunt, A C Nelson. the court awarded the divorce. State Senator 1 District one-thir- IVthaps they'll find him undcrmath His ermine in a heap; Perhaps he'll only lose a limb, He'll gria and bear the pain. The woild reads just I line of him The man who "pulls" the train, When you buy that Spring Suit you doift to overlook the fact that price alone doesn't mean anything, it's what you get for the price that COUllts. No suit is a good suit that is cheaply made. The looks may be good, but if it ira't built good the looks soon depart. Miller Made Clothing d. Peter Clegg. maiden named Miss W S Hansen Waneta Toskatomba, pretty and Representative worth $100,000, announces that BOX ELDER COUNTY Xo great name would be gain; she prefers to devote herself to 1st Judical District Lift high your cup and let ia toast charity rather than matrimony. Judge The man who "pulls" the train Willard W Maughan. And yet it would certainly be an Denver Post. F J Holton. act of charity to marry some Dist Atty Chairman County Com. young man who needs the money. An Echo From London. A W Valentine. indi- Co has President Roosevelt M B Hart Commissioners When was walking throug.i London D E Ada ms to his meet the cated willingness Wll rue of told with my cousin Henry be I is But there Sheriff was railroads half way. Vhil Joseph Josephson liam Whiteley's big store. here a fire occurred in his store and burn evidently some difference of opin S N Cole Treasurer then w rote a brief ion between him and the railroad ed for a dny or two. Recorder Christena Madson "count which follows: as to where the half- - Clerk presidents, ' Nephi J Valentine. "Henry said: His stores cover fouris. way point B. C. Call in business and is I Our Grocery Department. What the largest controlled by one man. He hue employes, and keeps 1100 horses delivering goods. He olla anything called for, and once supp'ied a man with a wife. o.OOO His loss was about 2,000 ,000, and reward was offered to find out the in 115,-00- esndiarv. Four men were killed and a number wounded at the fire, and the streets were blocked for a mile around, aud still London hardly knew the fire was going on. Capt. Shaw, chief of the fire department, is an able and popular man. One of Whiteley 's secrets of sue cess is that he has a promenade free to ladies, whether they buy or not, amid flowers, fountains, seats, birds, monkeys r c.'' In papers sent to me recently from England by cousin May, I find where William Wbiteley was shot dead in his place of business hy a young man, and then the young man shot himself, but probably not fatally. The account mentions the funeral, how a hundred car riftftt weie hired to carry the "staff,'1 while the other 6,000 employes walked. It also tells that he was separated from his wife twenty-fouyears ago. aud how attentive lie was to certain fuir clerks, and to the writer it seems that the young nun who shot him my have been his a r. by the certain bride he is said to have furnished one of his customers . We thus sec that the man who w recks hla own home and ruins the homes and lives of others, nearly always dies as a dog dies or as a fool dies. He does not aeetn to know when, why or how he dies, but he generally goes quickly. He does not even have a chance to hang on a cross and ask a Prince to let him into Paradise. Since writing the above the papers tell m that the young murderer got well and was tried, found guilty and condemed all in a few minutes. (.'has. D. Linskill in Wilkes Harre, Pa., Kecord. r A SHORT CHAPTER Not in the Bible. And it came to pass that after he had advertised his goods, there came unto him great multi tudes from all the regions round about and they did buy of him. And when his competitors saw it they marveled among themselves, saying: "How be it that this man is busy while we loaf idly about our store?" And he spake unto them saying: "In this fast age of push and rustle it is easier for a camei to enter the eye of a needle than for a man to flourish without advertising." N Don't forget the Times office when aiitiny job work, dismiss the entire proposition Constable Charles Cheal without a trial. COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH. A Republican club of Kansas Chairman City is raising a fund of $100,-00- 0 A. W. Valentine, Dr. A. E. Piich, to secure the Republican naSecretary M. 1J. Hart and D. F.. Adams, Members. 1908 tional convention of fcr 1 1 Ten of the sixteen congressmen from Ohio are said to favor Taft for the presidential endorse ment as against Foraker. Three members favor the senator, while the other three are noncommittal. An exchange tells of a newspaper reporter who interviewed thirty successful business men and found that all of them when boys had been governed strictly and frequently thrashed. He also interviewed thirty loafers and learned that twenty-seve- n of them had been 'mama's darling' and the other three had been reared by their grandmothers. The Seattle has been asking its readers, "What should President Roosevelt do after March 4, 1909?" It has so far received 1,001 replies. Of these 536 declare in favor of his remaining in the White House after that date, while 116 suggest he should be United States senator. That shows the drift. A Missouri woman, whose hus band had won wealth in the mines went crazy because the doors of bast society remained closed to them. The social microbe is re sponsible for much trouble in the world; it makes fools of tens of thousands, and it is perhaps not tD be wondered at that it deprived this one woman of her reason. Post-Intelligenc- er Thirty days treatment for kidney Wad Oil. der troubles and rhiiematism for Your money refunded if not satisfied Pinenles contains no alcohol. Doc not dtranpc the stomach. Kasy to take. For sale by Tremont Mercantile Co. 1 BUILDING LOTS. Two good build ing lots for sale cheap fenced and some trees on them 50 hy 150 feet each Call at this office for part iculars. well. Times Office. W. II Cap RING'S DYSPEPSIA TABLETS ii t 1 " 2 3 3 " " " 4 Scotch Oats Banner Oats Union Oats Columbia Wheat Flakes Maple Flake Mince Meat Gloss or Corn Starch pounds good Rice YOU CAN BUY AT 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 7 7 6 6 3 3 3 6 2 7 Indigtiiign and Stomach Troubles PRECINCT JUSTICE CONSTABLE Box Elder .James Knudson O. F. Kelson Three Mlie Alma Iverson Brig. Nelson Mantua N. C. Jeppeson C. A. Anderson Calls Fort W. W. Lasley E. Huusaker Deweyvillc H. N. Gardner B. J. Record Colllnjton llvrtim Jensen J. R. Standing Beaver Dam V J. Elmer Wm. F. Bowen Hear River A. E. Holmgren H.PThorsen Manila E.R.Sherman Chas Kroksh Sunset II. C. Vanausdeln T. E. Secrist Riverside L. H. Kennard Jas. G Smith T. F. Coombs Job Welling Fielding E. R. Hadlcr Sylvester Gwens Malad E. H. Rudd J. Nish Plymouth J. Hans Knudson E.Gibbs Portage R. W. Adams T. W. Sandal Rawlins Promontory Geo. N. House Chas Stokes Curlew C. W. Bobbins A.L.Peterson Park Valley D. Hirschi J. A. Eckersley Terrace F. Hvland John Nilsson Clear Creek O. I) Mclntirc C. L. Kempton S. Babbitt Junction T. H. Blackburn Jr. H. C. Yates Grouse Creek Phil Paskett C. C. Toyne 1-- lb croup and whooping cough. Satisfaction guaranteed. Children like it. Mothers indorse it. For sale by Tremont Mcr cantile Co. Have you ever seen a Sunset? A beautifully illustrated monthWest ly magazine of the 0 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c 25c Did you ever figure why people travel so far trade at this store? We want to tell you the reason. It's because they get more for their money than at any other store in the valley". Bold assertion, isn't it? But we are here with the goods ready to show you. 6 c YOU ALWAYS BEST AT CAN DO o Qxo FISHBURN'S II ONE PRICE AND THAT TE LOWEST. Stores at Brigham and Tremonton. Ol mam J Seven Reasons Why THE LISK SANITARY . Gently moves the bowels and at the same time stops the cough, Bee's Lsxa live Cough Syrup. Contains Honey and Tar. No opiates. Best for coughs, colds, D THESE PRICES? Bars Silver Leaf Soap " " Dover " Pearl White " " " Toilet Cans Corn . " Peas " Mustard Sardines "Oil Sardines " good Salmon, flat cans, Smoked Bloaters PRECINCT OFFICERS that city. i " " " 3 Attorney Melvin Nebeker A Georgia bride lately refused Surveyor Elias Jensen to promise to obey her husband. Assessor A E Jensen She said she would try to. The School Supt groom was lucky. Most women Justice of Peace Andrew Funk Pkgs Friends' Oats S A Choctaw I ie world 25c will buy in our Grocery Department. WHY PAY MORE WHEN r t o Means something to you. It means that it is absolutely correct in every particular. We sell it. j lie may not be a scholar, frieuds; lie may be coarse and rough. But he'll be "there" till duty ends This engine-drivegruff. Of what he doas be makes no boast, teen acres API on your pockets! ni SOU SELF-BASTIN- ROASTEE G Is the Most Perfect Cooking Utensil in tie "Woild. 0S 1 . It is made of the very finest quality steel, covered with three coats of Lisks Imperial Gray Enamel, warranted for ten years. 00 It is the only pan on the market with every part stamped seamless in one piece, and is absolutely sanitary. y It will cook as well on the stove as in the oven. 4. It is the only roaster that will make a piece of tough meat, whether large or small, tender and juicy and retain all its flavors. 5. It will save 20 per cent in weight of meat over any other roaster made. 6. It requires very little attention and no basting. 7. It is a perfect roaster, as by its patent depressed top the drip is carried to the centre and falls directly on the meat. oo V 2. oo self-bastin- OO I OO 41 OO g It has no seams or sharp corners to collect grease or dirt, it cannot leak, is oo absolutely sanitary and is as easily cleaned as china, and bakes bread beautifully. IT SAVES One half the lahor in cooking and twenty per cent in weight of the meat over !iny ther roaster made. OO Call and see them AT THE HARDWARE STORE. ! wide-awak- with fascinating short stories, picdesturesque personal cription of the interesting development of the West , and the romance and hUtory of the wonderland of the earth point-of-vie- . Ask your local newsdealer for current issue or send 11.50 for year's subscription. The book, "Road of 120 beautia Thousand Wonders." ful w estern views in four colors will be included tree. SUNSET MAGAZINE FLOOD BUILDINC. SAN FRANC18CO, CALIFORNIA. BEE'S LAXATIVE RELIEVES COUQH8 COUGH SYRUP AND COLDS Wilson Lumber Company, Utah. Tremonton, WHFRE (iOOI) ARE GOODS SOLD." o O TRY "THE TIMES" For Your Job Printing, OUR WORK IS GOOD C& PRICE RjIGHT. |