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Show The Lion and the Lamb. John A. Harrison, a prominent business man of Stoneham, was surprised the other day when he went out in The German steamer Hern has been his back yard to see his pet cat and a "nk in the North sea. with the loss squirrel eating out of the same dish of twenty-onlives. He called to his cat, but the animal The upper house of the Danish diet refused to leave his new found friend has passed a bill carrying the adopBoston Post. tion of the metric system of measures From the German. in Denmark. A nail secures the horseshoe the The Russian evacuaiion of Manchushoe the horse, the horse the man the man the castle, and the castle the ria is complete. The last battalion of Kussian troops left Harbin Thursday whole land. German. of last week. Bells Led to Burglar's Capture. Thirty woman suffragists were arNocturnal clock striking and too rested of has it Wednesday afternoon for atmuch enabled the Paris police to lay thc-i-r hands upon a gang tempting to force an entrance into the of burglars and their very valuable House of Commons. booty. Six former or present attendants of The inhabitants of a house in the the State hospital for the insane at Faubourg du Temple quarter, comCleveland, O., were indicted last week plaining to the police that for some for alleged attacks on patients. time past they had heard an extraorAs the result of a collision bet w. en dinary amount of what sounded like electric bell ringing in the night time, a passenger train and a freight train that seemed to come from rooms in a at Turuschiche station, seventeen percertain direction, the police first veri- sons were killed and thirty-fivinfied the fact for themselves and then jured. raided the rooms. Here they found Mrs. James Tolbert, wife of former two men busily engaged In testing a number of timepieces, of which they Mayor Tolbert of Fairmont, Ga., was had stolen 200 from a manufacturer's brutally assaulted and her waretiouse, and were selling as tested. baby was murdered by a negro at their home. The Modern Youth. Few young men nowadays cultivate Secretary Taft und party which is to the art of making themselves agree- accompany him to Panama, Cuba and able. This was one of the things they Porto Rico will go on the Mayflower, managed better in bygone days. No which the navy department has placed doubt some of them proved abject fail, at their disposal. ures, but they at least deserved credit Peasants have again invaded Botos-sahn- i for good intentions. Nowadays they and s?t fire to different parts of if ever, make the attempt. rarely, the town, especially the Jewish quarAmbrosia, in the World. ters. Troops intervened and several RAFFLE9 COW TO BUY LEG. or were killed of the peasants wounded. Ingenious Scheme of a Man Disabled Every man in Fort Dodge, Iowa, beby a Train. tween the ages of 25 and 45 years If there is more than one way to must become a married man or pay skin a cat, there is certainly more a fine, as the result of an ordinance than one way in which to acquire a introduced by Mayor Bennett and cork leg. The usual way is to earn passed by the city council. money and buy it, says the New Count Arco, in his wireless telephone York World. The way adopted by Julius Thorne, who lives at Glens experiments, says a Berlin dispatch, Falls, is to let a cow raise herself has succeeded in obtaining distinct exand then raffle her off for a leg. changes of words in a tolerable natural Thome was hit by a railroad train voice at a distance of two miles, by about a year ago, and when the docusing poles thirty feet high. tors cut off his left leg, a disease of Two corps of Western Pacific enthe bone set in. The injured man was taken home, where, while he gineers are surveying the proposed lay on his back waiting for the bone line between Ely, Nevada, and the to heal, he cast, about for some means main line of the Western Pacific, and whereby he could procure a cork leg. will complete their preliminary work Being supplied with little in the way within the next thirty days. of the world's goods, Thorn was Mrs. Fred Belasco, wife of the senior forced to uee his ingenuity. From a of the Alcazar theatre and partner of a he for neighbor bought couple dollars a sickly calf less than a month known on the stage under the name o( old. This he raised on skimmed milk Juliet Crosby, died suddenly in San provided by another neighbor who Francisco, and an hour later M. L, made his own butter, and in time the Mayer, Mr. Belasco's partner, died o( calf got strong enough to be turned the shock. out to pasture. Grazing around cost Edward Howell, one of thj most inlittle, and while the calf was growing and fattening Thorne made baskets fluential negroes in southern Missisthat he might have enough cash to sippi and president of the People's winter the alnmal. By fall he had bank, of Hattiesburg, Miss., was shot earned enough to more than do this, in the back and killed while on his and recently he started a raffle. All No motive way home late at night. his friends took tickets, and when the Is known. celedrawing takes place Thorne will A Santa Fe freight locomotive boi'er brate by wearing his new cork leg. exploded at Simms, Cal., killing FireO, Pickles! man J. B. Kerr and fatally scalding A woman writer says: "Marry a Engineer P. Barnum. Brakeman J. I.. man with a good digestion and no cars McElery was badly hurt. nerves if you want a pearl of a husand the track blocked demolished were band. All of the seven deadly sins do not make a man as hard to live with with wreckage. case of A murder trial presenting features as a genuine, liver. Choose, therefore, as a husband of unusual interest began at Carmet, a man who is hearty and husky and Ills., Monday, when Jennie Burch, a who can eat three square meals a day. fourteen-year-olgirl will be called A preferred type of this man is the on to answer the charge of poisoning one who is frankly fond of good eatchild Wilbur Wlnship, a ing and who has a welsh rarebit nurse she was. whose recipe and a special way of making President Baer of the Reading Railsalad dressing Grab a man like that the very first opportunity you get, for road company has been authorized by as a husband he is lovely." Milwauthe board of directors of his company kee Sentinel. to advance the age limit of employees frets 3t to 45 years. This is in line with the recent action of the Pennsylvania Railroad company. When Mrs. Levi .leu. of Ashland, Ky., was bathing her infant, she suddenly was seized with a pain in the head, it is said, and fell dead. The babe fell from the lifeless arms of its mother into a tub fT hot water and was scalded to death. Governor Folk of Missouri has signed the bill passed by the last legislature making it a felony to operate a bucketshop in this state: the penalty clause also includes any telegraph or telephone company which furnishes information to a bucketshop. Arthur Bean killed his wife with an Townsend's Enamel Cream ax at North Baltimore, 0., and then Mukr. attractlTe umpill atelr Superior committed suicide by shooting himself to face powders, lu use I. not deienied. Bean had forbidden his wife visiting cent 50 For aale very where. Price her family. She visited her parents at. night, and he induced her to go treatment just as home and then murdered her. n You rood by man iii the matter f The court of inquiry appointed to Jewelry or Watob Repairing d.'t4rmin the cause of the explosion In s if jaa called pertoai of March 12 on the battleship lena, deDrop us a line. cided that the disaster was caused by a spontaneous explosion of "B" powder, due to decomposition and the election of the temperature of the magazine. Major C. W. Penrose, of the Twen-tvflftinfantry has been acquitted of duty, pre170 of the charge ofhlnineglect at the instance of ferred against "MAIN President Rooserell for alleged mla- SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH conduct in connection with the shootof BrownWille, Tex., by nee lng-npsoldiers gro Hermann von Hohenloho Prince I A MR WEBER UPRIGHT . I.angenberg. viceroy of ALsace-Ijralnto a permake $175 Berlin at QAIF pacu arrived has w U nu II wrtfc. sonal report to EmpatOr William on The fOn INFORMATION ADDH18S the mine disaster at Vorbach. MR. WM. ANDERSON the explosion by vhlch sevenof cause D.i.v.n. THIS 0T 0IC ty-four pertotH leal Ihelr Uvea nan not yet be. n decided NEWS SUMMARY e 'ur d FRESH AIR ESSENTIAL TO VENT CONSUMPTION. - DELICATE NERVES. PE-RU-- Ronthal, the Pianist, Made Trouble in Hotel. PRE half-ounc- e Wages Good "Smellers" Earn. There are several trades which provide men and women with good living simply because they enjoy an exceptionally keen sense of smell, says the London World. Scentmakers, for example, need some one with a very delicate sense of smell to aid them in mixing the ingredients of perfumes Queen Alexin proper proportions. violet-c- osts andra's favorite perfume 10 per ounce bottle, and it has to run the gauntlet of five probefore it is fessional "smellers" passed as being correctly blended and ready for her majesty's use. Some of the Teading firms of perfume makers pay their "smellers" 7 a week. 4 to Contractors from for the lighting of streets, large public buildings and pleasure grounds very often engage "smellers" to find escapes of gas, one shilling being generally paid for each escape reported. Some of these men frequently make 3 in a single week, the result over being that in many cases the fee has been reduced to 9d. per escape reported. Coincident Inventions. Almost at the same time two different inventors in different places have announced their success with electrical devices for seeing at a distance. They are J. B. Fowler and William H. Thompson. In Fowler's device four wires are required to accomplish the combined effect of distant Details of the vision and hearing. operation are withheld, however, on the plea of getting out a patent. Each Inventor uses the name "Televue-" People appreciate the delicate taste am! natural action of Garfield lea, the mil herb laxative. Best for liver, kidnevn an bowel. Guaranteed under the Pure Food and Drugs Iaw. la To forgive a fault in another more sublime than to be faultless one's self. George Sand. w mm iss Ef xarsEk "J2tU a. Tortured Disfigured Babies Of Skin For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have SHOULD Bears the Signature of Promotes Digeslion.Checrfut-nes- s and Rest.Contains neillier Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Nahc otic . THAT iAtt VeafOUDrSAMCD.PtraaR HirHfJan Seui' Anim Srrd wfSmmk 'tit Remedy forConslipa fion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fevensh-nes- s and Loss Sleep. mX of Facsimile Signature of I NEW YORK. EXACT COP OF WRAPPER. Warm Baths With Use A perfect f&ticiu For Over YSQArV Thirty Years kfll ATARI! JbAdlUHIA TMC OtMTAUR COfttPAMV- NCW And gentle anointings with Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure of torturing, disfiguring eczemas, rashes, itchings, and irritations of infants and children when all else fails. Guaranteed absolutely pure, and may be used from the hour of birth. TOM CITV. SICK HEADACHE CARTER'S IVER regulate the Bowels. SMALL PILL PlDTRl'vl nirnr YlVER I Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also reUeve HU- tress from Dyspepsia. In digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect remedy for Dizziness, Kanseu Drowsiness, Bad Taste In the Mouth. Coated Tongue. Pain In the SW. TORPID LIVER. Purely Vegetable. SMALL DOSE. They SHALL PRICE Genuina Must Bear DEFIANCE 13 oz. plur Potter lnig ourPosv-tri- ;. Chem. Corp.. Sole Prope.. Iloeton. Cuticura Hook on Care of the skin. W. N. U.. Salt Lake City, No. 13, 1907. V": DOUGLAS GILT EDGE SHOtSCANNOI BE EQUALLED AT AMY IN WORLD PRICE. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRIDES: Women a lt Men'H Shoe. Hit to VI .50. Ilnytr short. HhoaM, BS.SS to is I. (Mi. ghaaa. - to SI. no. MiaaM' Si i i.. .T SI.'-!o- i PILLS. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. eit to worn with ana ciutuci uicau turcne, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound made from simple native roots and herbs. For more than thirty years it has been helping women to be strong, regulating the functions pel fectly and overcoming pain. Ithasic proved itself invaluable in preparing for child birth and the Change of Ufe. Mrs. A. If. llagermann. of Bey Miore, L. I., writes J Tlear "I Buffered from a dispia. ment, excessive and painful functions so that 1 had to lie down or sit 6till most, of the time Lydia ES. Pinkham 's Vegetable f'ompor ;, has made mc a well weman I that I am able to attend tonivdut! wish every suffering woman would try Lydia B. Pinkham'a Vegi and hee what n Compound it will five t hem." i Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female illness are invited to write Mrs. Pinkham. at, Lynn, Mass for advice She. Is the Mrs I 'ink ham who has been advHng sick women free of ' barge for more than law Lvdin ially well qualified twenty Pink-hato guide B safe w U9w are recognised by expert. iudgM of footwear loic'his toiieibo boM In style, fit and wear DieUuced in this country. Each rw ..JjJ i part of the thoo and every detail of tba nuikiny is lookwl after and watched over by skilled slmeitmkers, without reijaril 0 time or cost. If 1 could take you into my larce tai tones at I. ioiil'I;is ItiockLoii. Mass.. aid snow vou how carflfum hoeSaM made, JTO0 sr. mid then ndcrata&d wby they bold their tttiape. fit better, we ir loneer, and urn of (rroater value t baa titiv other makes. arorteetl the war,-- airampt high ay i atfjajMd M tha bollaw, 'lamp und MtaV a!;.... .Irtlprriywlier. Tltka. B Maia.ll.iite. Sc. Id l.ytli,UtlOBg and IrrfafXoT gllOaa, ut vLtsr tyrtett used tjclutlvtly. 0tUU09 maiU-- Jiff. W. I.. IIUI UI.Aa, Hrurktuii.Hiii. Mimes I . le.-l- I from the same physical disturbances, ami the nature of their duties, in many cases, quickly drift them into the horrors of all 'kinds of female complaints, organic trou hies, ulceration, falling and displacements, or perhaps Irregularity Or suppression canting backache, nervousness, irritability, and sleeplessness. Women everywhere should remember that the medicine that holds the record for the largest, number of aetmil cures of female ills is iiut,her-i- n A L. DOUGLAS W. W. Is nrriAiirr ctsrpu ucrinnbL oinnun years, and before that she assisted her in advising Therefore she is es r lit mill. "miitii throughout the world Depot: I.ondnii, 17 Pnrla, 5 Rue de la Mai Auntra-11.- 1. 8q.; A Co.. Sydney; India. B. K. Paul. CaHong Koug Iirug Co.; Japan, Haruya. Ruse la. Ferrnn (Apteka). MUlitWl Lfpooo. Ltd.. cpe Town. etc. : UAA Hold Charterhouse It Towns lcutta: china. Ltd.. Toklo: South Africa. Cold Water Starch Bakes lauudry work a pleasure. W. L. Signature ' ' 'his paper de-siring lo buy advenised in Its columns should insist upon having what thay ask for, rafusing all substitutes or imitauons. PFAfiFRQ Yj t U j rV O $3.50 SHOES'..." $3.00 AND $4.00 SUFFER M. HAGERMANN 'ja it' KNOW ALL WOMEN A. tub GASTQRIA j MRS. COMPOUND In any medical compound as much depends upon the manner in which it is compounded as upon the ingredients used. First, there must be a due proportion of the ingredients. Each drug in the pharmacopeia has its special action. To combine any drug with other drugs that have slightly different action, the combination must be made with strict reference to the use for which the compound is intended. The drugs may be well selected as to their efficacy, but the compound ENTIRELY SPOILED BY THE PROPORTION in which they are combined. It takes years and years of experience to discover this proportion. There is no law of chemistry, of pharmacy, Dy which the exact balance of proportion EXPERIENCE IS THE ONLY GUIDE. can be determined. In compounding a catarrh remedy Dr. Hartman has had many years' experience. In the use of the various ingredients which compose the catarrh remedy, Peruna, he has learned, little by little, how to harmonize the action of each ingredient, how to combine them into a stable compound, how to arrange them into such nice proportions as to blend the taste, the operation and the chemical peculiarities of each several ingredient in order to produce a pharmaceutical product beyond the criticism of doctors, pharmacists or chemists. WE REPEAT, THAT AS MUCH DEPENDS ON THE WAY IN WHICH THE DRUGS ARE COMBINED AS DEPENDS UPON THE DRUGS THEMSELVES. The compound must present a stability which is not affected by changes of temperature, not affected by exposure to the air, not affected by age. It must be so combined that it will remain just the same whether used in the logging or mining camps of the northwest or the coffee plantations of the tropics. A complete list of the ingredients of Peruna would not enable any druggist or physician to reproduce Peruna. It is the skill and sagacity by which these ingredients are brought together that give Peruna much of its peculiar claims as an efficacious catarrh remedy. However much virtue each ingredient of Peruna may possess, the value of the compound depends largely upon the manner and proportion in which they are combined. The right ingredients, put together rightly, is the only way a medical compound can be made of real value. Always Bought AVegdable Preparation Tor As simuating theRxxiandKegula ling the Stomachs andBowols of Statesman's Simple Life. Herr Bebel, perhahs the most Impressive orator in the German reichs-tag- . usually speaks without notes of any kind, thinking as he goes. Not even well off. he leads the simplest of lives, shunning society and finding his chief recreation in the cultivation of flowers. He told an interviewer once that when he wants to get ready for a speech he goes into his little garden and trims the rose trees. MEDICAL A NA Much d 1 pi rifiilU OF Rosenthal, the pianist, is one of those entitled to have his crankiness terni6d the eccentricities of genius," Dangerous to Neglect Even an Ordin- says the San Francisco Chronicle. When he inspected his rooms at the ary Cough or Cold Simple RemMajestic upon his arrival very late the edy Is Effective. other night, he went softly to the ad- "Good food, fresh air and rest: keep joining doors, and placing his ears your windows open winter and sum- ciose to the cracks, exclaimed in mer." broken English. "Zeodd. no sounds So we are told by the great scientpass thees " after nodding his apists who are certainly doing wonders proval of the grand piano and the furin reducing the death rate from Tuberniture he frowueil at the culosis. They also warn us not to neg- window shades. "Must be green." He was assured that a change would be lect a cold or cough, and it is most that this advice be followed. made especially for him the next day. At five o'clock in the morning Ros- While the cough or cold may not bring consumption, it is better to be on the enthal. clad only in his pajamas, came safe side and take no chances. scurrying excitedly down stairs and Here is a simple remedy that will into the office, where the drowsy break up a cold in twenty-fou- r hours, night clerk was nodding at the desk. "Ze street cars! Noise! Must and cure any cough that is curable: Glycerine, two ounces; Virgin Oil of stopped! Nervous me! I cannot Pine (Pure), one-hal- f ounce; good sleep." 'The clerk hurriedly sent for ManaWhisky, a half pint. Shake well and use in teaspoonful doses every four ger Gustav Mann, and Mann spent hours. The ingredients can be secured two hours telling Rosenthal funny from any good prescription druggist at stories In German trying to divert his small cost, but must be pure to effect mind while the clerk was upstairs the desired results. For this reason it squaring the mangement for waking a guest on the Gough street side and is always best to purchase the ingredients separately and prepare the mix- ordering him to move at once to the Sutter street side as a gas pipe had ture at home. burst under the floor and had to be Oil of be Pine should (Pure) Virgin purchased only in the original vials put up for druggists to dispense. Eah vial is enclosed in a round wooden case, with engraVed wrapper, with the name Virgin Oil of IffikniM.in, ai,:imi j' mW)m. MimW Pine (Pure); guaranteed under the Food and Drug Act, June 30. 1906. Prepared only by Leach Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O plainly printed thereon. Imitations and oils sold in bulk pay dealers larger profits, but they are dangerous to health and should never be used. fai-a- St MAN OPEN THE WINDOWS p BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frst Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizes, l!5c, 50c and $1. Sold by &t Dii.-- r :is. |