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Show THE LEADER, Trcmonton, Utah -- HL Pu!!i-!,-- by J - VALLEY RIVER EEAR THE SEBVING la H) Hi IE week with their brother, Axei Nelsen. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Petersen accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Kimber Barlow to Price to look for a house. Mr- Barlow will the heavy taxes on corporations and individuals in highof their concern- for the "common" er brackets as proof i n i ' mi ii !,man. 11113, iney nope, wm Keep ms muiu vu. wiUu some hidden taxes that take as much as thirteen cents 01 'pverv dollar earned bv those in the lowest income group. We believe that the entire question of taxes should be brought out in the open . . . that now is the time to show that everybody is footing the bill for the "free" handouts politicians use to perpetuate their hold on public office. The above was taken from an advertisement recently published in a number of business publications by the Chilton Company. We like it 'cause it's true. from the Department Store Economist. VaC LEADIR PUBLISHING COMPANY, Inc. on Thursday afternoon, tor Friday Distribution SUBSCRIPTION RATES (in advance) $2.50 per year as Second Class Entered at the pest office at Trcmonton, Utah March ?, 18y. of matter October 15, 1925 under act J AN. RATTING, Editor-Publish- 1 1 Burbank and Irene Hess of Brigham City, vice president and Mrs. Commissioners Order "Freeze" On Orpha Ault, secretary and treasAndrea Huggins urer. Dinner was served at tables Minutes of Proceedings enterclub to 72 members. Games were playThe ladies pinochle Thursday-eveninhusbands ed and prizes received by young tained their Last week the Box Elder Journal carried a detaila and old- Horse shoe pitching and at canyon party. ed report of a recent meeting of the county commissionMr. and Mrs- Cliff Barker spent ball games interested some of ers (over the protest of one of the commissioners.) the several days visiting Mr. and the folks while others visited. Mrs. Reginald Burt at their The next reunion is planned for The Journal also published an editorial decrying be should pubminutes no the Second Sunday in August ranch home. "freeze" order given that commissioners. 1951. Andersen the Okason Andrew one The of of lished without the approval at held be will reunion asked Journal family the County Mr. and Mrs. Walter Humphof When a representative August Springs Crystal of Logan visited with the commissioners the reys of minutes Clerk K B. Olsen for the is to bring: their own Lloyd Lish family on Sunday. commissionmeeting, he was informed that tub county lunch. Lunch time is set for 10 Wayne Manning, husband of ers had given instructions that the minutes were not o'clock and the program will Mrs. Luella Lish Manning, has to be released to the press. start at 2 o'clock. to serve his country in the gone re r.rmnt.v Attorney Walter G. Mann was contacted Mrs. Thora B- Andersen was He is stationed in CaliforNavy, to withhold hostess to her club Thursday nia. garding the right of the commissioners curh information from the Dress, and We states that such evening. Cards were played with Darrell Loveiand, son of Mr. action would be "controlling the press which is against prizes going to Marge Huggins and Mrs. Duett Loveiand, will and Clytie Ransom. leave the early part of September the Bill of Rights" A good time was enjoyed by a with the Marine Reserve of Og- This action is similar to that experienced by freinds of Sharla Jenof group a when request sen when she celebrated her den, to be stationed in California. representative of thjp Leader last week ue wuum Sterling Gardner, son of Mr. for the minutes was refused, unless trie story birthday with a canyon party and Mrs. Lloyd Gardner and held at Box Elder Park. Mr. and approved by one of the commissioners. Dwaln reLoveiand, son of Edna Mrs. Elwood Jensen were host We congratulate the News Journal on a good are in Arizona for their Marble, hostess." porting job and a courageous editorial policy. We trust and for the service. assignment the county commissioners will 3ee fit to reconsider their Mr. and Mrs. Austin Johnsen The George, Johnson family days in Afton, Wydecision in this matter so that the taxpayers and the spent several as guests of her mother, held a reunion at Ross Park Sun oming of in charge public may know what the public officials, day near Pocatello, Idaho. Over Mrs. Lettie D- Campbell. are this 50 of doing. affairs the descendents were in county administrating Mr. and Mrs. Milton By water and family attended the Bird Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnson of family reunion in Brigham SunLake City visited their par Salt Tax-FreTell Us What's day. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnents, Miss Connie Rae Christensen son, tax-fre!" e Saturday and also attended Tax spent the weekend in Salt Lake "Evjen the diversions of Children are not the Johnson reunion Sunday at on blowing bubbles? It is not called that in federal with Miss Loraine Holmgren. Ross Park. state or municipal tax bills. But consider this: Kecent Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Huggins Mrs. Duett Loveiand spent research turned up 154 hidden taxes on a cake of soap. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Monday with her daughter, Mrs. Those who own no property and earn too little to Ardell Andersen of Salt Lake Ted Richardson in Brigham City. over the weekend-JoMr. and Mrs. Vern Schoenfeld pay income taxes may feel they are strangers to the tax Waddoups was a Salt Lake and children of Winnemucca, collector. Not so! Their living costs include countless visitor Monday. Nevada visited with their par hidden taxes. Examples: 78 different taxes on a, quart Nell Johnsen returned ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gardner, Gay 100 on an egg 151 on a loaf of bread of milk Tuesday from a very delightful over the weekend. 125 on a woman's cotton dress. 118 on a man's suit trip to Northern Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Loveiand Politicians depend on the old trick which magicians Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hendersen and daughter, Judy, of Ogden call "misdirection" to confuse the public. They point to attended a party in Logan can- visited relatives in- - Deweyville yon Saturday evening. and at Tremonton. Mrs. Glen Iversen entertained Kent Blackham, Woodrufff .1 n ra 17 R b at a family dinner Sunday in Snow and LaMar Earl of Deweyhonor of her son, Laurel, who ville spent a week at Yellowstone will leave soon for military ser Park. a vice. Out of town guests were Mr. B and Mrs. Palmer Iversen and Mr. B and Mrs. Laurel Iversen of Logan and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stewart Mr and Mrs. James Jensen of of Brigham. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brigham, 2 Pounds L. Lawrence of Ogden and Mrs. Martha Taylor and daughter, - teach there this winter. Leonard Petersen and sons went fishing at Rock Creek Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Gordon Orton and children spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. Orton came to visit Sunday and they returned with him to their home in Spanish Fork- - g - - 20th-Evervon- e - . - : SEEDLESS n a GRAPES Mrs. T. A. Ault FRYING CHICKENS S1.50 to S2.00 Local B B TOMATOES Vine ripe 2 Lbs r 1 New Local Red B B B B V POTATOES a a a Mr. and Mrs. Horace Gardner and daughter, Gayle, were recent dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stokes of Penrose.' Mrs. Mary Anderson and Mrs. Carl Nelson of Thatcher were guests during the week of Mr. and Mrs. James Holdaway. Mr. and Mrs. LaVon Hendricks & children of Boise, Idaho were guests for a few days of her par- Garland. ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter MarMr. and Mrs. Joseph Burgess ble. visited Sunday with Mrs. JoseMrs. Joseph Heusser and Mrs. phine Nelson. and sons Mr. and Mrs. Marcell Palmer Raymond Heusser attended the birthday party in and family and Mr. and Mrs. honor of Loretta at the home Elderi Palmer and baby of Salt of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lake were Sunday guests of Mr. Nish of Plymouth. and Mrs. A. L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marble Mr. and Mrs. Bill Petersen and and family attended a birthday family of Brigham visited Saturparty in honor of John Groberg day with his parents, Mr. and of Farr West, held at Lorin Park Mrs. Engvar Petersen and his in Ogden. sister, Mrs. A. L. Smith. Nadine Barnard spent several Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Smith visdays at the home of Mr. and ited Thursday in Salt Lake and Mrs. Ned Bodily of Preston, Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Petersen Mrs. Evan Sorenson of Preston, and family visited in Plymouth Idaho spent a few days here with Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudd. Clarence Fryer and family. The Primary officers gave a Mrs. Myrl Perry and children farewell party Tuesday afternoon of Ogden spent a few days at at' the home of Irene Shuman the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. G. for Mrs. Urana Redmond, who is Perry. moving to Roosevelt. The teachMr. and Mrs. Joseph Heusser's ers gave a party for her children guest, Mrs. Kate Heusser, has re- at the meeting house. turned to her home in California. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse F. Petersen David Marble of Los Angeles, and family and Misses Bonnie California and Robert Johnson and Gloria Gay and Mr. and Mrs. of Tremonton visited their Milton Hodges and family engrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. joyed an outing to Bear Lake, Peter Marble, recently. Saturday. Mrs. M. G. Perry and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse F- Petersen Clarence Perry and children of and family, accompanied by Deweyville and Mrs. Myrl Perry Gloria and Bonnie Gay and Dick and children of Ogden were Hodges, left Wednesday mornguests on Wednesday of Mr. and ing for a trip to Yellowstone Mrs. Oliver Peterson and family Park. at their home in Petersboro. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Johansen Descendants of Marion Alex- of Ogden visited Thursday with ander Lish held their family re- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse F. Petersen union at the Box Elder Picnic and Mr. and Mrs. Scott Petersen. grounds In Brigham Canyon on Newton F. Oliver of Salt Lake Sunday, August 13th. The same visited Sunday with friends In officers were held over for Penrose. another year. They are President Mrs. Josephine Oliver and sisJohn Becker of Ogden, Lowell ter, Dorothy, are spending the Or-vil- Fresh lied PEPPERS for pickles 1 I lVr l.h Q J CANTALOUPES Jumbo Size Vine ripe. Lb ; CAULIFLOWER 7c lb. for pickles - 12c - -- - iLUFiCHKEAT, Assorted... Lb. 53c .. ... Lb. 73c WEAL CHOPS n a B B B B B LU. JJU Save 19c on SHASTA CREAM H B SHAMPOO n a Buy a 79c size and get a a 49c size free. G 0 D S TEEL LIQUID DENTIFRICE Two bottles worth 68c You pay only each Your choice from our assortment. 19c 7c FOOD BASKET W H HI1IIBB1IBIBIID8I1 le Ru-la- b a Christie, of Harrisville were Sunday dinner guests of Bishop and Mn Orsen Jensen. M'i, Joseph Egley enjoyed a v's ' from her mother, Mrs. Ray So. th, for a few days last week. Marlene Egley returned to Ogden with her grandmother for a vacation. Mrs. Eva C. Petersen returned home Sunday after spending a week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Orval Grover, in East 1 Bottle your own Fruit Cocktail Quick frozen. Completely cut up. Armours, each .... B B R r tj&r - nd his induction with the National Guard. Susan bobbins of r Mrs. Emma Loveiand, YWMIA spending a week with her i and president, announced the pro- Mortensen. two which included gram, accordion selections by Carol and Myrna Madson and a reading by Wallace Wilde Mrs. Roma Perry. A girl's trio from Honeyville sang "Flag of Liberty" and "Simple Melody." Two tap dancing numbers were given by daughters of Harry Miller, Tremonton, accompanied by Mrs. Miller, and Mrs. Minnie Mae Norr gave two readingsAfter two numbers by Wallace Nielson and company, the program ended with remarks by Bishop Clarence Perry and Leslie ', - Hie Kay family reunion will be held Saturday, August 26th at at 10 a.m. Lagoon, beginning and Glean- Each family is requested to bring er girls of the Second and Third their own lunch. wards held a party Tuesday evening at the Hamp Bradshaw Mrs. Stanley H. Castleton and home. Tamara, and Mrs. VirAn evening of games and daughter, C. Harris and daughter, Carol, gil luncheon were enjoyed. left Wednesday for California The committee on arrange- where will visit Reid Harris ments included Joycelyn Brad- of the they U. S. Naval Training shaw, Myrna Loy Miller, Karen Center at San Diego and Mr. and Johnson, Norris Stenquist and Mrs. Gus Benson at Los Angeles. Ronald Iverson. Bessie Calder-woo- d is leader of the girls group. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mortensen and Rex, and Mrs. Jay Mortensen spent Sunday visiting in Burley, Idaho. Word was received by Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Keller Mrs. Calvin Kay that their son, Cpl. Stacy C. Kay has received returned Thursday to Seattle his assignment and is now stat- after spending two weeks with relatives in Tremonton. ioned in San Antonio, Texas. MUTUAL GROUP HOLD PARTY The Junior M Men Local Happenings Wallace Wilde, candidate for Den: two-ye- ar ( Commissioner is a resid Brigham City; but owns a erates a farm at Perry, lived for a number of. While in Perry he serv. fourteen years in the Mu service of the town, thr year terms of this time President of the Town Be He is married to Carrie Wilde and they have twe and three daughters. The served in the U. S. Navy other in the Merchant I during World War II ( present time one is with' Carl Radion and two Force stationed in Texas, returned home Thursday after daughters, Dorothy and Susan, Serving in L. D. S. spending the past ten days at the are visiting her mother, Mrs. activities he was in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rose Kay who is ill and also ric of the Perry Ward to other relatives in Tremonton. Iverson. yearsi in the Sunday Presidi Superintendence Mr. R. A. Christensen and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wright and the Young Men's Muti Mr. and Mrs. Don Fryer are spent Sunday at the home of Mr. provement Association, $ vacationing in Washington this and Mrs. Joseph Summerill at tive in Boy Scout work. week. Ogden. He has been a resident for 27 years, and County Mr. and Mrs. Max- Laub are Nick Chournos and son, his time and efforts to thf George, returned last week from vacationing for several days in Box Elder of County if ele Idaho Yellowstone and beat to Park. Greece. George their trip came ill while there and as a result the trip was terminated quite abruptly. Both enjoyed the A vacation but are glad to be home again. Miss Patricia Adams of Logan Mrs. . 3 - FOR ALL llllllll, III o Joseph ... ... " - e! ... titix Mortensen morn;ng with other valley' t.r A program honoring Leslie Olden Area Council Smith was held Tuesday evening in the Deweyville Ward, prior to Other visitors at the Miller home this week included Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Johnsen of Salt Lake, who spent the weekend there and also George L. Jr. and son, David and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Butler of Garland. Smith. Mr- and Mrs. Laurence Peterson visited in Brigham Sunday wth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. AUGUST 26TII IS DATE SET FOR KAY REUNION Peterson. Seat dtier City I DEWEYVILLE PROGRAM HONORS LESLIE SMITH I i Electrical Appliances Mrs. Kenneth Germer and children returned home Saturday after spending two weeks at Lake Tahoe on a vacation. Mr. Germer had planned to spend some time ith but was unable t dQ so. They spent some time with relatives whp were also vacationing at the Lake. for the HOME, FARM or SHOi SEE Russ Electric Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hales and daughter, Sandra and son, Ken took a vacation trip to the Northwest, where they visited in Portland and Yakima for a week. They returned home on Sunday. GENERAL Phone 5111 The Guy Ballards, Jule Harrises, Denzil Ballards and Richard Hupp, Foy Shuman and Sheryl Anderson enjoyed an outing at Lagoon Saturday. 0 cjvs vatir Mrs. Mary D. Waldron and daughters, Carolyn and Connie left Tuesday to return to their home in Arlington, Virginia, Tremonton fcrrfn (MX!!? ijDOS after visiting relatives in Tremonton for the past month. Mrs. Waldron is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C- J. Dewey. ELECTRIC :,m': &Liimxny - Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rogers of Pocatello visited with her brother, Clyde Coombs and family last weekend. Mrs. Nora Crompton of Ogden is visiting with her son, Dwain and family in Tremonton. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Standing and children of Smithfleld spent Saturday with the Albert Earl family. Mrs. Ken Cornwall daughter, Gloria, accompanied Mrs. Merrill Laub and daughter, e, to Salt Lake on Monday. Ml Ar-len- 1 I S I I L M Mrs. Garland Puzey and sons spent a week visiting relatives at Magna. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Morrison called on Louise Crane of Logan, who recently lost her father. The man was an uncle of Rodney's. Mrs. Emma Erickson of West Jordan, an aunt of Mrs. Joe Burgess Is a guest at her home this week. J RUi L CU5-- m ttm UTAH POWER & LIGHT CO. l tlferat Ownr& A TAX PAYING COMPANY 1 - - j |