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Show PAGE TWO lidding N. H. Hodges spent the Thurs., Fri. and Sat., July in urAJii M-M- en party. Miss Edna Rasmussen of Vernal is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Garth Rasmussen and family. Mrs. Leo Earl and daughter, Mrs. Ora Mae Rhead, attended the wedding reception of her niece, Carol Durfey of Ogden, Monday evening at Roy. Mrs. Ralph Grover entertained Thursday afternoon in honor of her daughter, Ra Nae's sixth birthday anniversary. Games were played and ice cream and cake were served to thirteen little guests. Gam accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Horace Garn of Brigham visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Shaffer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Nielsen of 5 In Technicolor Matinee each day at 3:15 "OH SUSANNA" 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Manning and daughter, Viola of Ogden, were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lish. Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Buibank and son, Richard, and daughter, Susan, visited at the home of their parents and grand k. parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. A special dinner was enjoyed by all, the honored guest being Susan, as it was her birth- V day. Lynn Barkle and daugh- ter have returned from their trip - .. . to Idaho. v i ' Bur-ban- on Lish. Wallace, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nielson attended the aiusic clinic at the U. S. A. C. Mrs. Ray Whittaker is in a hospital at Ogden receiving treatment. Mrs. Myrtle Knudson has her grand daughter from Perry as her guest. ''-It WILD ANIMAL S H were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. X ft R. Burbank: Mrs. B. S. Burbank fi i and son, Marte, and Tillie Dewey of Brigham City, Mrs. Duett Loveland and son Gary and Mrs. T. B. Ault of Deweyville, Mrs. Dean Haslam of Ogden and Mr. and Mrs. Odell Burbank and 1 M daughter, JoAnn of Nevada. i Mr. and Mrs. Walter Humph rey of Logan visited with relatives here during the week. -- WxAA Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sudbury 5 A ttr-74J- EP have as their visitors, their grand children of Salt Lake City while their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' r h two st ins host ?y??f Layle Campbell are visting in I U Calfornia. mi Mima CHAMPION AERIALISTS. 'il Monday, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. 2-- f ACROBATS A"1D EQUILIBRISTS AV? j I were in Brigham City. Burbank ?., concriss or clowns -- thrill. ;' Mrs. Duett Loveland Mr. and IMC RACES -- S3 WUSICIANS-ACR- ES W'V' " COCO SEAT? Of and son, Gary, and Mrs. Dean Haslam visited with Mr. and Mrs. 1 RJ V I i vwMu; mvizd LA r ILO I A oikw kuk.k DarreH Loveland in Brigham THE WORLD'S City Monday evening. Sunday, June 29th at the NEWEST DIG SHOW home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Peter THE WORLD'S Marble, a birthday party was held honoring Mr. Marble. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Hv5 FINEST ZOO -- 250 I N. Earl Marble and family, Bishop and Mrs. Wayne Sandall and son of Tremonton, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nielsen and children, A. M. Nielsen and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Packer and family of Brigham City, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kerr and family of Tremonton, Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Johnson and sons of Fielding, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rosinkran and family of San Lorenzo, California and GLEAMING AND GLITTERING WITH COLD AND Mr. and Mrs. LaVon Hendricks WONDROUS SURPRISES FOR YOUNG AND OLD of Logan. A tray luncheon was OA V OF DAVS REMtMfltH THIS: served and visiting was enjoyed Claan and holoma nltctnlnmtnt LacW) forward to with lenf ln by during the afternoon. chltdr.n ind fon p. th vtntful la lha putform upon htch lhta fa. no brolhora ttand. Indni nav day that dl(hlt. nriln and nva sal to pac b found will) na ratrtthta and railavaa from otrtar tlrcut In Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rosenkrans AmarUa'i hitlor. U dlum ol loll. Th on Dat dawn rlth In Cr TW'CE DAI LY- -2 & 8 P. M, and family of San Lorenzo, uuuh optN 1 and 7 p, m. California, returned Monday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sandall. Monday Mrs. Leah Deakin entertained Friday at a surprise party in honor of her daughters, Betty and Gae, the occasion being their birthdays. Six tables of Monte Carlo were in play with prizes going to Darlene Davis, Jean Mortensen, Helen Felstead and Fannette Hill. Delicious refreshments were served. the following A Suggestion: Have Your FARM IMPLEMENTS REPAIRED NOW until you are ready wait Why to use them? Blacksmith & Machine Works "Mends Everything One hundred employees their partners of the J. C. Penney Co. met at Guinevere Park in Logan canyon Friday evening with the local store acting as host' to employees of the Logan store. Following games and refreshments, campfire singing was enjoyed by the group. ; rri i JPf T?f Irj kill ;fcW JIr HVA WAGnEATEST A bride of the near future, Miss Carol Allen, was honored at a miscellaneous shower, Thursday evening at the Radcliffe Henrie home. Monnette Henrie and Naone Mason were A bride's book was completed during the evening. A delicious luncheon was served to eighteen friends by Mrs. Henrie assisted by her daughters. Miss Allen received numerous gifts. Friday and Saturday, July 4 and 5 Double Feature Program JIMMY WAKELY and KAY MORLEY plus PHILIP REED and HILLARY BROOK in" "BIG TOWN" Cartoor, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, July 6, 7, and 8 GEORGE MONTGOMERY - NANCY GUILD CONRAD JANIS and ROY ROBERTS in "THE BRASHER DOUBLOON with Fritz Kortner, Florence Bates and News Marvin Miller Short Musical with Roman Bohmen and Eric Melody Maestro and 11 in Blore of Tic 12 Double Feature Program ALLAN LANE and BOBBY BLAKE "STAGE COACH TO in DENVER" plus PAUL KELLY and EVELYN ANKERS in MUSIC "THE SPOILERS Of THE NORTH" OGDEN, UTAH Popeye Cartoon Seii 70 0 O 25518 Josephine WsJ Miracles Sometimes 63c Happen Wayne King and Orchestra It may be you're convinced Cecilia The Goofy Gal of Leguci- - line in town is just about the same. If so, you're in for a thrill when you 20-23- 07 63c galpa The Three Suns pull up at the next red and fill up with Conoco For here are . . . That's Life; I Guess But I Do Mind If Ya Don't 20-23- 02 all gaso- pump N-tan- e! WCRm- - STARTS... 63c Tommy Dorsey fixtfir-sMoo- pickups . . . and His Clambake Seven jumps between pumps gasoline that's for you for NOW I LONGER,, Passing By 20-22- 52 Oh! My Aching Heart Tony Martin 63c ... in a power-packe- d new-da- y ... hotl-d- a 'J Whiffenpoof Song 10-13- 13 The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi :9c Robert Merrill Copyright Peg O' My Heart Across The Alley From The Alamo 63c The Three Suns JMT 20-22- 72 -- A : Li V Midnight Masquerade I Can't Believe It Was All fit 20-21- 22 Make Believe Sammy Kaye MEMBER FEDERAL WAREHOUSE SYSTEM ? 63c f -- PAYS HIGHEST I'll ICKS FOR CH AIN DO " . CUSTOM 'if' - rr-.- V. CLEANING P II O N i: 4 1 CHOPPING ROLLING T R E M J 1 5 6gh :',IV E t ' , ONTO N Howard (J. Prciss, Owner Authorized Dealer Tremonton L , , j c I J March Friday and Saturday, July GLEN BROS. P-- in Serial For Complete Details Write or Phone Waltzes You Saved For Me Album Set $3.31 Wayne King and Orchestra W BEGINNING JUNE 1st EVENING SHOWS WILL START AT 7:30 p.m. "WINTER WONDERLAND" from our Portable Display VwUK ?tv Liberty Theatre Wednesday and Thursday. July 9 and 10 LYNN ROBERTS and CHARLES DRAKE See and Hear Them at your home WAYNE KING cmcivS WANT-AD- "SIX GUN SERENADE" SPINET PIANOS UiL'"! jbtMv jt Sc: BRIDE-ELEC- T H. C. ROHDE 'Mtk ZJ were t FRIENDS HONOR But People's Ways" and Tremonton Miss Joyce Nelson and eight girl friends enjoyed a party Saturday afternoon, the occasion being her twelfth birthday anniversary. Outdoor games were played and refreshments served. Ai&tjL'SU'rmm :A!r ! Hedd their aunt, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Boss of this week. Garland were the guest speakers Mr. and Mrs. Grartp at the Sunday evening services. of Pocatello Janis Ward of College Ward is andMrs.R.C.Richr! the guest of her cousin, Marilyn Mrs. Vida Howell, Ward, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Al Mrs. Ross Shirley of Rexburg daughter and Thoma, vT' spent a few days with her par- of Pocatello and Ro ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W, Ward. Farmington were Friday, Mrs. Shirley and her mo- George M. Ward home" ther, spent the day In Ogden and Sunday. with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Ballard family were visiting J? and children of Benson were tives in Cache Valleys'..." visiting Sunday with Mrs. Ballard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Richards. LEADER g ENTERTAINED ON BIRTHDAY 1 "Kl-TK- with Spencer Tracy and of California and Bur-ban- BEAR RIVER HIGH SCHOOL BOOM TOW. Mr. SURPRISE PARTY GIVEN FOR DAUGHTERS ENTERTAIN EMPLOYEES J Garland visited I Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bourne and her daughters and families here V Mr. and Mrs. Theo Richards recently. if ' I will leave Saturday to spend a Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gardner week at Yellowstone. had as their visitors, relatives Mr. and Mrs. Harry Versluis from Ogden on Sunday. with visited over the week-en- d Mr. and Mrs. Odell Burbank her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Theo and daughter, JoAnn, of Nevada Richards. i k are on their vacation. Mr. is employed by the railroad RECRUITING SCHEDULE company. They are visiting their CHANGED I k, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. parents, and will visit relatives in Due to transportation difficulLola Henshaw, one of the 20 ties, the U. S. Navy Recruiting Ogden before returning to Nesparkling, dancing Susannas schedule has been changed for vada. with "Oh Susanna", Count Berni the following three months. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Burbank Vici's Mammoth Modern MinCMoMM R. W. Cushing, reand children of Brigham called strel production coming to the on relatives here. They were on State Fair Grounds Coliseum at cruiting officer, will be in during the hours of 9 a. their way to Thayne, Wyoming, Salt Lake City starting a limited m. and 4 p. m. on July 14, August to visit relatives. engagement, Monday, June 30, 11 and September 8. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Evans of 1947. Draggerton are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Circus Grounds at 1 r-- Bur-ban- Mrs. Thurs., Fri . and Sat., Jmy in i. Claudette Colbert - Clark Cartoon Mrs. Couch of TREMONTON, THURS, JULY 17TH and 9 7arharv Scott in 6, 7, 8 News keueufdk stone. Tre-mont- JULY "STALLION ROAD" "Song Of The South" THEATRE week- and 3, 4 Trcmonton, Utal TrvnTvlOVDU' TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, Warner nn Present Ronald Keagan, aicaw DISNEY'S WALT end visiting with friends and MATINEE EACH relatives in Bear River. Mrs. at 3 p. m. SATURDAY week Hodges is spending the visiting in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wood, Mr. and Idaho Falls called one day last Mrs. Ray Wood and family, Mr. week at the home of a sister, and Mrs. M. J. Wood and dau- Mrs. Oleen Garn. Among those who attended the ghter and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Allred and family left Saturday Cal Richards excursion Sunday to spend a few days sightseeing at Logan canyon were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wood and family, Mr. in Yellowstone. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Pond, and Mrs. Arch Richardson, Mr. scout executive of Logan region, and Mrs. Leo Farnsworth, Mr. Peck and childspent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Horace Rex Richards Mrs. ren, Mr. and Leo Earl. and children and Mr. and Mrs. twenty Monday evening Richards and daughter. Theo and Gleaners enjoyed a were present, thirty e Eighty-fivMr. lawn party at the home of which belonged to of members Games and Mrs. Noble Petersen. Farnsworth family. were played and a weiner roast the Leo Mrs. Horace Richards Mr. and The luck enjoyed. and pot Mr. and Mrs. Gleaners spent the night at the and daughters and children are and Rex Richards Petersen home and enjoyed a week at Yellowthe spending slumber M. A. LEADER JEAR RIVER VALLEY I |