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Show i i 3 I i VOLUME for mdergo- - and re-- 1 v boasts booths' t t mm XXI liH5 -- TREMONTON CITV.UTAV; THURSDAY, JULY 18, 194- 6- Snowville To Celebrate Coming of ElectrMty y its lines pany's extension of which will eventually total 172 miles and serve 250 customers. Saowville is the first town to be entered. Other towns to which lines are now being built are jolbrook, Stone, Howell, Blm Cr,?ek and Hansel Valley where celebrations are anticipated at An invitation is a later date. extended by the people of Snowville to those of the surrounding towns to attend the Snowv- Committee memb?rs to serve ior tne comm? year were ap- pointed at the Lions' Club meet ille (event. outstanding program has arranged for this "home coming" celebration. On Friday, July 19, will be a free picture show at 8:30 p. ra. in the church hall. Saturday's events will start with a parade at 11.00 a. m., one of the features of which will be the Box Elder County Sheriff's Mounted Posse. A barbecued beef and barbecued mutton lunch will be serv, ed at 12:00 noon. In the afternoon will be children's races, a Softball game, a rodeo, mounted drill by Box Elder Sheriff's Posse, horse racing and boxing. At 9:00 p. m.: the street lights, augmented by colored lights, will te turned on at which time Mayor Bealy S. Cutler will give a brief talk. A queen to reign over tlA celebration will be chosen from among the young ladies of the Snowville area. Dancing will begin at 9:15 p. m. with the Bear River City orchestra furnishing the music. On Sunday there will be speciAn been MEETING SET al Sunday School services at 10:30 a. m., an evening service a special speaker, and at p. m. a sacred musical program. Several committees have been working to enthusiastically make this celebration a success. The ward bishopric, headed by Bishop Dan Hickman, has cooperated with the town board, S. consisting of: Mayor Bealy Cutler, James Garbanati, Doyle Cutler, Jesse Arbon and DeLa-Mat with p. m. 7:30 0 ar Cutler. The committee electricity the following mem-s- : W. L. Baker, Holbrook. comprices Arch Rose, Snow-Earl Hickman, Stone; W. L Anderson, Howell; Dick Allen, Blue Creek; Guy Ballard, Hansel Valley; M. C. Grover, Malad, secretary, Oneida County Farm apnt;Robert Stewart, Brigham City, Box Elder County Farm A- Chairman; e; n the Ether Rodeo committee are: Parke, George Garbanati, Hickman and J. W. Larkin. Extension of electric service to e farms and rural communi-Je- s of this section is looked as a tremendously important eP in the march of progress, means much to the future wth and development of the territory. Hospital News OLD FOLKS TO BE ENTERTAINED Announcement is made by the 'Bear River Stake Old Folks Committee that the annual en- tertainment for the Old Folks will be held Monday, July 29th at Lagoon. Each ward is expected to furnish the transportation and luncheon for all members over 70 years of age who will be the guests. The stake will furnish ice cream and a drink. K. H. Fridal is directing the plans for the outing. BUSINESS HOUSES TO CLOSE ON 24th Wednesday, July 24, all business houses in Tremonton will close for the Pioneer Day holiday. GARLAND LIONS SPONSOR WHEAT AND BEET DAY Garland Lions' Club, sponsors of the Garland Wheat The and Beet Day set for August 3rd announce that plans are going forward to insure a full program of activity and interest to the public for that celebration. Ar rangements have been complet ed with the Bonneville Gladiolas Society to hold their "Glad" show in Garland in connection with the other events. This promises to be of great interest to all flower lovers. On Friday evening, August 2nd, the committee has arranged for a barrell rolling contest with a water hose with the Garland Firemen as challengers. A beau-tcontest to select the princess and two attendants is also set for Friday evening between 2 and 5 years. A fight card is being arranged by the American Legion in which Keith Nuttall, national champion, will participate. Colleen Thompson, winner of the county contest for Days of '47 celebration at Brigham City will reign as Queen of the day and will ride in the parade which is set for 10 a. . m. on y s - Throw-A-Loo- - j v f if Checking final plans for the Snowville Homecoming and cele bration of the completed power lines in Snowville are Bishop Dan Hickman, Mayor Bealy S. Cutler and chairman of Snow ville Electricity Committee, Arch Rose. er ASHCRAFTS AND RUBBERWELDERS TIED IN FIRST HALF OF SEASON rd After leading the softball lea- WOMEN ASKED gue during the first half of the season, Ashcrafts toppeled to the Rubber Welders last week, which TO ATTEND tied he two teams for first place with eight wins and one loss, POLIO SCHOOL each. A new schedule is being drawn The Box Elder County Chapter up for the final series of games. of the National. Foundation for Following are the results of Infantile Paralysis in cooperalast week's games and the standtion with the other chapters of ing of the teams the State are conducting anRESULTS , other school for training women 12 in 5, the bedside care of Infantile Gambles Friday, July Beckers 10; Garland 8, Oak Cafe Paralysis victims this year. The school will again be con6; Jaycees 7, Lions 12. Tuesday, July 16 Gambles 19, ducted at the Pincrest Inn just Oak Cafe 11; Ashcraft 21, East out (of Gait Lake City and will Garland 5; O. K. Rubber 10, commence July 29th and end Howell 5. August 3rd. We had fourteen ladies from TEAM STANDING Box Elder County attend the Won lost Team pet. school that was conducted at 1 888 Pinecrest last year and 8 O. K. Rubber they all 1 8 888 returned very Ashcraft much pleased 3 6 666 with the course of Howell training they 625 received as well as the 5 4 Lions (ltie) pleasant 4 555 time that they had. 5 Garland 4 555 5 East Garland The entire expense of the 3 5 375 school and the transportation Gambles (1 tie) 333 of those 6 3 Beckers attending is paid by 7 222 2 Oak Cafe the County Chapter so that 111 there is no expense incurred 1 8 Jaycees by those attending. It is desired that at least Contest Begins twelve women from Box Elder For Rodeo Queen County attend this school this year and any one interested, in The contest for queen to reign going should contact Mrs. Mae at the annual Box Elder County Jenson, 118 South 2nd East in Rodeo is now open to any girl Brigham City or Mrs. Venna in the county between the ages Hess in Garland, or J. Edwin of 16 and 25. Baird, county clerk, not later Entries can be made with than July 20th. Chuck Nelson, Reed Anderson, or Evan Green at Judging wil be held on August 24. 69-R- Le-R- oy Gep-hart- h. Athletics Jay Dee Harris, Floyd Rasmussen, Durrell HughVernald Smith, Improper pass. es and R. B. Waldron. Complaint filed by Wm. Sack-et- t. Wildlife Henry Van Sweden, $5.00 fine. Alma Theurer and R. S. Hep-pie- r. Gordon Mosley, thru stop. Complaint filed by Wm. Sackett. Party Committee Reed Giles, $8.00 fine. Aarl Bennett, Milton Johnson, Ralph Udy, no driver's license. Steve Hales and Harold San-dal- Complaint filed by Leonard Dismissed. Bill Legislative Cliff Kerr, Irvin Jones, thru stop. ComWaldron, C. J. Dewey and James plaint filed by Evan Green. $5.00 l. Jep-peso- n. Walton. fine. Harry Versluis, improper regD. C. Cannon. istration. Complaint filed by T. Leonard Girls Leon Boys and Jeppeson. $5.00 fine. I. F. Arch Moore, Christiansen, Two minor violations, fightRichardson and Floyd Rasmus-seing and parking by fire hydrant. Fined up to $5.00. Horace Gunn of the State .Beautification committee was Mr. and Mrs. Amos Iverson present and showed films and and children, Lois and Alan, urged beautification of approa- spent the past week visiting ches to the City. with their son, Boyd and family at Monida, Montana. They W. A. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. also spent some time at the Golden Adams spent a few days home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Anderson at Idaho Falls. in Salt Lake last week. Aviation A. D. Fuhriman and n. i 1. TELEPHONE POLES REMOVED FROM STREET ........ f M. W. MOORE CONFIXED TO TO HOME BY INJURY manager of has been at home for the past two weeks recovering from injuries received in an accident when he was trying to push his car a short distance, and slipped. He hoped to be able to pet about soon. M. W. Moore, Slu-sse- r's V 1 ' V f 7 I . Yx I X I t H w ft 7 Methodist Church News August 3rd. The big event of the day will Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Iverson, a be the rodeo at 2.30 when valSunday School, 10:00 a. m. will be on given. uable prizes Morning Worship, 11 .00 a. ra. July i5th. Drwill Club p sponand Mrs. George Ficklin Subject, Forbearance and Long dance the and event big this sor Suffering of God. Jounce the birth of a son, 16th. for that evening. Evening Service, 8:00 p. m. If you are not attending and Mrs. Clarence Hurd and Sunday School else church over nPpy arrival the safe 7"i a son. Flyinsr where, you will find a hearty ' Jniv V ijl it J iihvi MemNew ariyee AnHortnn welcome here. nv, v . ' -J 11 JI CHIU rV,nr1" ...... ,lJQart.pv v The new pastor arrived Thurs,avOpen 'iaa major opera-j. this weck- Medical treat-a- s day ni?ht from Favosa Sprincs. A new Taylorcraft plane has Colorado, and is now living in given to Fred Larscn, 'fne Laub, Mrs. Earl Wood, been purchased by the Boar the Parsonage. We are ready Is Mrs. Fern Deakin River Valley Flying club for use be of service to anyone. You have a fine town ard "lMrs- Hulda Porter. of the club members. There are ne and a fine proup of fifteen for club in community the following had their openings f, are glad to be a We Mrs. Ferris Allen. new members. Anyone Interest- people. it. of and Mary Woodruff, Louise ed should contact Wayne Larsen, part ' Rev. and Mrs. N. A. Pritchard and Winona Capener. Leo Nelson or Leon Dunn. Births: Bear River City will celebrate Pioneer Day on July 23 and 24 with two days of entertainment being offered to the public. Tuesday evening, a horse pulling contest with three weight groups participating, will be held under the lights. Judging Finance Garland Puzey, D. C. will be based on dynamometer Cannon and D. E. Peckenpaugh. records and a loud speaker will Sight, Health and Safety N. be used. Cash prizes are offerE. Marble, Ray Ashcraft, Henry ed. A parade and baby show at 11 Morrison and Dr. A. J. Mohr. a. m. with prizes will begin the Music G. E. Jorgensen, J. R second day of entertainment. A Beckstead, Dr. D. B. Green and community program and childWalter Wuthrich. ren's races are set fornoon and Civic Improvement Kleon a ball game between Bear River Kerr, Vincent Chiodo and Ervin and Corinne is scheduled City Stohl. 1 p. m. for Merchants Committee: La The rodeo, featuring John moine Cowley, R. M. Bone, Ted Adam's string of buckers and D. A. Frank Christensen, Dalton, Box Elder County Sheriff's Earl, O. W. Ewer, H. G. Freiss, will climax the mounted posse Burnice Hunsaker, M. W. Moore, celebration. Norman Maughn, N. E. Shaw and G. H. Watland. Inter-Clu- b and Convention-Fra- nk New Dress Shop Stevens, J. H. Fronk, and Plans Opening1 Quentin Allen. Roads Rudy Miller, Ken Ger-mand Wayne Sandall. Renovation and altering is Attendance and Membership now going forward in the buildHarry Miller, A. C. Conine, Clyde ing formerly occupied by the Coombs and A. F. Johnson. Winzeler Motor Company on Lions' Education Jesse L. Main street in preparation for Roberts, R. B. Garner and Wil-fo- the opening of a new ladies apRogers. parel store. Mr. and Mrs. Delores Harris Agriculture and Reclamation J. L. Weidman, B. H. Adams, and Mrs. Leslie Garfield are to Bunnell, Dave Holmgren, J. be partners In the new enterP. Holmgren, Israel Hunsaker, prise and Mrs. Garfield will act L. J. Hansen, N. P. Marble and as manager of the concern. Carl Shriber. A complete line of ladles wear-in- ? , Rehabilitation Wesley apparel, including shoes when available, will be sold at Dr. G. C. Ficklin, David store. new the Stander and Harry Versluis. Present Activities-GLocal and plans are for an uy Major around the middle of C. V. opening Johnson, Lilenquist, Del Hansen and James Walton. August. Publicity A. N. Rytting, Rupert Blackham and James Bro-ugTRAFFIC VIOLATIONS ing, Wednesday evening. Following is the complete list. The first name on each committee will act as chairman. Community Fund R. B. F. C. Gephart, Dick Allen, L. J. Cummings, Ernest Woodward and E. R. Winzeler. Wal-dro- n, v. regular leadership meetings will be held Sunday as usual except that there will be no meeting for the Girl's committee this month. The Stake welfare committee will meet at noon, the Stake Presidency and High Council will meet at 1:15 and at 2:30 the Relief Society and Stake and ward Priesthood leaders will meet. The Sunday School organization will hold their union meeting at 1 p. m. FORTY-FOU- R Bear River City Readies Celebration APPOINTED K7 bration July 19, 20 and 21. This occasion will mark the Notice is given by the Bear completion of one section of the River Stake Presidency that the ComUtah Power and Light NUMBER LIONS CLUB Free Show, Rodeo, Barbecue and Musical Program To Be Features of Home- coming: Celebration. Ushering in a new era of addand convenience, ed comfort Snowville citizens will welcome the completion of electric serthree-dacelevice lines with a f MlfW IP l HV 3 NW Club Has A L V 1 - 4 Plane; bership Is - - ton-rCmov- Friday cf last w ;k, telephone from the top of the Sifc.vy ture on the'rU'ht was taken last n moved f h Store bf fore the Vs.:: v.ue week as workmen prepared to cor.ipany env'jloyc-ofrom th; transferred to cables In the cen- remove the same pole, minus iU polns on Main telephone office, east. T.e v'ev: ter f the block, north and many cross arms. cn the left was taken last year south cf Main Street. The pic |