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Show Thursday, August 3, 1944 BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER Clothing Drive Organized FOR SALE r The Clothes for Russia campaign for Northern Box Elder County is progressing in a satisfactory manner, though the American Lee-ioPost and the Defense Council, under whose supervision the are beirg laid. Raf Christensen plans and Violet Burgess of the Legion and Auxiliary are in direct charge of all arangements. The drive with a goal of five pounds of clothing and two pairs of unbroken shoes from each family as objective, is being conducted on a state-wid- e basis from August t in to ltn, but local sponsors are requesting that all clothjng be brought to the Burress home bv August 10th. Arthur Gaeth is the state director for the drive. 70,000,000 Russian families have been stripped of their clothing by 1942 Red Banks in Logan Canyon, where The girls gave four demonstra-the- y stayed two nights. The boysltions. Bonnie Ray demonstrated made halters, some went on a the Sewing Basket; Melva Jean Nature hike, others entered the and Donna demonstrated Pattern; sawing contest, where Gene and Betty Ann and Liane demonstrated Floyd Barfuss came in second, the Sewing Machine; and Margie This was a good experience for and Maxine demonstrated Darn-th- e club. ing. Bonnie Ray's presentation was The next meeting will be held the best. at Norris Stenquist's home Aug Then the group sang rounds. Mrs. ust 4th. P. E. Ault gave an interesting talk on The Value of Record Books The girls of the Thimble Nimble The girls modeled their dresses Club met at the home of Ann Pal and aprons. Dressed in their neat- mer. Mrs. Hill called the meeting ly made dresses and aprons, the to order and the girls sewed on j girls stood and repeated the their dresses. Ann Modeled her Club Pledge, newly made suit. -uui prizes 10 me Mrs. Palmer, one of the super- three highest scoring winners of visors of the County Fair board, our health examination, first was gave a talk on "Entering Exhibits Betty Ann; second, Cherie Jean; and the Daintish System of Judging." Refreshments were served. The next meeting of the club will ORPHEUM THEATRE V-- 8 FORD TRUCK NEW MOTOR GOOD RUBBER O See VERN GLENN ,iiin n in ' invading Nazis, and every family OF THANKS TARD V - in this county is capable of sending something to aid these suffer ing allies. In case there are no to thank the many shoes available at a home, the for their clothing that can be spared will be and neighbors rtends in the accepted, or vice versa. The shoes consideration Sess and Jsait death of our sister, Mary should be tied together in pairs. A card to be written bv the con I Austin. Mrs. Andrew Jensen tributors can be obtained of Mrs. Mr. and CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE Basement house, 4 and good garage. Four-roo- coop, rooms, modern, frame house. Good ion. acres KAY KYSEJl in "Swing Fever" locat- 4-- H Saturday, August 5, leaders and the club advisors Mrs. Ault Mrs. Seymour Hill and Mrs. Doris Fri-dwill speak over KDYL at 12 o'clock noon. They will speak on Club Work. j Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday CIIARLES BOYER, INGRO BERGMAN and JOSEPH GOTTEN in be held at Zella Hill's, where the girls will study their scripts for their radio appearance over KDYL, Satuday, August 5th, at 12 noon. "Gaslight" i al YOUR OLD MATTRESS MADE NEW Send it to us and we will clean and rebuild it into a new comfortable The Victory Sewing Club met Thursday at the Tremonton Clinic for our annual health check-uDr. Mason gave us a thorough going over and found us a pretty healthy gang.. 4-- H Thursday, July 27 at 2 o'clock, our club and our mothers, also Mrs. Ault, met at the lovely home of Betty Ann Deacon. The program was a follows: President Malva Jean called the meeting to order and welcomed our mothers. The South Tremonton LiveAfter singing, Secretary Liane stock Club leader, Leo Miller, read the minutes. DeAnne played rounded up 100 per cent of his a violin solo, accompanied by club boys and took them up to Cherie Jean. Roll-Edg- p. Mattress at e LOW COST TO YOU News of CLUBS We Will Now Pick Up and Deliver Regularly PHONE 23 or S0-R- 2 and our driver will call. 0 EVERTON MATTRESS COMPANY H EAST, FIRST SOUTH 51 BRIGHAM CITY 7J Mrs. W. W. Whitney and Mrs. Ana Holiday are enjoying a vaca tion trip and visit with relatives irrigated land, with good in California. and bam. truck, Harold Sandall, Warren Hyde, rubber. and Ed Sylvester and their wives went to Preston, Idaho, Tuesday evening to attend the rodeo there. SALE - 1934 Chevrolet FOR Dorothy Iverson returned to Coupe. Good condition. See Cliff 3 UC Tremonton Tuesday, after spendnenrA. ing the past month with her husTraetor-Tvr- e at.tj" - . band, Lynn Iverson, at Greenwood, " On foot Case Mower and one rubber Mississippi and with other relatives tired International team mower. in Utah. 3 t2c See Jav Dee Harris. Mrs. Ed Fronk, Mrs. Merwjn Mrs. R. G. Woodhead and Cook, FOR SALE Air Tight Charter Alix spent Tuesday in Jennie and Closet China Oak heater, Mirror Front Wardrobe. See A Logan. . D. Sargent at Depot Mrs. Aarl Bennett and daughter, were Salt Lake visitors on Renae, Cocker FOR SALE Four male this week. Tuesday EDaniel pups. Call 3 Mrs. C. A. McBee, of Westen-cour- t, Up Maryland, was a guest of LOST One bay mare pony, 8 Mrs. Harry Verslieus during the years old. Branded T Bench on week. She was returning' home left thigh. Call Leader Office. after visiting her soldier husband 3 tip at Pocatello, Idaho. FOR SALE Mrs. Garland Puzey and her One Holstein cow, to freshen soon. Leonard Petersen, house guest Mrs. D. E. Sadler, Penrose. Phone tic were Logan visitors one day this week. OPPORTUNITY Steady employ Mrs. O. L. Brough visited in merit for young man or young with Mrs. girl out of high school. Gamble Brigham City, Sunday, son. and L. Jr. O. baby Brough, Store, Tremonton. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ashcraft reFOR RENT A house in turned home Tuesday from St East Garland. Phone 2 or Anthony, Idaho, where they spent inquire at G. H. Coombs. the past week vjsiting with his t2p parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. AshINSURE your grain fields and craft. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dickerson of Logan, accompanied the Ash- hay stacks against damage by fire. James H. Miller, Phone crafts on the trip. 646-Ern Hansen, who is in the Cache Logan, collect. Valley hospital is expected to re FOR SALE Band instruments, turn home this week. newly reconditioned. Olive Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Lavor Taylor, of 6 tfc Hwood, R.F.D. No. 1. Ephraim, visited with friends in Cash for Live Tuesday this week. Poultry. H. A. Garn, Tremonton, were guests of Mr. They 435 N. 2nd W. overnight Brigham. Phone and Mrs. Norman Maughn. 898. Mrs. Cleve Farnham, of Los PERMANENT WAVE, 59c. Do Angeles, California, has been vis your own Permanent with iting' for the past week in TremonCharm-KuKit. Complete equip ton at the home of Filburn Johnmerit, including 40 curlers and son. Mrs. Farnham and Mrs. SALE 1940 Pick-U- p mechanically O.K. A-- l Bee J. G. Burgess, FOR -- m-i- o 8-- 57-J1- 1. 8-- 8-- 14-F2- 2. ENRICHED Kitchen Craft Enriched SO lbi. $2.09 IS lbs. 91.09 Drifted Snow 60 lbs. $2.29 lbs. $1.16 25 Harvest Blossom Perhaps she's being a bit noisy about it but the little lady is banging that dishpan in an effort to call your attention to this important fact: Blue Points regulate only the quantity of rationed processed foods you can buy! Safeway offers you quality rationed foods at' money saving prices! $1.89 60 lbs. 25 5-- 27 7-- -- 99 lbs. 1 I M lull I'oint Value MILK Cherub Top Quality (3 cans 2 pts.) 3 for 23 CHEESE Mild Western (10 pts.) lb. MARGARINE Pale wood Top Quality (2 pis.). ...lb. COCKTAIL 16 TOMATO JUICE $1 DiNETTE is) PEAS i?i 3J 27 Vegetable Juice ffl V-- 8 Mixed VeKetabiea 2, Extra stand;ud Large APPLE BUTTER m BABY FOOD ,. ,.2S oz. S0UPH"'."c".a,"Tm.-1.- 0 is! 9 16 ..No. s?:ll::A?.t TOMATOES 14 18 02. Del Monte or Sunny No. 2 size Dawn v ii... .. 28 19 mm 6--1 8-- 3 tlOp CASH PAID for dead or useless cows, horses, sheep or hogs. Colorado Animal A rfmdWMyMAArfSAArfN Phone Tremonton, l; or Garl- PROBATE) and GUARDIANSHIP and, 35J3 tf NOTICES information consult further For TYPEWRITER for RIBBONS, the County Clerk or the Me at Leader office. $1.00. respective signers. SMALL SIZE SALES BOOKS W for 50c at the Leader Office. NOTICE TO CREDITORS LEGAL NOTICES 77-J- 8-- 19 live poultry market call A, R. Bennett. af c 4-- 29 WANT TO BUY-Hay Call Leo and grain. Thompson at Fronk Chevrolet Co., Phone 20. tfc Don't Jack up your car for the ""ration. War workers need It. 11 Is worth more now than it evr will be worth ngain. We cash for used cars and rucks. Fronk Chevrolet Co. Pay tfc OR SALE nome, full Estate of Godfrey Anger, deceased Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of George M. Mason, First National Bank, Bldg, Brigham City, Utah on or before the 1st day of October, A. D., 1944. Ernest G. Anger and Pauline Louise Anger, Join Administrators of the estate of Godfrey Anger, Deceased. George M. Mason Attorney for Administrators First National Eank Eldg. Brigham City, Utah Date of first publication; modern brick basement, hot water ace with stoker. Two blocks nnh 0f p08t 0ffce prpfp,. to il furnished. See Herman Land-vf.-July 20, 1944 or phone Date of last publication: 1. 7-- 20 tfc August 11, 1944. with raisins RASPBERRIES PI UMS l'i"g" SWfctt LCI 17 Uip' Vine CANTALOUPES 1 29 , Ri-n-- J umbo , Golden CORN Solid Rfd nipe For .Slicing .. w UV.E. Giun Younp' Tcnder' POTATOES CUCUMBERS -- "" Crif' Fnh "l ' whiu "P""! "'" Long ;. cref" wmmmmmmtmm Hi. Jill lb. "Toks-Out- PEACHES Ib "A" Xo-- ib. M ib. It MI mu Table Ready Meats Solid, Itipe for .Slicing lb. Whan Cooking hot cereals (yes, they're mighty good, and good for you, even on a July morning!), mix in a half-cu- p of raisins for each tjuart of cereal, as you begin to cook it. 1B .11. For Dsntrt, try thin, rollod-upancakes topped with a rich raisin sauce ana served with lemon slices. p FRYERS LAMB LEGS fi'ib. fttTS POT ROAST PORK SAUSAGE .b h:.ib. GROUND BEEF COFFEE Airway, Ulend Mild lb. 43 35 PRIME RIB ROAST LAMB ROAST LAMB CHOPS DUCHESS 20 I eanut Kutter i lb. Jar "5 Jjf Top Quality Salad Ijreesing .Qt. 'ABM" YES.YES-W- E KNOW A QUATRAIN SHOULD RHYME IN ALTERNATE k?-ik- "r;. ,7 Fresh, Tyre 3 JELL-VEL- 37 M . Small Rib Chops FRANKFURTERS REAL ROAST i.Sii Itollrd r.oneless, PURITAN PICHICS 25 27 25 .b. Mild 29 35 30 year-'roun- d Safe way 38 lloniemakers' Bureau JULIA LEE WRIGHT, Director ..lb. L ssortpd f avers. ...3 a',' 17 $GO UNES OP 8yGS7S IAMBUSES! nm fM&br pfl Crtam, made at home, achieves an interesting new texture and flavor if you mix in J. cup of washed raisins just before freezing. And Don't Porgst that favorite of the men: Kaisin l'ie a la mode! I cuts !aAV38 SLICED BACON 43 z ":::-v:- ni mt-ffin- TOMATOES. 8 lb. yr RAISINS can be u.sed in so many refreshing ways! Here are a few that I've used (perhaps some will be new to you): Mok a Sandwich by mixing chopped raisins and honey. (If you're in the mood for a really sweet tidbit, use graham crackers or vanilla wafers.) to cole slaw and shredded Add raw carrots, for a salad which is cool but hearty. s Your Favorite recipe for or biscuits or cup cakes will be enriched if you add Yi cup of r.ii?'ns to the batter. The same thing can be done for gingerbread. " lunches (carried on youngsters' summertime hikes, for example) take on new interest when you include a generous amount of raisins. Rai-i- Freuh Deliolous Latham shampoo. Company. What 13 do 11 10 L:- - rl Easy to do, absolutely Johnson are sisters. harmless. Praised by thousands Mrs. Jack Shumway and Mrs. including Fay McKenzie, glam- Frank Stevens were Logan visitors orous movie star. Money refundon Tuesday. ed if not satisfied. Ken Slusser ') Coupons $o Further FLOUR 45-R- For best The Handy Hand Club met at the home of Jean and Janice Roche. The time was spent sewing on their dresses then refreshments were served. The next meeting will be held at the home of Lorna Nelson. Deon Christensen, Reporter ; ALSO A IIOPALOXG Mrs. George Piggott, of Bloom- Idaho, visited during the JAMES BROUGH, Realtor, ington,with her sister, Mrs. Harry week Tremonton, Utah Woodward. house gee LOCAL NEWS climaxed by a tasty luncheon serf-e- d by Mrs. Deacon. The club girla gave their leader a lovely locket. at Garland, Located Utah. m Friday and Saturday 4-- Mrs. Wilford Rogers is visiting frame house, stabe and week with her parents in Og- this to all planted large lot, den. m garden. 37 Burgess, and it will accompany the clothing sent. This is one of the important things to be done the very first of next week, then, prepare the clothing and send it to Violet Burgess or notify her that it is ready. third, Maxine. This delightful afternoon was j n 10-Wh- Page Five Wf3l?4 BUT Its A NICE WORD, ISNT IT? h?in : |