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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY Page Four Local and Social Items VOCAL, GROUP VACA CIVIC CLUB W. C. T. U. The Women's Civic League was entertained at the Utah Power & Light Company auditorium July 1st with Mrs. Winifred Woodhead aa hostess. The program was arranged by Mrs. Jewel Steffta, and the American Legion Auxiliary. They presented Darrel Garfield who gave The Pledge to the Flag and America's Creed; Boyd Miller gave 3 selections on his accordion and C. G. M. Kerr was the speaker. His topic was Post war problems. The next meeting of the League will be in the auditorium July ENTERTAINED TION AT BEAR LAKE The families of the following Tremonton people enjoyed a weekend Fourth: trip to Bear Lake over the Ervin Stohl, Wayne Sandall, Cliff MilKerr, Arch Richardson, Ross . Miller. and ler Rudy ENTERTAINED Mrs Oscar Strand was hostess week to Thursday afternoon last C. T. U. W. of the the members business short A home. her at meeting was conducted followed by a short program. Emma Rae Anderson gave her contest winning oration and Mrs. Will Adams gave a reading. were Delicious refreshments served by the hostess. 15. SISTERS VISIT MRS. QUENTIN ALLEN Mrs. Quentin Allen had as her guests last weekend, Mrs. Leah Ogaard, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Condy of Sait Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gaidzik of Oakland, California. The ladies are sisters of Mrs. Allen, and Mr. Gaidzik is on leave from his duties in the U. S. Navy. LADIES GUESTS AT GARFIELD HOME Mrs. John O. Garfield entertained at a social afternoon at her home last Thursday for the following guests: Mrs. Ralph Jensen, Mrs. Alice Peterson, Mrs. Need Holmgren, Mrs. Joe Isaacson and Mrs. Z. V. White. Miss Betty Wheelwright, of Ogden, and Mr and Mrs. Adam Brenkman and F. E. Kespler were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hess at Plymouth on the Fourth. MARBLE FAMILY HONOR FATHER'S BIRTHDAY Mrs. N. Peter Marble, of entertained at a family dinner in honor of her husband, N. Peter Marble's birthday anniversary on Monday at the Box Elder County Park. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson of Fielding, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sandall, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kerr, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marble, of Tremonton; Mr. and Mrs. John Leggett Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Packer and Mrs. Henry Nielsen of Brigham City, and Mrs. Gene Wood of Ogden, and several grandchildren; also Mr. and Mrr. Horace Barnard and children were special guests. ( Dew-eyvill- TIRES ar Get your Tires Gambles while they last. Pre-W- e, Mr. and Mrs. George Coombs and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Holt and family of Fielding, were guests over the Fourth holiday at the Mervin Holt home. Holt made a trip to Bancroft, Idaho last weekend to visit Mr. and Mrs. Don C. Rigby. at Mr. and Mrs. D. P Stevens, of Ogden, visited Monday and Tuesday at the Wilford Rogers home. They are the parents of Mrs. A STANDARD OF Mr3. Rose Kerr is visiting this week with her daughter, Mrs. M. H. Lindquist, in Salt Lake City. Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Johnson and family spent the Fourth in Richmond as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Stoddard. Mrs. Ed Nelson and son, of Bur-leIdaho, and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Rube, daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, were guests Friday and Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Taylor. Mr. Rose is soon to receive his commission as a Captain in the Air Corps. He has just returned from 20 months overseas duty and is visiting relatives during his leave. y, son-in-la- Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dee Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Deakin returned Tuesday evening from a week's vacation trip to Yellowstone Park. Mrs. Mervin Holt spent a few days last week in Brigham with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Harper. Janice Berkes, of Salt Lake, is spending a few days visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Marguerite Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. George Larsen and son were guests during the day of the celebration at the Joe Burgess home. Mr. Larsen was the speaker at the program. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Strand and family spent Sunday and Monday In Logan Canyon. Miss Emma Lou Stander, who t Backed By 29 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICE TO Bear River Valley Mrs John S. Mason and Miss Mary Mason, of Salt Lake City, were in Fielding Wednesday, visiting with friends. Doll up your old of seat covers. They car with a set save your car and protect your clothes. At Gambles. sl 74.0-- 2. tf 10-1-- Wiener pigs and broodC. G. Eldredge. Phone t3c 6-- WANTED Used baby walker. Charles McNeely, Bothwell t2p HAVE BUYERS for good farms, Irrigated or dry. List with: James Brough, Realtor. Tremonton. Utah. tf -8 O As. ftcadcaeid tho perfectly balanced For more mile, and belter service LOST Black suit case, between Malad and Bear River City, girl's clothes. Reward. Address Miss Peggy Thomas, 2023 Jackson Ave., Ogden. Up X1EG21P rocapg must be in perfect balance. Unbalanced recapped tires causa uneven nrt U serious injury to the driving pleasure and performance of . v. nuuuet eiaing system patented equip- VAment with its "All Mechanical Pressure" in.ure. , . ll.o ,ii circie recaps. . I Tfll Wn. ....... t..Ll j"ur nuoDer ior more war bonds toe .1 1 u inAmv1 fA i 1sfiff.. w. ivujdi miieay tire service. w, r l,. FOR SALE home on 2 city lots. For particulars see Mrs. Chris Reck. 7.8 ... . tip FOR SALE Modem home and good building lot. See John Schrenk. ... 7-- 'vio.n. riUBDcn veldsds FLOYD Thono NEAL "Your Trained Rubber Welders" 91-- J VT C -- 2S 8 DB GE.IGIQLG in let us explain Come you fill out an applica- tion for a rationing certificate. Buy the best, buy Firestone! 34 AIlCIIEItY SET 4.95 SALE (1 Reg. f" 3.88 women's. t Every One! Lemon-o- od bow, 4 cedar "V 41C Titles one Many Otkwt Books of fact and fiction,, arrows, TAeJ leather arm grard, m. BEST SELLERS Youths' or the stories that are most the handy reference books every home firmer tab, target, popular, archery should have. Pofenfecf button top Wto for golf, too Made of heavy waterproofed cloth. Just the thing for quick business trips. And it's ideal for carrying your golf clothes. Size 16 ?7j2x8". TENNIS vAnUlElIU SELL your dead and useless horses and cattle to White's Trout Farm and receive more money. Phone, collect Hyrum I OflY . CASH for live poultry. H. A. Gam, 433 N. 2nd W., Brigham. Phone 12-1- 1 698. tf FOR SALE er sows. l the new government regulations and help LEGAL NOTICES 11-R.- 2, Established 40 You-- , RRIGHAM CITY, UTAH B0(3 Ration Point Values Increased For Beef and Canned Fish Ration point values for beef were increased one point effective this week, F. M. Christensen of the Tremonton War Price and Rationing Board, reported today. The new point values, necessary because the amount of beef availNOTICE TO CREDITORS able for civilian use in July is to be the smallest since Estate of Joseph Scothern, Deceased expected began, places the ration rationing Creditors will present claims with cost of most preferred beef cuts vouchers to the undersigned at Tre to 13 points a pound. nine from at monton, R. F. D. No. 3, Utah, onj Point values on a few cuts of or before the 7th day of September, veal, lamb and mutton are raised A. D., 1943. from one to two points a pound. HANNAH ELIZA SCOTHERN, leg of veal, veal Administratrix of the estate of These include loin and rib chops veal cutlets, Joseph Scothern, deceased. n cuts. and similar WALTER G. MANN, raised were items Canned fish Attorney for Administratrix 12 to points per pound Date of first publication July 1, 1943 sharply Date of last publication July 22, 1943 an increase of four points. A total of 17 changes were made in processed food items, 12 upward and NOTICE TO CREDITORS five downward, Mr. Christensen Estate of Amelia Jensen, Deceased reported. The reductions were in Creditors will present claims with canned or bottled vegetables, with vouchers to the undersigned at the advances in seven vegetable items, office of George M. Mason, No. 23, and others in canned and bottled First National Bank Building, Brig- fruits. ham City, Utah, on or before the The changes come at a time 15th day of September, A. D. 1943. when for the first time the actMARIE JACOBSEN, into ual flow of new Administratrix of the estate of trade channels is productionto exexpected Amelia Jensen, deceased. ceed the outgo. However, it is GEORGE M. MASON, necessary during this new period, Attorney for Administratrix. new" packs are being canwhen Date of first publication July 1, 1943 to preserve part of the pack Date of last publication July 22, 1943 ned, for future months when fresh fruits and vegetables from the markets and victory gardens are no longer available in great quantity. Blue stamps N, P, and Q are now valid and good through August 7. Red stamps P and Q are now valid for meats and canned fish and fats, and R and S are valid on all good successive Sundays through July 31. $ WANTED TO RENT OR BUY Modem five or six room house. Two adults (or couple). Address M. V. Moore, Leader Office. 6-- LEE ABSTRACTOR VJAR f.lODGt Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gephart spent Wednesday in Ogden. nu S. NORMAN I TO Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Landvatter and family, of Ogden, visited with relatives in Tremonton last Saturday, Sunday and Monday. E. Robinson, of Classified :1 ?U Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Harris and son, of Los Angeles, arrived Wednesday this week to make an extended stay here. Mrs. Harris is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Ballard. Is taking nurse's training at Ogden, spent the weekend at home. 1343 mmm iiSSSaaa J Jrk If Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Whitney made a trip to Lyman, Wyoming last week on business and had a short visit there with Mrs. Whitney's people. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Candland, of Salt Lake City, are visiting at the F. M. Christensen home this week. 8, MM) I lamb-mutto- Quality Merchandise 'It w Mrs. A. L. Cook, Mrs. K. H. Fridal and Mrs. Eva B. Hansen attended funeral services for Clara Gam at Fielding, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Salt Lake City, attended the funeral services for Mrs. Nathaniel Gam They visited among rela Wednesday. GARDEN HOSE 58" by 50 foot before returning and friends tives length, $4.00; also a few 25 foot to their home. lengths, $2.19, at Gambles, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Whitney, Bob Whitney and Miss LaRee Eben Wilcox, of Ogden, was a visitor to Fielding Wednesday, at the home of his son, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mrs. Ruth Di Francisco, of Salt Lake City, is visiting this week with her mother, Mrs. Alice Olsen. SEAT COVERS Jul' LEADER "tip FOR SALE 165 Leghorn pullets, 3 months old, and 650 straight run, 6 weeks old. Mrs. C. A Hall Portage. 7.g tYc FOUND Set of car keys in leather case. See City Marshall. ' tic RACKET Reg. , 3, Made by the world's largest manufacturers of j top quality Perrackets! fectly balanced. Fomia-Lif- e Battery I how much beyond 10 percent of your family income you can nut into War Bond every payday. yirestone Tires 11.95 li;r:sK3 1 3 are now being built v'.lh AMERICAN -- MADE EXCHANGE ; free guarantee recharging if necessary! Specially built for wartime, slow spr.fi low inilo-ag- e driving. Sit IKE Tires EXTRA VAl'JES IK WCSTQNE io Penppinj Za'ter'i,---foar- k !' Au!s One of our every two families have at least two workers. Figure it out yourself T0310R SALS Slaughterers Must Make Reports Local slaughterers and butchers of Box Elder county who hold i permits to slaughter livestock for the sale of meat will be required "to submit evidence by July 15, to substantiate the amount of stock slaughtered during the period upon which his current quota is based, John H. Hadfield, chairman of the county war meat committee, announced this week. Purpose of the ruling is to establish a more uniform system of permits and quotas and to adjust those quotas already issued so that they will represent the normal share of total slaughter for each section of the country. Mr. Hadfield pointed out the importance of furnishing such evidence, since the permit of any slaughterer or butcher may be revoked if the information is not submitted on time. Such evidence may include: the applicant's books or records, records or statements of persons from whom he has bought livestock; grading certificates or inspection records, records of sales of hides, or any other evidence which may be considered relevant. 4.98 cf the TIKE II O W L7Elim PHONE 20 SYNTHETIC RUBBER If you are eligible andin require new tires, couie and let us help you mako out a tire rationiaK certificate. JCMrtf.'SE Horn Appliance! Hardware Houseware Lawn and Garden Supplies Wheal Goods (CEIEVE-OLE- T Hi EVERY DEPARTMENT Rtcreation Suppliei Toys Games and Bs" Pairts Clothing Leather Goods CO. TREMONTON, l'TAB |