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Show BEAK RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, JULY 16, Vol TO7 I a ! -. I CiT3 I i 194J2 F2 FIELDING By Enid Welliuj ' 1 Washington tight "rid e reins on production to provide and -- aximum quantity of planes with a long battle-front- s, rafor death-strugg- Li c: I t I ' - ..: ill ' s rj m necessities of civilian life. , OPA, talking standardization of all manufactured goods, would outlaw models. Uniform products would lead to uniform prices, tend to curb inflation, maintain price ceilings jave materials. Already approximately 1 j lr 1,800,000 are under price regulation gad OPA looks for more effectiwe rice enforcement through a reduction of this number. ... ( s , : fc vlr'w f ' J I PARKING METER -- COMES IN HANDY Washington, D. Miss Margaret During World War I about 15 per oent of U. S. industry was engaged at its peak. The In war production 1942 is to see 70 per of expected jnd C. e , 1 ; ' posts downtown park ing meters will make if the gas and rubber shortage should make it necessary to return to the horse and bug gy days, as she ties her "Dobbin" to a meter to do a little concentrating on war materials. To keep this huge industrial machine operating at capacity the 10 million forkers now employed by war plants Kill be more than doubled. Regulations soon to be issued by Chairman McNutt of the Manpower Commission will, determine which of je workers are essential ., tp war fork and subject' to draft deferment pile sot complete the, list includes: DiemakerSj jpbaetters, machinists, taolmakers, ship fitters, ship carpen- ffs,. ship electricians, - aircraft sheet J I " Ker-nodl- demomtrating what fine hitching jent f ' C J shopping. Earjy-da- i movie .fans will y. remember this profile. It A. - belongs to Francis - X. Bushman, heart throb. Bushman Is silent-scree- n now to be heard each Wed-nesda- PRESTO! IT FLOATS The youna lady is demonstrating proper use of a new type of pneumatic life belt manufactured by The B. F. Goodrich Company. Pressure on two small containers in the belt instantly releases gas which automatically renders the life saving workers,: surface grinder oper- tora, tool, grinder operators, boring mill operators, engine lathe operators, ... i ... , I y - far specified .... ... , ., Aircraft, ordnance shipbuilding, iM accessories, ammunition, firearms explosives, power boilers, scientific istruments, wood distillation, naval stores, iron, steel, porous foundry products, poultry and dairy farming, agar beet production and food Spraying sugar beets with a four pound solution of Paris Green per acre will destroy the sugar bef t web-wor- m according to Utah Agricultural Extension Service. The announcement of the remedy came on the heels of reports of serious outbreaks of the in several Utah districts. Extension emphasized the need for prompt ness in the treatment if the beet tonnage is to remain unimpaired. web-wor- m of-fic- als DBDD r - ' V I- V VICTORY - neicts, Mrs. E. Ross Bonebreak and small daughter Jill, of San GabrieL Calif.; and Mrs. Albert Herbold, of Rupert, Idaho. Other guests included Mrs. Eugene Cannon and Mrs. Cliff Bowcutt of Fielding, and Mrs. Russell B. Waldron of Tremonton. The table was covered with a beautiful lace cloth, centered with a bowl of pink and white roses. The afternoon was spent visiting: and story telling. r: "WW!' Love," the Eddie Cantor summer replacement pro gram, on the NBC Red Network operators and irreplacable George Gardner were guests. Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Earl and children are spending this week in Yellowstone Park. Mr. Earl has a weeks vacation from duties In the Recruiting office in Salt Lake and is taking this opportunity of vacationing in Yellowstone. Mr. and Mrs. Parley Peterson, of Ogden, and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Garn and family of Fielding spent last Sunday at Bear Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Richards and children, of Ilyrum, spent Sunday in Fielding visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood and Mrs. Ezra Richards. Mrs. Lewis Cannon, of California, has been visiting in Fielding with her daughter, Mrs. Cliff Bowcutt, and other relatives. She was accompanied to Fielding by another daughter who lives in California. Gene Earl made a business trip to Ogden and Salt Lake City last Sat device ready for service. Pressure In the preserver can be raised orally by blowing into two sections of hose attached to the belt. When inflated, as is shown, the life belt will support a man with full equip, ment for protracted periods. The belt weighs little more than two pounds. in "Those We I metal arret lathe iinaers. - t , le Ttarianiarn. Manufacturers unab-- y to convert to war work will go of business or conform to a rigid wartime pattern to provide the bare jrticles 1 , r 1 i - Mrs. Blanch L Richards, of Fieldon Saturday in Wednesday, July 8th, Mrs. Leo ing, gave a luncheon Farnsworth had a family dinner hon- honor of her sister, Mrs. Jennie Canoring the young couple. Mr. and Mrs. non, of Alhambra, California, and SnilPSEKDITS nijor struggles rage on eight urday, lie visited while in Salt Lake with his daugnter, unarioue EarL 7d PJ . T T.; jT" o in Jersey Coihs Essential industries so aclude: , '" I pro-sessin- g. Stabilization of wages, one of the points of President Roosevelt's sven d H Club Members Aid In Statewide Fire Control Drive 4--H . av-:ffl- ge hilars to 75 million dollars, Ways and Means Commit-i'- 1 refusal to vote a tax bill 58,650,000, and the refusal of both ;figressional bodies to faU in line the administration's sj plan for fx fixing and marketing of farm flucts. is manded increased milk production for Lend Lease abroad and nutrition at home. 1 This has forcefully popularized the "V type dairy cow. are some members at Capi- who believe wage stabiliza-fthe cause of the whol mn. a that is sub- ards. "The club boys and girls will be deputized by the National Govern ment to do this job, and the only way they can be successful in this important undertaking is to have the cooperation of farmers and house wives," the director declared. 4--H stated I Y V. vhne you ... post-w- Pacific is doing a job of which we are mighty proud. EXmCIS FREE SCHOLARSHIPS to forward-lookin- g a chance to Over the Strategic Middle Route, connecting the East wifI, the West, gigantic freight locomotives are hauling tanks, of guns,' plane parts and other war materials. Trainloads troops roll over the steel rails. A great army in workmen' are "keeping 'em rolling." That's their job uniform and they're doing it! young women-a- nd earn while learning. need to do b writs Don't miM this great opportunity. All you fetter telling why you would like to karn the beauty profes-'oIf your letter is one of the four best received this wwefc, you will be awarded s scholarship entiding yoa to free tukioa as complete beauty course in the Excelcis Beauty School Slt Lake or Ogden. Ay young lady of 17 years of age or over is eligible tpeoef h contest. to today Mail your letter o. EXCEL CIS BEAUTY o4 Broadway SOISST fak Ul Of $7.00 50 3 only Smart styled Laetex Swimming Suits - keen styles. Just what you have been looking JIarked to sell now. $5.00 for Girls Priced $1.49 Women's Women's SUMMER SHOES GROUP NO. 1 Girls' Summer SPort Shoes. Whites, Reds, Nail Sunshine Sandalls. Head, REDUCED TO SELL! Choice In Women's White and $2.00 pair Color- ed shoes. These shoes are all Women's Summer Millinery quality shoes. Choice GROUP NO. 2 $1.00 Pair 33 New Summer Ilats. Re-pric- ed from our higher priced PORTICAN GOWNS ranges. These Hats are really Buy 3 or 4 of these smart cool Quality and well styled hats. beautiful gowns. A value you All latest shapes and materwill always remember. 99 '0HIOH PACDPie DAIIL1AB each SWIMMING SUITS Women's SPRING COATS ODDS and ENDS part in offensive action until they reach the theatre of war. No matter to what extent production is stepped up, transportation still remains a vital factor. That's where Union OFFERS 25 smartly styled Summer Marked down from higher Straws. Newest trims, colors, price ranges. and shapes. Repriced to sell. Close Out of These formidable fighting machines can not take beauty operators. GROUP NO. 1 $1.49 ar the beauty profession! votation There's ALWAYS a demand for trained Summer Millinery Women's SPRING COATS and Outstanding Bargains. Choice imm Prepare yourself now for a good Women's the kind you don't have to iron. Ideal for summer wear. Smart styled : mw Ready To Wear Crepe Gowns A I 1 ing in. . . . Gome early and get your share of the BARGAINS in every department in the store. CREPE GOWNS The drive will be staged, the Diand these have the opinion labor union leaders rector said, with an eye toward rewill never i voluntarilv mi thic ducing Utah's property losses of more m weaken their control over un- - than $60,000 every year from fire and to prevent loss of life. In 1941 members. , 16 Utahns lost their lives in home fires. Oil in U. S. , Director Peterson pointed out that 1940, the United States b.o- .. .. ; . ' Tw .,. . . aJ ,. n . n,M t ! w.n iv uvc jicoaij i,5oi,ij4v,uuu barrels of crude or about 68 and homes in lion farm dollars per cent of the grid's output of 21,146,105,000 ba?- - buildings and 13 million dollars in farm machinery a total of 60 mil- arsy -- We have repriced all summer merchandise to BARGAIN PRICES to make room for new Fall McrchandLse now com- 2 only 4-- H appropriation from 161 m House HUI - ject to destruction by fire. Director Peterson called for the cooperation of farm men and women in carrying out the drive; in letting club boys and girls the boys and girls search for fire Utah's 5,000 will aid in a statewide rural fire pre- hazards; and following their suggesvention and control drive during the tions for elemination of these haz next two weeks that will touch every farm and farm home, Director William Peterson of the Utah State Ag ricultural Extension Service, stated this week. Under provisions of the drive, the club members will be deputized by the United States Government to make a house to house canvass to ferret out fire hazards and help the owners remove them. "We feel that this inspection will have the effect of stimulating talk about fire hazards and cause every person to look squarely at his own place; clean up rubbish, dry grass or any other hazard," Director Peterson in-a- m There ' lion dollars of property 4 jj t8 . JL2TI de-i?-- se. saiderson's A'-- ' PAUSE, Barbara Britton, featured in Para mount's "Wake Island," pauses to drink a "Coke" to the completion of the film before taking off on a tour of West east Army camps. program, has been push to the front by the Little Steel sse, While the War Labor Board is in continuous session on this matter decision, looked for daily, is not jspected to settle the controversy. I Kejf administration officials, are jwking on a permanent plan to dollar and cents, wage standards be followed by WLB. This would of wages above which p a level would not be permitted. . j We the wage scale has not been aaounced it is known to be high, ,?ew in Washington believe it will flower than $36.65 a week, the factory wage for April, 1941. I In addition to difference of opin- on the wage level, Capitol Hill M the executive branch also lock ama on the House slashing of OPA'a . Jersey Breeders have adopted an all out "V" for Victory body typo. This "V shape con- formation makes cows give more milk. Our Government has de each ials. 1 75 each |