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Show fags foub BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY In the view of many sober Washington thinkers, there isn't going to or contracts. Hamp Bradshaw. tl4. be any defense to speak of unless some of those who produce it start FOR SALE Choice dry farm at Blue acting like they talk. Creek. Inquire Mrs. Glenn, 1223 E. The question unfortunately isn't put 6th So. Salt Lake City. together as a whole in the newspap1-- Cash 1 LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN Black and brown dog-- medium size, smooth hair, pointed ears, and answers to name "Fritz." Being a family pet and for sentimental reasons will give reward for return or information leading to his return. H. D. Thomas, Leader Office. Phone , 23-- J. WANTED Due to one of our men being drafted, we have opening for a good appliance salesman with a car. Salary and commission. Schoss-Rea- d Electric Company. Two TLACED IN WRONG CAR cushions for chair, ski suit and ma terial. Party returning these ar ticles will be rewarder. L. J. H., " Leader Office. tl. 2-- 6 1941 150 Youth Leaders""" AAA Sugar Division Sugar Deet Growers Await 22nd Sp; Makes Announcement To Visit School Of County to Receive 1941 Allotments Of Training11 Of 1941 Allotments parents day will be held Parents Invited Classified w)mfmgtm iAd Column JameS Preston BIKX HATCIIEUY CinCKS C, ers so the people can see it. They have to piece many items together to see the whole picture. It Is: Are labor disputes, strikes, slowdowns, boycotts, and the like, going to be allowed to continue imped ing production? President Green of the AFL has reported publicly that his organiza tion has "enlMed for the duration of the emergency." Yet in a speech be fore unionized government employees, he said that Uncle Sam is anything but a model employer and that government workers should get bet ter treatment. Many, of course, will agree with him. But they will add thtt the way to get better tieatment for government employees is to do it privately instead of stirring them up to think they aie being mistreated. j t The annual next Thursday at the Lear River.' Nc::t Saturday on the n'.o:n:r.g of High Sohool. All patents and othr 8 r.t 0.00 a. m.. in the First interest :d persons Lie Lnvit ;J to co'ru.-t- February in Tremonton a cotmty-v-id- e V?rd Chipel school and to see just how it is beet meeting will be sujjar run. all who plan on for held especially Adults who attend school on Feb. in 1941. Others beets sugcr growing 13 will have their chance to fee what bv.t especially to ted attend, are jr.v their children are doing. They will and his wife beet suar each grower receive programs whicu will Live a effort to make are special urged their boy s or girl's classes on them be to present. in the order in which they are to atMr. Jordre, in charge of sugar beets tend. the Washington office will be in from The teachers will lead discussions to give pertinent facts attendance of school problems. They will be gladi establishment of the the to talk privately with each parent regarding 1941 sugar beet allotments. about individual student's work. from Washington, Karl Patents may bung their lunches1 D.Also, advisorOlsen, to the Defense ComC, from home or buy them at the cafe mission, will give a talk. Mr. Olsen teria. is rated as one of the best and most Hugh Davis is chairman and Sir ' ohiA oTviakpra in the ronnt.rv on the assistant chairman gent Stree-peand econoraic relationships of the faculty, who are divided into com! war.tora Europe with the United mittees dealing with various parts of stateg dUzen ,n Box Elder the days program, m,m Khnulrt hpar his mpssayc now Students will remain at home Oil ,t,i, ,,,, on nnTUlrtuiiitw Thuisday. behooi buses will run on State and county representatives of their customary routes, bringing to the A. A. A. will also be present. school at the usual time all adults Each farmer in Box Elder county who care to come. ' should appoint himself as a commit' tee of one to aid in packing this hall for this meeting. Be sure to be in attendance and do not fail to bring Develops your wife. I , ofj, r u- Skill, Army Strength, Character . INSURANCE For best and lowest Thousands of young Americans are Both Green and Phil Murray, new priced automobile insurance see J. today developing strength, skill and CIO president have promised that H. Miller. Phone 59.0-- 3 tl labor Sy Kirs. EL P. R as mussen character in all of the thirteen branch of will interruptions production es of the United States Army, they CASH PAID for dead and useless j 1)8 held 10 a minimum. Yet on a sin- - have grasped the opportunities for Miss Lydia Fridal returned to the or B. Y. U. in Provo Sunday, titer spend defense goods education and cowa and horse. Call Maple Creek eie aay- proaucuon advancement, at fair was a standstill because of at 493-J-ing the Leadership Week at home, strikes, Trout Hatchery, Brighara salary, for an assured future, for ful Reverse Charge. tf. walkouts, etc., in private and Navy filling the desire to travel, for de- when there were no classes. She was accompanied back by her mother, shipyards, freight car, generator, tank veloping the ability to get results and Mrs. Walter E. Fridal and bi other and steel plants. to lead men. They are men of an orNOTICE TO CREDITORS In one plant It even took a special Norwood, who spent the night in secganization Estate of Aaron E. Hansen ome times appeal from Provo and attended some business in a priest before picket- ond to none.whose traditions are known as Aaron Hansen, Deceased. Salt Lake City on their return. ing employees would let through their are open to These Creditors will present with vouch- picket Mrs. Marr Koford was pleasantly line a big generator which had men of opportunities United States citizenship be-- ! ers to the undersigned at the First been g last week on bar birthday for a surprised completed tween the ages of 18 and 35, who are National Bank Building, Brigham the following girls: Merle Thomp And military experts say by factory. single and are physically, mentally, son, Sharon Kroskh, Cleo City, Utah, on or before the 4th day the powder shortage is Berious. Fryer, Dorand morally qualified. of April, A. D., 1941. is Ogg, Aniko Fukins and Lois Regular monthly visits will be made LENORA ROMER Mrs. Koford is their teacher in Most everybody will agree that not to Tremonton for the Administratrix of the estate purpose of ac- Primary. She was very happy of their no time for unneccessary is this only of Aaron E. Hansen, deceased cepting applications for enlistment strikes, but that unity and coopera- and consulting young men interested visit. In the evening she was again MARRINER M. MORRISON, surprised by her parents, Mr. and tion is necessary, and bickering and In Army service. The Recruiting Ser- M:s. LeRoy Ellis of Bothwell and sevAttorney for the Administratrix be should backbiting forgotten. Date of first publication, Jan. SO, 1941 geant will be at the post office Feb- eral of their sons and daughters and For example, when Phil Murray and ruary 6, 1941 from 9:30 a. rn. to 12:00 partners. Mr. and Mrs. Keith HunWalter Reuther made public their noon. saker were special guests, as they plan for pioducing airplanes in the For further information consult automobile industry, that industry your postmaster or write direct to tho have just discovered Keith is a broth ! er of Mrs. Ellis of Tremonton. All had made no public criticism of the pro- U. S. Army Recruiting Office, 201 a very lovely time. in posal although many respects it Post Office Building, Logan, Utah. Mrs. H. P. Rasmussen spent Sunwas obviously unsound. They simply Members of the Junior Prom and Monday visiting her daughday left their plan in the hunds of govheaded by Dale Thompson, ters in Salt Lake Citiy. ernment officials. Teas chairman; Johnson, vice chairMrs. Verian Currier left Friday for Yet when industry began making a man; and Lois Persson, business manher home in Davis, California, after census Will to of itself find are unused proager, making plans for the antwo a weeks visit with her parents, nual high school Junior Prom, which ductive facilities which could be turn- Mr. Mrs. Ira Anderson end rel and ed to defense be held in sometime In March, work, Murray flew off atives, epeniding on outcome of basketball the; handle. He protested to William Many apricots and sour cherry mr. ana jvirs. jonn uronson ar Knudsen and John Biggsrs, of tho Season. 'have indicated a desire to kept very busy visiting growers all their , After much elebnte bv coinmittop new OPM. and discuss their mar cluldnen bom In January. Thegrand last ijeads, 'class officers and. advisors, the Murray went so far as to say the get together il keting problems. A meeting has there one, a girl,, was born on the 29th to A. National Association of Manufactur were commiuee cnairmen aoiiuwiny been called for all growers to Mr. and Mrs. Elmo J. Robinson of chosen: Maye Spencer, Buss Norr, ers, which is making the survey fore be in the County Couit Room, held On the 19th a son was bom state Morgan. Annivor Heppler, was through associations, tryMacFaiiane, City, at 1:00 p. m., Friday to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bronson at Dyal Sorenson, Marjorie Miller, Bill ing to break down labor standards in Brigham 31. Brigham City and on the 9th a girl Capener, Charlenc Petterson, Cayle the name of national defense. He fail- January Box Elder county growers especial- was Dorn to Mr. and Mrs. Hoi CJuinney, Lola Ccne Caddie, Jay Al- ed to make any reference to a statearc urged to bring their wives to ley of Corinne. All are Floyd fine ien, Curtis Earl. Keith Frazier," Nor- ment by the chairman of th? NAM ly feeling this meeting. In addition to marketMiss Lola Mortensen i3 at the Val man Birch. Eva Dean Lat, Ruth Employment Relations Committee that so long as there were millions ing problems, picking cost:3 and other l?y hospital, where she was operated end Wayne Hales. will be discussed. on tor ' Other on January 23rd juniors who have be'ti chos- of unemployed, plant managers were operations Dr. A. Stark, Extension Horticu- feiie is appendicitis en to work on different committees in no position to complain about along getting nicely and ex are as follows: Art committee, week limitations. He did not lturist of the Utah State Agricultural poets to be home this week end. Bishop and Mrs. Walter E. Fridal Janson, Shirley Hales, Roland Hall, even give the NAM credit for at- College, and others will be present to assist in the discussion. and son Norwood were Ogden visitors Allan Sorenson, Norman Hill, and tempting to act in good faith. Will all apricot and cherry growe on Monday. At the same time Murray, who has Floyd Cunn; business committee, EvMrs. Edna Zitting and children, of an Jensen, Shirley Te terson, Bill Har- promised to hold down strike inter- make a special effort to be' present ris, Sterling Julsii, Jay Allen, and Ir- ruptions, is training more than 100 and invite a neighbor with similar fcait Lake City, visited her parents. to be in attendance? Mr. and Mrs. ving Ransom; shop work, Fal John, more men to go into the field and problems Christensen and Remember the date, the hour, and brothers here Hyrum Ferris Brough, Allan Petterson, Ken-nit- h stimulate unionization. His objective last Saturday. the place. Everyone's cooperation is Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellis, of Burbank, Lee Hunsaker, Leo is contracts which will refuse employ Wy ment to any even needed defense necessary. Adams, and Henry Cagle. oming, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs The committee states that their workerswho do not belong to his LeRoy Ellis of Bothwell, were ine general level or tarm wage uay ainner guests of Mr. and Sun theme has been chosen but will not union. Mrs. be announced until later. These tactics may last for a while rates on January 1, at 142 per cent V. W. Koford. 1910-1of the average was five points but there is growing feeling in The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs 11 v Congress that talk and actions "had nigner than a year earlier, the Agri nonam ixonara returned from the cultural Marketing Service reports. better conform. hospital last week, after having been The increase in farm wage rates operated on for appendicitis. Sh la over a year earlier was due largely reeling fine. io tne limited supply of workers avail SAME POPULAR able for hire at current wage levels FOR logetner with a somewhat stronge FIHER ACCOMMODATIONS aemana ior their services. ELWOOD - I 2. 8-- powder-producin- Ko-for- d. . V Committees Named For Junior Prom e, com-ihltte- j Apricot, Sour Cherry Growers Discuss Marketing Problems I f 11 Ix-on- Glea-Bo- n, 40-ho- ur Oi-ph- An intensive The 1941 national beet acieage aly trair. ffpjfc lotment of 820,000 acre3 to be dis- gram, designed to , tributed among sugar beet producers rurcJ youth with mat7ri-,- i . who wish to qualify for government coming activity season ,f payments under the Sugar Act of mence February 24 at the i' .'I 1927 has been announced by the sugar Agricultural college ...T1 SU JI division of the Agricultural Adjust- - Mis3 Fern Shipley and Dment Administration. Jr., assistant state 1 The allotment for Utah totals 43,- - T Marking the Willi " aiaie Training rv 644 acres, a decrease cf 11,428 acres. Producers cooperating with the AAA session win bring together ahr l in the district, consisting cf Box El- - .' selected delegates. SpecbK. linn, vtev, on1 cxieasion aer couniy. may piant o,oo atcits, i t n a rnlbo-staff district two, Cache county, 8,685; conduct classes and lecture, 7 c: . district three, Morgan and Weber ing. foods, home f,,,-,counties, 4,737; district four, Davis sheep, beef and swine", daJvT ' county, 5,260; district five, Salt Lake try, and crops. Each day leaders win meet in and Tooele counties, 4,146; district six, Juab, Millard, Utah, Beaver, Iron eral session for two hours and fe8 V and Wasatch counties, 6,349; district ject groups for one and seven. Piute. Sanpete, and Sevier Sessions will be held from 8 t i counties, 5,272; and district eight, m. and from 10 to 1130 a Carbon, Emery, and Grand counties, planned tours and recreation mJ up the afternoon schedules 817 acres. Representatives will be This allotment represents a reducPresident Elmer G. Peterson cent from the 979,000 tion of 16.2 per acres planted in 1940, and of 11.5 rector William Peterson in ,... nual welcome per cent from the average of 927,000 urate activitiesaddresses which h for each meet reThe acres in the 1936-4- 0 period. This year leaders of duction is required under the Sugar neighbor Act of 1937 because excessive stocks states will be invited to of beet sugar have accumulated fol- ed number of selected delegate T' in the activities of n lowing record production in the do- particiate mestic beet area during the last three school. Stressing the importance of nni years. and their problems, the the youth The formula used to divide the total of this course will center around is national beet acreage substantially faced by the leaded responsibilities the same as the one employed in 1939, of more than 5,500 club boys to which gives consideration past proof the state. duction and the ability to produce. girls One of prominent features Past production for each district was the course the will be the luncheon fa avterms of its in measured largest the Carl R. scholarshio wnnn Gray erage planted acreage for any con- who are now the Utah state attending to three secutive period varying from Agricultural college on scholarships ten years ending with 1940. offered by the Union Pacific railroad The ability to produce is measured company. in anyby the largest planted acreage one of three years, 1938, 1939, 1940. The two factors are given equal warned of the danger. There are 18 bridges, 5 to 15 tons weight in the formula. A slight adjustment from the re- limit in District No. 1, comprising sults of the application of the for- Weber, Cache, Box Elder, Morgan mula was made to prevent a few dis Rich, Daggett and part of Sumrsit tricts with exceptionally consistant counties. records of sugar beet plantings from Bridges on all major highways gesustaining reductions greater than the nerally are in splendid condition for national average for each of the threa year round heavy traffic, according W. D. Hammond, chairman of the periods mentioned. commission. Recent compilations show that 63 per cent of the trucks Commission Clos- and trailers carry from 10 to 20 torn, 8 per cent are loads of more than es tons, and 3 per cent are 30 tons more. As a safety measure pending reAccording to the report many construction or reinforcement, the the worst structures are in the State Road Commission this week district and are subject cotook action to close 199 bridges lo- ntinually to overloads. The fact cated on state roads, to trucks with that these heavy are now bridges overloads that may overtax the struc- the overloads does not mean that they tures to a point of collapse, which are in safe condition to continue might cause loss of life as well as carry the strain, and the danger considerable loss of property. Many that they may collapse at any time. of the bridges were constructed before the r oad3 on which they Between three and four million dbecame a part of the state ollars are sent out of the state each road system. for poults. A thorough survey of tha bridges year by the bridge department of the Road Commission shows that 101 bridges LEE affected by the order ais inadequate to carry the loads now being transABSTRACTOR ported over the spans. All of the Established 40 Tears bridges will be posted with signs, load limit permitted over showing the BRIGHAM CITY, UTAH them so that truckers will be fully six-da- 4-- H - i-- u twenty-secL-". . a. . one-ha- lf J 4-- H of to Road Bridges to Overloads 2) or of carrj-in- is are-locate- S. Y" PRICES MVER, THE LOW DOWN Z LIE CITY A $200,000 modernization program cuures you of th bert in lh West I Spacious room in the heart of Sail lake and City's entertainment business districts. Four restaurants serving wondec Headquarters for touii and sightseeing frips. fu! food. L.I lili, J ' 400 TUB d OR SHOWER 3g$ -- rampage in some other direction if somebody beckons. Right now you can't get a word in edgewise, except about war. Rut I guess talking about war is better than trying to explain whv we hofn floundering for years in Govt, exper iments ana uionia is not vcf And also we are In debt up to our nee ana where is the monev com ing from when business is put out of - hr 7 seat. Wc been going through an era of emergencies. When one emergency bogs down and peters out, we wrsn-ra new one. Now, it's war. Yours, with the low down, JO SERRA - rr- - 2 NERVOUS TENSION LJ Shows In both face and manner You art not fit company for yourself or anyone else when you ara Tense, Nervous, "Keyed-upDon't misi out on your gliare of good time. The next time overtaxed nervei make you Wafcrf.rt, Restless, Irritable, try the soothing effect rf DS. MILES NERUXE Dr. Miles Nervine l. cieritific formula com pounded under the supervision of skilled chemist In one of America's most ". modern labora TP"y MU. A H WAT! RI..MnUiOEM1 A HUMAN w less WARBS,CO-MAMA0- a sonoHCo-MMtAoa- i MAKE COOD OR WE DO Fronk Chevrolet Co. j Efectrifjr from I vo,km Savin'' A- - ffce P'oit-AMi- nj V For being In jams, we take no back OUR AJLtTm fZyjJ breath-takin- g Dusiness OUTSIDE ROOMS EACH WITH uur oia u. s. A. is sure a simile track outfit. Like a whippet-hounafter a tin rabbit, we drop everything wnue our eye is on the rabbit And right away, thereafter, we are off on another ramnant. rin snortin riu tories. wrvji floti t ro Into 8m.ll Rnttlt try HT 1. Uotti At Tout Drag Store ; to 4 Subscribe for the Leader u Jj No matter what you produce on your farm there are Electric Hired Hands who can increase profit and reduce work for you. Hundreds cf jour . neighbors used them in Why don't you this new year? Why not talk it over with stop in your Electric Equipment Dealer? You'll be surprised how Cheap Electricity will benefit vou! 19-fO- |