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Show EZAR RIVER VAIXET LEADER, THURSO AT. APRIL EAST GARLAND I AX? a ,g kit yi Mir 'm mm 153 Up !u.& aft. v .j , A drab house it apt to reflect gloomly-Ioolin- g . . J. unnn vnu Jincf wmir famlli TL..'. statement that a freshly painted world of truth in th bouse generates a cheerful reaction and mates you proud of your home. the beauty of the Spring! Paint now let your radiate color, loveliness ana charm. Ve shall be glad to advise you about colors and the bast paint to use. Match home LUMBER CO. WILSON Irs. i "Everything to Build Anything" Mf. Ail bride Villi r a y Bfotr! rouRNEWS they thought they were good. We are still working on our early explorer books. We did not have them finished to show our parents. By LaRene Evans like a Smith's First Grade We are learning to the gym. We i, dances. We are learning some Miss Craig's Fourth Grade We have a can that we put as many pen- SCHOOL 1 v CL nies as we are old. The pennies are learning we have for the crippled children. In school Johnson we made pictures to paint on the easel. We made ships, flowers and other like that. Grade We are things Next Thursday we have to bring six vjs Adams' First We like the tin cans or a broken Hug about birds. toy for admisWe made some bird houses. We sion to a show. When all of our class risome robins and blue birds. We is back from having the measles we au be kind to the birds. are planning on having a picnic at I By Tess Crozier the park. Elmer Morrison, Reed Adams, Oriin Smith. Second Grade We is a Sanford's Measles book of birds. Some of us animal books too. Every thing I wish I had the measles, t iling up in our garden. But they give you the weasles; By Verl Anderson You get them e ,reiy other day I And you can't go cut and play. fas Rasmussen's Second Grade By Phyllis A. cir second grade we are studying ;t cur homes. Most of the children Mr. Orwin's Fifth Grade This i:r room are home with measles, week Miss Peterson from the third are learning different waltz steps. grade came in with a can and asked ire going to a free show tomor-- i us if we would put some pennies in Gloria and Astrad it to help the people that are in need in other countries. Our ps Brough's Third Grade In social studies we are studying is reviewing our spelling dook about the Western States. We are so we'll know a lot of spelling finding out what they raise and how fa. started irrigation. Wendell Giles they ft are collecting shells. Miss bh reads us a story about Mr. Mrs. Crowther's Fifth Grade In :ss and his family traveling. It our social studies we have been studyabout the ocean and ships and ing about Brazil. We find that three fourths of the coffee we have comes are making flag books, bird from Brazil. Cattle feeding is importbutteifly books and fish books ant in South America too. Many cattell you some of the names of tle, horses, swine and sheap are rais4 cod fish, black bass, shad ed. With the exception of three Southch, sun fish .herring, y ern states Brazil is with the entirely ethers. L. J. Cummings torrid zone. By Devere Adams play day. We are sCch too. We are glad B)r ack i vm. s 2 mack-.man- We - ! semi-luxur- A total of 919 cases of communicable diseases was reported to ttex Utah State Board of Health for the week ending April 19, 1940, as compared with 973 last week and 568 for the corresponding week In 1939. There were 6Cv cases of measles reported this week, a slight increase over last week, and 498 cases more than were reported one year ago. Measules is assuming epidemic proportions in Salt Lake City and county with a total of 437 cases. Box Elder county reported 25 cases, Sarx Pete county 95. Tooele county 30, and Davis county 13. There were decreases in the total number of cases of chickenpox, German measles, pneumonia, scarlet fever, tuberculosis and whooping cough. counties in the Of the twenty-nin- e state the following reported no diseases: Beaver, Cache, Daggett, Duchesne, Iron, Kane, Rich, San Juan. Uintah and Wasatch. A program of meetings for local health officers throughout the state is being planned. The local health officers of Weber county will meet April 24 in the Weber county courthouse at 8:00 p. m. Problems pertaining to the conduct of health and sanitation of Weber county were discussed. Talks were given by Dr. Edward M. Jepp-sodistrict health officer, Dr. Wm. M. McKay, acting state health commissioner, and Ward C. Warnock, disn, trict sanitarian. SHOP THRU THE LEADER ADS ,, - - "I " in T able Diseases Reported I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Germer had as their guests on Sunday, relatives from Portage, Malad and Petersboro. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. LLsh and daughter, Gloria, attended the birthday anniversary of their daughter and sister Mrs. Wayne Mathias, at her home in Brigham City. It was also Mr. and Mrs. Mathias wedding anniversary. Deweyville P. T. A. was reorganized with Mrs. Lettie D. Snow, president; Mrs. Emma Loveland, vice president and Mrs. Rhoda Wheatley, secretary and treasurer. Members of the Gardner family attended the Montgomery family reunion held at North Ogden Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Marble, and Miss Donna Marble spent the week end here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Marble. Mrs. Ross Burch and son visited her parents, Mr. ajid Mrs. S. Morton, of Kaysville. Mrs . Ida Gardner and family have moved to Brigham City. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Slatter spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Ogden. Uoyd Lish returned to his home here from the Valley hospital, slowly improving with his broken leg. All are glad to see Wallace Germer and Edward Nielsen around after their treatment at the Clinic for appendicitis and pneumonia. Saturday, Mrs. Edna Beverage, of Salt Lake City, visited her mother, Mrs, A. A. Loveland. "' r.M 5 .,,1 .1,1.1 ft ton Trent V4vicil "HOME OPERATED!' 'HOME OWNED! In the front we have pictures of pussy willows. In the back we have a Dutch sceno, pictures of boys and girls fiying kites, and pictures of tulips. On one side we have pictures the class has drawn in their art all this year.. By Jean Christensen H STORES FOOD O .... We Have the NecesWe Specalize in the VERY BEST and FINEST Cuts of Meats Which You Know and We AU Know, sary Room and Equipment for of All Meats, (Thank You) Goes to Make Up the Very Best, Most Ji icy, and Tender Flavor "PRE-COOLING- Mr. Jeppson's Seventh Grade' Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the parents visited the teachers for further view of the latest period. Most of the parents came. We picked the pictures that were best that the seventh grade has drawn this year and hung them up for spring. From 2:30 to 3:30 the boys go out for track and the girls go out to play ball. April 23 the girls played ball with girls in Elwood. They have played four games and have won them all. We hope they will continue doing it. The boys have played two games and lost one and won one. Mrs. Roosevelt has sent a can to this school for the crusade of children. We are supposed to put as many pennies as we are old to send to the hungry people of other countries. By Delphia Bunderson ", ciii itr CHEESE Kull. 15c CAN - PINK 49 HONEY 25 PEACHES 61c "SPANGLER'S' PAIL 10-L- B. 34 6 LIFEBUOY 'iS Salad Dressing"; CATSUP V DUTCH CLEANSER SALMON Its Mr. Garfield's Sixth Grade Thursday our school went to a free show. It was sponsored by the Junior Cham ber of Commerce. The admission was six tin cans or a broken toy. It is clean up week so they are trying to get us to help them beautify our city by getting rid of unsightly trash. are still studying about birds, We wish to thank them a lot because w going to each have a bird we think this is a very fine thing. We Grade Mr. Henrie's of our own. By Doris Stenquist have had a visitEighth from the Seminaiy By Donna Jean Preston Miss Maughn's Sixth Grade Tues- teacher, Mr. Puzzy, from the high to in the past we have M Ferry's Fourth Grade Last day, Wednesday and Thursday was school, and of the studies we will take was a very big week because parents and teachers conference. Ev- learnedWe have discussed the cleanthere. parents came to visit us. We show ery room had an exhibit for the par- liness of the em the city and wrote papers things we made. I hope ents. Our room has a very nice one. on it. Two papers were chosen from our room to put in the Bear River Valley Leader. Since we started, making our yearbook, there has been much turmoil. We have started all of our summer sports. Frank Landvatter ; s story of the first passengers Me m a balloon. Tney were a iduck and a sheep. They thot Mere the greatest ones in the uui iney were airaia. j in L: said "We must be brave to- - By jMra. Thomaa Ault The M. I. A. classes are nearing Clyde Christensen, son of Mrs. Carclose- of th A. Christensen, had the misforrie will hold their last tune to get his right wrist broke on as ward honor night, next Tuesday while at play with his sisevening, with a special program and' Saturday, ter who was swinging him by the arms. Tuesday, Bishop L. M. Holman was Mr. and Mrs. Merle Wankier and called to the bedside of his father, Mrs. Rasmus Hansen attended a parJ. I. Holman, who with Mrs. Holman cel shower of Mr. and has been spending the winter in Foun- Mrs. Warrenat the home in honor of Mr. Conger, tain, Gieen. Mr. Holman suffered a and Mis. Arthur B. Conger, who were stroke. He Is over eighty years of recently married. The young couple age, but had been enjoying pretty received many useful gifts. gcod health. An uncle of Bishop HolMrs. Henry B. Hansen, Mrs. Sina man. Warren Holman , alsrtV rvf EVv,,, and son, Roy, motored to VUU- - Thorsen tarn Green, passed away very recent- Soda Idaho, Wednesday on Springs, ly and the funeral was Tuesday. business. Mrs. Garrett Pack and small Mrs. Carrie A. Christensen was daughter, of Salt Lake City, are spend hostess to a quilting bee and birthing the week with her parents, Mr. day party at her home Wednesday. One quilt was quilted and delicious and Mrs. W. A. Adams. MJr. ajid Mrs. Leland Watt were refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nelsen and made happy by the arrival of a new of Ogden, spent Sunday visfamily, daughter, Wednesday of last week. This is the second daughter in a fam- iting his brother, Hyrum P. Nelsen. Mrs. Joseph Huggins, Mr. and Mrs. ily of four children. Robert Holman, Urban and Verla HolThe Primary officers gave the chil- man dren a party and treat at the regu- held inattended the funeral services Fountain Green, Utah, Tueslar meeting Tuesday afternoon, which for Warren M. Holman, brother day gladdened the hearts of the kiddies of Mrs. Huggins and Robert Holman. who aie always ready for refreshments as they step from the school buses. The consumption of potatoes and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hansen visited cabbage has decreased slightly durSunday evenfaig with Mr. and Mrs. ing the past 15 years, but the conRulon J. Steed in Logan. The Steeds sumption of salad crops and y had just returned from an extended as has increased vegetables trip east. They visited relatives while transportation and market conditions and motored new home in a away have improved. car. The family relations class of the H i .in ii.. .in... M. I. A. held a social in the Relief ' ' "" ' H ll'll Society room Tuesday after class work. Games and refreshments were enjoyed. j" Mr. and Mrs. Paul Larson are announcing the arrival of their second son, bora Tuesday morning. All concerned are doing nicely. Warren E. Hansen returned Saturday evening from a week's busi- ft ness trip which took him as far north as Northern Montana. Master Jay Benton entertained his boys club at his home Wednesday evening. The boys meet regularly at each other's homes and are saving pennies towards a project. Reed Johnson returned last week from California, where he has been finishing up in school a course he began through correspondence. mti. 919 Cases Communic- DEWEYYILLE W. Brailsford ii vs for i Peterson's Third Grade By Mrs. I . . the i TOEAR III VERITY By Mrs. David Lanoo I PAC3 TTTRE3 25, 1940 17 Regular Pint Bottle .... 21c - 8 SAUSAGE YibbyV. Can -- Rinso or OxydolSff: If aught can teach us aught, Affliction's looks, (Making us pry into ourselves so near), Teach us to know ourselves, beyond all books, Cr all the learned schools that ever Sir John Davies were. rT TP i I Kelvmator k" at ; 6 Bpfrkerator CUBIT FEET S C O R N TUNA I 1 1 'FEELING DITTf J?" ' f VERY Jf IfM Ml' 25 2 1 TQIV3ATOES - MEN! MWBM I M 4 shave and oil the ti p ind get "FiXED UP" with a fm haircut, smooth ." IT WILL PEP YOU UP AND YOU'LL FEEL FINE AGAIN. E BAUHEit SHOP CLIFF BEARD, Msr. 11c 13 25c 4 SPINACH 23 Fresh mmzzzs t f ONIONS - lb. 5 a . , ijxji II vii iiiiji 1 1 kj III 11. I 8 POTATOES POUND "S. ,tfnd:r.od ,i VI AH vuiiuuiaii I I 2K4 15 15 ROASTS cScc,kft LARD : V n,m . . . . . . i II SAUSAGE , L- .. - lib..... '.' Large 3 for DILL .i - I Mi I I - SLICED - 1ST GRADE i.i) 5 13c IB M I M . .. . QUALITY MEATS BACON !! I 25c MM4MMHMaWMHaBM4aaMaM4M 4 Affer Fixing-Uground vour heme, coma in hert YOGU 21 m z BANANAS!!" r t T0ES SHAFTER 3 GRAPEFRUIT !iil1.00 r f- -' "trim-mings- CRAB MEAT STRAWBERRIES 2r,tulT 1 JTCOND' lb I 25 BEANS or PEAS i fill); Will j " DILL PICKLES Mr. Meldrum's Eighth Grade The boys and girls are going to play the first league game of the season with Elwood Tuesday, April 23 at Elwood. We play another game with E!v.d Thursday, April 25 at Tiemonton. We By Grant Smith hope to win. 55c 19C VUC aiJ t 25 10 t |