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Show BEAR IUYZII VALIXT. LEASED MRS. EDITH SCOFFTEID, Local Correspondent . Guy Johnson entertained her club Wednesday at her home. Bridg Higti prize was won by Mrs. Ted Christensen and low by Mrs. Alma "Theurer. yr TO MAKE YOUR HOME MORE LIVABLE JESS GARFIELD 6I.a-1- 3 Kem-osh- (C. CkS) ttuu is- - THESE SUPER VALUES! THE EVENT YOU'VE WAITED FOR BEGINS TOMORROW! BARGAINS GALORE! BIG SAVINGS ON EVERY PURCHASE! 'Sensational Bargain! J i $2- - COATS LADIES' BLOUSES "J."" TEA APRONS SLACK SOCKS - Stric and Plaids Elastic Tops - I'air t 1 A iilffi tjP I $ A g X to for Pretty MEN'S AND BOYS Summer Styles " fttK? t- SKULL CAPS 10 Boy's POLO SHIRTS SUMMER 25 WTLYEvS! i DAM CANVAS $ 9 t1 WORK SHIRTS Ox-Hit8-OZ- . de f, 39; OVERALLS DENIM. Sanforized Shrunk CURTAIN SCRIM HJ 79: LUNCH CLOTHS 371 FLOUlt SACKS Washed, Bleached and Mangled - Eiwh 251 A Perfect Fitting. Shadow t, Ine at 0 ASIi 0 .... Crepe. Popular Iwy StyUt for Summer Wear 98 LADIES' SLIPS Y Rayon Taffeta Slip. IVirgaln Irlre!! Alt Popular Styles In ReguLir and Extra Bi7.es 49i Croadcloth SLIPS 1- - 6ANFOKIZF.D SHRUNK 49 GIRI' T 5! i t 79i New, Dauliby Weave Size S3 to 41 Slips of Rich Rayou SLIPS I SANFORIZED BROADCLOTH They're Comfortable, I,ongwearing 25 Hem- - stitt bing, and Embroidery A Y fAv A ! ! TRIMONTON, I'TAH PHONC 13-- J 0 Mllrj SL IF f when you buy a TRACTOR: XL Duke Ellington How are working parts and his pro- tected? Famous Orchestra A parn of thd "Caterpillar" Diesel Tractor are carefully protected by designed seals and filters. The final drive for example is protected by the copper bellows seal that wards off dust and mud and keeps lubricant around moving parts. Special filters keep fuel oil and air clean. All vital Drop in and we'll answer this question more fully. This is the seventh in a series discussing important points to remember when INTERMOUNTAIN MONDAY, o MAY WHITE CITY BALLROOM OGDEN admission only 50c per person, plus tax Tractor & Harvester REPAIR Phone 110 - LET'S GO! A. E. ROCHE, Prop. Box Elder County Dental Society o April 19, 1910 Friday and Saturday "Charlie McCarthy By doing this you can still keep the dentist of your choice who desires to keep you as a patient by serving you well. DECTECTIVE" "RIDERS OF PASCO BASIN" Sun. Yours very truly, DR. BRYON Tuos. fllon. DR. IIUCHEL .. DR, MARBLE -- DR. MUNNS, Brigham City DR. INNES, Garland disney cautoon tuam:ltalk WwInCvsday & news DR. GREEN, Tremonton Thursday "MAIN STREET LAWYER" "WEST OF THE DIVIDE" the are recommending to the people of this county that they join the Health Service Cooperative of Ogden, (Weber Health Unit). With the future conditions of this country so uncertain, we feel that the management of this health science should be with the dentists and not with a group of politicians. We, being acquainted with the dental needs of our county, fed as though we are in a position to suggest the best plan for those who desire a contract. We are prepared to talk your dental problems over with you, and to offtr you a contract for the same price as the Health Service Cooperative without having to pay the $35.00 initial membership fee. For those who are already members we have a very attractive offer. Before you sign with any solicitors for the Health Service Cooperative we invite you to visit your own family dentist and talk this matter over with him. "SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON" Girls' SATIN SLIPS I TrlnuiKvl with Csiat Sl!,.i, . Snnrt r A few days ago the health committee of the county planning board made a report showing their inability to consummate a deal with the dentists of Box Elder County to do their dental work in their health unit, and they tx OrpheurnTheatre TREMONTON, UTAH SATIN SLIPS , Mrs. Catherine Watkins, of Logan, visited her children here last week. X CYNTHIA SLIPS e To those who have joined and to those who contemplate ioinin Health Service Cooperative of Ogden: ! Compare Quality and Price! ! Mr. and Mrs. Dick Scoffield, of Kaysville spent the past few days with relatives. i l!?jiiiftt(ifteiiifef time the billion kilowatt v " 8 it was announced by r. u " ' ceneral snrir j t. Bald for the 12 months enZf 4 company purchased or A?r' ed for use to its customers 602 kilowatt hours. This lt! h est consumption in l? iod of the company's3' CITIZENS OF BOX ELDER COUNTY: V Children's UNIONS f SUMMER WEIGHT Each L! u Mrs. Grant Seely and children, of Manti, are visiting with relatives. Saturday Special . S3 I 12 months in served by the Utah Po the exceedinp- wmyaiiy i?Bl 1 j E Demand for electro the past selecting a tractor. NOTICE entertained her Mr. and Mrs. William Sorrell, of Salt Lake City, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Marble last Saturday. r U New Material, Opened n BilHonKiW;! r, 37; ESPECIALLY REDUCED FOR THIS EVENT! Each weekend home. Those from here who attended the Federated Womens club at Garland last Saturday were: Mrs. Elmer Winz-leMrs. Douglas Cannon, Mrs. Ted Christensen, Mrs. Reeder Waldron, Mrs. Don Peckenpaugh, Mrs. Owen Johnson, Mrs. Leland Hansen, Mis. J. H. Fronk, Mrs. Guy Johnson, Mrs. Clarence Brough, Mrs. Idella Allen, Mrs. Ross Miller and Mrs. Claudine Harris. T q.9s tHAMBRAYS or 7 COVERTS t 1 HEADQUARTERS! WORK SHOES LEATHER Oil RUBBER SOLES 1 COTTON BATTS f Mrs. The Midland Camp of the Bridge club last Wednesday evening DaughSpecial guests were Mrs. Eithel Kerr ters of Pioneers will mett at the home and Mrs. Gertie Randall. Prizes were of Mrs. Rosa Hunsaker, Thursday, won by Mrs. Valoy Newman, Mrs. April 25 at 2 o'clock. Carmen Richardson and Mrs. Eithel Kerr. 10; In a Choice of Dots, Checks and Figures - Yd. sister-- , Ethel Miller. Mrs. Howard Getz 10 - SPECIAL PRICE - Each 251I AIRPLANE and RANGER Styles I week with Mrs. Chugg's I4 Low t'a-sh- c""' SUMMER CAPS BOV'S LADIES SMART STEP- - QQ I (II' fAn Exceptionally - is- ' f AVENUE PRINTS I 17 . Zt A For Thrifty Sewers! -- Collars. Fast Colors - Sizes 14 C F? t ,N"v,rs DRESS SHIRTS Non-Wi- lt P.KIGHT, NEW HUNTS - Earh Mrs. Jack Chugg and children, of Lynn Iverson, who is attending the Far West, visited the fore part of the L. D. S. Business college, spent last RAYON PANTIES MEN'S SUITS PRICED TO CLEAR! 8 ONLY! - 2BH -- 4. f7!S a, $.00f Water Repellant! - Spot Resistant! A SLIGHTLY SOILED ? m A (IT ftuiforlzatl Gabardines EACH Summer Styles t Bishop and Mrs. James Walton, Mrs J. H. Rhead, C. A. Walton and Mrs. Hattie W. Heninger. of Lucky Strike, Canada, who spent the weekend with hsr cousin, C. A. Walton and family, visited in Gooding, Idaho Saturday, with Mr. Walton's uncle and family. b CLEANUP! 25 ONLY - EACH MEN'S SLACKS I Mrs. Stone entertained her Bridge club at the home of Mrs. E. H. White Thursday. Mrs. Clyde Gephart, of California, was a special guest. Mrs. Alma Theurer won the prize. Much enthusiasm is being shown towards the Firemens ball to be held this Saturday evening. Proceeds are used for a resuscitator. The being Mrs. Jennie Willerton, of Zion City. Ladies Auxiliary deserve much credit Illinois, Mrs. Grace Connell of for their efforts in sponsoring such Wisconsin, Mrs. Charlotte Fer- a benefit. ry and Vesta Ferry of Corinne were guests of Mayor and Mrs. N. E. Shaw Mrs. Robert Billings, of this place, Monday. left for Los Angeles, California, this week to join her husband, who is emMr. and Mis. Joe- Burgess and Mrs. there. Fannie Lower were in Salt Lake City ployed last Wednesday. Miss Margene Shaub, of Logan, is with her sister, Mrs. Francis visiting Mrs. Eli Winzeler, Mrs. N. E. Shaw Moore. and Mrs. George Cropley visited at the home of Mrs. William Fields in Several couples from here attended Ogden, Wednesday. the Lions Inter-Clumeet at Ogden last Friday evening. Mathias Hansen, of Salt Lake City, visited Sunday at the home of his Mrs. Oscar Strand entertained at daughter, Mrs. Earl Marble. a birthday party Friday in honor of her daughter's 8Lh birthday. Fourteen Mrs. E. H. White entertained the friends enjoyed games and Tremonton-Garland Literary club at Mrs". her home last Thursday evening. Sophie Taylor reviewed the book, Mr. and Mrs. Westergard, cf Ogden, Six special visited at the home Days of Our Years of Mr. and Mrs. a guests were present. Ted Chruitcnsen, Sunday. ElectricSerWrp!5 The home living class of the Bear River high school held their first so- cial activity Tuesday morning. The party was held in the two classrooms with all four classes participating. Progressive games were played. Members of the classes directed each table and planned the entertainment. The students chose their partners by drawing score cards which also directed them to their table. Lunch was served to about 80. The refreshment committee was headed by Margaret Ruth Manning. At this party the students had a practical opportunity to use the information about social ettiquette they have been given during the year. Both Mrs. Shurtz and Mr. Walker declared that the party was a great success and all students that were present agreed. ler and Mrs. Dean Capener. Prizes were won by Edith Summers, Vera Stohl, Alfreda Evans and Leone Rice. Mrs. Mildred Ault, Mrs. Pauline Mrs. Leon Kerr entertained her sewAnderson and Mrs. Valera Gctz were ing clug at her home last Thursday in Salt Lake City last Thursday. evening. Special guests were Mrs. Vesta Moore, Mis. Dee Kotter, Mrs. Mrs. Ethel Miller was hostess at Dorothy Kerr and Margene Shaub. the Book Lore club last Wednesday. Mrs. Lyle Tripp reviewed the play, Mrs. David Stander entertained in "Sunup." Guests were Mrs. R. D. An- honor of Patsy Stander's eighth birth derson and Mrs. Vern Watkins. day, last Wednesday. Games were played and refreshments served to ten friends. Bring sunlight into your home with bright, cheery wallpaper. See our complete selection low prices! EXPERT PAPER HANGING MEN'S 8 PORT Class Holds Social w new E. Tremonton - Inquire Ph. B. R. Home Living Mrs. Esther Storr , entertained her Bridge club at her home Wednesday evening. Special guests were: Mrs. Claudine Harris. Mrs. Ann Watkins, Mrs. Adam Brenkman, Mrs. Ross Mil Mar-guret- te Mrs.. 190 Wayne and Bill Sandall attended a Pontiac convention tn Salt Lake City Friday. Wesley Gephart went to Pocatello, Idaho, Wednesday, in the interest of Mrs. Robert Simonsen and son, the Lions club. Gary, of Pocatello. Idaho, were week Mrs. Marie Goldsberry, Mrs. end guests of Mrs. Reeder Waldron. Peckenpaugh and Mrs. Ethel were in Ogden Tuesday. Mrs. LaRene Scott and Mrs. Balland were in Logan Mrs. Lucille Keller, Mrs. Hazel Capener, Phyllis Capener and Effie of Salt Lake City, visited Mrs. Israel Hunsaker entertained McDonald, weekend with relatives over here the the V. G. F. Sewing club at her home and friend3. Brad-shaWednesday evening. Mrs. Dan was a special guest Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Randall and children accompanied Ray Randall to Ray RandaU, of Hyrura, visited Salt Lake City last weekend to visit relatives here last weekend. their mother, Mrs. Amy Randall. f-- IB. m Luella SandaH and Mrs. Eithel Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gephart, of with Mrs, Grant Sacramento, California, were guests Kerr spent the day Lake of Salt City, last Friat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erickson, day. Gephart last week. Local and Social Items Mrs. Parley Archibald Mr. were transacting business in Salt IAka City Wednesday. TSLTPAX AFRIL i Members of the American anl Utah State Dental Society. 6 |