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Show WE VA Ptf I! I T TREMONTON CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1940 I It Think 1o OPPONENTS OF PRESENTVIEWS ed with patriots, each I y determina-Smarm- finrk Farmers of a dicta--'?l- e capturing Hancock jatriots' powder stored at Severe ? O County Officials OPERA 'MARITANA' Local Plant Desires to CONSERVATION Return From Contract 150 Acres Texas Convention TO BE PRESENTED For Tomatoes GROUP OUTLINES P ATM AN BILL years a and sixty-fiv- e TdtU 19tb. the stone walla Bos-lin, Sed from Concord to 'a TWENTY-TW- I Over Bv F. . NUMBER 0sey Mnrmfnrtiir-!Sione- r ers, Retailers, Uphold Chain Stores had ridden during the Officials of Box Elder county, including Treasurer Owen L. Brough, Assessor Fred L. Petersen, Commis- Jer-se-n 811(1 Reorder day morning from Houston, Texas, where they attended a four-da- y convention of the National County Officials association. There were about fifty-fiv- e county officials representing Utah at the convention, together with many others who accompanied them to Houston. According to the local county officials present at the convention, Utah received much favorable advertising by the delegation from this state, and were prominently recognized on all sides. The officials said there wasn't a meeting held that the Utah delegates were not mentioned and praised for their splendid spirit. The representatives from this state were tendered a special breakfast at the Kelly Cafe, or Kelly Corral, as it is known, as the cafe is profusely adorned with relics of early, large stock ranches and the cattle days, with their branding irons and ether equipment used by the famous cowboys of those times. The trip was enjoyable and the in formation derived at the convention should prove of benefit to Box Elder county, Commissioner Jensen said. HEREAPR.22-2- Aside from their usual acreage of peas and beans, the Rocky Mountain Packing corporation are contracting one hundred and fifty acres of ripe tomatoes. The price being paid is $11.00 for first grade and $5.25 for second. In the past this has proved a profitable crop for men who understood tomato growing. While it is a little late in announcing their intention to grow tomatoes here, due to the fact that most of the land has already been seeded to beets and grains or set aside for other crops already contracted, yet It is hoped that this ac reage can be secured, as it will pro long the run of the factory, furnish ing considerable work which Is quite important from the labor aspect. The acreage must be secured within the next day or eo, according to plant officials. 4 First Ward M. I. A. to Offer Musical Treat Free 1940 LABOR RATES Wages for Production of Beet Minimum Crop Announced to his call Farmers, manufacturers and retailand the response The Tremonton First Ward M. I. A. Minimum rates to be paid laborers based ers testified in that a new government, is pleased to announce that the opera, emphatic opposition in the production, cultivation, or harwas and soul, this week to the Patman "death senSm of body "Maritana," will be presented to the vesting the 1940 sugar beet crop proto take its place among the tence" chain store tax bill as opponpublic three nights next week. The ducers of Box Elder county who apply ents of the measure began presenta0f the world. Monfirst will be for payments under the Sugar Act, given presentation ;7red ccats shot their way thru tion of their arguments before a 22, at 7:30 p. m. for all were announced today by II. E. Lar-seApril day, then House Ways and Means subcommiton and on to Concor.d, under Mutual age. On Tueschildren chairman of the county Agriculnarrow lane fenced with stone tee. 23, at 8:15 p. m., Tremonday, tural April Conservation association. Tand locust trees to the "rude ton First and Second wards are inMr. Larsen said that the act re They condemned it as a staggering "shot met the where they blow to the nation's economic life that vited to attend. No children under quires, as one of the conditions of Ground th3 world." Dictatorship would benefit a Mutual age will be admitted. Wednesinof that all persons employed minority group payments, d ceived its first ser" efficient small business men on a farm in the production, cultivaat the day, April 24, at 8:15 p. m. the problowduction will be shown to all other expense of the consumer, farmer, man tion, or harvesting of sugar beets bo and ufacturer lane with the stone walls Bear River Stake wards. Each perthe and public. general paid in full for such work at rates not They is side one On are still there. formance will be held in the Tiemon-to- n said it would undo all the gains in less than those determined to be fair Tcommon grave of the hirelings distribution made in the United States First Ward recreation hall, free and reasonable by the Secretary of is re fit king- The "mde blide" of charge. Everyone is cordially insince the turn of the century. Agriculture. i'ed by concrete and beyond it on vited to attend. E. C. Sams, president of J. C. PenThese rates were set up following Sound is the statue of a minute and a former small inney The Company of public hearings and are as follows: the opera, "Maritana" story the with his flintlock, facing and thinning: $8 per acre retailer rose who is full of gay romance, dark intrigue to dependent Blocking the I as if still watching for the enemy presidency of one cf the country's or 40 cents per hour. and much comic relief. With C. C. would destroy bis liberty, First hoeing: $2 per acre or 35 Watkins as director and Shirley Wat-lan- d chains, said the bill would be observe largest CLUB cents j'aine and Massachusetts a "staggering blow" to the nation's as accompanist, members of the per hour. snlWth as a holiday, Patriots' Day, Second and subsequent hoeings or cast life economic and have would to aid to the effort forth put eveiv I by aside their regular work to cost of living of every American fam $1 per acre or 35 cents per achieve a weedings: performance. Gives hour. itoor to those humble patriots, ily of limited means. Tha title role is being sung by Flornu ana umuiuvm, v The bill would destroy the finest ence McFarlane, who is well supportTopping and loading: on a time bathe bridge or from the stone of opportunity in America tosis, 45 cents per hour. ed by the following cast: Arch Richfield ree-struck their first blow for f On a piecework basis: ardson as Don Caesar, Richard Anday for youth of humble station to it would be well for patriots, rise to Net Tons Rate derson as Charles II, D. C. Watkins of importance in the positions are enjoying this liberty through a of member the Per Acre Streeper, Ton Sargeant Per as Don Lazbusiness as said. Sams Jose, Augusta Brough world, I our whole nation to pause on 6 or below faculty of the Bear River High School $1.30 as Ruel Robbins "Chains have towns small Aarl anlla, Tony, brought I toy for a moment and look with the same $1.23 Bennett as Jacques, Kennedy Seager reviewed the book "Inside Europe," low prices formerly only t AnpTnlf?! that are fnr thp at the Lions regular 8 CJta $1.16 as available in Ed as de Enrico, Sams said. SI cities," Krey large Marquis ing along the hedge and sneak9 $1.10 and Faun Quinney as meeting and luncheqn, held in the thus checked the drying up cf Mqntefiori, "They Midland Dining room Wednesday ev- - j 10 pmti us in the dark. $1.05 our country towns, which otherwise Marchiqness Montefiori. Mr. Streeper stated that time jjjr present enemy is not here with 11 $1.01 The chorus includes Faun Quinney, ening. would be caused faster and easier by in would not permit to give a detailed and uniform. He is working 12 , .97 Chain Maurine Ruth more also leave (' Sandall, Gayle Quinney, transportation. reafor of the book and for that midst, writing propaganda 13 .94 For- Archibald. Margaret Olson, Fayola review in the community than their money son he would direct his review on tire papers and uttering glib speeches .91 It in the form of higher , Robbins, Nelda Andreason, Madelyn three ,J competitors JI. tie radio, inougn uirecttu uy major dictators Stalin, Hitler 15 .89 Sumtares Nell and Marion rents." Andreason, Puzey, and Mussolini. k in citizens' dress, the propagan- - wages, 16 .87 L. S D. Sams insisted Carl and Howard Smith mers, competent Wadley indepenstill in the pay of foreign powBefore devoting his time directly to 17 .86 The orchestra is composed of D. B. dent merchants had nothing to fear the three mentioned above, he gave IS or above .85 former Leon 74, Green t, Rose, befrom Valeea from bishop the Alley chains Crowther, competition Wesley I creates strife between groups. a brief resume of Norway and SwedWhen are and Box of perElder of and topping loading Don Fishburn, Jack Anderson, cause, "There is no monopoly on pioneer Plymouth jndermines our ideals. The old showing that they have the high- formed by different persons, 30 perbrains and efficient methods." He County, died Friday at 3:45 p. m. at Lydia Janson, Mary Ellen Christen-se- en, est of worVf iM forms of dictatorial govera- all Most of standards living. cent of the above rate Is to be1 paid after an illhis home in and Shirley Beard. their activities in a commercial way for loading. whether represented by a warned that independent merchants ness of ten Plymouth, The would rise consumer of directed Mildred days. dancers, by cooperatives b e i n s throueh cooperatives. He the Third, or a Hitler, or a If, because of unusual circumstancThe deceased has been a faithful Bttosell, are Gayle Quinney, Anna said in if the chains were destroyed. The Penive dressed up until they look speaking of dictators, the late es, it is essential to employ labor on S. D. member of the and active t. Katherine Verle Watkins, Abbott, ney Company employees 30,000 perTurkish dictator was the most dras- other than a piece-rat- e sifting new and attractive. basis for opfatm stockholders and buys Church, having served as bishop of Baker, Dean Madsen, Max Fridal and tic and ruthless of all of them. b all join with Maine and sons, has 17.800 erations for which only piece rates are for eleven years. Owen Brough. Ned Oyler, Francis ward the anworth cf $282,000,000 Plymouth merchandise kisetts on the 19th, while they n Icnj Stalin, he said, was probably the specified, or if the use of special mahe Prior to his appointment as bishop, Norr, Denzil Ballard and David Fri- most to the patriots of the past nually from 5500 manufacturers, rith powerful individual In the world chine methods of planting, cultivation. p he served as a counselor to the bishop dal are soldiers. said. because of the size of the coun or harvesting reduce the amount of fa confidently face the future, First, in active had been He 33 The production staff headed by Ed The farmers' viewpoint was present- for years. I lis fog and confusion the spirit over which he rules, and secondly, labor try required as compared with the ed Rory Collins, who said he was other capacities as a home mission- Fronk as manager and Margaret R. his powerful organizations of p Revere will ride again. Amer- - an by common method in use in the area for teacher. ward and to as God "honest ary assistant from includes Tripp Farmer," oltrpi manager, atriots will oarties in all countries. He is the always defend their Hood He was born in Farmington August Harold Sandall, scenery; Vaudis operations for which rates are N't River, Oregon, and a member iron with a wonderful psy- man a 0f and the minimum wage rate is specified, of the Oregon state board of agricul- 27, 1865, a son of Alley Stephen Vion Madsen costumes; Brough, and an unlimited endurance; to be sique was reared He Rose. Smith Alvira make-upagreed upon between the proture. Collins said he opposed the n ; Mildied Bunnell, dancing cunning and a great organizer. Like ducer and the laborer. In both cases bill because it would destroy the and educated in Davis County. He and staging, and Ethel Miller, ice to All Hitler, in one respect, he is not a the rate must be approved by the principal market for farmers' pro- married Alvira Annie Welling March; a South as classed is Russian but of as being equiAAA Followcommittee State in 1889 the 14, Temple. Logan to raise consumers and ducts, prices Georgian, bom in a province which valent to the piece rate specified for "raise havoc generally." ing their marriage they moved to and Russian not is classed as strictly to ATY Collins related how the chains as- Plymouth, where they have since re- W. f " present time there are a a different dialect than such work in the determination. quite speaking in of cases of ''J If the producer and the laborer f contagious disease sisted farmers in disposing of a Bart-le- sided, Mr. Rose being engaged Russia proper. Co. S. A. tte cty and it has been learn- CStft in writing that the laborer is to agree pear surplus through a nation- farming. k Hitler, he said, has a "it in some receive the sum of the payments speThe deceased is survived by his ; homes where these wide sales campaign which gave the district cooperative mind and always comes back when cified for blocking and thinning, and rs have occurred they have not farmers $25 a ton instead of the S10 widow and the following sons and W. J. Thayne, will the next week, diverted to his former idea or plan. the first and second hoeing, regardspecialist, spend E,Pm f properly reported to the city they expected. He said the chains daughters, Mrs. Annie Rose Steed, of 15 to 20, in Box Elder county, He is classed as one being with doubt less of the number of I'iin for hoeings actuThe law were always willing to place their Virginia, Idaho; ilrs. Estclla Jensen, April quarantine. with Glenn F. Cowan, county ful physical courage and is also class- ally required, the payment of this working it of Adelie Mrs. of Johnson, commun-f all manditory that Payson; mass distribution facilities at the disRR supervisor, Rex Lowe and Ray ed as having not a single friend in amount will be deemed to meet the diseases must be reported posal of the farmer when he faced Biigham; Mrs. Phoebe Archibald, Finch, assistant supervisors. the sense of true friendship and of this determination of and where there is any a crisis. and Ralph W. Rose, of Plymouth; The speaker said that out 1 is It to meet with of planned many and reasonable fair Lake of Salt wages for block, City; Physician must be called to Rose, on was Stephen of Collins insisted the chains discourthem the FSA cooperative groups during of 05,000,000 not one ine the and weeding. ing, thinning, hoeing nature of the disease. aged loss leader selling and cited the and Mrs. Alta Jensen, of Provo. this friend of basis "thou" and "thee" week, and any other organized r rates When five than the and two wage higher earnestly requested that grandchildren "tremendous benefit" of chain drives Twenty are agreed upon between note and also survive. Mr. group, who through good business ship. foregoing give their fullest to reduce farm surpluses. In the last nazi electiem, only management or necessity, should care and laborers the payment of ption to prevent the spread of John E. Rice, representing the Mas- Henry Rose of Tremonton, Mrs. Wil- to investigate the votes were pulled for him and growers i which cooperative such rates is required. Mrs. pio may reach serious pro-- l' sachusetts fruit growers' association liam Hawes, of Idaho Falls, and gram as outlined in the Farm Security that his supposed heighth of popularif not properly handled. said destruction of the chains would Arthur Barber, of St. Anthony, Idaho Administration. ity in the election previous onlyinterI DR. GEORGE C. FICKLIN smash the New England farm market are surviving brothers and sisters. He hates everything F. A. ine Og- and I City community cooperative held were Funeral services Monday service of Physician. are international and insisted American were united in Jews The national. the Farm Admin Security in the Plymouth Ward. opposition to the Patman bill. istration makes it possible for group and that was the reason given for his U. M. John Religion Is internaWells, representing the Of e ownership of machinery and purebred hatred of them. An inspection of the packing plant for that is based scorn his S. potters' association and J. F. Teeple and tional stock at a cost to be borne by a group to be Held in Ogden was made this week by the 29 Wisconsin shoe manufacturer, said the where Individuals would not be able on this idea. to finance the above mentioned needs Patman bill threatened the security Mussolini is termed as a shrewd and Future Farmers of Bear River high and seen some of workers of hundreds a possible far wiser man than Hitler, who school. individually. riots, but you -- ' seen The boys saw how a pig is handled has stoie just The Farm Security Administration thinks through and dees not act on ours," says Al Turner, bankruptcy to small manufacturers. Seager's Variety from the knock on the head to the as and of the Bear as not ruthless is He in out idoned the not have extensive does remodeling "Chains unadvocate impulse. valleys completed River Wild Life going in debt and wrapping of the bacon. foi added two curing his in conquest which has greatly t;dJn of this valley when production which are the bane of man necessarily, but it does attempt to as- the other AL saw how steaks are cut. also They and lacuiues and have said. in sist expansion. t the trailing display "They financing machinery and live- power PrSram, lunch and ufactureis." Teeple After Store leaving the plant the boys stock wherever there is a need and the membership of tlie nrrvntnrl cithpr hiivfrs from t;ikin:...f thia nnmilnr little variety Only the highlights of Mr. Streep , resolved that to be held nis they would not sell any in Mr. space times Accordinsr to where the filling of that need will cr's review can be given here and is Seager, at the Crystal advantage of manufacturers canner stock for fear they might get increased been has to of area in Monday, April 29. assist fund valuable an index the of distress." onlv the income and trading ef farm raising information on so current anil piom it back in wiener worsts. Charles F. Adams, treasurer of the 100 per cent. The remodeling was done groups. l ?!w of th meeting is two-- 3 10 nl'st stores of such one ine.nt a subject. The club members the of i a large member-- - First National Stores, charged af tc the style '. e model - i a would considered have been glad to have listen t the tt restore bill monopwould u3 Aneeles, Patman association; as and second, Co. maae a social ed much longer to this intelligent and , gathering where fun oly once held by organized middle- in this respect. Mr. Seagerstore and interesting review. We like you very men and wipe out advantages brough personal inspection of this To predominate. much. Mr. Streener. come again, was d 0rdial invitation 13 to producers and consumers by the the work has been dene under his entire The purchase of the Shuman propa differsaid the only direction. ?e membership in the chains. Adams Bear River Stake Quarterly Confer- the sentiment expressed by the club who membership. erty adjoining the Fronk Chevrolet ence will convene in the Stake TabHere is one of our own boys the riot of fun. ence between voluntary chains and Alma Theurer and Rudy Miller Co. was consummated during the his company was the fact that their has had ideas of merchandising and ernacle on Sunday, April 21, at 8:30 were awarded keys for exceptional week by Mr. Fronk, manager, who foresight to a. m. All priesthood Melchizedek and profits go to 2,000 merchants while has had the courage and to the club. service states that he expects to at and is "ours go to 8,000 stockholders." establish a store and making good. Aaronic will meet in the Garland Other matters of business included enlarge his quarters within the near to Ware! consumer All same hour. save the eight Chapel at the for advertising funds ami future. nsorllobby Show Chains women will meet in the Garland Ward the voting ten per cent on purchases, he said. business relating to the club's actiMr. Fronk states that the addition Relief Society room. said chain stores were exthe absence of Lion Presi- that will be put on the corner will In vities. ''ofei D; S. Institute will be Adams at be will held sessions General to loss loader selling. dent Wes Gephart, Vice President bo very modern and will be used in Northern Utah and posed 10:00 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. In concluding testimony of proponMiller conducted the meeting. connection with his sales and service at a "obby show at The church welfare workers, ward Rudy in filtd bill, two witnesswas of ents the Patman suit A $10,125 damage y4tlL of the Chevrolet and Buick cars. noon. "how will reversed themselves and announced disti .ct court Monday by Ixrin Arch- and stake T.will meet at 12:00 eventhe ' at".- outstanding pro-j- es conduct M. A. will The ADIl'STMKNT DEBT FARM unexpectedly the bill is "class legisla- ibald, of Plymouth, against th Davis A theme of session commencing at 8:00 p. m. EAST TREMONTON FARM MEETING SET I'OU WVM. tion and unconstitutional." The probank, a corporation, for the ing 1?ofh'l.becar,ie1 t with ceeded to offer substitutes. Tnv Cou.vty death BUREAU TO MEET APRIL 23 ArchFarrell son. his of alleged of th ijle8 from an corners were T. J. chairn.an C. Robert IHriis. in the owned rriestly, Philadelphia plint ibald, aue seven, who dt Dr. Morris, of the U. S. A. C. at farm Debt adjustment committee, er, and Jacob Schulman, retired merch Udy Warm Springs, about five miles n meet-into that inform the will meet with the Ea;-- t Tre Called Lognn, public 1939. ant from Paterson, N. J. southwest of Plymouth, July 30, of the Farm Debt Adjustment monton Farm Bureau Tmsday. April of owner is The Davis County Mnk hobblsts to A meeting will b committee will be held at the Midland 23, at 2 o'clock, at the home cf Mrs. ANNOUNCEMENT the land uron which the spri is are held Republican party at 8 o'clock in Hotel Thursday, April 25, at 2:30 p. John O. Garfield, to landscape their evening Friday their hobbies Lions Club rooms for the pur- m. and that any person having farm yard and to give instructions in Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson, of located. the the when occurred TV,,, Rh0Wand debt difficulties is Invited to attend Will k Tremonton, announce the engagement Archibald from a rub- pose of electing precinct officers conslipped 'Ven t0 the youth Carrol to the meeting and present this case to It la desired that all members be to the county attend HbV of their daughter, Wilma, ber Tube on which he was floating, delegates 25. committee. of East the present. at April Dclos Adams, vention son City of Brigham Adams, it was reported. chairman. Garland. be-t'J- m jW - t i News-Jcurn- J n, "INSIDE EUROPE" REVIEWED AT LIONS Sanreant Streeper well-finish- Interesting Review al Of Current Book f. EON A. ROSE OF PLYMOUTH J semi-monthl- PO y DIES FRIDAY . n .. 5 rr- -. Services Held for mer Bishop; Active .Member 1 1. is - Gep-har- n, i ccm-muni- 1r st , U(l'i Pat-ma- Residents Tremonton City J. Thayne With tt F. Meet Groups one-trac- im-H'e- ly - f- par-jpk- e great-grandchildr- F. f Federation Apr. f Inspect deii Packing Plant Sealer's Variety Store Recently Remodeled f . speak-i-4rtSPWi- al , f'wn h-j,- ; Fronk Chevrolet Buys Shuman Property Quarterly Conference Convene Sunday i. JUn f Loan to ld Damage Suit Filed Against Davis Bank S5 C 'A C - Republicail Meeting for Friday i;nvUedan 'JJt dinu-nlnc- r - out-nmin- K g |