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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1840 IP - I'll" 1 FAG2ITX73 ' nd. George U the Beaver County school president and attended a meet spent Saturday evening in Erighara end in Ogden visiting her mother, to a biilhday party in honor of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hurst, of Brl&-hain? at Salt Lake City for all the Summers sister, Maxine. City, spent the weekend with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Petersen, of couty presidents. Mrs. G. L. Miller ; t Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Clayton, of Bur-I- t and Mrs. Nela Anderson. Brigrham City, called on relatives and anJ toe Misses Lael and Geniel Miller Schok-Mrs. and and y, Rudy Idaho, Peterson and small Bert Mrs. sop ' friends- Tii " mi. Petersen inot accompanied them to Salt Lake City spent last Friday and Saturday in returned to their home in Bingham, leturned from a National Countv Of-- 1 Satuiday, Wendell's name was among visited Mr. and after spending the week with Mr, and tho9e n the honor ro11 of the Wtlxr Salt Lake City. They ficers convention in Texas. He J Mrs. J. J. Newman, and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. reports Stark. PENftOSE j : , . 0 i ?u M V' . - . a very having had "reconvention. Mrs. J. Wilford Miller entertained Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nelson and at a lui!titlS' on Monday. A delicious Mrs. Josf-pBcrchtold, of Briham dnyier was served to eleven ladies. uons Miner assisted n r mother were cupsts of M-R. .pht,.i,r0 and wife. Mr, and Mrs. Ei sol Berch- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Peteiser. told. were in Ogden Thursday on business. nice trip to the h Ar- - I t:13 Tarence Wesley has given guite a few demonstrative dinners in our vicinity during- the past few weeks. On Saturday evening one was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Starlin Stan-fil- l. Dinner was served to ten people. Elders Fridal and Glen Garfield, of the Seventies, were in attendance at Sacrament meeting Sunday evening. They gave some very inspirational talks. Miss Delia Petersen spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Petersen. Miss Lael Miller and Wendell Miller of Ogdcn, accompanied their brother, George Miller, who is teaching school at Milford, Utah, home for the week - Get your mother, dad. brother, aunt, uncle and neighbors to buy here and give you the scamps Mis. Orval Grover, of East Gailan entertained Sunday at a birthday dinner in honor of heT mother. Mis. Fred W. Petersen. Members of the family from here were present. Mrs. Hazel Petersen entertained for her Blue Bird class of the Primary Friday. Refreshments were served and a good time was had. BOTH WELL I Maurine Anderson spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Anderson. Mr. andM rs. Merlin Summers and daughter Shenna, and Betty Summers R. T. Vincent. Last Tuesday, Relief Society was held at the home of Mrs. Dean Hall. The lesson was given by Firth. A very interesting article was read from the Genealogical magazine by Jennie Firth. The remaining time was spent making quilt blocks for the Relief Society. A very delicious lunch was served. A large crowd attended. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Scholer and family and Mr. aid Mrs. L. A. Clayton, of Burley, spent last Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Torritt. Miss Wanda Anderson, Miss Gladys Newman and Cecil Newman spent Monday in Ogden. Mrs. Bert Firth and Mrs. Guy Bosley spent last week end in Salt Lake attending conference. Mrs.B erth Firth and daughter, Mrs. Jesse Nichols, and Mrs. Earl Firth were in South Weber Wednesday, ge tting genealogy. Mrs. Leslie Allen spent last week D.-oth- y George Mrs. Fannie Payne and daughter,, Gladys, and Mrs. Thyres Sessions ' spent Wednesday in Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Firth, Mr. Zollinger and Wanda Anderson eperit Sunday morning at Howell, where Mr. Firth had charge of the program. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Davis, Mr. andl Mrs. Merlin Nelson, of Perry, wa thi Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Edna. Nelson. In the past month there has been 5,300 trees planted in and The ones that are planted in the church house lot are taken, i care of by the Boy Scouts and Trail ' I Builders. Miss Maurine Marble and LaGrand-Burton- , of this community will be' married Thursday, April 18. They will hold their wedding dance in the BoU-well ward hall on Friday, April 1DL.' The public is invited to attend. We congratulate them. ', around'-Botbwell- . s I nakes it possible for us OUR modern meat service 'J te promise you tender, luiry weols...grond tasting I THESE . . . AND MANY MORE GIFTS FREE WITH STAMPS. ALL to Mr. Jack S. Clifford, of JIast garland David Larson i i I Jae Primary organization, under supervision of President Lottie and her officers and teachers, i the annual spring festival evening of last week in the rreatiqnal hall. Seemingly all the jresented Ssraday ildren participated and did very H Much time and labor had been the children and The Primary d are to be for their efforts, f social time was enjoyed Monday fcrjng by the Primary officers and Mere at the home of President raided in training leaking costumes. and teachers of-ie- rs com-jtide- A I tie Potter. Ir. and Mrs. Kenneth Shaffer and and Mrs. Sherman Oyler visited relatives in Salt Lake City on J lay. Farming-to- Rela-Iver- tI i i 1 5 f XX cK JrS - w&pw; fc) I I I I the carea water heat- - methods when you in- ,; . stall completely crutomatia .... w Hectrlc Water Heating in your home. Water is heated to the exact temperature you desire and is automatically stored for your use. When you want it. day or night, anytime of the year . . . just turn the tap. You never need give it a thought once thia equipment is installed in Tour home. Automatic Electric Hot Water Service ests no more than less conven-kn- l methods averaging less than $3 a month lot the hundreds of families now enjoying thi toefree service. Don't wait come in and get d, facts today. . You too, will take Permanent vacation oter wN7I LJ jsJtAl heating methods. SEEYOWlDEHLEHOIi 1 Riff i- mi II I.kL -- I I 1 - JIM A-- . i LT w Safeway meats... your money batkl i R AV A T s ATIN- III Morrell Pride Whole or Half - Lb. GROUND BEEF .25 PORK STEAK 25 PORK CHOPS ... LAMB LEGS IS SiSft ED l. 23 19 14 SIRLOIN STEAK SLICED BACON BACONS. T-BO- &. NE MILD POUND l . . CANTERBURY GREEN - y2 LB. DINNERETTE NO. 2 CAN - 3 SIEVE lb SPAGHETTI, Sonny Boy MARSHMALLOWS 4 cans - - 17 22? 12? 28? 9? 19? except chicken, mushroom, 3 cans 26? DUCHESS, Dressing 23? qt. jar 12? AIRWAY COFFEE - lb SOUP, Campbell's A TaJI Can ... 20 29 r ilillO PINEAPPLE at Oy 10 10 AH-In-O- Quart D1?ADC Harper House No. 2'2 Can .. 3 Nf Can!" 11 CHIPS L8oczhSg.e. ... 15 GR. BEANS GERBERS 23 23 29 u, 2,b CORN ca .........7 cy Kernel 3 Cans 25 ' AEROWAX Quart 35 CATSUP TUNA FLAKES 9 15 10 3 20c te COOKIES Zd-- US' SUGAR BROWN LBS 15c S0DASL2!x 15c CASCADE 19c EDWARDS 10c PINEAPPLE "ut'sB2tcnan iI 4lC CIIDIIDP Jul UllD TISSUE, Zee - 4 rolls SPAM, All Purpose Meat Can SALMON, Chum, tall can KLEENEX, 500 count box, New Short Can 3-l- b. ........ STEAK FRANKS th ening -- WHITE MAGIC Lb LUNCH MEAT 220-OZ- 29 15 17 l. Cello Wrapped 6 to 8 lb. Average - Lb. Julia Lee Wright Lbs Baby Beef BUTTER 2 LB.JAR 21c BREAD CHEESE TEA PEAS 2 Pork Lb. 1 COCKTAIL 2 0, 23 ROLLED ROAST P-N- UT fii""' 011 i "Bi m f) " mm A' T.:V IS a v KHI(5S You con forget ' ZCl wv - hr C l A w vis-b- one-ha- lf , n, Connecticut. The young peoplewill reside in his home city. A large group of ward members in attendance at the Logan Temple Friday. The Singing Mothers rendered the songs at the morning meeting. Bishop L. M. Holman and R. J. Potter motored to Salt Lake City on church business, Wednesday. Mrs. Holman and Mrs. Potter accompanied them. A crowd of men and boys were busy cleaning up the town ball park Wednesday. The last foundation remains of the old school building were trucked away. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Boothe, of Ogden, were Sunday visitors of D. E. Adams and family. Elders Floyd Johnson and Glenn Busenbark, of Beaver ward, and Dean Capener of Garland, were speakers Sunday evening in church services. Plans have been received for the beautification of the chapel grounds and ward officers hope to begin work Fred Grover entertained on Hay afternoon in honor of her e Wayne's, birthday. soon. from Tremonton. present e parch James P. Christensen local Sunday School Sunday Shearing and handling the wool clip is a spring job for sheepmen. From I', and Mrs. Richard West, of Clin- - 16 to 24 million pounds of wool are fc former resident here, announce shorn annually in Utah from one and marriage of their daughter, Elna, million to three million sheep 3. 1 for any reason whatever yoa dissatisfied with a purdase of Soap with Hand Lotion Ingredient- - 2 Pkg z. 15c 19c 21c 15c 1 L -- Jn JK FRESH PRODUCE BANANAS 5 ORANGES SlOu. 29 LETTUCE ca V GRAPEFRUIT KW. 19 LGb.,den..Ri!e. 2 Bunch, 5 RADISHES 2 Bunches 5 ASPARAGUS Lb 5 CARROTS LEMONS 'Sen CABBAGED SPINACH 3 l 13 2 10 EAT OUR FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR REAL FOOD VALUES! C03IE, SEE THE CLEAN, MODERN WAY OF HANDLING FRESH PRODUCE ; |