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Show i first ;pairs This SPICY TOMATO SAUCE before he sailed. As Mr. Welles prepared to sail for home, Rome reported that he carried a Hitler eleven-poin- t peace proposal. The points: 1) general disarmament; 2 formation of a small, inde pendent Poland; 3) Czechs, Slovaks, and Hun garians to be allied to the Reich; 4) Austria forever in the Reich; 5) re turn of German colonies within J3 years; 6) formation of a Danubian Federation bossed by Germany and Italy; 7) guarantee of the Balkan status quo; 8) Germany's remaining Jews to migrate; 9) no trade baniers; 10) free passage of the Suez foegui nine in 1944; 11) Tunisia! At anv rate, the Brenner parley wa3 the prelude to Hitler's diplomatic if not militaiy spring drive arive, and the Allies certainly did not like it Bolini I U of TIME The Weekly Kewsmaiasine i Itd by tU Idlton a stopper. At week's end, after his EAST TREMONTONj over Pan Fried Meat Cakes is a flavor booster Miss Dorothy Jones, of Milad. was a weekend visitor at the home of Mr. uyt Dorothy Greig and Mrs. J. O. Garfield. Mrs. LaVon Garfield wa3 hostess cakes for thesa meat idea on TIE jauc the Jolly Associate- cub Thursday. to but with created and tang Doris Fridal spent Sunday in test Mrs. tu mind to lend tip. Salt Lake City, visiting with her son to the meat cakes. When you bar tasted It you will promptly agree Jim, who is undergoing treatment at make this sauce, that it does. To condensed the hospital. tomato use as a base The ladies Farm Bureau met wren the from cornea It soup just as Ada Calderwocd Wednesday, Mrs. like can and go on from there Rose Kerr as associate hos Mrs. with this: and instrucuve An tess. interesting The Spicy Tomato Saucet tomato soua lS can condensedsugar program was enjoyed by all. tablespoons Elwin and Faye Garfield spent the vinegar ta tablespoons 4iv weekend and Monday with their moth Mix together and heat, simmer er. Mrs. Ada Garfield. for about 8 minutes to blend the Faye Fridal and her school friend. flaTorB. Strain out the cloves and Marion Palmer, spent the serve with the meat cakes. with Faye's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K season- The Meat Cakes: mashed potatoes, parsley, H. Fridal. lV4pound beef (ground) Inrra TnllStOrri Bnd fCZl CliX thOP Mr. and Mrs. Jess Garfield were cup pork (ground) cook i cup onions, chopped oughly. Form into cakes and Ogden visitors, Monday. cup parsley, chopped la melted tat in a pan untu we H cup mashed potatoes Mrs. May Butler and Mrs. ianme 6. for browned. Enough 1 teaspoon salt from hot cakes C. meat Done, of Salt Lake City, were the Serve the teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon prepared mustara dinner guests Wednesday of thvir sisthe pan and over each serrtoc afritf,?Kina tha rrnund beef and spoon the sauce generously. What ter, Mrs. Ada C. Garfield. In the ogood. and we tell they're Trenton did youyes, ternoon they visited in pork. Then add the chopped onions, Cornish with relatives. Stohl's. Rolling, cleaning, grindi.;;;. Velvon seed barley Stohl's Warehouse 1 - rumored purchase of New York's if it Yankees flickered out, he was a man peace real be without a public future. "California. Daily dish of Harold if the iru"- - Ui te rect'6Ickes. Interior Department Secretary, - is trouble; if none is handed him, he emaU nauui ,oVV:, It P60 seeks it 0ut But last week be turned neighbors. ul nowerf freedom up in San Francisco's Hotel Mart Hop raX peac6 if 1$ fear W kins in a new role: pacifier. Frobicm for tribute. peace if wor- Mr Ickes had come to pacuy: Cali ..Mil I .J fornia's besieged Governor Culbert Ol fVl Id sonson wanted to name and head a President - n lflHL . hse . ntace. He Term III ticket in the May 7 primary. So did Warhorse William Gibbs iic - Adoo, now a shipping magnate. A split Accoiding to a study of 123 of its S.opint ..J hpell ,adetbatU. 1, ,i r.,, oanl in IVlf nroiects bv the Rural Electriticatior. w j aa uau. Joan Administration durimr the summer of Tv smiling Mussolini hndwa?on s axles, miffht let ahead. 1939, the proportion of their members Adolf Hitler in Garner's delegates romp home foothills of the Alps. A Donald Duck for publicity purpos Kavin? various electrical appliance ' to Ickes how quacked was: radio, 82.4 per ce,nt; electric iron Slin came stories that ed only, Secretary assorted Cali S4.2 per cent; washing machines, 58.9 to dozen sense a and when hard Moin the Axis, 32.3 per ctni vast peace mov- e- fornia Democrats in 36 crowded hours per cent: refrigerator, water pump cent; 31 toaster. per consolidated on a for all get them to agree icnthat would beCzechonnri vacuum cleaner . - iok nar48 xa.u lJ ' thus headless ticket, sendmg Munich was for July 15 21.3 per cent. -mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmft rTToomed in the background monv delegates to Chicago re assured Then Mr. Ickes solemnly TT. a. citi- I . porters he was in California solely on III W,Wh ll'Vi more clearly than Interior affairs, headed East, passing his 66th birthday on the train. tie ice World War II Ohio. Orecon. John Garner, never a the between , President Roosevelt man to throw good money after bad, Ger-?f- ? last week declined to enter Ohio's and the aims of Nazi d Mav 14 piimary, on the ground that Minister them: "To unchain the State committee had sewed up the 52 Buckeve delegates for Team Hi. on the he entered Oregon's May 17 men of masses Instead, ?S , set jwo organize hate and suspician mimarv. seeking: 14. Illinois. As police searched for the Nucleoid calculation." It was a 1 I! :1 too, in which the President's "little black book" slush fund record '.1, of a good peace was measured kept bv the late F. Lynden Smith ' ' rm - -- 1 I i Cut! rv, tt,t World Revolution as Lenin mme. March 18) Illinois Labor's claim it3 threw ying League presented its T Z strength to Term III, from top to bottom, up- - ed 2O0.000-vot- e Le the old beliefs, shattering the thus defying C. I. Oligarch John L. the Iawis. ' ' ' ' I a Editions, the old moralities, .. 1 one found defective! , 1L . J Massachusetts. Last week a judici old the system customs, atomizing become rallying ously picked Democratic delegation of 4t its institutions do not like the 72 men, carrying 34 votes itweive who Ms or people 1 I at large; four .maW in each of 15 districts), was Special! V U formally lined up under the Term III I i AVxngBowSet iKLOW'S BOMB hanner. pledged to eive lip service to Our reghas Big Jim Farley, vote service to Frank 9)'6izes. 69c. "Jaunty Lester Pence Barlow , tt ular 4S LSI Roosevelt. S price D. lin Idered on how to make a living, Sale Price f CI Wwf n : tl 1 vote in Chat f straw a In Tennessee. to hew jf to redistribute wealth, cast for were ballots 10,909 tanooga, L Set of 4 ike liquor bottles unrefutable. But Term II; 2,013. tat has mainly wrinkled his brow ' .... X I been how to end war. Like a good "B" Boffery Big fcntor, he tried to solve his problem DIPLOMATIC FRONT Value g expiobieasy way: a a!' A'SitW aav.. rev S. U. 45 volts. New official Full Sumner Welles, which would annihilate whole regestock. tire deals ever offered by fresh sensational Rome in most back arrived of the for One nts, spoil everyone's stomach ing ourcnaseu nuui uus were c ThacA tiros ti$1.25Volua.SolePrie lier fighting. Last week little, after a trip to Berlin, Pans, lionaun. once advances. hefore i fortrtrips. Minis saw Foreign without delav he old Mr. Barlow fcky, minThese factors, plus season. his office in Baltimore, Md. ter Count Galeazzo Ciano for 70 during the factory'si slow rdAr nd distribution Savings for id, . Kink Vittorio Emanuele OUT Uciueuuuua iv"""" h'ashington, and bounded into a ... nffor these low onces without c 85c Quality Reheld his w mane I'jng of the Senate Military Af-- I ti twa fnr 75. Mr. Welles ll yuaaiu"; r.t nav,ur n these tares. Recent tires versible Polish Atop Committee. In a scarily matter-fi- t tongue, but postponed his sailing back non-ski- d, f , tougn ..nt a. u. r a nic-vcuw, trortimi., rlften. voice he revealed a formula to the U. S. for j nave muucm, day. t: fine and quality tread explosive so horrific that the tary of State Hull denied in Washingwearing FKLU.I m- $7.00 Quality manehio that s second to none. asSSenators, before they adjourn .LUJl ti UiCVL.t MX,. xrii., tv.. hart acted as an Dusf Mop Sal aM iaed the minutes of the meeting intrmdiarv in Europe's quarrels. No. IM frU a Taw S Tawa iatal wastebasket. intermftdiarv or not. Mr. wenes !Scee a T.IT Tba.tT.baa I at a himself spectator found $4.99 $9.98 n . suddenly t 5.98 11.95 could well be the spectawi what 5:40,4:50-2$11.95 1 51 COMES THE BANDWAGON xupio6.55 13.10 13.50 a rc tr rv 10 50c Quality ,hQt ronid weU be the greatest Sun-- 1 7.35 Broom 14.70 Qtin nnpze triav of the war. ,:rmirrs bandwagon began to roll ii . 7.95 Rome a 5.90 from piauorm, 15.90 K week in New Hampshu-eSpecial cai7 day, In 5.25,5.50-1a. riA rk civilian suit and car 8.68 17.35 . 17.35 Sale Price amaia m Ohio, Illinois, Tennessee, the nraa vino" into coat, black jumped a MOMTMIY heavy als were bein? oiled. rying AlUwA. M 00 ra WEEK PAVASU train and neaaea noiui. ISew Hampshire. In last week's pri- - a special the in Berlin, time wv tuvmft owvuv the. , o r""J, vi&,,. southbound special rane-ha xr,,hror Roosevelt $2.00 Allowance For Your Old Battery p nowhere; twelve Mnhndv but the diplomats m- Gamble's (six votes) won handily. Only On Purchase of Gambe s PAINT SALE! Standard Quality volved and Mr. Welles had received SEflSATIO'lftl Irprise came on the Republican side t noUce of the rendezvous. Prosperity Builder Battery Toilet Thsu9 tare millionaire Governor Francis thA Cambw'i Outatda Utility Paint. s umi uuce n a. ra., 9.30 at bale Rolls. Tce White 1000 Sheet knell Murohv. now servine his seconly, Monday tiirm . and other nooular cars. t?. j m, U9 mountain , ? per gnoa 1 for 2 full years. Extra high writinz in Price Guaranteed si term, ran fifth in a race for four UOMtt tmiIim in at the little Sale M me iaiucu Gamble' Super Quality 45Ptates. 10. P, convention seats. Bv choos capacity village of Brennero, in Finish. yInterior H3 me ueun v Outneht 'Senators Stvlea Bridges and Chas Brenner Pass, just over 4 m . 57.Z3 v, Price in Ttalv. Foitv minutes later onetime Senator George GamMe't Standard Flat Waal Less in a driving Mosea. nnAtimo riovprnor Hunt- - Oie Fuhrer's train arrived Interior FlnKh. Allowance at Arm i ?AfNT . Crysta Clear SalePrice.tf CA 5aleric''l7v Nowel Spaulding, the hlllmen of v. Per Gal. Wa ? L- i9 Oz. G.'cks "wrvot riir thev sav or decide? S Pound Packare Kalsomina. Twmbers y,a miAQtion all Europe wanted OOC ft (Thorn McAn) to sUck to his last. ... Our RepiUr Price J: Welles Mr. a Exchange Price . .$2.98 Price r;. k.hi-- . d Sale Price t Sale Tight-lippeor Francis answered. Murphy, first Irishman he BATTERIES INSTALLED FREE! since to know, first be the uuiolic ever elected New Hamp might F0R to be received by Mus- GENUINE GENERAL ELECTRIC 6TUBE Governor, this defeat seemed was expected CARLOAD PRICES ON DRUM LOTS OF MANTEL RADIO fiSJEous ' . W. 01 . " t . wee-ten- ....... ' ' 'hTpale VZi rrt v Sis' rAnLT -- . ! S Goeb-defie- ;! W Non-Partis- tasks-destro- lt; half-vnt- j 1 , es es - . f) H r . w- V 0 .uM lSr ...... 1 T1 B) 29 4 V . K & - death-oeaiin- I1"' fact-finde- r, 98 m trav-jjdfro- ar ..n-- -. 39 m?"' 49 a -- t 45-Pla- ie aiiP-hts- -- 1 25 6 i EU-ahe- 12.89 cK w,:n , . ... kidna? Symptom, of dUtarW i ,rT(uir txnanurl improper my i u contagion i maiim di.turblng to Dm, inu.' """""iwad kidney thMa la a. in. ol bodjr ImnuritiM Hi TIIE REASON DOAN'S ARE FAMOUS ot.t lha country All aratrful othxrai "Ooan'a lnwa iiclpati ma I I raeom-mon- d thamtoyoM. 'I hat la why we aay, Atk your neighbor I ti .;j!W,4 !. nd (nil to remnvm ... LNeah iJFr:. ppl M I Dm.'s indef th. y puiunma a fwling ot ncrooa anxiety n.1 and loaa of "onKth of anergy. Other dirtarbaiiea Maddar Jometlraa. art bur.lnt.nrlnacant y or too frequent Uor' It l be medidna that to relv on aw"''i-idr1,nwon .ch ThV b hjjvo ty friendafor in or- to tet Zooa . "a l IIS tax" . wmolnj milil new ,ir4 . r 0 QUROFLO OIL Truck, Tractor and Car Owners, Buy Nowl In 15, 30 and 60 gallon lots. Sale Price, AC Per Gallon.... Single Gallon, Sale Price A FOR Flashlight Ceffs F0R 2 11 $1.25 Vawe Sfreomi'neo' Rofer SJtafes Special Sals Price Per Pair 93 Special Voluei U, 2 Blade Pocket Motor on 46c -- UI. n your --."ft ww1 GAMBLE'S JUMBO SIZE 5c Qua'.Roy-Bfu- e flathligkt Celle 2 I bore prices Include federal container. 89 NAGGING BACKACHE! . baliaal m Ouoi'fy T'ger Heavy Duty i:r. on dncludea ' rube) Men't Pocket Watch Sale Price 10c orn nrr output Special Sale Price power $1.25 Quality Bear River Valley Leader G tuning. Beam tube. $1.00 What's his secret? Just this: he uses Leader Want-Ad- s to sell his farm products and used machinery. Does it work? Well, you Jnst try it when you want cash in a hurry! . GAMBLE'S Lkl Price $24.95 6 station, touch Lumnous Dra Alarm Clock $1.50 Quality Sale Price IS!" THE MOIMEY !. rree84 12 3 KNOW WHERE - ll SZ-0- "I 1 StAavSSM 37 k, del-fct- es ari 1 a :'rr;; iu, jpaifl fl PAGE THREES BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, .MARCH 28, 1940 KrWvM 60c Quality. Brass Lhted Selemce TUBE REPAIR KIT Contains 60 sq. in. of catching materi al plus 18 ready cut patches. 45c Value. PRICE CUT FOR THIS SALE Genuine $3.50 Quality Coaster Wagon ah ct.el construction. 10 inch disc wheels with 1000 mile guaranteed Congo bearings. Special Sale Price SAVE 31? ON THIS BIKE TIRE Gamble's G&S Balloon Tire. 26x2.125 sire. Our regular price $1.29. Sale Price CdC WO Vp)f 5 Special Sale Price.. OEC DT PRICE CUT ON TIGER SPARK PLUGS Guaranteed 1200 miles. Each a 50c value. Sale Price in Sets of 4, 6 or 8. 0&i lW Each Single Plug, Sale Price U 25c vryl.r3 5c |