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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1939 PACExaceT w ASSUMES DUTIES Local and Social Items MACHINE COOK, Loral Correiondeiit Phone C0-a-- t i ; S M v j " n j tertaint-- en- - ' at a dinner party at their employed at the local poultry cessing plant. t Dennis Day, Jack Eenny's new singing discovery, wouldn't think of f acing the microphone unless he p.'; to-- V ', vrir-an- d pro- - 4-- H 1-- 6, Mrs. Martha Johnson, of Salt Lake home Thursday evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Carter and Mr. City, is spending the week at the and Mrs. Ralph Bishop of Garland. home of her daughter, Mrs. Chester Nelson. . . Mr. and Mis. Orsen Iverson have Ralph w, pmjlups been visiting this week nt Grouse Miss Yvonne Briggs entertained at Creek at the home of Mr. and Mrs a T T'A IrtiiA'on nQftw Tnr efo r Aiion t n or Wtnired Ki ruber. They bi ought back at the home. Fall flowers and Hal- lowe'en decorations gave a festive air to the house. Twenty-tw- o boys and 'rIs participated in the games and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawkins, of S. A. C. Oakland, California, are making their scavenger hunt which was followed LOGAN Dr. Ralph W. Phillips, the plans to return to their home the W a cfun supper. new professor and head of the departfirst of the week after spending sev TinefTnurorth f iio-ii.t oi t u eral months at the home of Dr. and ment of animal husbandry at Utah Mrs, EII Hawkijns. Their visit has at a Hallowe en party Monday even- - State Agricultural college, In Logan Dr. Phillips to Head Dept. of Animal Hus bandry At U. Frank had the privilege of baptizing ms wue, wuu is uit? uaugnier oi aar, and Mrs. John C. Clark of Oakland, a member of the L D. S. Church. A uaugnier, easier caroi, was corn at the Valley hospital. Their visit was climaxed with a Temple marriage ceremony in the Logan Temple Wednesday evening. October 25. the mar riage being performed by President Cranny, who also blessed their baby. sf fd 4-- H probably gets more laughs than any other bandleader in radio. His orchestra plays for Fred Allen on Wednesday nights and on Comedian George Jessel's "Celebrity Program" Friday nights. V ( . 1 Gloria Vee Johnsen of Bear p ' City has been designated to t the gold medal awarded ners in the national rL!" ation contest conducted for season by the extension sonice presentation will be made by Cq Home Demonstration Agent v Nettie B. Lund. The mt(ial is cne inch deep, worn with a clasp" handsomely embossed. It i3 by Servel. Inc., as an incentive food work. Donna Lte Eves of Pleasant Git UManiia; was nameu State receives a trip to the XatiT' Club Congress in Chicago cember where four college arships of $400 each will he awarj.' to a selected grcup. Five cousr participated in the state. edu- . - V i pictured Dorothy the millionairess, Frieda, cation. who vies with Dr. Susan for the Maestro Peter Van Steeden love of the handsome Patrick out-of-to- Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gephart here, rapher to help finance her Knox, Mrs. Alice Burgess returned to her j Mr. and Mrs. J. R Hartvigson, Ru- k nffr visitinp" two n, Pawl TTartvicrQ- n Mr thia weeks at the home of her daughter, and Mrs. Brian Weber, Mr. and Mrs. or uameia. Mondell Weber, Miss wall and Mr. Airs, fckiun j Poulson, all of Logan, were among Mrs. VaLoy Newman entertained the people who attended her Bridge club at a turkey dinner j the farewell testimonial of Noel Cook at her home Wednesday. Special t Saturday evening. guests were Mrs. Vernon Johnson or Bear River City and Mrs. Don Ivor- Mrs. James Supan, of Richfield, son. At Bridge high score was won Idaho, is visiting indefinitely at the by Mrs. Earl Hone, Mrs. Don Grover home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. won cut, and Mrs. Jennie Gephart, j V. R. Conger. She is caring for her low. mother's home while Mrs. Conger is Gloria Vee Johnson, B. R. City Awarded By EARLE FERRIS 2 t hrtmA RIGHT OUT OF THE AIR I Tuesday morning and was ready to Schaffers home. Black cats, witches assume the duties of his new position. anu pumpKuis proviuea uie seiung ror Dr. Phillips, who was aDDointed to J i' 'if''-- ' CBS serial, "The Life Mid Love of Dr. Susan." Miss Knox was last seen on Broadway in "The rius in the j ' I i j American Way." Fred Allen often dines in a small restaurant around the corner from Radio City where on'y his waiter is aware of his identity. Ham, vnn 7olt the "Ti thi People" announcer, has moved to p rarm several mues irom jvew Ynrlr Pitv and hp)uepn brnrrl',nt'tills the soil and tends the stock with the help or only one hired man. - ; ed this year and was occupied f0r J short time during last spring "qu It is of authentic 16th century TuV and Elizabethan architecture with'-tra modern facilities. The beautiful exterior of the j1 residence hall is matched by exquis' furnishings throughout. It is the c' university dormitory in Utah, andi of the. few in the western stata which is equipped with hot and 4 water in every room. ' had in his pocket the piece of the tsiarney atone given nim vy an uncle when he visited the Emerald Isle some years ago. , - Charlie McCarthy really silenced Charles Laughton on a recent Sunday night program but definitely! Alan T?iinv rwtiirw1 here Viae Playing "Captain Blah" of H.M.S. of played a doctor in scores of radio Bounty, in Charlie's "version T q ujhirn programs, ana ne s currently neara "futin7 An iha Rnnntt shouted so much during rehearsals and the broadcast that he had to cancel a subsequent personal ap pearance. v m Too Many Laws Jud Tunkins says' he's a Iaw-specting. citizen.... The only troublj Is that there are so many laws k can't remember 'em all. . . the evening's activities of games and the position a few weeks ago by the Hallowe'en stunts. Refreshments car- - college administration, came to Logan nea out, uie meme. from, Beltsville, Md., where he has Clandpttfl Cnlhort un'11 nraviaur been associate animal husbandman at nictnrp "Drums Alone tho Mrt. Mrs. J. M. Schaffer was a Salt the United States animal husbandry mmmmmmmmmammmmmmi hawk" as guest of the "Kate Smith Lake visitor Wednesday. station. experiment Securing the services of Dr. Phil Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Schuman and lips gives the department a man who "HORSE-SENSE- " Mr. and Mrs. George Schuman and is well known in animal husbandry attended the farewell testi- circles of the United States and one family Mrs. Jennie Gephart and Mrs. Na- - monial of Henry Gleue at the Thirty-om- i who has had the opportunity of expert Marble entertained the Girl Scout first Ward in Salt Lake Sunday fcK ' ilI J e p training In his field. He is (.:.-.No. 2 at a Hallowe'en mas- - lng. with western farm life and querade party Saturday evening. The problems through his study on the evening was spent in Hallowe'en ' Barbara Rasmussen and Katherini work of the sheep breeding laboratory as Dr. Jim Stone in the "Meet Miss I 7 games and stunts and movie reeln Maughn entertained at a Hallowe'en at Dubois, Idaho. Julia" series on the air. Having shown by Russ Waldron was a spe- - party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. He was graduated from Berca colplayed many parts on the stage rial feautre. A buffet supper was Robert Allen Tuesday he has never once been cast in the The lege in Kentucky in 1930 with a bachevening. role of an M.D. served. Twelve gir ls were present. guests were teachers of the Tremon- - elor's degree and attended the Uniton school. Thirteen were present of Missouri where he received versity Fans marvel at Sunda Love's Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Walker, of his master of arts in animal husbandin replying to audience mail speed St. Helens, Oregon, visited Tuesday Maxine Buchanan was a weekend ry in 1931 and his doctor of philoso but there's a simple explanation. Hour" When the songstress mnvoe at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. L. guest of Henry Gleue in Salt Lake. phy i.i 1934. Since then he has had j Before coming to radio, the "Step- her company to Hollywood for its Cook. mother" star worked as a stenog- - r nuay, inov. o oroaacast She attended the farewell testimonial wide experience at college over teaching. . heitl at the Thirty-firs- t I'or three years he served as a mem ) Ward. Mrs. James Walton entertained the . ber of the animal husbandry faculty for fourteen years, she states that V. G. F. Sewing club at her home A welcome home testimonial for Horsepower isn't much good if f e at Missouri and left there to become she can plainly remember the neighJnesday. Mrs. Curtis Walton and der Paul Stumm, son of Mr. and Mrs assistant animal husbandman at Mas you can't use it. And by use I 14 bors who lived around the home in Mrs. J. H. Rhead were special guests. Par k it we mean - put it to work t Stumm, was held Sunday at the sachusetts State college where he which she was born. Luncheon was served. WIBSX you want it Evans Ward. Elder Stumm WHERE recently mained for three vears before i R. H. S. Journalism Dept.) (B. returned from the Swedish mission. up with the "United States department you need it. Miss Grace Dadame Fukin, daughMrs. Lola inzeler was hostess to A splendid was enjoyed of agriculture. Far example, the "Caterpillar" j Local her Bridge club Wednesday. Prize which Includedprogram ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Fukin, of Dr. Phillips received a promotion musical numbers ar-Diesel D2 Tractor turns mow j was reunited with her family winners were Mrs. BUI Waldron, high brief remarks the 80 returned mis-n- d in rank with the USD A only last sumof its engine horse- - I B. than by Y. Mm. Ren Cummlngs, low. Hal- sionary and by James Jensen and mer but resigned his position to ac-- ' last Monday, after a separation of into drawbar p u IV , power lowe en refreshments and decorations President Hervin 01 its simple, Bunderson of the cept the post at the agricultural col- fourteen years, durine which time because That's PROVO. Utah to the (Special were featured. Grace has lived in Japan. Box Elder stake Out-ohere. transmission direct lege and the presidency. Leader) Dorothy Munk of She arrived in San Francisco 'ist Tremonton is lown guestg were Mr ftnd Mrg Wal his work in the animal of its tracks on Through positive grip favored among ninety Mrs. George Scoffield, of Layton, ter H. Stumm all kinds of ground. and daughter Bettv nusoandry field he has won member- - Friday and was met there bv her coeds who are residing in Amada is with her Mrs. daughters. Mr. and Ann, Mrs. J. L. Coles Mr snm in the following scientific organ- mother. After spending a day in San Knight Hall, first dormitory for woyrs.ting Try one and you'll see what Calderwood, Mrs. Reul Rob- - and Mrs. Chester Coles. Mr and' Mrs1 izations: American b rancisco they came back to Elwood men that was we mean by "horsepower you erected at the Society of recently bins and Bernlce Schoffleld. train. Joseph Coles, of Salt Lake City Mr' can USE." Brigham Young univerrsity here. Society of Xi, by ana Mrs. Cromwell Howell, Ansa Gamma Sigma Delta, the Sigma was born in Elwood, but at Grace honor soThe students live with a cosmopoliLundberg and two daughters, of ciety of agriculture, Gamma Alpha the age of six she went to Japan with tan group twelve states INTERMOUNTAIN j President Hervin Bunderson and Graduate Scientific fraternity, Soci- the family. As her grandmother would and three representing countries. The foreign James Jensen. ety of Experimental Biology and have been left alone if they all came group includes two sisters from Ha& MADE BY GRAYCO Medicine, American Geneti associa- back, Grace remained in Japan, while waii, three girls fro MexiChihuahua, Miss Lillian Abbott, of Chicago, 111., tion and the American Association for the rest of the family came back to co, and one from Alberta, Canada. visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. the advancement of Science. the United States. Beautiful new The Phone 110 - A. E. ROCHE, Prop.? B. Y. U. dormitory, in 1gvTr Nettie Brewer, enroute to China as In 1935 he traveled in Europe to tlrace remained in t Although which Miss Munk lives, was complet- Japan New a missionary for the Christian Church attend the International IIIIBilll Physiological of Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. Vance, of. Congress held that year in Los Angeles, also visited at the Brew- -' and Moscow. While on that Leningrad P continent er home Sunday. Thev were on thpir1 he visited the animal breeding laboratories in Edinburgh, Cambridge, Mosway to Philadelphia. cow, Berlin a,nd Turin. He has visiteel the Imperial Bureau of Animal Genetics, the Institute of Animal Husbandry, Artificial InseminaTo Be ... tion Institute, Pavlov's Physilogical Now for Christmas ' Buy and the Piedmont Experim Famous dairy cattle herds from all laboratory, ment station. parts of United States will be exhibHe Dr. W. E. Carroll as ited at the Ogden Livestock show head ofreplaces the a,nimal husbandry departColoslum November 3rd and 4th, ac- ment. Df. Carroll resigned to accept cording to Charles W. Wamlck, as- - the head of the LOWEST department of animal ON COLGATE at the husbandry University of ' m hr Here's some even-troo- 111 a" VV about HORSEPOWER j Grace Fukin United with Years Family After El-W- - J j Girl Living In New Dormitory d, Tre-mont- . , on f, ' Log-an- GRAYCRAFT TIES d; Tractor Harvester! REPAIR ' 1111 49c 0m Wo Dairy Cattle Show Held In Ogden All-Uni- on Mo (g&nisnsiris: Tremonton . g - ff RUG ... ElEMUDEIilMG SALE Cliff's Clothiery Tremonton PRICES ANYWHERE TOILETRIES SOAPS AND VASELINE PRODUCES . . A rV THE FAVORITE for BETTER HEAT Castle Gate Coal uie people of Utah a real opportunity see tne best in dairy cows. This is the first time in history that a dairy show of such magnitude has been attempted In the state of Utah and dairymen are urged to take advantage of this chance to see this educational exhibit, and compare the best of local cows with some of the best bi the nation. No judging will be done but the cattle will be lined up In their various classes as thev stood ings at the National Dairy Show and explanations will be given by experts Utah cattle will be placed in line also. Dairy demonstrations, and other activities will be provided for the entertainment of all who are present. 10 CASTLE GATE COAL IS: CHEAPER . Because of low ash content. WARMER . . . Because it gives more heat. SAFER . . . Because it burns without odor. CLEANER . . . Because it is specially washed and treated. j it sistant county agent. These cattle are coming to Utah direct from the National Dairv shnu; at San Francisco and promise to give . . Phone 35 Today . . Prompt Delivery IT ISNT TOO LATE . . . To prepare your home so it will be warm and comfortable for winter. We have Quality Merchandise to make your repairs with. Don't ICely On Hovers. Our ant Ad Are Lucky Too! BUILDING MATERIAL - HARD-WAR- GIVSS and CHINA WARE E MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE farmers' Cash Union FARMS OR HOMES JAMES BROUGH AGENCY "Your Good Will Our Best Asset" ' ' " -J FIRE AND AUT0M01JILE INSURANCE TREMON'TO.V, UTAII Prescriptions Are a Most Important Part of Our Business! "to CoTn !wrT?d aTnnoce the addition of Mr. Reed Hovey, formerly of raylJDruJ men of broad experience we feel wS ' ' w iStofwe L ZJ ycur needs . . . "ired patronage is appreciated. 1( Sale Colgate Tocth Pwdr. Lge. size only lc, when you buy giant size, reg 3."c - Both for .... Colgate Dental Cream 0t O LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE! 2for K Big fr Bath 47 Soap Meet Your Friends at Our Store 5 giant 33fj Vaseline Hair Tonic large No. 1 size 37c U giant 17c 49 97? 6 for 12 I8(j LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE! Palmolive Shave Cream Lather or lge. size 23 Brushlcss giant size ... 37 Halo Shampoo, lge. size Cashmere Bouquet Soap large in 0.2 631 size baseline' white No. 1 jars Carbolated No. 1 jars Camphor Ice stick or box white No. 1 tubes Carbolated No. 1 tubes . Use the City Drug At Your W 10 10 14 . W renience YOU SAVE WHETJYOU TRADE WITH US ; |