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Show BEAR RIVER FIELDING By Enid BOTHWELL Charlene Anderson enteitain- Club last WedV tie Fashioneete on their working After . i:, - litnrhonn was KrvAd i'o"-..jjcS Lund was a special guest and "rvisor. LaJean Summers spent last visiting- Dorothy She returned home Saturday. '" Mills accompanied her. in Og-- J j 'p.udy Scholer spent Monday ,3'0n business. i sornia and Robert Scholer, Mara-- I Turner and Irene 9 Stark, Railona spent last week at summer M:5 , Brig-ham- jjj. jniJy and Mrs. A. M. Turner and sPent the weekend n Logan Welling I Y ALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1539 bearMr.river city! HOSPITAL NEWS I C. W. RtaiMortf By I MOKE BABIES PARIS France lias long worried i By Bin. David Laron about her birth rate, one of the lowest In the wci'd. Statistician Lav, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sumera set sai figured that, should biiths ke-- p on from England. Tuesday. They will be declining at the present rate. Fiance's met at the New York pier by his; population would decline from its brother, Ira, Austin & and other present 42,000.000 to 35,000,000 in Vt.hf rienas.lt is not d, finite wheth 1QS0. French biiths numbered in all cr iir. Hn.i ic snm.--rwill come 610,000 last year, as compared to west before Fred begins his teaching about 1,000.000 in Italy, 1,500.000 tn fellowship at Cornell University. Germany. In the "more babies" camMiss Dorothy Larson, daughter of paign last week the Govexu-me-n1 announced Mr. and Mrs. Gus Larsen and Ray "motherhood" Smith, of Missouri, were married in bonuses of from $53 to $S0 for flrst- Ogden Wednesday of last week. Miss born and higher premiums for suc- Larson is a graduate of the Hear Riv-- ! ceedlng children; 2 doubled the pen-er High Schewl and has lesided here ' aIUf3 for abortion and increajl nil her lif those on obscene literature- a an,) a tax on bachel harinv mflrri,, ,if. ,visheg for extended the newly-wedfamilies; 4 increased the tax on al- for the campaign. Thi Mr. and" Mrs. Everett East, a broth coho1 to er and his son. all of Oklahoma, ar- - yoar's appropriation to pay for the rival Tuesday and will be guests of "Code of the French Family" was 9,000,000,000,000 francs Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Shaffer, who EAST GARLAND I Helen Tavlor cf nnr Pivpr fitv Beautiful and impressive services Helen Marie 5! were held Sunday in the Fieldinir Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, daughter of- had her appendix removed August A. J. Taylor, was or- Her condition in excellent. church for Dale Skinner, son of Mr.: erated on Ratnrdav mnmirMi v,i,t i . on 10- -. . . uauinu was optraud and Mr T v .k a con- da' ??ndiciXicidentlv Friix. whPn load or hay. EeautifJ f l . . . vivuiiv ui3, jviui otiiiUiii. who u naerwfi l, . , . m abundance, ' and thp hraicc ao ... v., s., atuipiutito in uaKiana, uaniornia, a major operation August 3, is pro- ed with friends and relatives of ""1 the is reported be improving. Mr. gressing satisfactorily. Bishop Leo Earl was in' sen left by train for San Francisco Chester Nelson, wno suffered a of the services. The opening to attend the fair when he became charge fclvla JUI16 i0 13 aoie 10 ',ailul prayer was offered by Herman Lott, seriously ill and was rushed to a oe up ana bdoui some. by a vocal duet by Mrs. Hor-- 1 pital and was operated on. Delbert Nelson is undergoing treat ace Richards and Mrs. Horace Peck, Mrs. Leonard Ipson, Mrs. Clyde mem lor an mrectea knee. "In the Garden of Tomorrow." Form-- ; Beatles, Mrs. Ruth Allison, all of Og-e- r premature infant was born to Bishop Gam was the first speaker. den, spent Thursday In this city Mr. and Mrs. George Hewitt, of solo by Mrs. Guy Rees, "I iting with their brother. Rast Peter- Promontory. The baby lived four, Know That My Redeemer Lives." sen and familv At nrwm a MUm. Mjv Mr. Glen Severson was the second hot dinner was served Mr. and Mrs. Willard Butler, of by Mrs. followed by a cornet solo by sen, after which the ladies went Garland, are the proud parents of Smith, "Whispering Hope." ing in the Bear River. a boy, born August 6. The following had their tonsils recisnop ieo iari was the concluding! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Elwell spent speaner ana the closing song was Tuesday In Ogden. moved: Leonard and Theora Hoskins, rendered by Mrs. Al West of Cutler Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Anderson and Clyde and Leslie Jensen and Adrian Barbara and Jean Burkland, of and Mrs. Horace Richards. Interment daughter, Sherry, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Heslop. was in the Fielding cemetery. Salt Lake City, are guests of Mr. and OKriLVV - - Arbon and son Venille spent ThursMrs. Leo Oyler and familiy. OrVANCOUVER, U. Mrs. Ross Staples, of Tooele, at- day in Grace. Idaho. fruit and making sandwichMr. and Mrs. John (Jack) Holland Canning Helen Priscilla Mr. Mrs. W. and J. 5, Stam, Larson tended the funeral service held for phan and aged es was the special work. ner nepnew, uaie Skinner. She re of this city announce the marriage Alton Perry is receiving treatment family members visited relatives and debarked here on her first trip out friends in Logan Sunday afternoon. of China. When she was three month.-mained to visit for a day or so with of th.elr daughter, Dorothy, to Henry at the Dee Hospital at Ogden. Miss Ardis Adams returned Tues- old. Chinese bandits broadswonhsl her mother and family, Mrs, R. E. Bessinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al Mrs. N. B. Marble was guest of off the heads of her missionary parbert of Tremonton. The Eessinger Skinner. honor at a birthday dinner in Logan day from a pleasant week's visit with ents, would have done the same to Mr. T. Lee W. and Mrs. and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Potter and marriage took place Monday. canyon Sunday, July 30. The dinner of Idaho Falls. Helen had a Chinese Christian not Mr. and Mrs. and Emery Huggins John Potter, of Farmington, were' party consisted of the following: Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howell, Mrs. offered (acceptably) hi3 life for hers. visitors over Saturday at the home! two children, of Strawberry, Utah, and Mrs. Orlin Marble, Mr. and Mrs. O of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Severson and spent Saturday and Sunday visiting Frank Germer, Roy Hyatt, Mrs. Min- Reta Jensen and son Lynn, of Boulder were Mr. with Mrs. of and week last REPORTER City, guests Joseph Huggins. with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Potter. nie Saunders, N. B. Marble, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. IT. Sorensen. Mrs. Albert E. Holmgren and two PORTSMOUTH. Va. Reporter Mr. and Mrs. John Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Clark and baby and Mr. Mrs. Thomas Mock and dauchter. returnPaul and sons, Stewart, Lynn Cramer telephoned bin iviivr thn Mrs. Willis Walton and son Richard, and Mrs. Erickson and family of LoMiss Emma Manning and Evan Moon ' ed home Friday, after a two week's gan. Gifts were presented to Mrs. Peggy Jean, of Salt Lake City, spent Wilmington (N. C.) gave 1'ipt week with her sister. Mrs. R. L. his Hfv wiit.r h, .... by auto through the Southwes- Marble. ct,.,, r visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.1 tour intern Shaffer Mexico. and States and of Places family. tomobile In accident which he hail Glen Severson and also with Mr. and Wesley Norton of Grays Landing, Mrs. Fred G rover entertained on Hvn terest they visited were Grand JuncMrs. Herman Potter. injured. A few minutes later Calif., was a guest at the home of Mr. inursuay at a birthday dinner in hon-- j Reporter Cramer died. Mrs. W, M. Welling and daughters tion, Colorado; Messa Verda Nation- and Mrs. T. L. Wheatley. or of ner daughter. Flo, Mrs. Grover s Sante Fe, Carlbad Caverns, Enid and Maurine, returned Monday al Park, Mrs. Glenn Drummer and little D so, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Texas; Juarez, Mexico; Los Janice of Brigham City, parents,and her sister Mrs. Eldon Ad Idaho Falls, a sister of Mrs. Ruth Hum a iwu wccks visit to uie .ra- daughter, the and San Francisco fair. Angeles cific Coast. They visited with Mrs. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Holman, was a visitor. ams, all of Tremonton, were invited Mr, and Mrs. John P. Holmgren, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Shaffer enterLish, Welling's parents in San Jose, Cali-- 1 of this Sr., Monday. guests. city, left last Monday for tained fornia. While there they attended the' at a family dinner Saturday. Woodruff Hansen PeterPete and Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Nielsen, of Idn San Francisco Exposition, returning' Oakland, California. Mr. Holmgren, a son of Colifornia, are spending a few aho guests were their chilFalls, were visiting with Mr. and Mr. Mrs. Nephi Westergarei, home by way of Northern California, director of Utah Farm Production and dren, Mr. weeks here Mrs. H. A. with and Mrs. L. M. Holman and family TuesCredit Association, was called to atMr. and Mrs. Merlin Cleen of OgdJen Sr. and Lish, Oregon, Washington and Idaho. They tend the annual family. day. regional meeting of and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wild of Fait report having enjoyed their trip very' the State-wid- e bunciay evening at conjoint sponThe M. I. A. sponsored the Sunday ascredit prodution Lake much. They were also accompanied sored City. a the mutuU wonderful by of Utah, Nevada and Calievening church services, which were on this trip by a niece, Miss Dwinna' sociation Miss Donna Mower returned to her on was a and put enjoyed by Jos. out a musical carried a3 fornia and Arizona. They will also evening. home in Provo, after a pleasant viwlt Bennett, of Pocatello, Idaho. visit the fair before returning home. large audience. The flower show of Kirkham of Garland and some of his with her Mr. and Mrs. Bill Linford, in com-- ; sister, Mrs. Keith Rhodes. a cut was and flowers potted plants to the program. students contributed Mrs. Edna Taylor left Monday for Naomi Mrs. Oyler has had as her pany with a group of four others,1 all are to be The chapel was made attractive by California, where she will very pleasing sight and two of her sisters, Mrs. Meda guests, on spent last week in Yellowstone Park Berkeley, commended the homevases of way beautiful they respond- the many join her husband, Glenn Taylor, who Kerr of California, and Mr3. Ixni ancV vicinity. has been attending summer school in ed to make the flower show a suc- - grown flowers. of Idaho. The ladies camo to Racer Miss Phylis Mclntyre of Pocatello, s The monthly work and business for the past eight weeks. and attend the Gleason. visit relatives is spending the week with her aunt, Berkeley and Mrs. Orlin Marble visited meeting of the Relief Society was In Logan Canyon on Sunday. reunion Mrs. W. M. Welling. in Moroni for a few days. held Tuesday afternoon in the Relief Mrs. Ezra Packer and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Germer had as Society room. The time was spent in They were early settlers In the Bear Ccleen, are visiting in Garden City, their guests on Thursday, Mrs. Glad sewing. A social hour followed. Mrs. River Valley. ' with Mrs. Packer's mother. Ault Mrs. Thomas ys Peterson and daughters, Maurine Ida Rhodes and Mrs. Letitia Soren-anBy Mr. and Mrs. David Wood have Ella, of California and Mrs. John sen were hostesses and served a dain- - Inuigine, Gabarine Shirts, only 3.41 their daughters, Mrs. Howard Baer Knudsori af Tremonton. CLIFFS CLOTIIIEKY ty tray lunch. Mrs. Annie Nielsen, of Wednesday afternoon Pres. Stella and children, and Mrs. Letha Peter- ofthe Primary son and baby, of Southern California, ' Barnard entertained ficers at her home. A very pleasant visiting with them for a couple of time was had by all. weeks. The Loveland family reunion held J. L. Earl is leaving this week for was an extended visit to California. He at the Crystal Springs Saturday, families from several attended by will visit with his son, Lemuel Earl and wife, and also with other rela- Deweyville. Mrs. John Backer, of Ogden, will ' tives. YEARS OF EFFORT TO SATISFY, ACCOMPANIED WITH CROWING PATRONAGE spend a week at the home of her sisHAS GIVEN O. P. S, CUSTOMERS CONFIDENCE IN US AND GIVEN 0. P. S. STORES ter, Mrs. Duett Loveland. We're Out! What? no Letterheads?, Mr. and Mrs. Tingey, of Brigham A PRICELESS REPUTATION FOR QUALITY VALUES. When this happens, phone us and City visited with Mrs. Hilda Tingey we'll print some for you in a hurry! and children on Wednesday. 12th SATURDAY, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Lish motored on Wednesday, where they Imagine, Gabarine Shirts, only $3.49 to Lagoon spent the day. CLIFF'S CLOTIIIERY All are glad to see Mrs. Ella Gard-- ' J ner out among her friends, after her U LGE. LOAVES I.- heart illness for the past few months. Mrs. Ray Nelson, of Juniper, Idaho, and Miss Delsa Bareess, of Blackfoot, M. J. K., Folgcrs Idaho, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Perry on Wednesday. Lb. Can Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schofield, of itOakdale, California, and Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Norton, of Crows Landing, accompanied by Mrs. T. L. it 1 1 Wheatley of this place, attended the Logan Temple session on Wednesday. ca Keith Daley, of Ogden, visited relatives here during the week. Mrs. Ethel Jensen visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen 3 Cans on Sunday. She is nursing in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Morton, of Kaysville, spent Wednesday at the home of their i ini, jdi daughter, Mrs. Ross Burch. Donna Marble is vacationing in CalMAIL COUrOM HOW ifornia. Kacclda Beauty School, gt Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nielson and Main end Broadway. Sail Lab City, Utah. children, Mr. and Mrs. Con Fryer and family enjoyed a few days in Logan FUai sand b ataleg. W I ZZ ZPt0r JZJZ' ."6 r. - . ' i w e - Han-decease- d. t: A vis-Voc- al rvmtM-ntiiinmr- , - ..ped s. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. George 'comers, veriyn ana cieon, spent '. day up the canyon. lt. and Mrs. Jesse Nichols retumi'to their home Sunday. Miss June 'tli accompanied them. fam- jlr. and Mrs. Dean Hall and at Jerome, Idaho y spent Sunday yje King family reunion. They having a nice time. Doris Loy turned with them. Summers is visiting Mrs. Tennie ith Mrs. Sliding in Salt Lake City, jlrs. Edna Harris and Hazel Sinners entertained the young mothers etief society at the home of Hannah j Last re-rt- , summers. r." "3 PA.C3 Peter-speake- r, fish-Haro- ld , C.-Ch- ubby j j f2ElIiJ j Star-New- s, j Chris-tense- n Out-of-tow- Cl pro-gra- in j i DEWEYVILLE d t If 5 .4 1 1 f 1 if - 1 'LJ it LJ V - mim 1 !!. f and months we've icouring the fur markets ol woild to achieve a glorious jnonlha bn l9lkin for this sale. And we kitly believe that never before fura been at uch ridiculously low Come in and see our fuli ol new styles and pelts. iadi excellent Pt. "KS f13"" CTTD SPAM AddrM. .State.. ',n WHEAT-BEE- QUALITY FURS REDUCTIONS up to 30 CONVENIENT CREDIT TERMS o AMERICAN FUR West So. Temple! Salt Lake City, Utah COTTON BLOUSES Formerly to 79c CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' DRESSES v f "" WOMEN'S DRESSES ?Qtf anting , CQ I JQrf I - Formerly $1.9 $ DRESSES GROUP OF SILK . a t Formerly xo?i 4 - GRAPES ladies Exclusive Rcady-to-We- ar ...29 Lb. 7 l1 5 Lb 5 BANANAS i.b 19c -- BEEFLIVERu, 9 BEEF ROIL 16 .29 10 VEAL ROASTS LUNCHEON BIEAT lk 25 15 MINCED HAM U, BEEFTONGUES u 10 1 .50 TREMONTON and P3 to VI off LaGra Shop 21 ER MELONS ( All SILK DRESSES Reduced 17 : GRAPEFRUIT 23c GROUND BEEF 2. .us. ! SUMMER HATS... HALF PRICE Large Piece - Lb Sliced - Lb JJS BLOUSES, WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S DRESSES - Formerly to $1.00 WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S DRESSES Formerly to $LW SALMONS QUALITY MEATS - - QQw i nn 54 POST T0AST1ES LS. DAY SPECIALS T CRISCO; 31 h 2 10 3 0 19 MIRACLE WHIP Thleklr A8crTS69-3- IIYPRQ SOAPX NOBTHE31N SEAL COKET for '9 CABBAGE u, Brigham City, was a special guest. 2 RSI'Ji... unvnij 4-- i Bba in 1940 nilhooetle. AT cas IN 1is,.For, - canyon. The 1 1 cooking club met at the home of Helen Sudburry on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Nettie B. Lund of Nana cur 26 .19 25 23 MILK c'nJsl PS &!!.:! 1 X TUNA FLAKES jiiif 1 1 lb ALL KINDS To) i IM AUGUST PRICES EFFECTIVE i Wn FOOD - 'I t r 'MMMul - - ST0RS GARLAND, UTAH .. |