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Show BEAR. RIVER VALLEY LEADER. THURSDAY. TheMARGH OF TIME a . pared by p Coctin the EJ.torsoi rr init v srt From Pagre One) nn a IT' , ceKiy r t Aeufmajjime A , Minister has softpedaled appease ment, and the German press has vilified the man once pictured as Germany's friend. Last week German Propaganda Minister Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, watchdog of the Reich's reading and photographic matter, outlawed the post cards under a Nazi law for the "protection of national symbols." PAC2 MAY 13. 1933 Off Flavors In Milk Can He Eliminated G Ua A S El A I? EI S 11 fy Feed Selection Vh.-fetfd flavors are j resei.t la milk by direct ci.t.u-- U.i t '.rre:tiit .f the trtiul!.' U not !;!!, i t. st itcs or Ctorpe Q llatrman, suHtinu-ni!T;at" fun.i the the l;;iry assured the presence . J i t v i . t all Federal a by having 11 from station. from work Utah Agricultural fxpi.Tinn-u:.f'-- e1 feeda m. Military strictness Storing of highly e oncers wore their medals t!:e wht'w they w ill i ;if.vt two pressf -the milking barn, feeding orations. The only camerman- one the feeds in qiii stkm ho thnt the cow , Mne reporter, has contact with them by the month, the Parade had t0 WearO A spectisiiis- milking clothes that are fre Sforms (sergeants). from obit-- ti(in;il;!e feeds and fed rS) rau'ht doing the manual of HOT PAN' Oilors and proper cleanliness of cow Sih a marine's rifle was in- NEW YORK "This exhibition milker ere all that is needed In and :;.'V arrested. shows the wealth created by the skill S. an otherwise objectionable correcting Somoza visited the U. IS THE AMERICAN WAY," and artistry of America's "THIS Mr. Philadel) condition, a as explains. Eddie Comedian ha Cantor in says ::0i to enroll . throws switch that starts $3.000, 0v0 years accountiner. as such Green alfalfa, feed, green otjv sent the So read an inscription on a big U- worth of equipment ,., niht senw exhibits moving and officially opens corn silage "" and sweet clover, legume Coohdge fa w orld's Fair president t the 36th annual ' . and wet beet pulp, pea vines silage, of the American Road Builders' As .. to Nicaragua to suppress re,1T,finici,0 ,Q:I iQ0t n,D him sociation. is . Michigan . Helping Uet top, hrewer'a grain, and turnips Ausrusto Sandino and, State Highway Commissioner Mur. D. Van Wagoner, assscUtion convey characteristic flavors and ray Mis$ t CHICAGO Jenn BEAUTY, native national guard, young Works Progress Administration, president. odors in milk. Hy experiments it has :iVa mt on so well with the whose show at the Fair it is. Repnew Zenith portabl Wavemaonet lxen found that feeding 30 pounds of radios to the beach at Miami. In. he was nicknamed "El resentative Woodrum's committee to set show how panel drop to pre-calfalfa to dairy cows one hour me xviaimco wnen In 1933 reveal dial and controls. investigate WPA before voting its Ix fore milking pt'tnlueed a pronounced, f'Anastasio Somoza, then 38 and 1940 money, sent to New York City GOODWILL A M B A S S A DORE I off flavor In the milk. Green alfalfa be- Mist Lillie Opal Nichols, entry's Foreign Minister, u- - two Treasury engineers to look into (riht), should Ik-- fed after milking, and In ' fvit. of receives Vernon, Texas, coramanaani. ji the costs and efficiency of WPA proher official badge at represents , cast of alfalfa pasture, cows should IN EXHIBITED 6TATUE tive daughter from her stats to ' lio taken off pasture four to five jects compared to private projects. Presi-JuaNew New PAVILION SOVIET at York from World's the Fair "4 wife's uncle, it to run his men made clear that The i Made of Mr. is Whalen. Miss Nichols World's Fair. York Crover before miikir.g, Treasury's hours one of the many attractive sales Eautista Sacasa, out of the WPA's monument to itself is a monuconcrete and metal, and de Bateinan. R. & , H. at Soviet the Cirlt PresMacy by artist, employed signed elected "rtrV He had himself ment also to expense. Co., in New York City to bs ap- Tenyet, this heroic statue of As a general rule, a hea'tny cow a miner Is one of the featurt pointed as Ambassadores of their. et in due constitutional style, then WPA originally told Congress the will produce milk free fxm Union In Soviet exhibits the "jred. rewrote the constitution, building would cost $250,000. So far, Pavilion, or odors. Thf aliove fteds and in new style for an an excess of certain feeili, such us after several changes of plan, it has term. Thus neatly sidestepped cost $544,000. Per cubic foot it cost and some varieties of from such good cents cause an to 20 ft all objections also cents, per roots, 43i may compared aic-- , bors as the U. S. ana me in the milk of an animal. In general, cubic foot for the nearby Federal Vtip of Anastasio Somoza was Building. Of, 1,049 workers on the however, feeds are responsible for for which ocvpht about just as politely as, 17.7 per cent very few of the only payroll, project's Jpie, that of General Jorge Ubico were Reliefers ;the balance was high- cur In cream and that more sanitary - Guatemala. methods on the farm will result in a paid labor. decided improvement in the quality exviht Scholar Somoza became pro-emen after The Treasury found, at accounting. Last week he of the average, cream. in WPA's other projects amining state that his New d authoritatively "The elimination of another source costs WPA York City area, that Ivooking nhend it may be very com.3tiy needs only about $9,000,000 were as a rule, two and times "n the U. S. to build improvements plicated and might even tate the private costs. To all of this, New t to form of a breeding probh tn," says improve her trade with the York City'sWPA Administrator, Lient like the one Colonel Brehon Burke Somervell, D s an arrangement Mr. Batnnan. for Brazil in March by For--- S S. C. a Pointer West Minister Aranha. In addition, from "Everybody replied: Arkansas, "tator Somoza discussed with in town knows that the WPA is do jiJm Roosevelt, whose guests he ins: a pretty good job now." Eeora Somoza were their first He contended that WPA work was his new consti- - 75 H m Washington, I .. . i per cent to 80 per cent as efficient of jrni (now formally blessed by thej ex had "Wonder Bakery men at the PARTY the as Treasury private; Vororr?w' exhibit building at th. New York "S) the canal Nicaragua wants amined only a few of his 10,000 pro- Pick, Bensy Venuta (left) and Jane and o across Mnnc tuim 57 ri,1 ntrl mur. nrilviil In this vesr's fomV U S to pay for her, before some ins, Screen and radio stars, pose iects. had picked unfair examples M. Lea Marshall, pres. petition for all. American packaging awards. James M. IsElliott, cutouts. by Supported Kre solidarity. On the latter The een of Carstairs Bros. Distilling Co., Inc., the star building at the Fair, he said, was Ident of Continental Bak.ng Company, in with the plaque presented to thf company for top honor la most wet, General Somoza is handsome-o.pokethe field expensive non a wheat of a lot up" expensive and employed adjoins the exhibit build, ng by the field of labels and seals. the "orld-wh- ich Says he: "I consider Relief labor because it had to be rush a border of cornflowers around it. planting 7Nicaraguan aviator and soldier ed 4 potential unmarried mothfighting man for the Meanwhile in Washington, the Wood- Crown Prince Akthito ("The ers try to persuade other the and enemies deadpan fed States." to en on possible ers not to give up their babies. itpp went marching: cover chinks in prince of the August Succession and to Uter Anastasio Somoza addressed nations most bought and of fact is now through the WPA jungle Contrary to popular opinion, Enlightened Benevolence") their armor. orDress, blandly asked it to from not driven rumor. away are own has his palace, babies mj.7.1 of his canal as a con--tGermany, already arming five years old, are but O on in the limousines, ride and trees phanages most of the Balkan countries, offer likes to climb defense measure. General rwrv bv couples with small in - palace lawn in his toy automobile OFFICER OF THE DAY er? nntential enemy Yugoslavia a 100,oza found Congress in a grump-Eooof sons comes. Through the State Charities NEW YORK John Husted tried 3 000,000-mar- k credit to be applied on and bicycle. Twenty young than the President, heard in Manhattan, babies Association in shifts Aid him with to come play peers times to get into the Naval Academy armament purchases over a 'Mi denounced oy KtpieaeuixiwvE to laundresses, bootbeon Last have given Milton Fcinbcr, cf on Wednesdays and Saturdays. could manage period. bi" Shafer (R... Wis.) as "a aouva at Annapolis. Best he noble playmates with blacks and laborers who have steady more a as you. four week on a iob ium neeas was ship passenger a rial whicn goiu can dictator." Jclplti, huiids Germany, from sausnea osier jifc maritime equivalent of than guns, even offerea to sen. 10 special talents were chosen to match jobs. A letter Italians who named the yoeman, rock Niahi parents (humble. istru garden a male stenographer. Then he got a pmucp anme of the vast cache of Akihito's varying moods: Yasuo received by that agaw SYMBOL - - cases their automo waitli Tony) boy of i.r.nmnlished 7 baby pilot an marched a apart arms seized when the Nazis wife, iob in a shipyard, in i it 7, very good ency: "Strong in health, lovely Most popular foreign ment in Manhattan. When 29 ships Torlo, Yoshitaka mix HOBBi'? biles; uie YOUR WHAT IS lieacung in the life, mad into socratie statesman in Germany Takatoshi Kinoshita, 6, heart, red in face, quiet is the of the men at and war 10.000 officers 1.600 drawing; were and planes. nf DAVsT ILMAM.WBC.IWWWE rod. WRITS boy Mish intelligent, beautiful, it last Sentember has been Brit- - TT. R. Navv hove in for the World's Czech Army equipment was original a singer and athlete; and Tsuyo of i; us." God that give tactician. soldier i Prime Minister Neville Chamber-- . Fair last fortnight, Hus financed in part by rencn loans. ima, 7, brilliant toy To many Germans who sudden- ted took out his faded blue unuorm ly A French military mission, realized last autura that war was, fac- - CHOSEN CHILDREN - - less of wishful hope he By a gtri cipating the day when American T close, Mr. Chamberlain appeared, new new buttons, our. ions ui d it d Valentine Pav- - ctriTxs. Bv a kind or wismui magic tories will turnarrived In the u. . w TCKW YORK of Dr. uu wnt new w New York City has war material, lovana Wasson d peace. familiar to more men than would ever bringing orders. educational two adopted children. Like most fos .. popular German picture post admit it. John Husted then became anoii.- own plane cror.no Hosnite its ter parents, she fretted about teuing I lUl.vv., "is after the crisis showed Mr. "Uent. BUsh C. Hills, U. S. S. S. An contracted to swap tsregueij chiidrOT that they were auopveu. also ti; agf, aiberlain and Herr Hitler togethdo- -' the Drive Swedish by Riverside On for derson." ts pve She finally solved her problem by fighters one before IEe Dreesen Hotel In in others with cfmiipd 4A.E. ing a picture book for them aooui teberg, the other with the ruins blue, bandied glances with the pass At Odessa, soviet itus.10 iw a Man and His Wife who were "hapbackGodesburg Castle in the more u.r with curt nn the latest addition to its Their was casually girls, ing pily married for many years.had no :d. Italian-buil- t, the fleet, Sea was that Black sailors. they one trouble .eople i that time, however, the Prime One afternoon last week he went by destroyer Tashknet babies of their own." The care they Salt tpnrler to the cruiser Philadelphia take in selecting a baby and the care which with other visiting ships was SrECLLISTS - the orphanage takes in checking on W the strutted rmhlic. ETaVB He c, to the T7r.roCO 111 faKO the foster parents even peeKing uu PEARL'S himself all introduced rippir confidently jratior. their beds for dust-a- re by met Datriotic Japanese the jitters children the reassure to promptly lieutenant, real to a before giving cribed founr ng four daughters .,, ,ir,fr.ri i a h r.irhlv. res- val officers than even he had Viirth in t ucms o.j.w Remodelled to a son anu ucu umi lore noted oldest unbroken dynasty. Cute pectable thing This week Dn VVas dreamed of. The real lientenant ttenda: have extended our cafe to be a little the stripes buttons, th )r. Frt't to serve our customers better. 0 the ViirrVi AH ViU slftve. a real Rear 4 ia v' 1115 Baby." Its intended market: children the has been redecorated. de Commander Admiral nnH a real U. S. families who adopt La s no spy, whisked him off was he cided year. every jTHE SERVICE - THE FOOD is no the ship, plopped him into amy jan. Today the process of adoption is numerous John of State Ha instead V THE ATMOSPHERE sending secret. In every Vovf ,st nsvlnms. tirivatc or State ag to jail for impersonating anHusted Most combine for better eating to reencies have adoption services. Evans-toofficer they condemned him wifft and to the laughter famed haven is The Cradle at ha to at I Mies 111., which has sent children of men who had not been caught Keeler. George and Ruby Al Jolson their day dreaming. t Bring your bridrxe club to O i Burns and Gracie Allen, Miriam Hopour party room - It is cool kins. Joe E. Brown. SWAPS AND SALES and private. V Adoption agencies choose parentsNERVINE I'm already working on most ol salesmen had a busy coupf prefer usually with great care, na "wt Door y v. no m- "Did the work time last week as Brig's Billiard rarlor Ie3 nround 30 years or age wares the farms in this territory, but I'm tv incomes: secure tions peddled their military have says in good health, Miss Glivar nnd .sunny dispositions and nome. able and ready to do more work t Although there Is no rule again.-single giving children to on every farm. YOV children far 1 for demand the . . Vi. DO exceeds' the supply nd childless conp-Pv- s TRY IT? have first choice. Greatest diffimonths Ju3t what I can do for you depends . it,or, three mule have is discouraging Alter Unh agencies d;$:ovsred in 3nd by whon o:e wa culty nervous of' i on adoptOf suilering from a . ss? ,., p. over 50, who insist W"at Prcsidsnt on your individual problems. Why Lincoln s.V,d about Utah minjrj's Ghvar used Dr Miss of foster nKc infants. Average Ttla ing BrlgSam Young en:o'uag;d mining 40. since Nervine wmcn ivin . parents, however, is around Ttat minerals form half the nation's wealth not come in and talk it over? Befor rcsu until for splendid ndoption .rsons vail . S. . U Th mft Utih has the Greatest minursl deposits in u1? an cninu.i.-they can hive . n "Ktiri'P. they are convinced thatown. hire me for more jobs, let facta ! That t'tah lead; in s.T.o'tina Greatest you li you suricr j "children their of no He rwike nujntt, itb Ulah'i "Little Pitt'jjra" Is located nre t'olden - haired little ,to Wart at sudden no.s, Urt and figures prove to you that I can . ''nr fee located two years old. Lft to around and greate.t coal deposits VC cirla. blue Ttat Utah easily, are cranky, industrial enterprise boys of eight or - - - ; lu.U'. v . j. - neatest a po are nerve' are your increase your profits. That fS fdqety. out of order. t w :ne farm Riarket '.tWt mctailic Th probably thorough are ''aII of its given futuia children the luah his a bright in d:ve!opmcr.t and relax them w.th they tr.e d non rrcta!lic resources ..,Klrl and mental Ust before Jme medicine that did i " OS are pent to noiri' " legal adoption. Few children Are Ans.sicd in OsssticM Th::, Orte, Tk..,.4. are ever returned to agencies. ReligUTAH" and often th8 Booklet "THE MINING INDUSTRY OF ious ties are respected, are blood supplied rnixod children of Isted1 remedy the Sail Lab Al highly educational booklcl )usl released fcy upon lequcst. to At DrufiT stores CV Chamber of Commerce is FREE upon request. JuU vrtle Jr. in father and o Commetct mother hU Chamber foster call Secretary, Sail snatch CiJ Fewer are adoption of "illegiti- and one i be $enl lo you without obligation. workmate" children today, for noelal .. c; em-reus- s 5 i '. ' . -- . . t t atir.oa-pher- - Batf-ma- o Convention-Exhibi- ' visi-""th- at : I Wl n ( , 8- -r off-flav- -v- - nt one-ha- lf - y .. - J deco-rativ- n. author-constructi- . al car-rie- rl d. ten-ye- Oc or ar ffi - 1 in ID of lo Czecho-Slovaki- a. nt :e hare-ain- s of v- much-desire- vt ";'o r.Hft-it- A h anti-aircra- . I ft Since 1 i CAFE I ; pro-,d- Enlarged ties-du- e or wos tois 16,-00- LUVJ ,J1 ?'- -' 0 be a mote ptoftfaMb. luted Iwyndirt io- n i .(,nt ! cash-hungr- well-settle- YOU KNOV r???? "". c i) ail-me- i " o ,, ? i-- n d .ls s ,,j cryc P Four-year-ol- half-Iris- Ut -o- d half-Jewus- l-on dkddif Jdlowait see youi DSiitcri on |