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Show TrT GARLAND Khv 1 it- , IKm Saturday :3, Xaa Le ':,iiCi' lira Keith Rhodes were visitors Monday. Grover sons Lafayett j and Fred, motored to Lake" City on business, Satur- l5lrn business Mrs J Tohnson ALL DAY SATURDAY, f ?A of Los Angeles, guest cf Mr. and Mrs. Hansen, 'ir-ur- !a Sunday e Hi115011- '. a ti . iV a niversary Sale prices. Here they are! What prices! What a variety! What a saving! Whether you are one of our customers or not, we want you to come. has purchased the omeofMr. and Mrs Millan Mrs. L Garland, where he and "3 will reside as soon as the vacated. At present they are 'Cat the J. M. Soitnsen home -- aLs ood Selling Lvcnt in our history. You, our customers, the best in we world- -- biest nave made this possible. You have given us your patronage. You have people us given our growth. row, we are celebrating with a Big Appreciation Sale. It isn't our volume that w;e are proud of it's you and your good will. This Sale means (.ood Foods at our lowest An- lt " A W La a R; (Ui i; , otner puth Holman joined rnembers board -- tv ct3ke ;!"ce at the general confer-fjfCity, Tuesday and -- b Id k (m liu ijj 1 i Lake CitjV and Mrs., and son, Ellis, of Mag guost. cf Mm., :;-- v ) Bashardt and ,,rM Charles a"" .,.,.. Lei;a ;;'t ' !.Y. i David Larson it BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY. Ai l: 1 - of Boise, is and at Garland. here relatives :"""s formerly Miss Clara Korth. Potter, Willard Larson T Chester Atkinson were home C. over the week the U. S. A. rN- P GTH L 51 I Firm RiPe j - A r Mis -- a. aw. rancy yuaiity Cliff Adamson, ! L-r- vrxt r J and Miss Marie Rhoda s Lar--,- n two were with her sister, Mrs. Dora cson and family, Sunday, Gus Larsen and "llr. and Mrs. visited with Mrs. Dorothy, iaa'Mer, and family in Bjorklund :p& Elwood Bingham and --ill children, of Boise, Idaho, 5frs lk?v7feD 7 ?HMA r:s lis? Dozen..... VW A V V Zr.A4!i Mrs. Harmon Pierson and f;$ Dora Atkinson returned from a pleasant trip to Francisco, Berkeley and Yuba jn where they visited California, gty, relatives and saw the fair on Treasure Island. They also met the B. R. q. S, F. F, A. boys, who e eemed to themselves immensely. je enjoying Hiss Helen Atkinson remained to visit her sister, Mrs. Floyd Adams at Tubi City, and Mrs. G. F. Fine in Tues-"eveni- ' ..-- PAPER - 125-f- t. Diamond Wax ffiTTf CalkNj " Roll -,- - Whole Kernel Can rr rs ILrDCS SHIP Am JlW( Lvlu "".il V51 48 - lb.Bag IEASTTREMONTON! - L fXTsHf miJhdJ i Berkeley. , FLAtCES 1 Saturday. and Strictly Fresh pO n, Og-;e- ' . 1 visiting in Salt Lake City, were Mr. ! T flb-c,ot- V)s0 h 4 Cans lj (j Try a Ham Sandwich Mountain Brand - lb. ... 0pn ANNIVERSARY LOW PRICES H. Fridal II and son John home late Sunday evening. Mrs. Fridal net John in Hawaii, who las recer.tly fulfilled a mission in Aus L'i:. E. relumed OXYDOL Mia. and Mrs. Dee Harris, of Idaho spent Sunday visiting with Mrs. Fridal and family. Mr. Fails, Doris Eernice JELL-WEL- L -- ASSORTED Peterson returned from to spend a few days visitihis mother, Mrs. Rose Peters- with 2 CANS en. SHRIMPS -- READY TO EAT can Warren E. Wright and small daughter, Carol, of Idaho Falls, visited here Sunday with Miss May FridMrs. John O. Garfield ent- at a dinner party Friday eve- and Mrs. ertained ning in " an CORNED BEEF al. Mr. SALMON -- TALL CANS pink honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Garfield and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Garfield, of Ogden." Mrs. Rhea Toinn, of Grouse Creek, Q MIRACLE WHIP spending several days vis with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. has been iting Edward CRACKERS Newton. Garfield, of Salt Lake City, weekend visiting with his Mrs. Ada C. Garfield, and Elwin the spent mother. FANCY CAKES tally. with Mrs. Rose Peteson Sund- ay. Brough returned from Yost with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Brough and family. , Mrs. Ada C. Garfield and Mrs. Clara H. Fridal left early Tuesday morning to attend the Relief Society conference in Salt Lake City. Alice to visit llilLU B. PACKAGE IS. tlltliOli BRANDED POUND IIONEY1O.LB.PA.L...... Egyptians Had Celery of white cekry was bund on the breast of an ancient Egyptian mummy. Leaves of the ."land were positively identified as A bottle zy, cans m dp a mo no. omixo 3 for nnriwrrn ruimc large PACKAGE rtnmr ruun Earl Cazier, of Idaho, and Mrs. Mr. visited PACKAGES "SHAVERS' California ng garland BANANAS celery. CABBAGE J. ANDREASON Today's pound -- CATSUP QUAPvT CAN POUND CAN TALL CAN RONI-FO- SALAD lb package R PEAS -- TWIN PEAKS "fiSt SUGAR - PWD. OR BROWN 29c ioc 2CAns SCHILLINGS COFFEE SHELL . ARO DILL qcant VEAL LOAF -- LIBBIES OLIVES JAR ss.c:':::s. napkins PICKLES QUART 3 pounds PACKAGE 13c 25c 10c 24c 10c 15c 10c 1 8c 15c 10c 69c 15c 10c 10c LETTUCE -- LARGE HEADS ORANGES -- LARGE SIZE CARROTS DOZEN .. 3 BUNCHES Tn. 25 in bunch for BDiXIIFdDISniLO Phone 8i.a-- 2 of Doan't 5c 10c 2c 3 bunc.es For Guaranteed SPRING CANYON OR ROYAL COAL From Truck - See If MUSTARD JAR MARSHMALLOWS LARD CARTON THE FINEST AND FRESHEST pound..- - RADISHES - ONIONS SORM 19c 15c 15c 10c 15c 10c 32c 14c 15c 25c 15c 15c 59c PACKAGE popularity 'tr t'iih, many yean of world- OUALITY MEATS wide OBP. surely muat beacceptwlagfvidCTiea of satisfactory use. And favorable puhlia otiirilon supports that of tha able physician who tot tha Talua of iKian's under enacting" laboratory condition. T h e a a physician. J!??roT' eVfrT word of advertising VjLtT" Ve "Motive of which Is only to Doan't nil, as a (rood diurctio 'ment for functional kidney disorder for relief of tha and worry it LARDSS LUNCHEON MEATS pound - PORK SAUSAGE pound pala If mora people wre awara of haw tha must constantly remora wairta there would be bettfflf toJhlh. 0( why the whol( body (uffcra lae. and diuretic medic- -'npy h,m b mott employed, tcnty or too freqnent nrtna-Irar- tT b wrnin of disturbed iidny " rnay atiffer natrlng baek arh Pwsistant hwd.ch. atucks of paCO Up nlfrhta, snder tha aye feci awellin, weak, cerrooa, P'yl ont. PHlt. It 1 UtUr to rTy on a kidn. L 3 1 BACON - FANCY GRADE - SSS ANIUVERSAEIY BAEIGAIIJS FRANKS 2 POUNDS 20c 'K:':1 25c POT ROASTS 15c BEEF BOIL pound 23c MINCED HAM POUND '. 25c 15c 10c 15c iK i H . nS MuH w I aometnir Ii jour vigkborl A l i- -. escaosatoa, USaHa food MMiy' Garland, UCali i l |